Not One, But Two!

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

It turned out that Abigail had just received a picture of Greg from the man himself. However, the way he posed for the picture was rather unsightly as his lips were seen pouting on his handsome face. At the same time, the photo of his good looks was accompanied by a caption that read, 'I want you, sweetheart!'

As soon as she read those words, her imagination began running wild. In the meantime, she felt a burning desire surging through her body as if it was going to take over her. What a rascal! Is he trying to turn me on now?

She covered her warm cheeks and reluctantly rejected his romantic advances. 'I'm a little tired now, so let's not talk about that now.'

After reading Abigail's reply, Greg couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. 'Oh, dear. I guess I'm losing my charm now. My sweetheart doesn't want me anymore.'

On the other hand, Abigail sniggered while picturing the cheeky look on Greg's face. That dude is such a lovely rascal, isn't he? She then put her phone aside, indulging in the sweet rush of excitement that flowed through every single vein in her body as her heart melted. After she took a shower, she began to feel tired before she unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, when Greg didn't receive a reply from Abigail, he quickly thought of the treatment she was giving Teal. After all, it had been two hours since he sent out the picture before Abigail replied. Thus, he reckoned she must have finished her therapy not long ago, thinking she was probably exhausted at that moment.

A moment later, he gave Alissa a video call when the latter was idling away her time with nothing better to do.

Although Alissa had been enjoying her current stay very much, she didn't like her lifestyle of being restrained and controlled in many ways. After all, there was no denying that Teal treated the sisters hospitably, especially by making their favorite food, but Alissa didn't feel comfortable with it because the place she was staying was not her home. Furthermore, her boredom was killing her as she couldn't find anyone to play with her.

Unlike her sister, Arianna was able to kill her boredom by playing computer games as she had nowhere else to head to. Therefore, she felt as if she was incarcerated in a cell and suffocating from her lack of freedom. When Alissa received Greg's video call, she immediately slid the 'answer' button across the screen. "Help us, Daddy!"

"What happened? Who is trying to bully my lovely girls?" Meanwhile, Benjamin had goosebumps running all over his skin when he heard Greg's gentle voice.

Is Mr. Buckley the same guy we've always known? It's no wonder people say a man's daughter is his past lover.

Alissa pouted and answered, "No one is bullying us, but we're bored to tears right here. I want to go home." While Arianna hadn't said a single word thus far, she paused what she was doing and walked closer to Alissa.

"Do you miss me, Arianna?"

"Yes, I do." Arianna smiled gorgeously, which was in contrast to Alissa's childish and cheeky smile.

Greg replied with a gentle voice, "I'll talk to your mother later and ask for her permission to take you both home. In fact, she's gone to the Frasers Residence because she needs to treat Teal's condition, plus she can't take care of you both herself because her foot is injured. Anyway, I'm going to need to talk to your mom about that, so please bear with me, girls."

"You suck, Daddy. How can you be so scared of Mommy?"

Alissa's blunt response made Greg pause for a second before he smiled and answered, "No, I'm not scared of her. Instead, I love and respect her because she is my wife. Do you get it?"

"Alright, I'm going to find a man like you as my husband one day, Daddy."

Stunned by the little girl's outrageous remark, he berated her. "What? How old are you now? You're far from a marriageable age, so I want you to forget what you just said. In fact, you only get to date someone when you turn thirty. Understand?"

"Why is that so?" Alissa asked childishly.

At the same time, Arianna realized her sister and her father were flying off at a tangent, so she quickly asked, "Daddy, is there something important that you called us for?"

"Yes, there is. As you both know, your mother is still recovering from her injury and may have probably gone to bed by now. So, I need you to behave yourself, Arianna. Can you do that? If you girls ever disturb your mother during her rest, I'm going to make you regret it."

In fact, telling the girls to behave themselves while his wife rested from her injury was Greg's actual purpose for calling them. After all, his older daughter was a restless child who had ants in her pants most of the time. Therefore, he was worried she would misbehave at the Frasers Residence due to her restlessness and mischief as she was not allowed to go anywhere else.

While Greg didn't mind putting up with the girls' playfulness at home, Abigail might not be able to tolerate that because of her exhausting condition. Thus, he reckoned it was necessary for him to remind the sisters to behave themselves.

When Alissa heard Greg's words, she became a little disappointed. "You don't love me anymore, Daddy."

"I love you, but I love your mother more. Without your mother, you both wouldn't even be here. Don't you agree with me? So, be grateful for your mother," Greg answered seriously.

However, she only grunted in a cold manner and passed the phone over to Arianna. "I'm tired of talking to him. You can take it from here." The girl then headed toward the balcony after that.

Arianna smiled bashfully and answered, "Don't worry, Daddy. We'll make sure Mommy has her rest peacefully without any disturbance. Actually, Alissa has been behaving well so far."

"I just know that you're my obedient girl, Arianna. I promise I'll talk to your mom and get her permission before I pick you girls up, alright?"

"Okay." Arianna nodded, biting her lips while pondering for a second. Then, she asked, "Daddy, is there something going on between Mommy and Grandma?"

Greg was stunned, for he didn't expect his younger daughter to be so observant. "No, there is nothing between them. You're probably just imagining things."

