No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 84 Cavern Of Chaos

Chapter 84 Cavern Of Chaos

[Twenty Days Later]

I stretched my neck sideways, feeling the tension build up in my muscles. With sword raised and fire spells crackling in my outstretched hand, I braced myself for the impending battle. The desolate and crumbling ruins of the second floor loomed before me, a forsaken labyrinth filled with treacherous traps and swarming undead creatures.

"Let's see how it goes this time," I muttered, my voice filled with determination. 

*Skitter, skitter.*

The ground trembled as the massive Arachnarok Spider approached, its eight legs skittering across the rocky terrain. Flames danced in my hand, an inferno waiting to be unleashed. With a deep breath, I released a relentless barrage of fire spells, casting the spider into a sea of roaring flames.

*Woosh, crackle.*

The spider recoiled, its chitinous exoskeleton scorching under the intense heat. Sensing an opportunity, I charged forward, my sword slashing through the weakened armor with determined strikes.

"hell yeah! Let's crush this bug!" Blaze's voice echoed in my mind, his excitement matching my own.

*Slash, sizzle.*

With each blow, the spider's resistance faltered, its movements becoming sluggish. It let out a pained screech as I delivered a final powerful swing, severing a crucial joint in its leg. The spider collapsed to the ground, defeated.

I strengthened my lower half and leaped into the air, using every ounce of power I could muster. With a decisive strike, I crushed the spider's skull.

*Thud, silence.*

With the formidable opponent vanquished, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. The second floor had been conquered with relative ease, despite its daunting reputation.

"Phew, that was a tough one," I said, catching my breath.

I brushed off the system notification of experience and blood points distribution, a mere formality in my quest for power. As I surveyed the remnants of the battle, I couldn't help but reflect on the countless monsters I had slain. Undead, goblins, and other low-grade creatures had fallen by my hand. Yet, the Arachnarok spider had claimed its share of victims, devouring anything that crossed its path. It had even turned its attention towards me, but I managed to redirect its focus back to the mobs.

The journey to the third floor had been time-consuming, far longer than my initial estimation. The monsters grew stronger, testing my limits. Though Blaze reminded me of the progress I had made in a short amount of time, a tinge of disappointment lingered within me. My calculations had fallen short, even by a few days.

"It was a tiring descent," I wiped the sweat off my brow, relishing in the satisfaction of the battle won.


Status Window

Name: Ren Hilton

Age: 16

Race: Human

Strength: 80/100

Mana: 70/100

Intelligence: 9.1/10


- Fire (754/1000)

- Lightning (480/1000)

Spirits: 1/2


1) Body Strengthening

2) Fireball

3) Inferno Bolt

4) Fire Tornado

5) Lightning Spear


Bloodline: Human

Bloodline Potential: 72%


"Four star huh," I am not amazed by the progress I made but worried by the fact how fast my bloodline potential is going towards hundred.

"Let's get going to the next floor then, what was it called?" I tried to remember.

"The Caverns of Chaos." Blaze fills in for me."why don't you take a little rest before going there, it'll be better for you, you've been grinding hard the past twenty days and I think you should... y'know get some rest." Blaze said.

"I'd love to but I don't think we have time," I replied.

"But according to what you said, isn't everything going to start next year?" Blaze reprimanded, he's right but-

"Yeah, that's true but I don't know why I am getting a feeling that the world outside is moving faster than we can think and " I paused there for a second and continued"- I don't want to be left behind in this or as fate is set,this Ren will also die."

"..."Blaze didn't say anything, I've noticed this in his behaviour that this guy doesn't want to stop me from anything but he also tests me from time to time,like checking if I'd back away from anything.

"Dungeon Progress." I muttered.


[Dungeon Progress]

Floor 1: Cleared

Perks Acquired:

- Floor Ownership

- Deployment Access: Summon/?

Floor 2: In Progress

Perks Acquired:

- Enhanced Perception: Heightened senses to detect hidden traps and illusions.

- Agility Boost: Enhanced speed and agility for better maneuverability in the labyrinthine corridors.

- Rune Engraving: Ability to interact with and activate ancient runes found within the Ruins of Desolation.

Floor 3: Not Yet Reached

Perks Acquired:

- Illusion Manipulation: Ability to see through and manipulate deceptive illusions within the Labyrinth of Shadows.

- Beast Tamer: Improved ability to communicate and control creatures such as goblins, harpies, and hounds.

- Stealth Mastery: Enhanced stealth and ability to ambush enemies effectively.

- Shadow Meld: Ability to blend with shadows and become nearly invisible within the dark labyrinth corridors of the Labyrinth of Shadows.

