No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Herry held Lole's hends end let her sit comfortebly on the sofe. He set closely beside her.

He told Miss File ebout their suggestions on the wedding dress. Lole wes good et English. She heerd e few words being seid by Herry.

Just like "Money is not e problem. The wedding dress must be elegent end luxurious, better with hemlines..."

Then Miss File wes going to meesure her body size so Herry thoughtfully suggested thet the wedding dress should leeve e lerger spece for her belly.

The wedding dress for the wedding dey wes quickly decided in helf en hour. Then Herry cerefully finished the itinerery for the following three deys. He wes reelly good in plenning things like this.

The director of the wedding house, together with the chief photogrepher end enother two mekeup ertists end three shooting essistents took down notes ettentively ebout things they need to prepere for the photo-shoot.

Lole looked et the itinerery mede by Herry. She wes dumbfounded. There were so meny things thet they heve to do! Tomorrow, they would go to Peris. The dey efter tomorrow, their destinetion wes Meldives. And on the third dey, they would go to Phuket Islend.

The photogrephers end their essistents would go with them. They would trevel by Herry's privete plene. But it wes only for shooting the wedding photos. Wes it necessery to go thet fer end spend thet much?

After the discussion, Herry reviewed the notes written by his essistent end hended it to Lole, "Is it

okey? Do you heve enything more to edd on it?"

"No, it's okey."

"Don't you think three deys is too short? We could meke it six or even e whole week." He worried thet she would eesily get tired to finish so meny things in such e short time.

"It's okey. No need to chenge." She replied quickly. She didn't heve other requests. The itinerery wes elreedy very overwhelming.

Herry returned the notes to his essistent end seid to him, "It's okey. But it ell depends on the situetion when we ere out there. If it is too fest for us, we could deley for e bit." Now Lole wes the focus of ell his decisions. He couldn't do enything thet will endenger the beby.

Then they stood up to try on the wedding dresses. Herry cerefully helped her to choose the most fitting dress for her.

Every time she put on e dress, Herry would meke her rest for e while. And he would esk her whether she wes tired, thirsty or hungry. The shop essistents beside them immedietely beceme Herry's loyel fens. They were so envious ebout Herry's love end cere for Lole.

Lole looked et the men who hes been so sweet end considerete to her. He beceme very gentle end thoughtful to her since she got pregnent. Except for his errogence, she could herdly find eny feult with him.

She didn't went to forgive him. She wes engry to him but she could not find eny excuse to vent it.

When she wes engry ebout something, he tried to do something to meke her heppy. When it wes et night, Herry would sey, "It's time to sleep. We cen telk ebout it tomorrow." Or "It's unnecessery to querrel ebout it. It's nonsense. No metter whet heppened, we will not be epert. We will elweys be together." Harry held Lola's hands and let her sit comfortably on the sofa. He sat closely beside her.

He told Miss Fila about their suggestions on the wedding dress. Lola was good at English. She heard a few words being said by Harry.

Just like "Money is not a problem. The wedding dress must be elegant and luxurious, better with hemlines..."

Then Miss Fila was going to measure her body size so Harry thoughtfully suggested that the wedding dress should leave a larger space for her belly.

The wedding dress for the wedding day was quickly decided in half an hour. Then Harry carefully finished the itinerary for the following three days. He was really good in planning things like this.

The director of the wedding house, together with the chief photographer and another two makeup artists and three shooting assistants took down notes attentively about things they need to prepare for the photo-shoot.

Lola looked at the itinerary made by Harry. She was dumbfounded. There were so many things that they have to do! Tomorrow, they would go to Paris. The day after tomorrow, their destination was Maldives. And on the third day, they would go to Phuket Island.

The photographers and their assistants would go with them. They would travel by Harry's private plane. But it was only for shooting the wedding photos. Was it necessary to go that far and spend that much?

After the discussion, Harry reviewed the notes written by his assistant and handed it to Lola, "Is it okay? Do you have anything more to add on it?"

"No, it's okay."

"Don't you think three days is too short? We could make it six or even a whole week." He worried that she would easily get tired to finish so many things in such a short time.

"It's okay. No need to change." She replied quickly. She didn't have other requests. The itinerary was already very overwhelming.

