Not One, But Two!

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Jonathan had no argument for that, but he still refused to give up. "Abbie, I—"

"Shut it. Don't call me that. You're dragging my name down to shit, and I don't like that."

Abigail showed no mercy. Jonathan blanched, and his gaze dripped with venom, though only for a second. His men were here with his pants, but they were blocked by the crowd outside. Jonathan was starting to panic, and then the manager came back with the authorities.

Greg said, "We'll do the test here. I don't want anyone accusing me of tampering with the sample. We have a big crowd here. It's fair for both of us, don't you think?"

Nobody had any objections, but Jonathan looked even more upset. The guys who came balked at the stench, but they had to see if the tea was spiked, since Greg specifically asked them to. The results were out in just a moment. Both the tea and water were fine, much to Jonathan's chagrin. "Impossible! Their tea must be spiked! There's no way I would have soiled my pants otherwise! I'm not a kid! I'd stay at home if I had a bad case of diarrhea!"

Jonathan was acting like a different person from his old, gentlemanly self. Wow. Why did I ever date him? I was blind.

"Mr. Fraser, if the tea was really spiked, then everyone would be having a case of diarrhea now, but they're all fine. You're the only one. This place reeks because of you, and Greg is already kind enough not to demand any compensation. It's not nice blaming them for your own fault."

Everyone thought she had a point. Food Hall was their go-to eatery, and they drank tea here everyday, but they were fine.

Jonathan was annoyed that Abigail kept humiliating him. "I know you're mad at me, Abigail, but can you not fan the flames?"

"Me, fanning the flames? Oh, you're such a josher. You don't get to tell me what to do. You're not even my friend."

Jonathan got even more embarrassed. Everyone was treating him with contempt, especially after Abigail spilled that he cheated with Emma five years ago.

"Mr. Fraser, be a man and stop attacking the lady. You have no proof, but she has," someone agreed. They thought Jonathan had gone too far.

Jonathan snapped, "Shut up! You don't get to tell me what to do! This is the only place I've been to the whole day! It's their fault this happened!"

Greg laughed mirthlessly. "Fine. You're Victoria's kid after all, so I'll let this slide. This isn't our fault, so I'll get someone to send you home. You really reek, you know."

Greg made himself to be a generous uncle entertaining his bratty nephew. Jonathan might be his nephew, but Greg was not that much older than he was. I can't believe Jonathan is such a prick, the crowd thought.

Jonathan roared, "I do not reek! This is your restaurant's fault! I demand compensation and a public apology!"

"Are you mad, Jonathan? Or is your company in trouble? Tell me if you need any money. I have millions to spare, but for the love of God, don't embarrass yourself," Greg said coldly, and his face fell.

The crowd scoffed at Jonathan even more.

"He's so ungrateful. That was one stupid move if I've ever seen one."

"This guy is a b*stard. He cheated on Dr. Kain five years ago. It'd have been fine if he treated Emma well, but now he's trying to cancel the marriage. I can't believe it. He should have cut things off if he didn't like her, but he wasted her time and gave her nothing in return. That's scummy."

"Emma? The same Emma who's tangled in a scandal? She's Dr. Kain's sister?"

Everyone started talking about Emma and her scandal for some reason.

Abigail heard that as well. She looked at Jonathan and noticed the delight in his eyes. Oh, no can do. Can't have you looking so happy. She said, "Emma deserved this. She should have chosen a better boyfriend. Jonathan is a cruel, unforgiving man."

It started out fine, but the reporters eventually realized that Abigail was hinting at something, and they went silent once more.

Jonathan froze. He looked at Abigail, and the look in her eyes unnerved him. Does she know something? Is she helping Emma? No, that's impossible. They hate each other. Jonathan thought he was overthinking. There's no way Abigail would help her. His butt felt itchy and he wanted to move, but he could not. It might embarrass him more, and it was frustrating. "What do you mean, Abigail?"

"What do I mean? Why, you're so forgetful, Mr. Fraser. You just met someone here, remember?"

Jonathan started getting nervous. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You don't understand me? Well, let me jog your memory then. Better yet, I'll let everyone listen to what you said just now." Abigail took out her phone.

Jonathan's heart leapt into his throat. "Abigail, Emma clung to me first. She told me you never liked me. She said you hooked up with randos at bars, and I fell for her lies. And I heard she hired some thugs to assault you. It's not my fault I left."

Jonathan was telling her what Emma did just so Abigail would stop helping her, but alas, he never understood Abigail. His plan would once again fail.

Abigail never liked Emma, but she would not drag herself down in this mess. She couldn't care less about the Kains' reputation, but she had her children and Greg's mother to care about. She did not want Valerie to think she was from a bad family. Emma might be scum, but she would be the one to punish her, not Jonathan. That was how Abigail was.

She ignored Emma at first because she never saw her as family. Now that she knew who she really was, Abigail pitied Philip a little, for some reason. Emma was his only child, so she granted her the status of family, though she did not really care for her. Still, she would not just stand by when Jonathan was slandering her. Abigail noticed his worry, and she sneered. "Why did you stay engaged with her for years if she's that bad then? Five years should be enough for you to see who she really is."

"Yes, and that's why I want to cancel the marriage. She duped me."

"Really? She duped someone as smart as you? Or are you just trying to stop me from playing this recording?" She unlocked her phone and played the recording of Jonathan's conversation for everyone.

That recording alone was enough to tell everyone that someone orchestrated Emma's scandal. On top of that, Bob even brought up the gang assault and assassination that Jonathan masterminded. Everyone was starting to look at Jonathan with disgust and horror now.

Jonathan had no idea someone would overhear their conversation and record it too. But the Food Hall's soundproofing is usually decent. What happened?

She noticed his confusion, and she said coldly, "You might not know this, but room 301 is Greg's exclusive room. The rooms on both sides of 301 are badly soundproofed so Greg can find out his

customers' complaints and improve on the food." He picked the wrong room, and karma bit him in the ass.

Jonathan was petrified, as if he just stared into Medusa's eyes. "That's a lie! You probably fabricated this just to clear Emma's name! That's it, isn't it?" Jonathan came up with a counterplan for that right away.

Greg said coldly, "You say that, but I bet you can't fabricate the camera footage, can you? I can get Bob here to tell us what you did if you want, or I can just text you the transaction receipt. 750,000, right? Yeah, you sent the money to two accounts through an overseas account, but the hackers can still trace it back to you easily."

Jonathan froze as he was shocked that Greg knew what he did. Greg knew what Abigail wanted to do the moment she took her phone out. She wanted to destroy Jonathan and perhaps even his family. If that was the case, Greg had no reason not to help. He had already asked his men to call the cops the moment Abigail took her phone out.

Jonathan was as white as a tombstone. How did this happen? "You set me up! You did this on purpose, Abigail!"

"And I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for giving me the evidence, scum. I bet you played a part in plunging the Kains' business into a crisis and sending their creditors over, didn't you?" Thanks to Emma dating Jonathan, Philip handed most of the operation to Jonathan, making him the prime suspect of this crisis.

It was then Jonathan knew that Abigail was going to help the Kains no matter what, but it baffled him. The Kains were never nice to her, so why is Abigail helping them? Am I missing something? No matter what he thought, the fact was that he lost this round majorly, but he still held out for a little hope.

Mom won't let her destroy me or the family, and Grandma's going to hate her now that she attacked me. Jonathan felt more at ease now. So what if Greg's uber-powerful? Grandma is still his elder. He still has to listen to her.

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