No Game No Life

Vol 3 2

Vol 3 2

Chapter 2 - Blue Rose/Directional


Part 1

The next day--Elchea royal palace. A small conference room.

Within were Sora, s.h.i.+ro, Steph and Jibril, along with Kurami and the elf.

Sora wore a sarcastic smile, s.h.i.+ro her usual lidded expression, while Kurami

surveyed the scene with calm eyes.

They looked nothing like the wrecks that had cried themselves to sleep


Upon close examination it was evident their eyes were slightly red, but they

had more or less regained their normal condition.

"......So, why did you call us here?"

Steph voiced out the underlying question.

As if waiting for that, Sora replied.

"I have some understanding from Kurami’s memories, but we share a

common cause. We should introduce ourselves."

------A [common cause].

Yesterday Kurami had been coerced--to become a [double agent to Elven


Jibril and Steph, exchanging knowing glances, also looked over at Kurami.

Kurami--sweeping her jet black hair aside, with black eyes full of intelligence,

spoke plainly.

"--I am Kurami Zierh. Nice to meet you."


It was evident she would say no more. Reluctantly, Sora continued.

"Eh, she’s 18 years old, the same age as me. Height is 158cm, three sizes

from the top down are--"

"Y-you!? That’s low!!"

In a hurry, Kuramishouted at Sora who was rattling off her personal


"She also pads her bra, and her actualsize is--"

"I-I get it! I get it so please stop I’ll do it properly!!"

Everyone except Kurami noticed she appeared to be half crying again, but

kept quiet.

"B-but before that--I’ll have to introduce ’Fii’......"

At Kurami’s glance, the elven lady called Fii opened her mouth.

"h.e.l.loo, I’m Fiel Nilvaren"

With golden hair spilled from a fluffy looking cowl, as well as the

characteristic long ears of the elves, the girl who looked to be in her midteens

spoke in a wholly unexpected voice.

"All of you except that devil over there, please feelfree to call me Fii~"

So this is what a smile like suns.h.i.+ne looked like. Towards Fii who was

radiating fluffy softness, the so-called demon Jibril tilted her head and asked.

"Oh my, I appear to be quite hated. I do wonder why."

----Could that possibly have been a gag.

As everyone eyed Jibril, Sora rested his cheek on his hand.

"That’s quite something for the one who fired ’Heaven’s strike’ at the capital to


It seemed as if Sora’s point had been almost unexpected however.

"Eh, as I’ve already explained, that’s not something which can be blamed on


"Like h.e.l.l it can’t! Destroying the capital because you b.u.mped your head was

going too far!"

At Sora’s retort, Fii jumped in allsmiles.

"Not to me~ntion, you also ran off with all the books a~fter. Regaining the

magic we lost at that ti~me took over 800 years you kno~w?"

Sora’s fingers drummed the table like hammers.

"----Defendant Jibril, please present your case."

"Even if you say that....elf heads are just rarity 2, and I used up so much

power calling down the ’Heaven’s strike’, it totally wasn’t worth it at all. I

mean I wasn’t even able to use magic again untilfive years later you know?"

Although it wasn’t quite sure exactly what this ’Heaven’s strike’ was, it was

evident this attack had *wiped a city from the map*.

That such power came at a cost even to one of the Flugel had secretly been a

relief to all humanity.

......Setting aside whether five years truly was adequate compensation.

"So to make sure I at least had something to show for it, I slowly took all the

books back with me. In fact after the [Ten Oaths]--ehehe, come to think of it

that was quite the haul indeed ehe, ehehehe~"

"Defendant Jibril----guilty."


Sora ignored Jibril who sought an immediate appeal.

The issue was whether or not could forgive the one who had ma.s.sacred so

many of her people.

"Umm, so could I call you Fii then?"

"Yes go ahead?~"

"Seeing how we’ll be working together, I’d like to eliminate any potential illwill.

Could you possibly forgive Jibril?"

At Sora’s cutting straight to the point, Fii considered and replied in her airy


"Nn~, that will be quite difficult~."

However, Kurami closed her eyes, and folding her arms spoke up.

"......Fii, for Sora’s plan to work, her powers will be indispensable. I ask of

you as well."

