No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 71 After Ren Left.

Chapter 71 After Ren Left.

Anabelle's POV.

I found myself in a cozy, dimly lit room. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of warmth and intimacy. As I looked around, I noticed the soft glow of candlelight casting flickering shadows on the walls. The room was adorned with beautiful artwork, creating an ambiance of elegance and charm.


Suddenly, the door opened, and there stood Ren, looking more captivating than ever. He entered with a gentle smile, his eyes sparkling with affection. I felt my heart skip a beat as they approached me, their presence filling the room with an undeniable magnetism.

Ren took my hand, his touch sending electric currents through my veins. We danced effortlessly to a melody that seemed to play only for us. His movements were graceful and mesmerizing, as if they were born to glide across the floor. In that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world, lost in the enchantment of the music and each other's company.

We swirled and twirled, the room spinning around us, but I felt perfectly balanced in Ren's arms. His touch was gentle yet firm, his eyes locked with mine, speaking volumes of unspoken affection. It was as if they could see into the depths of my soul, understanding me in ways no one else ever had.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as we continued to dance, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. I could feel the warmth of Ren's breath against my skin, igniting a fire within me. His voice, a sweet melody, whispered words of love and adoration, creating an intoxicating symphony that resonated in my heart.

Soon I heard a distant voice and the dream began to crumble apart, I opened my eyes and was met with a lovely pair of two golden orbs looking at me.

"We're under attack, Anabelle!" Ruu's voice was filled with urgency, causing my heart to race with a mix of fear and determination. Dreadclaw? Here? It felt surreal, like a nightmare encroaching on our peaceful existence.

I remembered the dream I had just seen and felt embarrassed, but Ruu's urgent voice pierced through the veil of sleep, my eyes reluctantly opened, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness of reality. Confusion clouded my mind for a moment until his words reached my ears, instantly jolting me awake.

With a surge of adrenaline, I sat up, my body fully awake now. I could see the seriousness etched on Ruu's face, his eyes reflecting the imminent danger we faced. This was not a time to hesitate or doubt. We had to act swiftly to protect ourselves.

As I gathered my wits, my mind focused on the task at hand. I needed to be ready, to contribute to our defense. With a deep breath, I pushed aside the remnants of sleep, channeling my energy and summoning my resolve.

Ren's voice continued, instructing each member of our group, assigning roles and preparations, I don't know where he learned this but he has some excellent leader qualities the more I be around him the more I learn something new about him.

Without wasting another moment, we all sprung into action, leaping out of the carriage and taking our designated positions. I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins, my mind focused on the impending battle. I summoned the winds within me, feeling their power waiting to be unleashed.

But when I stood there, a sudden wave of paralysis washed over me, causing my body to go limp. My eyes fixated on the approaching figures of the bandits, their menacing presence triggering a torrent of memories from that fateful night, one year ago. Everything seemed to overlap—their gait, the way they covered their faces—it was all too reminiscent of the horror and bloodshed I had witnessed.

In an instant, the scenes flashed vividly through my mind, like a haunting montage of fear and despair. The screams of terror echoed in my ears, the metallic scent of blood filled my nostrils, and the chilling darkness enveloped my senses. It was as if time had folded, and I was transported back to that night of unimaginable horrors.

A shiver ran down my spine, causing a coldness to grip me tightly. The weight of that past tragedy pressed heavily upon me, threatening to engulf my present thoughts. Fear and uncertainty crept in, threatening to paralyze me as I relived those harrowing moments.

But in that one moment a voice called out to me,"Ana! Keep Leila safe and don't come here, we'd cover for you." He said, his words giving me a string of hope, I unconsciously felt relieved even in such a tense moment.

I couldn't pinpoint exactly when it happened or why, but a deep sense of trust had taken root within me for this boy, Ruu. It was a trust that defied logic and reasoning, as if some unseen force connected us in ways I couldn't fully comprehend.

I watched his back as I saw him engage in the battle. I don't think I'll be able to separate from this boy now because...


"wh-what,th-that."I watched Ruu in disbelief, my jaw dropped open, my whole world shifted upside down.

I had always considered Ruu to be someone close to me, someone I trusted. I never imagined that Ren was capable of such violence. The way Ren adjusted their jaw, wincing in pain after delivering that powerful punch... it sent shivers down my spine.

The words echoed in my mind, mirroring my own thoughts. I couldn't fathom the idea that Ren would actually take someone's life. It went against everything I knew about Ren.

My heart sank as Ren confirmed his intentions by killing the humiliated the bandit before killing him, it's like a completely different person,the more blood he saw the more different he looked.

But what happened to Ren I knew? The one who preached about friendship, 

My mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. I had never known that Ren was capable of killing,

Then something flashed before my eyes

't-that day.' I never thought Ren would willingly slaughter a group of people and dispose of their bodies.

