No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 74 Prowlers'cove -2

Chapter 74 Prowlers'cove -2

"What a frustrating situation," I exclaimed, my voice filled with exasperation. I found a seat near the edge of the harbor, fixating my gaze on the vast expanse of the ocean that lay ahead. Despite having plenty of time on my hands, I had been utterly unsuccessful in securing a suitable boat for my expedition.

Blaze, my loyal parasite, conveyed his thoughts through our telepathic connection. 'Indeed, princess. I had not expected such difficulties. During my time, only a brave few warriors would venture to these treacherous isles, daring to challenge the labyrinthine dungeon. But there were no obstacles in reaching there,' he reminisced. However, his words didn't resonate with me, as the desolate harbor seemed devoid of any soul willing to lend me their vessel or accompany me on my quest.

A deep sigh escaped my lips, reflecting the weight of disappointment that had settled upon me. It had been a laborious two hours since my arrival at Prowlers' Cove, during which I tirelessly sought out individuals open to navigating southwestward. To my profound disbelief, none gave me the chance to explain my intended course before promptly dismissing me.

"It's to be expected," I muttered with a touch of bitterness. "No one is willing to risk their lives on such a venture." Whenever I inquired about their reluctance, the response always emphasized the perilous nature of the journey.

"It's because of those Tritonic Surges," I lamented, frustration coloring my words. These mysterious surges, with unknown origins, effectively deterred boats from venturing more than a few hundred nautical miles into the ocean. According to the grim anecdotes shared by those unfortunate enough to have experienced them firsthand, succumbing to the merciless grip of these colossal currents ensured certain death.

'Hey, Blaze!' A sudden question popped into my mind. 'When was the last time you visited these islands?' I asked, hoping to confirm something.

'Um... maybe a thousand years ago. My owner at that time perished there. After that, Falkor brought me out of the dungeon, and I was left behind,' Blaze answered. 'Why do you ask?' he inquired.

'A thousand years ago? That's a long time. Perhaps these waves were something that occurred later-' I paused, noticing something in his previous statement. 'Who is Falkor?' I asked, realizing it was the first time he mentioned the name of someone from his past. He typically referred to his previous owners by their race, not their names.

'He's an old acquaintance, nothing more,' Blaze replied, a tinge of sadness in his voice as he mentioned the name.

'But-' I wanted to ask further, sensing that Blaze was hiding something. However, before I could inquire, someone called out to me. I turned my face and saw a boat approaching.

"Human! Where do you want to go? I'll take you there," the person in the boat offered. He had sleek, reddish-orange fur complemented by a white underbelly. His pointed ears twitched with alertness, and his bright green eyes sparkled with curiosity.

With nimble fingers ideal for handling ropes and navigating the waters, he wore a simple sailor's attire consisting of a loose shirt and trousers, reminiscent of a beastman.

"You would?" I hesitated, not willing to trust another rejection from the sailors who had been so grumpy.

"Yep, so where do you want to go?" he asked, a genuine smile on his face.

"To the southwest," I replied, causing his eyes to widen slightly. However, he maintained his cheerful demeanor and said, "Alright then, bye!" He led the boat away from me as if he didn't expect my acceptance.

"Hey, wait!"

 I shouted, and he stopped, looking back at me with an expression that seemed to say, "Please don't say anything more ridiculous."

"Why don't you give me a ride to that side of the harbor?" I pointed toward the area where several taverns were lined up.

He scanned me from head to toe, observing me carefully. After shaking his head and sighing, he said, "Hop on."

'What are you doing, princess?' Blaze asked, but I knew I had a lot to talk about with him, just not at that moment.

Approaching the boat, something caught my eye, and a sense of wonder and anticipation washed over me. Despite its small size, it exuded a certain charm that set it apart from the other vessels in Prowlers' Cove. It was a sight to behold, showcasing the ingenuity and craftsmanship of its creator within this fantastical medieval world.