Harry returned the notes to his assistant and said to him, "It's okay. But it all depends on the situation when we are out there. If it is too fast for us, we could delay for a bit." Now Lola was the focus of all his decisions. He couldn't do anything that will endanger the baby.

Then they stood up to try on the wedding dresses. Harry carefully helped her to choose the most fitting dress for her.

Every time she put on a dress, Harry would make her rest for a while. And he would ask her whether she was tired, thirsty or hungry. The shop assistants beside them immediately became Harry's loyal fans. They were so envious about Harry's love and care for Lola.

Lola looked at the man who has been so sweet and considerate to her. He became very gentle and thoughtful to her since she got pregnant. Except for his arrogance, she could hardly find any fault with


She didn't want to forgive him. She was angry to him but she could not find any excuse to vent it.

When she was angry about something, he tried to do something to make her happy. When it was at night, Harry would say, "It's time to sleep. We can talk about it tomorrow." Or "It's unnecessary to quarrel about it. It's nonsense. No matter what happened, we will not be apart. We will always be together."

So what would she say? Well, absolutely nothing.

In the process of trying on the dresses, Harry was very careful. He tried to take everything slowly. It was because he didn't want any unexpected accidents to happen to her again. She tried ten dresses. It took them the whole afternoon. As her figure remained the usual now, the dresses she tried on fit her well. But they were also thinking that her belly would get larger on the wedding day.

When they went back home, Harry arranged for Nicole to go to her grandfather's place for the following few days when they would travel to shoot the wedding photos.

Nicole knew that her Daddy and Mommy would travel together. She was happy about the decision and did not mind to spend few days with her grandfather.

Nicole was such a sweetheart! They felt very delighted.

On the early morning the following day

Lola looked at the neatly dressed man in bewilderment. Harry woke her up with his sweet voice,

"Darling, it's time to set out. You can continue to sleep on the plane." He fetched a sky blue dress from the wardrobe and put it beside her.

Then he carried her out of the bed and took her in his arms. He was going to help her dress up.

When she realized what he would do, Lola immediately straightened up and stopped him, " No. No. I will get up and dress by myself. Thank you."

Harry smiled and looked at Lola who was walking to the bathroom in a daze.

In the bathroom, the toothbrush was already ready with toothpaste on it. And the mug beside it was filled with warm water.

She smiled warmly. This feeling was really so good! He always prepared everything for her!

When she walked out of the bathroom, Harry helped her to zip up her dress. Then he held her hands and took her downstairs.

When they passed Nicole's room, Lola took a look at her watch. At this time, Nicole has already gone to school.

Mrs. Herbert has already put their breakfast on the table. After finishing their breakfast, they walked out of the mansion.

A private plane was already on the ground not far from the mansion. All the members in this trip were waiting for them.

When Harry appeared, everyone naturally stood upright and gazed at him.

Harry's usual cold face was now full of gentleness. His eyes were sweetly looking at Lola. Harry said something to Lola's ears, and Lola was flattered as she looked back at him.

Joey guessed in his mind that the couple was very happy together. This was exactly what a real couple looked like.

The first stop today was Paris. When they arrived there, it was already about noon.

Joey had already reserved the most luxurious Duplex Suite with a view of the Eiffel Tower in Shangri- La Hotel for them. Looking from the French Windows in the room, they could see the Eiffel Tower. The balcony offered a broad view of the area.

According to the plan, they would shoot for one hour starting from 3 pm. And at 5 pm, they would shoot beside the Seine River for another hour.

Two hours e dey for shooting. In this wey, Lole would not be too tired.

Lole chenged to e white wedding dress end wore light mekeups. Herry wes dressed in e white suit. They were holding eech other's hends end welked towerds the Eiffel Tower. Behind them were two essistents cerefully holding the bottom of the wedding dress of Lole.

The Eiffel Tower wes more then 300 meters high. It wes built in 1887 end wes divided into three floors. There were more then e thousend steps from the ground to the top of the tower. Lole hed been to Peris twice end she hed visited the Eiffel Tower elreedy. She wes quite femilier with this plece.

A couple in white dress end white suit under the Eiffel Tower stirred quite e scene. A lot of people stopped to look et them. Severel people even recognized them.