As Ren got back on never feet, retrieving the fallen sword, I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine. Ren infused the sword with his mana, enveloping it in a layer of raw power. I could see the determination in Ren's eyes, and it scared me.

Swinging the sword with expertise that seemed instinctual rather than learned, Ren engaged in the fight with a bandit. The clash of blades filled the air, and the bandit was quickly overpowered. Ren's punch sent him flying, landing motionless on the ground.

I wanted to intervene, to stop Ren from going any further, but I couldn't find the words. It was a harsh scene. I had to face the fact that this Ren wasn't the Ruu I know, and I couldn't ignore or deny his actions.

Approaching the unconscious body, Ren crouched down, whispering something to the bandit. It sent a shiver down my spine. The bandit's eyes shot open, filled with fear and betrayal. And then, in one swift motion, Ren swung the sword, stabbing the bandit with ruthless precision.

"Ahaaaaaaa!"The bandit's screams filled the air as Ren ignited the sword, engulfing it in flames. It was a horrific sight, and I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Ren smiled,he smiled as he looked at the dead.

A smile that sent chills down my spine. It was a smile I had never seen before, devoid of any humanity or compassion.josei

"Ru-"called out Ren's name, my voice filled with shock and disbelief. But Ren responded nonchalantly, as if what they had just done was a casual act. Henry's anger was palpable, and I understood his frustration. How could Ren be so callous, so unaffected by the lives they were taking?

As the battle continued around us, Ren showed no signs of stopping. Bandits?They were killed without hesitation, as if it was second nature to him. It was a side of Ren I never knew existed, and it shook me to my core.

I couldn't help but question everything I thought I knew about Ren. Was he always like this, and I was just blind to it? Or had something changed within them? Either way, the person I thought I knew was gone, replaced by a cold and ruthless killer.

With each passing moment, my shock turned into a deep sense of sadness and fear.

I never thought I would see this side of Ren, and it left me questioning our entire relationship.

Everything that happened after that was beyond my grasp. I was in a trance, unsure of what to do or say. I felt numb and sick, betrayed. He approached me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at that blood-soaked figure of someone I loved. He glanced at me and offered a smile, and then... just like that, he vanished, leaving me all alone. I sat there, oblivious to the passage of time, searching for something, longing to find the person I once knew.

[Two days later.]

"Anabelle, we have arrived." Someone shook my shoulder, and I jolted awake. When I focused my gaze, I saw Barbara looking at me, her expression filled with concern. I didn't respond. I simply didn't want to or didn't know what to say.

Henry approached, whispering something to Leila, and they both left. After an hour, Henry returned and announced, "The delivery is complete."

I hadn't realized we were already in Ivorygate, but I didn't argue. That meant it was over. Everything had come to an end. What was I supposed to do now?

"Anabelle, is this for you?" Zark burst into the carriage, holding a letter sealed with a pentagram. Its familiarity struck me, and I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

I silently accepted the letter from him, my heart pounding in my chest. As I unfolded it and began reading its contents, my eyes grew wider with each passing word.

"Looks like you don't have to be with us anymore," Ali sighed.

I couldn't help but wonder what Ren would have said if he were here. Overwhelmed with conflicting emotions, I clutched the letter tightly in my hands and tears streamed down my face. In that moment, I felt lost and uncertain about everything.


The living room exuded grandeur with its opulent tapestries and intricate carvings. Sunlight gently filtered through the stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues that painted the room. Plush furniture and a crackling fireplace contributed to the warm and inviting ambiance.

Leila stood behind, her gaze fixed upon the man seated in front of her, who occupied a wooden chair while engrossed in the mesmerizing flames.

"So, how was it, Leila? Humans," he chuckled, posing the question without turning his head. Leila clenched her fists, ripping apart the veil in frustration.

"Don't you dare call me that, Gramps!" she snapped, irritation evident in her voice.

"Oh, dear Raven, you know I'm just joking," Gramps replied, meeting his granddaughter's gaze.

Raven possesses captivating features that arrest the attention. Her silvery-gray hair flows gracefully, its luster accentuating her piercing brown eyes that emanate warmth and wisdom. Her sun-kissed tan, reminiscent of her father and aunt, adds an exotic allure to her overall appearance. Her tail, matching the color of her hair, further enhances her unique charm. Adorned in traditional tribal attire, she effortlessly combines practicality and elegance in her fashion choices.

"I don't like humans at all. They are arrogant and... annoying," Raven stated, her thoughts drifting to someone she recently encountered.

"Oh, is that so? Then perhaps you shouldn't go to the academy since there are plenty of humans there," Gramps teased, well aware of his granddaughter's eagerness to embark on her academy trip.

Afterwards, their banter continued for a while.


[A/N: Who's Raven? Who's sent letter to Anabelle?]

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