Uuu......sighing as if there was no other choice, Fiirelented.

"Then~, if you say ’please forgive me Fielsama’ while licking my feet, I’ll

forgive you~♥"

"Oh my~ Here I thought you’d puffed up to the heavens themselves, but it

was just your long ears Miss Elf ♪"

The two laughed blackly at each other.

But s.h.i.+ro, who had until now been dismissively fiddling with a mobile game

on Sora’s lap, murmured out.

"......Ji, bril......guilty......*punishment*"

"Eeehhhhh, are, are you really going to make me lick the feet of this animal--"


"U, uuuu......I can’t agree with this at all, but if master says so......"

Jibrilsaid as she crouched down at Fiel’s feet.

Lick lick......

"--Please forgive me Fielsama (monotone)"

"Oka~y, I forgive you~"

Just like that, Fielsmiled beatifically, as ifshe had truly forgiven her, and

folded her hands together.

--Was this good enough.

Sora suspected she didn’t really care about the past, and had just wanted to

hara.s.s Jibril. Well whatever.

"M-m-m, master, m, may I speak for a moment!"

As if reading Sora’s thoughts, Jibrilrushed over to him like she had had a


"L-licking the feet of a lower creature like that and apologising, I thought it

would be the height ofshame, but I wonder why! This--when I consider it’s

an order from master, it’s strange......I feel chills running all over me! The

reason for this absolutely must be--"

"Alright Kurami, please go on with your introduction--"

Sora ignored her and tried to get on with the discussion, and yet.

"Um, if you’re talking about a weird feeling, I’m getting that too."

"----Eh, Steph? What’s up?"

Pointing at Kurami’s impa.s.sive face, she declared.

"What’s up--isn’t this the person who used magic to trick and defeat me!"

"It’s your fault for being deceived. Now Kurami, please continue."


Ignoring Steph who was dismissed with a word, Kuramispoke.

"Fii childhood friend. To be exact--she’s my *master*."

s.h.i.+ro seemed confused for a moment, so Jibril explained.

"Elven Gard is a democratic country, but in the areas that they annex the other

races are made to make a pact with them--in short, a system akin to


"Eh......then Kurami is......"

Steph was unable to stop herself from blurting out, and Kurami nodded.

"Yes, since my great grandfather’s generation we’ve been *slaves* to the

Nilven family. I was both born and raised in Elven Gard."

Smiling bitterly at Steph who was lost for words, Kurami went on.

"It’s no big deal......everyone has their own struggles."

As she looked at Sora, both Steph and Jibril had the same question

concerning Fiifloating in their minds.

For Kurami herself to say it was ’no big deal’, could she have been coerced--

"......Well, something like this really isn’t uncommon. Fii was the only one who

treated a slave like me as her friend."

Expecting that atmosphere, Kurami continued her story to divert the flow of

the conversation.

"But since treating a slave like a ’friend’ would have stained the family name,

officially she’s not allowed to show such behaviour of course."

"Personally~, I’m reeally not cool with it you kno~w?"

Fii’s fluffy voice was tinged with anger this time. Kurami continued.

"The Nilven family is well known within Elven Gard. They’ve held a senatorial

seat for generations, and ever since the family head pa.s.sed away last year, Fii

has been the de facto head--"

Hearing up to that, the response was--

"......Then Fielsan, until the next election you’re an acting, for a

senator to plot a slave liberation movement--isn’t that treason!?"

--It would be a huge scandal in the largest country in the world.

But more than that, everyone gazed over at Steph. They were looks of


"--S, Steph, do you have any idea what you said just now!? Don’t tell me,

another fever!?"

At Sora’s speaking for everyone, Steph maintained her momentum and turned


"Could you stop thinking of me as an idiot already!? Ifsomeone isn’t

managing all the state affairs that *you two* great kings don’t deign to do,

nothing would be working properly!"

Well, setting that amazing sight aside.

Sora looked into Fii’s eyes and asked.

"......Are you really alright with this, Fii."

"Ye~s? About wha~t?"

"If you work with us, it will lead to Elven Gard’s downfall, you know?"

--Indeed, just as Kuramisaid, Sora’s target was first the Eastern Union--


"Ye~s, well, that’s a matter for another time~"

Fii’s smile never wavered.

