Nightmare's Call

Chapter 175 - Departure

Chapter 175 - Departure: Part 3

Chapter 175: Departure: Part 3

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Not long later, about a dozen folks have come over to the side of the cruise ship as they formed into groups of two or three and chatted.

Not long later, a middle-aged man with a small beard mentioned something that piqued everyone’s interest, seemingly a massive change happening to one of the luxury brands.

And that immediately drew everyone’s attention as people joined in the discussion as they added what they knew to show that they were knowledgeable and resourceful.

A moment later, someone talked about the recently popular Ademan hair conditioner, Derdice pearl necklace or the latest automated fishing tools.

Lin Sheng was bored by them, and his peace disturbed so he decided to return to his cabin to rest.

Just as he passed by the cabin area, there was a large display cabinet there with a satellite television within it.

And on the white rectangular television was the live broadcast of the General Assembly of the Union of Nations.

The General Assembly of the Union of Nations was similar to the United Nations General Assembly back on Earth, in Lin Sheng’s past life. An assembly where representatives of all countries gather around to discuss all sorts of matters.

“I object to the speech made by the Redwinian representative!”

A stern, powerful voice boomed from the television.

“First, the Red Neephite Ore extraction and usage will worsen the world’s pollution is a baseless accusation! If it was the case, why isn’t there any concrete data on the usage of Red Neephite causing permanent contamination!

Secondly, as for the territorial sea demarcation, the waters from the Pearl Sea Port Franciske to Port Thonee had been part of Xilin since ancient times. And based on the historical records...”

The Xilin representative in the television was a middle-aged man with a designer’s stubble clad in a smart suit, speaking at the top of his voice as he rebutted the accusations made by Redwin and Mica-Olro.

One by one, he rebutted the accusations made against Xilin by Redwin’s representative in the assembly.

His arguments were simple yet concrete, and they were very convincing.

Lin Sheng stood there for a while as he listened.

“Professor Viklund is well-learned, he speaks seven languages and holds a doctorate in both law and psychology from three top universities in the world. He was previously the ambassador to Firmand and Kyrgyz.”

A deep voice came from Lin Sheng’s side.

“With his education and reputation, he could have just stayed overseas to enjoy his life. Yet he chose to return and speak as Xilin’s representative in the assembly.” the male voice continued.

“That requires a tremendous amount of strength and willpower.” A female voice lamented.

“Yes, not everyone is capable of letting go of their comfort. It is a very difficult choice.” The man agreed.

Lin Sheng did not say anything and merely watched Viklund give his impassioned speech and proposals. But these seemingly sensible proposals did not even pass the first round of voting as they were shot down there and then.

There were three rounds of voting, and he could not even get past the first round...

Viklund tried to salvage the situation as he attempted to convince the other countries to agree to his proposals, until the end, none of the thick stacks of documents in his hands managed to get through.

By the time the assembly was adjourned and the other representatives have left, he sat alone at his seat as he stared at the proposals he had painstakingly made, unmoving.

“This is the fourth time Viklund had tried to speak in the assembly. Proposals from other countries would usually have one or two getting into the second or third round of voting, but he...”

Even the man lamented. Lin Sheng did not say anything and simply turned to the source of the voice.

It was a man in his thirties, and beside him were a group of people who were listening to his explanation.

Among them was the girl in a low-cut white dress as she looked at her companion beside her. Her companion was obviously the young lady in a purple-black dress. The girl was called Cindy, and she was a Xilin national. She had the Xilin’s typical black eyes and hair.

The people of Xilin had plenty of skin colors, from white to yellow to even reddish and dark. But everyone shared the same trait, black hair, and black eyes.

Anyone without that trait was either mixed or a foreigner.

And everyone seemed to have noticed the color of Cindy’s eyes and hair.

Even without any particular reaction as they continued their chatter, the rest had kept some distance away and started ignoring her.

In their eyes, everyone from Xilin is probably seeking refuge. A refugee.

In their eyes, that was the tag that all people from Xilin bears now. Their chatter was not really just to pass time but more to expand their network.

Cindy lowered her head and kept silent.

Lin Sheng quietly walked over as he patted her on the shoulder. josei

Without a word, he quickly went back into his cabin.

Cindy looked up at Lin Sheng and only saw his muscular back.


After having their meal, Lin Zhounian and Gu Wanqiu could not get used to their surroundings as they got sick when they were outside. So both of them had gone back to their cabin to read and rest.

Lin Xiao went on a stroll with Lin Sheng before returning to her room with his help.

After sending Lin Xiao back to her room, he went back onto the deck, and just as he was about to head to the observatory on the second level, he saw someone shouting by the ship’s side.

He instinctively went over.

On the ocean surface not too far away, a small grey-black boat floated about, and on them were about a dozen people, all of them black eyes and black-haired.

The boat seemed to be leaking as it sank slowly.

The passengers on the boat were panicking, and some of them were mothers with their children who pulled them close.

One of the teenage boys started singing as if this valiant display of bravery would forestall death.

“Save them!” On the side of the boat, a bearded Xilin man yelled.

“No! Those are refugees, illegal migrants! We cannot let them onto the ship. It’s against the law and an insult to the Ocean Silverstone!”

One of the ships’ managers rebuked him without any mercy.

“But those are human lives there!” The bearded man yelled, his face reddened in fury.

But no matter what he said, neither the sailors nor the managers said anything different.

Their replies were the standard, “No! Impossible! Can’t do!”

Lin Sheng did not move as he stood on the deck looking at the sinking vessel, as a sudden urge welled up within him.

“How could you be so cold, so cruel!”

The boat sank, and the bearded man cried.

The vice-captain who had come over upon hearing the news coldly shook his hand, motioning for everyone to return to the post.

“Why are there refugees? Aren’t there many places in Xilin that are still unscathed?” A passenger who could not take it any longer said with a hushed voice.

“Some parts are fine... but a few provinces came other Mica’s air raids. And many cities were bombed with poison gas and concussive bombs. Bodies had been piling up...” Someone answered.

“Has the news been censored?”

“Yes, aside from the Redwinian military lines, or some specific satellite channels, there’s no other way to connect to the internet. The papers are censored hard, so the news could not spread out.”

“It had gone from bad to worse. When I came to Xilin last time, over at Ikaros to the north a refugee boat was caught by a Mica patrol boat, and they simply sprayed lead at them from above. Every time I pass through that sea region, it feels like bodies are floating everywhere.”

The crowding passengers started discussing what they have heard.

And soon, the bearded man too was dragged away as his voice faded into the distance.

Lin Sheng stood by the side of the ship and did not say anything for a long while.

He had never seen himself as a Xilin citizen, but now, for some unknown reason, a wave of pent-up anger welled within him.

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