No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 120 Back To The Shore.

Chapter 120 Back To The Shore.

Year: 1738

Date: 3rd

Month: Solarise 

Time: 8:00 AM

[Currently In Sephra.]

As dawn graced Sephra, painting the horizon in a mesmerizing display. Two suns, their celestial bodies intertwined, cast radiant beams that bathed the world in a warm, ethereal glow. Golden rays intermingled, suffusing the earth with a gentle luminosity. The sky became a canvas of enchantment, awash with hues of vibrant orange and delicate pink. It was a morning that defied logic, where the extraordinary became an awe-inspiring reality.

Inside the Hilton household, tranquility reigned. Rose, immersed in her tasks, diligently worked in the kitchen, while her husband, Chris, sat nearby, absorbed in the contents of the newspaper. His voice resonated through the peaceful abode as he shared snippets of news with his beloved wife. "Hey, see this... A female knight from Elishia Forest saved two hundred abducted slave children who were being smuggled from the border town of Hestia Empire, a place called Viceburg," Chris read aloud, his eyes glancing over the printed words. Rose listened attentively, though such matters didn't hold her interest she listened because of the joy of hearing her husband's voice.

"Well, that's fantastic, isn't it? Slavery is utterly repulsive, in my opinion. I hope they reward that knight handsomely for her heroic act," Rose expressed, placing a steaming mug of coffee before her husband.

Savoring the rich aroma, Chris replied, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "Yes, indeed."

Curiosity piqued, Rose leaned forward, her gaze fixed on the newspaper headline.

Chris's attention momentarily wavered as he caught a glimpse of his wife's cleavage, a subtle reminder of the passionate night they shared. While Rose may not possess an ample bosom, her modest figure had always held an alluring charm.

From their teenage years to now, being married with a sixteen-year-old son, Chris still found it surreal to believe that they were living the dream they had always envisioned.

Flicking his forehead, Rose snapped him back to reality. "Muu... Don't make that kind of perverted expression and answer me," she pouted, her flick restrained to avoid using her mana, for fear of launching Chris out of the house.

"Oh! This article is about the upcoming midterms of the Imperial Academy. The students are given holidays before the exams so they can visit their families," Chris explained, rubbing his forehead with a dumb smile.

The Imperial Academy held two exams each academic year, spanning the three-year duration of their studies.

"Oh... so Marylin's daughter is coming back, huh?" Rose fell silent, memories flooding her mind.

Their son had endured a difficult period due to a girl, and they had played their part in it as well. If they hadn't said that Ruu was engaged to Mary, he wouldn't have suffered the emotional trauma of her subsequent rejection.

"Yeah, Mary will be returning, but it will still be a few days before her arrival. And... why worry now? Ren has moved on with his life, and it's for the best," Chris assured, recalling the sudden change that had transpired.

Ren had walked into the house one day, declaring his desire to sever ties with Mary. The relief that washed over his parents was immeasurable, as they had recognized that the lengths Ren went to gain Mary's attention were misguided and harmful.

"But-!" Rose attempted to voice her concern, only to be interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Coming ~" she called out, leaving Chris behind and making her way to greet their guests.

"Hi!!" The person leaped onto Rose, causing her to struggle to maintain her balance. Only one person could display such exuberance—Marylin, Rose's beloved best friend, appearing unexpectedly in the early hours of the morning.

Rose, despite any complexities in her relationship with Mary, always cherished their enduring friendship above all else. "Marylin! What brings you here?" Rose inquired, genuine joy lighting up her face at the sight of her dear friend.

Taking a step back, Marylin brandished a cloth pouch in her hand. "See this! I made these cookies! Let's enjoy them together!" Marylin chimed, her infectious enthusiasm bringing a smile to Rose's lips. Throughout the passing years, Rose marveled at how Marylin managed to retain her spirited nature.

"Come in, I'm sure Chris would love them," Rose offered, gesturing for Marylin to enter their home.

"Okay then, no cookies for you, I guess," Marylin teased mischievously, causing Rose to flinch.