"Whatever it is, as long as Kurami isn’t hurt I’m fine with it~ Honestly, I could

care less about my family and the like......all the old men are so d.a.m.n noisy,

I’d really like to throw all that away if possible~"

Her smile remained as carefree as the clouds.

"Although even I had thought it’d be too soon to talk about destroying the

country, ehehe~"

"S-suddenly she’s so nasty......"

At those words coming from that angelic smile, Steph backed away a step.

......If it were for Kurami, she’s willing to destroy even her own home.

Originally, Sora would have doubted those words......however.

Perhaps due to receiving some of Kurami’s memories, he could feel there was

no falsehood there.

Their relations.h.i.+p was......when compared with *himself and s.h.i.+ro*--he was

able to empathize with them in mysterious ways.

"If I take my eyes off Kurami, she secretly starts crying, so I want to always

be by her side~"

Fiispoke while rubbing Kurami’s head.

"I, I don’t cry! You can’t call that crying!!"

"WellI mean, when you lost the King selection game, you were crying like a


At Sora’s point Kurami glared momentarily, but Fii didn’t stop stroking.

"So that happened~ Kurami is too eager, I’ve always said that~"

Squirming, but not shaking the hand off, Kuramispoke.

"I, I wasn’t crying already, you know!? Just because you’ve known me since I

was a baby, how long do you intend to treat me like a child!?"

Sora recalled Fiel’s age from Kurami’s memories.

Although she looked to be in her mid-teens, as an elf her actual age was--52.

As he watched Fii happily continue stroking Kurami’s head, he thought.

(----Rather than friend, she’s like......her mother.)

At that *unfamiliar sight*, both Sora and s.h.i.+ro looked on with some envy.

Part 2

"Right! With that done, let us deepen our friends.h.i.+p further--"

"If it’s a bath, we’re not going in with you."

"H--how did you know!?"

While Sora was shocked at having his thoughts read so easily, Kurami

heaved a disgusted sigh.

"Did you forget that all of your memories were pa.s.sed on."

"Gu, gnnn......!"

Bad, this was a very bad situation.

In this world--securing *side dishes* was a top priority!

Not to mention Fiel, an elf was here--how could he let this chance go!

As Sora lamented having his ruse seen through so fast, help arrived from a

most unlooked for source.

"Kurami, deepening friends.h.i.+ps with those you’re going to cooperate with is

veery important~"


Kurami was unable to contain her shock at those words from Fii who she

considered an ally.

"I said that when making up with Jibrilsan as well~ Didn’t I?"

"How, how in the world is that related to taking a bath together and getting


Here Sora drew upon all his reserves of brain power.

He had no idea what Fii’s intention was, but he had no choice but to press

forwards a voice in the back of his mind whispered.

"In the world we came from, this is the traditionalj.a.panese way of deepening

friends.h.i.+p--[naked socialising]."

At Sora’s flat a.s.sertion, Kurami bit her lip.

"E-ever since you came to this world, none of your baths were with that


As Kurami had Sora’s memories, that was easy to point out.

Of course Sora had no such n.o.ble intention. Kurami’s doubts were well


Even so--there was a possible counter!

"That was because both Steph and Jibril were bound by the Oaths. This time,

trust is all we have between us. We have no choice but to rely on traditional



Sora snapped his fingers, and Jibril immediately knelt down.

"Care to give an explanation on traditionalj.a.panese [naked socialising] from

the tablet PC?"

Jibril easily operated the tablet according to Sora’s will.

"Ahem--[Naked socialising] originally a ritualfrom the ancient warring period:

by leaving weapons behind and exposing the body, one put all their cards on

the table in a display of mutual trust."

Jibrilsmoothly made all of that up. josei

Kurami however remained unconvinced.

"That, that’s a lie! There’s no such thing in Sora’s memories!"

"I was unsure just where it had come from as well. But there should be

memories on deepening trust?"

One moment. She was likely hunting through Sora’s memories--and then.

"--There’s nothing but indecent thougghhts!?"

Hit by that flood of erotic knowledge and videos, Kurami cried out with a

bright red face.

Perhaps unable to further remain indifferent to her distress, Fiispoke.

