Nightmare's Call

Chapter 356 - Memories

Chapter 356 - Memories: Part 3

Chapter 356: Memories: Part 3

The red-haired lady’s originally exuberant expression suddenly froze.

She looked in a daze at both of her hands, and then to the two women.

“Mistress, Second Mistress, I... I didn’t...” Her face turn pale as she tried to explain herself. josei

“I believe that you did not mean it, Kasumi.” The elegant lady spoke softly. “No worries, while you are not part of the Behrlinglahn family, you are my most trusted servant.

If it is you, I am willing to believe you.”

She looked at the red-haired lady with a serious expression.

“Lyn, what are you saying?” The cold lady at by the side spoke. “The sword can only be controlled by the family. This is the iron rule!”

“I trust Kasumi, she will not betray me!” The elegant lady said.

“Heh, then how are you going to explain to the Senate?!”

“I’ll speak to them myself!”

“You think you’ll succeed?”

“I’ll get mother to intervene if things come to that!”

The elegant lady turned over, and looked at the red-haired lady.

“But before there, Kasumi, I need you to wait here. This sword is highly possessive, and if you leave this sealing room, the sword’s spirit will totally take over your soul, so....”

The red-haired girl welled up in tears as she heard that and nodded.

“Please do not worry! I will wait for you here! I will never leave this place!”

“I trust you!” The elegant girl gave her a serious look.

Lin Sheng simply just stood by the side as he looked two of the three quickly leaving the palace and sealing it. Only the red-haired lady was left behind.

Her calm face was determined as she looked for a place to sit and waited.

Time slowly passed.

And soon, a day had passed, yet there was nothing outside.

The red-haired lady was slightly worried.

“Mistress must have ran into some trouble! Please hang in there!” She started to worry.

Lin Sheng could hear her thoughts and inner murmurs as if she had verbalized it herself. He simply just stood quietly by a corner as he looked at the red-haired girl, Kasumi, who continued to wait.

And soon the second day had passed.

She was very hungry now, and her mind was slightly shaken, yet her eyes still remained bright and hopeful.

“Mistress had yet to return! She must have been placed under house arrest by the Senate! Please let nothing bad happen...” She was more and more worried, but something perplexed her, even if she was to remain here, why wasn’t there anyone delivering her any rations?

Time slowly passed as Lin Sheng saw her growing more and more emancipated as she starved.

Her lips stared to dry and crack, and her skin turned pallid and had lost its luster. Her limbs grew weaker and she could only sit down quietly by a corner.

Days passed.

And the waiting seemed to be endless as the red-haired lady grew ever weaker, and as her mind slowly grew delirious.

Yet she still harbored hope that her mistress had been placed under house arrest by the senate, or else she would not have not sent any food or drinks here.

She understood her mistress well. She was kind and gentle, and she now had to face those rabid wolves of the senate alone without her.

Hang in there! Mistress!

Kasumi felt that she was getting weaker and weaker, and even her training did not allow her to withstand the strain of thirst and hunger for too long. She had lost track of her time here, and her trained body, grew ever weaker with the strain of time.

And another day had passed, and she felt like she was about to die.

At that moment, she could hear the sound of the door opening.

“Is she dead yet?”

“No, but soon.”

“How can she survive after so long?”

“Her training is top notch, and among your servants she is the strongest. Little wonder she could hold on for so long.”

“Forget it. I can’t wait any longer. Begin the ritual.”

“That voice, is it Mistress?” A familiar memory appeared in Kasumi’s mind.

But she could no longer move. She was just too hungry, and all of her strength had been used to maintain her basic vital functions.

“Has Mistress returned?” A tiny amount of gladness welled in her heart as she was glad that her mistress was alright.


A blade flashed past as both of her hands were cut off, but she could no longer feel pain. She only lay on the ground in a daze, her frame famished. And soon, the silver great sword was taken out of the underground palace using some mysterious method with her arms and blood.

The door soon closed, and she was once again alone inside.

Lin Sheng simply just stood aside and observed as she grew more and more emaciated as her corpse soon blackened.

There were no clocks, no sun, and days passed without notice.

And Lin Sheng simply just watched on.

Suddenly, the corpse, actually got up, albeit slowly and staggeringly as she held the wall to get up.

Her hands had regrown, and slowly she made for the door and placed her hand on it. A spider web-like eye grew inside her eye sockets, as a powerful yearning radiated from it as she looked outside, seemingly through the door.





A dream-like murmur kept repeating in her mind.

Lin Sheng looked at the walking corpse from afar as she banged against the wall. Each hit came slowly, but surely, as if she could do this for eternity.

She probably did not believe the voice that she had heard before she died. Lin Sheng sighed deep inside; it always hurts the most when one’s hope and determination were brutally crushed in a single instant.

Just like what Kasumi had went through.

He then recalled the experiences of the people in his memory. The despair of being tossed into the deepest, darkest abyss after giving someone their all...

As he broke off from his thoughts, Lin Sheng looked at the door. Yet no one was there now.

“Did she went out?” Lin Sheng was taken aback, and turned towards another direction.


And suddenly a black silhouette stood on his right!

It was the corpse of that red-haired lady!!

Her eyes were opened wide, her expression impassive as she looked at Lin Sheng as they stood barely a meter apart from each other.

Lin Sheng’s heart froze as he suppressed his urge to strike first as he returned the stare.

He remembered that he was looking at the red-haired lady’s memories and she should not be able to see him, regardless...

Then he saw a smile appearing on her face. A mysterious smile.

“Are you... looking at me?


At that very moment, a pillar of pure, radiant holy light came up under Lin Sheng’s feet and engulfed him within it as countless of holy hymns were being sung!

The roar of lions, the growl of bisons, the trumpet of elephants and countless other beasts muddled together, and merged together with the sound of the burning holy flames, creating a massive divine echo.

Amidst the echo, the white holy light burned, and became holy flames, cutting off everything.

In his daze, Lin Sheng saw a very familiar figure whose back faced him, and stood tall amidst the burning holy flames, blocking out all evil from him.

“The Light of Hope... Ancellia??” He recalled the name of the person.

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