Nightmare's Call

Chapter 218 - Search

Chapter 218 - Search: Part 3

Chapter 218: Search: Part 3

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Sheng’s hand shuddered as he held the disc.

He had recalled that terrifying suppressive powers the Holy Sanctum had displayed before, and the Steel Lord and that massive human-headed snake monster within Blackfeather City were pushed all the way back by the sanctum.

The Holy Sanctum’s powers definitely did not materialize out of thin air, and it seemed like there was a reservoir for the sacred power font.

As for how long this reserve can last, he had no idea.

Lin Sheng sighed and continued to read. At the bottom of the disc was a list of materials, with their amount and quality clearly listed in detail.

Then... there was nothing??

Lin Sheng was stunned as he flipped the disc onto its back. There was nothing.

He quickly went to look at the other discs around, but all of them were theories and discussions about everything other than the sacred power font.

“There has to be a volume two! They won’t be putting it here with a guard for nothing!” Lin Sheng had taken that monster as a guard.

He was pleasantly elated as he never expected to acquire this unexpected knowledge. If he could master the techniques of creating a sacred power font; that meant that he could build a holy sanctum in the real world as well. josei

The Holy Sanctum was very useful, not only it could shelter the weak, heal the wounded, or serve as a source of energy for rituals, it could even create sacred tomes!

If he has a sacred tome, he could then learn new Ashen Seals as the tome was a unique treasure that could unlock an Ashen Seal sealed deep within one’s soul.

Its greatest use was that it could materialize the Ashen Seals that he had already learned and turned them into a Primordial Seal for him to teach it to others.

While there was a limit on its usage and that he could only teach one seal at a time, but Lin Sheng was grateful. He could see hope now!

Now if he could summon a cleric-like being that had mastered the Ashen Seal...

After going around the room for a good while, Lin Sheng still could not find the second disc.

Not wasting any time, he got out of the room and went to the third.


As the door was pulled open, another four-horned monster charged out roaring at Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng simply raised one sword to block, while lashed out a horizontal slash with another.

With his massive strength and speed, a sonic boom blasted out as the blade sank into the monster’s waist and slicing it into two.


The four-horned monster staggered backward as it fell growling onto the ground into two. Its life force was strong that it thrashed about for a good while before finally becoming inert.

Lin Sheng stepped over its body and started rummaging through the room.

As expected, he found a few more scattered metal discs, and one of them was the second volume of the sacred power font.

This time around, however, it was about the structure of the font, and notes on what to look out for during construction.

“...The construction of the sacred power font is basic among the basics of the city defense system. I have already designed the entire structural blueprint.

“The other three modules of the sacred font will be managed by Master Khenhalo, Master Arjelf, and Master Ophaif Xerma. Try to complete the construction at the earliest.”

At the bottom was a round, pillar-like blueprint layout, and it was in three-dimensional form.

“The first is the material list, the second is the blueprint... Is there a third?” Lin Sheng stored the second disc and made his way out of the room.

He placed the discs on the ground at the center of the hall, before taking his sword as he searched the other rooms.

Soon, he had gone over all eight rooms on the left. He did not manage to find any other metal discs, but he did run into a couple more four-horned monsters. They were released from their mortal coil after a few slashes by Lin Sheng.

These monsters were of Level 3 on average. Plus, their Level 4 strength and the flaming blade made them a formidable foe.

Sadly, they met Lin Sheng, and under the suppressive aura of his Level 5 sacred power, he could simply inhibit their physical abilities, and weaken them tremendously.

Even with the Berserk skill, it was merely for them to get an extra hit in.

While he did not find any other discs, Lin Sheng managed to find some magical staves that had run dry of magic, and some sorcerer’s robe, plus a crystal staff as well.

All of these items were referred to as soul crystals by the person in mage robes in the monster’s memories.

They were special vessels that could store souls and absorb the souls that he had killed and store them for later use during his magical experiments.

Lin Sheng had no idea what the items really were at that moment, so he simply brought them out and tossed them into the middle of the hall before turning to the rooms on the right.

There were eight rooms in total on the right as well, with colorful sequential paintings on them, unlike the ones on the left.

The room doors on the right looked a little heavy as they seemed to have a thin layer of faint silver membrane on it.

Lin Sheng walked to the first room on the right and looked at that thin layer as he lifted his sword and stabbed at the door.


A blue lightning arc shot out from the door and onto the sword before leaping onto Lin Sheng’s arm.

Shocked, Lin Sheng tried to release his grip on the hilt but it was too late, the arc was too fast, and he could not react in time.

The moment the lightning arc struck the back of his hand, his sacred power immediately surged and clashed against the arc.


A puff of green smoke blasted out as Lin Sheng staggered two steps back, and felt a good amount of sacred power within was consumed even as his skin pricked in burning pain.

“Is that something of electric current?” Lin Sheng looked at the back of his hand.

It was charred black, as both skin and flesh were cooked.

“Even my resistance could not ward it off... This strength... is superb!” He looked at the door again.

The faint silver membrane seemed to have been consumed and was slowly disappearing.

Lin Sheng stepped forward and picked up the flaming sword, but the flames on it were quickly dying off. It seemed like the lightning arc had destroyed its flaming capabilities.

Lin Sheng shook the sword a little and it immediately broke in the center as the front half fell onto the ground. The flames on it dying off permanently.

He simply threw the broken blade aside and picked up one from the corpses lying around.

There were still four more on the ground for him to use for a good while.

As he held the sword, Lin Sheng made his way to the first door and prodded the door with the tip of his sword.

There was no arc lightning now.

Only then did he held his hand out to pull the door open.

And within the room was a monster engulfed in blue electric current with its back facing him.

The monster had a ram’s head, among the faint yellow musculature was a prism-shaped wound. And within the wound was a flowing blue liquid current as if the monster was totally made out of electricity.

Lin Sheng looked at the flowing current on the monster’s body, and then looked at the flowing silver membrane on the wall and floor around him. The membrane clearly had something to do with the monster.

Lin Sheng stood unmoving as he swept his gaze across the room setting.

Soon enough, he located in the corner, a metal shelf with five metal discs on it.

And on one of the disc, he could see its title even from afar.

“The Sacred Power Font Prayer Conversion Module.”

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