"I get it~ Kurami, I’ll turn him down for you~"

"Heh? Ah, y-yeah......thank y--"

"I think you’ve noticed already Sora sa~n, but this is what Kuramireally

wanted to sa~y. She has no confidence in her proportions, so she refuses--"

"I, I-I-I-I-I wouldn’t ever say that!!?

She spun looking wide-eyed at Fii.

"Am I wro~ng? I mean......"

Fii glanced around the room.

Jibril’s. Steph’s. Then lastly, her own chest.

Lastly, Kurami’s......chest. Her eyes were full of compa.s.sion.

"It’s alright Kurami. A woman’s worth is not in her b.r.e.a.s.t.s~"

"--A, ah......f-fine! I’ll do it!"

Kurami then pointed at s.h.i.+ro.

"E-even though that shorty’s over there, how could you think ofsuch a


s.h.i.+ro looked up from the game she was playing, and tilted her head.

Fii’s affectionate smile only deepened however, and spoke as a mother to her


"Kurami, comparing yourself to a child is being a bit too self-depreciating you


Slamming her hands on the table, Kuramistood. ......She was almost in tears.

"Fiiiiii you idiooooottt! F, fine, which way is the bath!?"

"Alriight, let me guide *everyone*~"

As if waiting for this moment, Jibril was already holding an armful of bathing


"......Does this mean I have to go as well, ah, whatever"

......And so, they watched Jibril lead Kurami and Steph off.

Sora stood while carrying s.h.i.+ro, and followed after Fii who was also on her

way out.

"----So, why did you go along with our lies?"

"Eh~ that was all a lie~? You’re terrible~"

Stillsmiling, Fiifeigned outrage.

But as Sora and s.h.i.+ro continued walking alongside in silence, she answered.

"......When you get naked, I can a.n.a.lyse your personality from the Elemental

particles you emit~ If I know the likelihood of you stabbing us in the back, it

makes dealing with it easier too~"

Of course, Sora thought as he laughed wryly.

"So you actually want to do a naked socialising just as Jibril described it huh."

Her smile bright as ever, as ifsaying indeed--there was a point, Fii continued.

"From the memories Kurami has obtained from you, she has decided to trust

you unconditionally Sora-san. I don’t know the contents of what she’s seen,

and I’m truly grateful you didn’t risk her life--however."

Although her smile remained, her eyes narrowed.

"Even though Kurami trusts you, it’d be best if you didn’t think the same of


Her pupils said--if this were to be a ’fraud’.

She would do everything in her power to utterly erase Elchea, Sora, and


Looking unflinchingly into that gaze, Sora laughed.

"That’s a good answer. If you were stupid enough to accept a ’trust me’ from

a bunch of cheaters like us, it would trouble us as well."

Smiling in silence Sora and s.h.i.+ro continued to walk, as did Fii. Sora suddenly

popped a question.

"May as well ask--are all the elves as sharp as you Fii?"

Fufu, Fiireplied.

"If I knew that, then I’d also know just how much my *treason* has been

leaked ’up’~"

--So she had also considered the *possibility that she was being monitored*.

"Haha, guess we’ll leave Elven Gard for last after all."

"As long as Kurami isn’t hurt~ I’ll help with everything I’ve got~?"

--As long as Kurami isn’t hurt, she doesn’t mind even destroying even Elven

Gard itself.

That was what Fii was implying.

"The~n, before we start off, I’m going over to Kuramifor a bit~"

Fii lightly sped up to catch Kurami.

Sora muttered.



At his utterance, Jibril instantly appeared behind him.

"......Did she use some kind of magic?"

"No, I’m not getting any reactions."

At that answer, s.h.i.+ro’s eyebrows rose slightly.

--That implied the discomforting thought that she had been able to read three

or four moves ahead of her brother, something even she couldn’t. Sora, also

slightly chagrined, scratched his head with a wry smile.

"So that means even without magic, she was able to grasp my true intentions?

I’m going to lose confidence if that’s the case."

If they lost to someone in the areas of cheating, trickery and psychological

warfare, it would be checkmate.

Fii had antic.i.p.ated even the ’last resort’ they had prepared.

"......Well, we’ll be facing Elven Gard sooner or later, so let’s go have a good

look at their skills."

