Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

Chapter 211.2

Chapter 211.2

Chapter 211.2

Emergency response and restraint .

“Natasha, it’s as you can see . What do you want to do? As I heard from Kuti, the Dragon tribe is quite dangerous, no? If you’d like to capture them, I believe it would be possible for Scarlet with the magic tool she has . ”

“Ah, erm... people of the Dragon tribe are indeed dangerous . Although it... doesn’t seem to be the case from the data collected, but we can’t just leave them be... please . ”

In the conference room, which was quiet with tension, all eyes were glued to the images of projection, and no one spoke a word .

It was the same with Natasha, the Queen, and the biggest decision-maker of all .

As expected, even she did not think that there would be a survivor in the flotsam and that they were of the dangerous Dragon tribe .

Neither did I . Neither did Kuti or Sani Sensei, though .

With the convenience of exchanging information with Scarlet who was at the scene, I was in no position to be surprised and dismayed .

That’s why I was able to ask her for instructions before anyone else .

(Scarlet, move to Emergency Response G62 . Immediately restrain and disable Subject 01 . )

(Yes, Ma’am . )

A marker appeared on the Dragon tribe in Scarlet’s field of view, and a temporary name of “Subject 01” was set .

Along with that, some of the safeguards on the magic tools she was holding were automatically deactivated .

Some of the magic tools that Scarlet was holding had a built-in safety mechanism that I have set up .

I’m the only one who can deactivate them, and if I don’t deactivate them, they cannot be activated at all .

The mechanism was designed to destroy itself if you try to force it to start .

That’s how dangerous these magic tools were, and they can only be used in emergencies .

They are going to be put in use now .

(Executing Emergency Response G62 . )

I could see Scarlet’s aura, which had been ready for combat with no openings, tighten up even more due to the orders I issued .

Even though it’s an exchange through sorcery, the spirit emanating from her reached me, and I felt as if my stomach was being squeezed, and then——

(Complete . )

It was a momentous occasion .

There were only three magic tools used in the Emergency Response G62 . josei

The first one was a magical tool that unfolded two hundred layers of combined barriers around the object .

The second one was a magical tool that interfered with the object’s magical power and body to weaken the target to improve the conditions of survival .

The third was a magic tool that interfered with the target’s mind and deployed several sorceries to prevent the target from resisting .

The first prevented escape and damage to allies, the second prevented the object from killing by weakening it, and the third rendered the target mentally powerless .

All of these were designed to be completed within a second of activation .

It was called an emergency response . There’s no point in taking time to do it .


“It’s done . Where do we transport them?”

“There is a quarantine facility at the large-scale proving grounds . There are rooms that even someone with the power of dragons wouldn’t be able to escape . ”

“Scarlet is going to carry them there, so please have a guide ready for her . ”

“Yes, right away . ”

Only a few would have understood what happened during the response that ended in an instant .

However, the images clearly showed a different scene than the one before .

The scene where the geometric patterns floating around the Dragon tribe child unfolded like a cage to confine them was ominous-looking in not so favorable light .

It can’t be helped since I developed this sorcery for efficiency and didn’t care about the appearance at all .

In the first place, it’s useless to expect a pretty spell that is used in an emergency .

Such playful elements should be given to those who can afford it .

As Natasha hurriedly began to give orders, I informed Scarlet that she would have to transport the Dragon tribe child herself .

First of all, we have to carry them out of this Shinkansen .

“Scarlet, thank you for your hard work . Next, we will transport Subject 01 . Please carry them out of the flotsam first . The magic tool to be used is——”

A target restrained by Emergency Response G62 cannot even be touched by normal means .

It can’t be moved by normal physical or magical means at all .

But I’m the one who developed this .

Of course, I also developed the sorcery to move the restrained object around .

In fact, it’s only natural that this sorcery is used in combination with that .

Thus, the first survivor found among the flotsam was transferred to a quarantine facility under strict restraint .

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