"Am I? When Mommy had surgery back then, she would leave us with Grandma. However, she brought us along with her this time, and I even saw Mr. Hart too. After all, Mommy hardly ever reveals his whereabouts to us. If there really is something wrong between Mommy and Grandma, can we still call her?"

When he heard the little girl's question, he couldn't help but feel bitter on the inside. The girls are so mature even though they are just children, but what about us? We're grown adults, yet our actions show just how childish we are. I can't believe my mother let things go out of hand and unknowingly alarmed the children.

Feeling sympathetic, Greg responded, "Arianna, your grandma and your mother are fine with each other. In fact, your grandma hasn't been feeling well recently, so your mommy figured it was better to take you both with her. That way, your grandmother would not be disturbed."

"I get it now. Thanks, Daddy."

"That's my girl!" As soon as he hung up the call, he sent the voice recording of their conversation to Valerie along with a message. 'I hope you'll listen to the recording and realize how childish you're acting even though you should be wise and mature at your age.'

After Valerie heard Arianna's words, her son's message only served to add to her despondency. Oh, my God! I can't believe these few words are from my son. What have I done?

At the thought of what she had done to Abigail, the old lady couldn't help but sigh in dismay.

Meanwhile, the butler could tell from Valerie's expression that she was feeling dispirited. "Old Madam Buckley, since this was all my idea, I suppose I could visit Dr. Kain and apologize to her. She can do anything she wants to me as long as it appeases her."

"Enough. I know you're doing it for my own good, but perhaps it's time that you ease up on Abigail a bit." The old lady's words instantly rendered the butler tongue-tied.

On the other hand, Greg decided to leave Abigail to it and directed his attention to his work at Buckley Group. While things at work were still manageable for Greg, he had to go through quite a number of contracts because he would have to sign them later on. Despite Greg's apparent success in Harrion, many people didn't know the sacrifices he had made to get this far.

In the meantime, Benjamin let out a sigh when he saw Greg resuming his work with complete focus. When it was noon, he could tell that Greg was probably going to skip lunch, so he left for a restaurant

named 'The Hidden Gem' to place an order for the food to be delivered and promptly returned to the office.

Unlike his usual playfulness when he was around Abigail, Greg was seen to be working in a serious manner. Nevertheless, his assistant, Benjamin, didn't share his enthusiasm, rubbing his temples helplessly before continuing his work.

In the meantime, Abigail woke up from her sleep about an hour later, feeling hungry at the same time just when she realized it was already 12.00PM. After refreshing herself, she headed downstairs and was greeted by Teal with an energetic smile on her face. "You're up. Would you like to eat a little something? I'll tell the chef to heat up the food now."

"Sure." Since Abigail had gastric issues, she decided it was better for her to avoid having irregular meals. When the dishes were served, she quietly ate all of them without being choosy at all. At the same time, Teal looked at her, finding her rather amiable and approachable. This was probably because of her profession or the aura that she gave off. For that, she wanted to be friends with Abigail.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not a man." When she sensed Teal's eyes fixed upon her, Abigail chuckled in embarrassment.

"If you were a man, I'd marry you right away."

"No, thanks. I'm not interested in people of the same sex." Abigail and Teal exchanged gazes with a smile.

Teal paused and added, "I did what I could to bring Quinn to justice. Besides, I also engaged a lawyer to draft a divorce settlement, and I'll be there to deal with the procedures tomorrow."

Knowing how much pain Teal had gone through to make this decision, Abigail could empathize with her. After all, she loved the man deeply even though she had no choice but to interfere with the matter. Thus, she patted Teal's hand and said, "I'm sure you'll meet someone better."

"I hope so, but I don't think I'm going to be in a new relationship anytime soon; I just can't handle it." A sad look flashed across Teal's face when she said that.

While Abigail responded with silence because she didn't know how to console Teal, Teal smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. By the way, there is something I'd like to tell you."

"What is it?"

"It's about your mother."

Hearing Teal's words, Abigail could feel her body shivering a little. After all, she had been craving for her long-lost motherly love, but ever since she discovered the history between her mother and Philip, she lost the courage to seek what she had been looking for.

No, I can't do it. I'm too scared to do it. Since she was surprised to hear Teal mention Adeline, Abigail kept her head down and asked, "Why are we talking about her now?"

"It's because of a deal your father previously made with Quinn. In fact, I found something on Quinn's computer, and it's about your mother. Would you like to have a look at it?" Teal gazed at Abigail.

Meanwhile, Abigail continued to keep her head down without looking up as if she was trying to hide her feelings and thoughts from Teal, yet her shivering hands that were holding the silverware were beginning to give her away. She wasn't sure what she should say in response either, so she stayed silent.

Should I take a look at it? Deep down, she wanted to reject Teal's suggestion, thinking her existence would only remind her mother of her stigma. Thus, she reckoned it was better off for both of them to carry on with their lives as she pretended that nothing ever happened. Nevertheless, there was another voice in her heart that kept urging her to find out the truth.

Are you sure you don't want to know how she's been? Don't you want to see how she looks now? Abigail found herself in two minds, unable to decide whether she should go ahead to find out more about her own mother.

Meanwhile, Teal didn't urge Abigail to make up her mind. Instead, she said gently, "Anyway, I just sent the file to your inbox, so it's up to you to check it out. If you don't feel like viewing it, leave it be. After all, I just want you to live a happy life."

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