Part 3

----Inevitably, for the sake of the rating, they went with a woodfire bath.

Within the excessive steam was most likely a paradise on earth.

Within that bath, dissatisfied, was s.h.i.+ro. Although the [Elemental water

infused] shampoo Jibril brought had improved things somewhat, she still didn’t

like baths.

Kurami was behind Steph, who was was.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+ro’s hair.

"Kurami, you actually look really good?"

"Yeah, it’s the clothes which make me look thinner......"

Despite having been made fun of earlier, Kurami’s body was actually like a

model’s; Steph was shocked.

Both Fii and Jibrilshould also be in here somewhere.


Since they were in the bath--naturally, they were completely naked.

A fully clothed Sora, sitting with his back towards them, could not be seen.

(I beg you two mobile cameras and tablet camera. I believe in


Cameras were set up to cover three spots, avoiding s.h.i.+ro--the naked minor,

and all the ban flags that would come with it.

Praying he would be able to pull off the best shot this time, Sora struggled

against the constant urge to turn around.

"......Master, are you imagining that?"

At Jibril’s speaking from behind, Sora reacted.

"*Of course*."

He was unable to look back, so for the time being--he called out behind him.

"Fii......ah, no, Fiel-sama?"

"Ye~s? What is it~"

From Fii’s answer it seemed she was close by, so Sora continued.

"The *magic disguising Kurami’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s*, is it illusionary? Or


"It’s transformation magic~ Well."

Smiling, Fii called out.

"Sorry Kurami, we’ve been busted, and besides I think that using disguises

during naked socialising isn’t very polite after all~"

With a pop like the cork coming off a bottle, Kurami’s original--unmodified

figure came into view.

"If you’re just going to admit to it so easily Fii, you really may as well not have

bothered in the first place."

Somehow, watching her being hara.s.sed Steph felt a certain sympathy.

"......Don’t worry, if you live strong, good things will come your way as well!"

"Don’t look at me with those eyes! I’m going to grow!!"

As Steph looked on Kurami’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s with presumptious sympathy, Fii


"So what kind of magic would you prefer?~"

"Mm--it’s good you got it so quickly."

Sora gave an approving nod to Fii who had deduced his intentions accurately,

and spoke.

"--Are you able to ’feminise’ me!?"

The heartfelt cry of that man traveled down the length of the room.

As if invoking a divine wind, the dense steam seemed to quiver......

"If you do so, I can finally gaze upon the paradise that spreads behind me!

Looking upon someone of the same s.e.x is perfectly wholesome, if you call

that 18+ then that’s like calling public baths and onsens 18+ too! It’s the

perfect plan!!"

"If the carnal desire overflowing from within you doesn’t change, I don’t think

the essence of the matter has changed either though?~"

"There is no physical way to prove the mind!"

"As expected of master! There is something profound about being able to say

such absurd things without hesitation!"


"It’s possible you know?~"


Forcibly restraining his reflexive urge to turn seemed to cause a painful injury.

A G.o.ddess was before him--rather, behind him!

"It’s just that you won’t be able to turn back, are you ok with that?~"


"Two magical elements determine gender. If they’re the same it’s female, if

they’re different male; it’s possible to magically make these elements the same,

but it’s a one way trip~"

......Why is a lecture on XY chromosomes being given in this fantasy world.

Having her head washed by Steph, s.h.i.+ro spoke.

"......Re, jected......"

Sora turned his gaze to the ceiling------rather, towards an unseen heaven and

wept manly tears.

"I beg of you......this is a world of fantasy, Oaths, magic; why is something

like s.e.x reversal impossible! Stop being so slack world, put some effort into


As Sora cried, he was probably no longer simply referring to the paradise

behind him.

In the end he was forced to believe in the power of mankind--or rather the

science that was three cameras.

Part 4

Elchea Royal Palace--Library.

After the bath Sora and s.h.i.+ro proceeded straight here.

With her wet hair still wrapped in a towel, s.h.i.+ro intently scribbled away on a


Beside her Sora gripped a tablet PC with one hand, and wrote countless lines

on endless sheets of paper.

The day was drawing to a close, and the only illumination in the room was the

flickering of the candles along with Sora’s tablet.