The boat's hull, made of polished wood, shimmered under the moonlit sky. Intricate carvings adorned its sides, depicting mythical creatures and symbols of ancient lore. Each stroke of the chisel seemed to breathe life into the wood, creating a tapestry of fantastical scenes that stirred the imagination.

Though smaller compared to the larger ships, the boat's sail was a work of art in itself. Woven from sturdy fabric, it displayed vibrant colors and intricate patterns that danced in the breeze. Embroidered onto the sail were symbols of ancient runes and sigils.

"What do you think? Beautiful, isn't it?" the sailor asked, a smug expression on his face.

"Yeah, but how does it even work? It's so different and exquisite compared to the other unimpressive ships here," I inquired, realizing that I had a good grasp of what to do now.

"Oh, this boat..." He proceeded to explain every minute detail about how it functioned, clearly passionate about his creation.


Everything about the boat was exceptional, but what truly captivated me was its power source. As I delved deeper into my inquiries, I discovered that it ran on the energy of mana crystals. These precious gems pulsed with otherworldly radiance, seamlessly integrated into the boat's design, harnessing the raw power of magic.

Within the heart of the vessel, I discovered a compact compartment housing a series of crystal chambers. The mana crystals, skillfully cut and polished, resided within these chambers, their ethereal glow illuminating the space. It was an enchanting sight, where arcane energy and technological ingenuity converged.

Standing there, taking in the spectacle before me, I couldn't help but marvel at the fusion of ancient mysticism and modern craftsmanship.

I marveled at the control panel adorned with mystical glyphs, a gateway to the boat's arcane propulsion system. With a touch of my hand, I could adjust the flow of mana, feeling the surge of power coursing through the vessel.

The boat's creator had seamlessly blended the wonders of magic with the practicality of engineering, showcasing the brilliance and imagination that thrived in this world.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I stepped out of the boat as we reached the other side of the harbor.

"What's your name?" I asked, realizing it would be better to know his name before proceeding.

"It's Kael," he replied, his face clearly showing confusion.

"No worries, see you around," I said, waving dismissively. There was no point in engaging in pointless conversations.

Leaving the harbor behind, I made my way into the bustling city. Tourists and travelers filled the streets, including a few humans amidst the crowd.

'So, why are we here?' Blaze inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

"We have two things to take care of," I replied.

First, we'll sell the horse at the guild here, and then we'll purchase some mana crystals.

As I ventured toward the bustling guild, my horse in tow, I was greeted by a bustling marketplace filled with potential buyers. After carefully evaluating each interested party, I engaged in negotiations with a shrewd merchant. With persuasive arguments and skillful haggling, I managed to secure a deal that yielded a couple of gold coins for my faithful steed. While the sum fell short of the initial investment I had made, it provided a glimmer of hope and a modest financial boost to support my quest.

Eager to capitalize on this small victory, I made my way to a renowned supplier known for their exceptional quality and wide variety of arcane goods. There, amidst shelves adorned with intricate artifacts and shimmering crystals, I laid eyes upon a large box brimming with enchanting mana crystals. Each crystal held the potential to empower and sustain the magical energies required for my expedition. The box contained a generous selection of ten D-rank mana beasts, their radiant hues evoking a sense of awe and reverence.

However, the acquisition of such valuable and sought-after resources came at a steep price. Fifteen gold coins, a significant portion of my dwindling funds, were exchanged for this trove of mystical power. The weight of the expenditure tugged at my mind, reminding me of the financial challenges I would face on my journey. With only four or five gold coins remaining in my possession, I knew I had to be resourceful and prudent in managing my financial resources.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow across the cityscape adorned with two luminescent moons, I stood there contemplating the sacrifices and risks that lay ahead. The weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders, and I whispered to myself, "I apologize in advance, Kael."

"You insensitive bastard!" Blaze cursed, his frustration evident. I knew there were many things I needed to discuss with him, but now was not the time.

I've got to do what I've got to do, no matter what it takes.No regrets.josei

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