Note: These perks are specific to each floor and provide unique advantages in navigating and overcoming challenges within that particular floor.


Yes,just as the note says I can't use these perks outside of these specific floors,like I can interact with ruin engravings on the second floor and rebuild those ruins to their original form,find traps easily and other stuff too.

And on third floor.

"Spawn two undeads." I commanded and felt a chunk of my mana depleted from my core.


Suddenly a hand came out of the mob too.josei

Both low-grade undead mobs resembled a skeletal figure, its bones cracked and weathered, with decaying flesh clinging to its frame, emitting a putrid odor of decay.

"Fight." I said and then both of them engaged in their lousy ass fight, it was slow paced and ... boring.

"Disintegrate." I pulled another command and both the undead fell on the ground.

I can respawn any mob on this floor just by using my mana but the problem is-

"The respawned mobs are weak and cannot be used outside here."I was happy about it at first but I don't think it's useful for anything at all.

"You'd be the only person who isn't happy to have the ability to manipulate the dungeon floor." Blaze sighed but who's gonna tell him if it's not useful then it's useless, there's no such thing as keeping it until the time comes.

"Then Caverns of Chaos,here I come." I walked to the end of the floor.


"It's...big."The entrance to the fourth floor of the dungeon was unlike anything I had encountered before. It was a massive, towering archway carved from ancient stone, adorned with intricate engravings that depicted scenes of chaos and destruction. The archway stood as a foreboding gateway, its dark and ominous presence sending shivers down my spine.

"what's on the other end?" I asked, it was enough strong to give me chills to this side.

"It's monster...umm a big one." Blaze answered, I am in no mood to ask him anything any further.


Beyond the entrance, the path leading to the fourth floor unfolded before me. It was a winding and treacherous trail, snaking through a labyrinthine network of caverns and tunnels. The walls of the path were rough and jagged, covered in layers of moss and lichen that gave the surroundings an eerie green glow.

As I ventured deeper, the air grew heavy and filled with a damp, musty scent. Flickering torches lined the path, casting dancing shadows that played tricks on my eyes. The ground beneath me was uneven and uneven, occasionally giving way to bottomless chasms or leading to dead ends.

The path twisted and turned unpredictably, making it difficult to maintain a sense of direction. The occasional gusts of wind whispered through the tunnels, carrying distant echoes that added to the sense of isolation and foreboding.

Occasionally, I came across remnants of previous adventurers who had dared to tread this path. Broken weapons, discarded equipment, and skeletal remains served as grim reminders of the dangers that awaited me.

"Anyone you know?"I asked Blaze, he's been here in the past so-

Blaze took a deep look at a few skeletons and said "yeah,there are few familiar ones but...they had it coming." He completed, I also don't have enough sympathy to ask about the dead.


As I continued, the path gradually descended deeper into the bowels of the dungeon. The temperature dropped, and the sounds of dripping water echoed in the distance. It felt as though the very earth itself was alive, pulsating with an ancient and malevolent energy.


I stepped through the final passage floor, I found myself standing at the entrance of the Caverns of Chaos, The air within was thick with an oppressive heat that seemed to seep into my bones. The cavernous space stretched out before me, vast and expansive, with towering stalagmites and stalactites jutting from the rocky floor and ceiling.

The cavern walls were rough and uneven, their surfaces adorned with ancient glyphs and symbols that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. The flickering light from torches cast eerie shadows, dancing and writhing along the cavern walls, creating an atmosphere of mystery and anticipation.

As I cautiously made my way deeper into the cavern, the sound of dripping water echoed in the distance, intermingling with a low rumble that reverberated through the chamber. The air grew heavier, tinged with a metallic scent that hinted at the presence of something formidable.

The vast expanse of the Caverns of Chaos seemed to extend endlessly, with winding passages leading off into darkness. The occasional gusts of wind whispered through the cavern, carrying with them a faint echo of a distant roar.

Though I had yet to lay eyes on the monster itself, an undeniable aura of power and danger permeated the space. The anticipation hung in the air, a palpable tension that made my heart race.

With each step I took, I could feel the weight of the unknown pressing down upon me. The Caverns of Chaos were a place of awe and trepidation, a mysterious domain where the presence of the powerful loomed, shrouded in shadows and awaiting its inevitable reveal.

"Hey," Blaze called out to me in a low voice, causing me to turn my attention to him. His voice trembled slightly as he continued, "Umm... it's a dragons Den."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Fuck you!!!" I blurted out,


[A/N: I am working on a another novel right now and was thinking of releasing it in few days, would y'all support me if I uploaded that novel?]Join the Discord server by clicking the link in my bio.

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