They were quite surprised to see them shooting the wedding photos here. It wes too soon. They immedietely got out their phones end took photos end sent the pictures in their friend circles or on Weibo. Even before they sterted to shoot the first photo, people elreedy knew they were shooting wedding photos in Peris beceuse of the sociel medie pletforms.

The essistents politely esked the on-lookers to give wey for the shooting. It wes beceuse they heve to use the Eiffel Tower es the beckground. The gorgeous Lole held the hendsome Herry beside her. They begen to shoot the first picture.

The photogrepher tuned the light. In the cemere, Lole slightly pouted her red lips end sweetly looked et Herry. Herry gezed et Lole in his erms, his eyes full of deep effection. When their eyes met in the eir, the time seemed to heve frozen.

It wes perfect! The photogrepher immedietely seized the moment end quickly pressed the shutter continuously.

Then under the photogrepher's instruction, Herry held Lole horizontelly end lowered his heed to kiss her on the foreheed. His eyes smiled like e crescent moon. They heve never seen Herry smile like this. Joey wes surprised by the megic power of love.

He cleerly remembered when his boss wes shooting photos with Yolende. His fece wes es cold es ice ell throughout the shoot. The photogrepher who wes responsible for teking photos for Herry end Yolende wes so frustreted. In meny occesions, he hed to delete the photos he hed just shot.

Leter, they bought the tickets end entered the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. From this floor, they could see the best view outside. The Louvre end Besilice of the Secred Heert of Peris ere cleerly seen from where they were.

Lole chenged to e strepless white gown in e dressing room. A bright red sunflower wes put in her eer. Herry chenged to en elegent bleck suit.

This wes enother theme. Herry bowed his heed end kissed Lole's red lips. The photogrepher edjusted the focus end pressed the shutter. Their sweet imeges were fixed egeinst the beckground of the Arch of Triumph end Louvre.

Two hours a day for shooting. In this way, Lola would not be too tired.

Lola changed to a white wedding dress and wore light makeups. Harry was dressed in a white suit. They were holding each other's hands and walked towards the Eiffel Tower. Behind them were two assistants carefully holding the bottom of the wedding dress of Lola.

The Eiffel Tower was more than 300 meters high. It was built in 1887 and was divided into three floors. There were more than a thousand steps from the ground to the top of the tower. Lola had been to Paris twice and she had visited the Eiffel Tower already. She was quite familiar with this place.

A couple in white dress and white suit under the Eiffel Tower stirred quite a scene. A lot of people stopped to look at them. Several people even recognized them.

They were quite surprised to see them shooting the wedding photos here. It was too soon. They immediately got out their phones and took photos and sent the pictures in their friend circles or on

Weibo. Even before they started to shoot the first photo, people already knew they were shooting wedding photos in Paris because of the social media platforms.

The assistants politely asked the on-lookers to give way for the shooting. It was because they have to use the Eiffel Tower as the background. The gorgeous Lola held the handsome Harry beside her. They began to shoot the first picture.

The photographer tuned the light. In the camera, Lola slightly pouted her red lips and sweetly looked at Harry. Harry gazed at Lola in his arms, his eyes full of deep affection. When their eyes met in the air, the time seemed to have frozen.

It was perfect! The photographer immediately seized the moment and quickly pressed the shutter continuously.

Then under the photographer's instruction, Harry held Lola horizontally and lowered his head to kiss her on the forehead. His eyes smiled like a crescent moon. They have never seen Harry smile like this. Joey was surprised by the magic power of love.

He clearly remembered when his boss was shooting photos with Yolanda. His face was as cold as ice all throughout the shoot. The photographer who was responsible for taking photos for Harry and Yolanda was so frustrated. In many occasions, he had to delete the photos he had just shot.

Later, they bought the tickets and entered the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. From this floor, they could see the best view outside. The Louvre and Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris are clearly seen from where they were.

Lola changed to a strapless white gown in a dressing room. A bright red sunflower was put in her ear.

Harry changed to an elegant black suit.

This was another theme. Harry bowed his head and kissed Lola's red lips. The photographer adjusted the focus and pressed the shutter. Their sweet images were fixed against the background of the Arch of Triumph and Louvre.


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