"No, no, I want them too!" Rose protested playfully, trailing behind Marylin.

Indeed, Marylin was not the only member of their trio who had remained unchanged, as the bonds of their friendship had weathered the tests of time.

Inside the cozy living room, they gathered together, indulging in the delectable cookies Marylin had brought. Her culinary skills had always been impressive, contrasting with Rose's journey of learning to cook from scratch for her husband.

"I just read that Mary is coming back," Chris inquired, his plans for the day momentarily forgotten.

"Yep, I received a letter from her yesterday. She'll be here tomorrow or so," Marylin shared, a glimmer of excitement evident in her voice. The return of her daughter brought warmth to her heart.

After Mary left for the Hestia Empire to pursue her studies, Marylin had found herself alone. Since then, she made a point to meet with her friends whenever she felt bored or had exciting news to share.I think you should take a look at

"How are her studies going?" Rose asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and lingering bittersweetness, a reminder of the past events involving Ren.

"Oh! She's doing incredibly well. She was transferred to Class A, alongside the nobles, due to her exceptional skills," Marylin beamed with pride as she boasted about her daughter's achievements.

"That's wonderful. I hope she finds success and fulfills Robert's dream," Chris remarked, savoring a cookie.

"Yeah, I hope so too," Marylin's voice slightly dimmed, a subtle change that might go unnoticed by others, but not by her dear friends. Mentioning Robert, her late husband whom she had deeply loved, always stirred a hint of sadness within her, a reminder of the grief she still carried within her heart.

Sighing, Rose leaned back and expressed her frustration, "I wish I could understand what Ruu is up to. He hasn't even written a single letter to his mother since he left. How thoughtless!"

Chuckling, Chris responded, "Haha, don't worry, that boy left town with determination. I'm sure he's out there exploring the world in his own way." He helped himself to another cookie, his laughter resonating through the room.

Marylin chimed in, reassurance in her voice, "You don't have to worry about my student at all. I'm confident that he's having his own adventure."

Having been tasked with mentoring Ren before he departed, Marylin had witnessed firsthand how he navigated challenging situations.

Rose, placing her trust in Marylin's judgment, replied, "I'll believe you. If you say that Ren is capable of taking care of himself, then I trust he'll be fine."

However, the fact that Ren hadn't sent a single letter in the past eight months still bothered Rose. She longed for even a small glimpse into her son's life.

"I do agree, though. He should have visited or written us a letter at least once in a while," Marylin admitted, empathizing with Rose's concerns. Rose nodded in agreement, her expression resembling that of a disappointed child.

Lost in contemplation, Chris wondered aloud, "I wonder what he's doing right now," as he savored the last bite of his cookie. His musings were interrupted by a scolding from Rose, who had been so engrossed in their conversation that she had forgotten to eat.

Amidst the peaceful atmosphere of Sephra, they embraced their current lives, leaving behind their worries and embracing the dream they had longed for. Another tranquil day unfolded, free from the shadows of the past.josei


Ren Hilton's POV:

(Prowlers' Cove Harbor)


Sweating profusely as our muscles were fatigued and Blaze has gone silent a long time ago and I too as I focused on channeling mana into Blaze's core.

"Just hold on a little longer! We're almost there!" I encouraged Blaze, who appeared on the verge of collapse. After hours of flying in the right direction to reach this destination, both Blaze and I were exhausted.

Initially, I hadn't anticipated that being a conductor would be so taxing. It took a toll on both my mind and body, affecting not just me but also Blaze.

The soft light from the two moons bathed the harbor as we approached our destination...

The ships were on standby and I could see people.

"!!" Suddenly, it felt as though the ground beneath us vanished. Blaze, drained of energy, transformed back into his cat form.



With a splash, I found myself plunging into the water,the water was cold.

"We made it," I muttered, clutching the small cat in my hands. Emotions threatened to overwhelm me as someone threw a rope in our direction, offering assistance.


[A/N: This chapter was 

P E A C E F U L L]

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