Nightmare's Call

Chapter 184 - Idea

Chapter 184 - Idea: Part 2

Chapter 184: Idea: Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A slight cracking sound came from somewhere.

At this time, the ground around the building began to fill with dark red cracks.

As the temperature began to rise, the fiery dark red glow gradually lit up the surrounding area of the building.

The temple on one side suddenly turned the circles around it, emitting a faint white light. In the calm white light, the red cracks pervading the Warrior’s Guild were quickly repressed.

There was a grudging roar coming from the Warrior’s Guild, but soon, as the white light from the temple grew brighter and brighter, the flames and sounds inside the guild grew dimmer and dimmer, until peace was finally restored.


Lin Sheng woke up suddenly from his dream, sweating and panting.

“It hurts to be burned alive...”

He could still feel himself suddenly burning. The dark red flame reduced him to ashes less than three seconds after he rushed out of the guild.

“I lost a bit of my soul power... It looks like I’ll have to rest for another two days.”

Lin Sheng has not been killed in a dream for a long time. This time he was suddenly burned alive, so he had a grudge against the armorman.

That dark red flame seemed to have the function of enhancing one’s sense of pain. Even Lin Sheng could not help screaming when he was burned.

“But that guy is really strong...”

Lin Sheng recalled the armorman protecting the Warrior’s Guild. It was the second horrible opponent he had ever encountered who could kill him before he came close.

The first one is Khadula. In the dungeon at that time, he was frightened away by the mere touch of Khadula’s arm.

“But this time is different. I was burned before I got close...”

Lin Sheng began to think about how to kill the armorman. But he was burnt to death before he could get close to the armorman.

After thinking about it for a long time, he could not figure out a good way. “Forget it, I’d better focus on the previous arrangement first.”

Conquering the powerful armorman was obviously not a short-term thing. He’d better deal with the threat of the Starfury clan first.

After thinking it over, Lin Sheng got up from the bed.

It’s still dark outside the dormitory.

It was Saturday, and he had arranged to go to town to buy the materials for the summoning ritual and new accessories for the Bloodazure Harp.

Lin Sheng got up from the bed and looked around.

Among his three roommates, two were sleeping soundly, while the other was sitting in front of the computer, secretly chatting with a girl.

Lin Sheng sat on the bed, leaning against the wall, eyes closed.

He had just died, so he got a headache, but that’s not the reason he chose to rest now. It’s something else.

Under his secret control while closing his eyes, a wisp of black smoke, which had been circling around the dormitory building, rapidly gathered and flew a few dozen meters into the air, flying quickly toward the Yinglu Private Academy.

Black smoke flew out of Yinglu Private Academy, speeding across a vast wasteland, past a human town, and reached the Port Assia.

The black smoke flew far faster than the other soldiers of Lin Sheng. Just in the blink of an eye, it crossed more than ten meters, landed on a cruise ship about to set sail.

On the deck of the cruise ship, crowds of people poured into the cabin. They were carrying all kinds of luggage.

The black smoke gathered in the crowd, turning into a cute little boy with gray hair.

The boy stepped gently out of the crowd and found an empty space and stood there. Before anyone noticed him, the boy leaned back against the side of the ship and began to recheck the tasks that had just set for him.

In order to distract the enemy from focusing on himself or Sarroux, Lin Sheng made an experimental move — released Khadula and let it act alone and create chaos at a distance, so as to attract everyone’s attention. This was the key for Lin Sheng to solve his own problems.

Rather than him and Sarroux, the special envoy of the Ironfist Society, Khadula was the main character that would attract more attention.

Therefore, it could help Lin Sheng avoid many dangers if it was used well.

In order to avoid Khadula’s change of temperament and disorderly actions after leaving Lin Sheng, he specially designed a dozen rules that must be obeyed, and then Khadula would take care of the rest.

Khadula’s intelligence was much higher than other summoning creatures. It could decide everything on its own without Lin Sheng’s intervention.

“I hope it works this time.” Lin Sheng checked Khadula for the last time to make sure that the rules were all right.

After one long blast on the ship’s horn, the cruise moved slowly and clumsily towards a new place in the distance.

Next, Khadula would disembark at the cruise ship’s destination and start creating chaos.

After confirming that the arrangement for Khadula was ok, Lin Sheng let it turn into black smoke again while waiting for the ship to arrive at the shore.

As soul splits, these summoning creatures were essentially derived from Lin Sheng’s soul. They were centered on Lin Sheng’s soul, so they could move alone at a distance even without Lin Sheng’s master consciousness control.

Lin Sheng’s consciousness returned to the dormitory.

He rolled out of bed. The roommate had finished chatting and was pretending to browse his study materials.

Lin Sheng quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face, put on his coat, and was ready to go out.

He opened the drawer under his desk, wanted to take some money, but found that the amount was not right.

There were more than two hundred Xylond dollars in the drawer, but now there were only a few dollars left.

“Who took my money?” He frowned and asked.

The other two roommates had just woken up. They were still a little muddled when they heard it.

“Lin Sheng, your money is gone?” asked a fat man.

“Two hundred dollars are missing.” Lin Sheng nodded.

“We are sharing the same dorm. Whoever took the money, it’s better to own up to it,” said the roommate with glasses sitting in front of the computer.

No one made a sound.

“Nobody admits it?” He looked at his roommates and asked again. josei

It’s not a lot of money, but it’s not a pleasant thing.

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