Compared to the frivolous air of earlier--not a trace remained on the serious

faces of the two.


Before returning, Kuramistopped by.

Stacks of paper cluttered the room, and littered around were leafs crushed or

with large X’s drawn through them.

Both the symbols on the blackboard, and the lines Sora was writing.

Even having received Sora’s memories, she was unable to understand it all.

But--she could guess. Taking a deep breath, Kurami entered.

"Is this--a [strategy to defeat the Eastern Union]?"

"Yeah. Sorry, but please don’t talk to s.h.i.+ro--actually, she probably wouldn’t

notice even if you did."

She didn’t even seem to have been aware of that exchange.

Without blinking, s.h.i.+ro simply continued churning out formulas like a machine.

"Well, to be honest ’this’ is really s.h.i.+ro’s domain; allI can do is help a little."

Despite that, what Sora was writing out in Kurami’s eyes was definitely a

strategic diagram.

What was displayed on the tablet PC in his other hand however was--

"Do you want to look over the bath videos too?"

"......If you’re looking for a reaction like Stephanie Dora from me, give up."

"You say that even though you’re going allred and covering your chest."

--No good, trying to talk seriously with this guy was a mistake.

Thinking that Kurami turned around to leave, when Sora’s voice stopped her.

"You came to ask if it ’really is possible for us to win’, didn’t you?"

--I can’t handle this person after all, Kurami admitted.

Breaking people’s pace was a habit of his already.

It was something she already knew from the memories she had received--

because of that.

There was one thing she was intrigued about.

"----Yes, that’s right."

"You know the answer already right? You have my memories after all."

"Even so, there’s something I don’t understand."

Something inexplicable.

Sora and s.h.i.+ro, the stratagems the two of them came up with, were

admittedly dazzling.

However--no matter how one looked at it, there was one flaw.

Yet Sora, knowing that flaw--had concluded that it was ’no problem’.

The grounds for that self-confidence, was not to be found in Sora’s memories

at all.

"Theoretically there’s certainly a possibility. But a theory is in the end still just


That went for their chess match, as well as their Oth.e.l.lo match--no.

For as long as Sora’s memories went on, the one thing in common with every

single game they had played was--victory.

"If you make *even a single misstep*, it’s straight into the abyss. How can

you say this will be a [certain win]?"

--Indeed, the amount of games in Sora’s memories which had been carried

through victorious was without number.

Yet all of them had been balanced upon a precarious precipice.

How could these be called, [certain wins]--

Sora spoke to Kurami however with a genuinely puzzled look.

"If we make even a single misstep it won’t be a certain win. So we simply

have to make sure we *don’t make a single misstep* right?"

--This was it. The reason for the surety with which Sora could say this, was

what could not be found in his memories.

"Are you declaring right here that you definitely won’t make even one


Kurami glared as she spoke, yet Sora answered with a laugh.

"Hahaha, that’s impossible, there’s absolutely no way I could do that by


Sora swept his glance around--to the white genius.

The pure white 11 year old girl, stillfiercely blazing formulae onto the


"--It’s a whole different story for 『』. Even if I should fail, s.h.i.+ro will be there."

Sora’s words sent up a surge of memories.

----『』 did not know defeat.

Standing here, Kuramifinally realised what she had overlooked.

In the Oth.e.l.lo game when they had bet their existence.

The three stones she had been unable to capture--the three things he valued

more than himself.

She felt she could understand what they represented now.

(......I see. I have *only Sora’s memories*, which is why I can’t envision the

final that it.)

His sister, whose existence he treasured more than himself--s.h.i.+ro.

They were, the two gamers in one.

Their tactics were like walking a rope ofstring stretched between mountains,

yet they could be certain of victory.

For her who was unable to possess that ’trust’, there was no way--she could

fathom Sora’s confidence.

But the countless words he had spoken with s.h.i.+ro.

And the countless words he had declared to himself.

"--You’ve......found your [wings] I see."


Now imitating Sora’s voice, Kuramispoke with a smirk.

"--"Hey s.h.i.+ro, I wonder if it’s true that people can be changed"......was it."


--This was it. She had always wanted to see this expression on this man.

Laughing with satisfaction at Sora’s beet red face, Kurami left.

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