Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Top of the World

Three major events have happened in the world recently.

The first event was the unfortunate death of Colonel Scirocco. Of course, this does not affect ordinary people's lives.

The second thing was that Vist's wife and child were kidnapped. Reborns, as the fugitive "Celestial Being leader", kidnapped the Vist consortium's president's wife and child, and the most shocking thing was that he succeeded. This news made every rich man worry about their own lives and their families.

Not surprisingly, rich men began to send their children abroad to study in order to escape the possible kidnap from Reborns and Celestial Being. It so happens that the safest place and the most neutral place in the solar system is the same place: the moon. So the Anaheim Affiliated Primary School had the richest children this semester.

The third event was initiated by the well-known scientist Dr. Lingus, the first summit of solar system leaders will be held on the moon to discuss Celestial Being, the Britannia-Federation War, Earth Defense cooperation, and a series of other matters.

And at this time, the focus of the event, Dr. Adrien Lingus was having a headache at home.

According to Vist, Reborns snatched the Box of Laplace ahead of them. He didn't blame Vist, it's human nature to choose your wife and kid in a crisis, it's just that the plan was all messed up.

"At least give me a chance to persuade Setsuna!" Ade leaned back on the sofa with a listless look, "The only good news is that there are no normal humans in our family, so no one will suddenly turn into 'orange juice' because of Reborns. Uh, there are no normal humans, it feels so awkward to talk about it like that."

"Ade, are you worrying too much? I think we still have a chance." Lacus snuggled up next to him and said, "There's no way Adam is hiding directly in the box, right? If so, angels have long come to the door. Dr. Ray is so smart, he should have hidden it in a more secret place."

"Indeed, it can't be Adam, or I wouldn't be so idle at home right now." Ade rummaged through his memory, "If I guessed correctly, what Ray left behind is probably a program that needs to be activated at a specific coordinate, and then we will find the next coordinate there, and so on in a step-by-step manner, just like a treasure puzzle. And only the last coordinate will reveal Adam's location."

"So that's how it is, then the first location is especially important." Lacus nodded with understanding, "As long as Reborns can't find the initial coordinates at the beginning, there is no way to start the puzzle-solving game. Ade, do you have any idea about the first coordinates?"

Ade shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, if I have the box in my hands, I can try one by one along."

"I see." Lacus did not pursue anything further, "By the way, my clothes were accidentally scratched, so I have to buy a new one. I really had bad luck…"

The duo chatted while watching TV with C.C. A while later, Mineva went home from school, and Beargguy comically followed her. Since Scirocco was dead, Mineva no longer had any excuse to stay home and play games with Ange every day, and had been ordered by Ade to go back to school. Today is the first day of school again, however, the expression of the little girl does not seem to be very happy.

"Mineva?" Ade waved to Mineva, and the little girl ran to him, "What's wrong? Did you have a problem with your classmates at school? Or did the teacher criticize you?"

"Neither." Mineva leaped hard into his arms, did not even look at Lacus, and buried her little head directly into his chest, "There are a lot of transfer students at school, a lot of strange people came to say hello to me, I do not know any of them."

"Got it, my bad." Ade hugged the little girl hard and patted her back gently, "I'm sorry."

Mineva, although she seemed cheerful nowadays, was essentially the same little girl with autism that she used to be. She just hid her true self well, which Ade understood as an NT.

"It's not Uncle Ade's fault." Mineva rubbed against his chest affectionately, "Sister Lacus and Aunt Haman both said that it's important for families like ours to develop connections, and I'll put up with it."

Ade glanced coldly aside at Lacus, who suddenly found the TV show particularly fascinating and discussed the plot with C.C.

"They're not right." Ade gently scraped the little girl's face, "Families like ours are already so powerful that we don't need any connections, you can hang out with whoever you like and ignore whoever you don't."

"Mmmmmm, Uncle Ade is the best!" Mineva lifted her head and snapped a kiss on his face, then jumped off him, "The dinner is not ready, I go first to do my homework!"

After saying so, she ran back to her room. Ade couldn't help but lament, "She is so cute… my education is too successful…"

"Ade, you spoil her too much. Sooner or later, something will happen." Lacus turned her attention away from the TV and sighed, "You and she are not related by blood, for better education, you should deliberately create a sense of alienation with her. I can't figure out if you really don't get it or if you're pretending not to. C.C., say something too."

"Something 'will' happen?" C.C. grunted, "NTs' thinkings are different from normal people's. Anyway, it's hopeless. In the worst situation, she will become a Nunnally Number Two. Just let nature take its course."

No one expected Ange to comment on the issue of parenting. Ange was unhappy that she had no one to play games with, so she was learning to cook with Momoka in order to let off some of her excess energy.

Ade did not bother to argue with these women. In his eyes, Mineva was as sensitive as C.C., as smart as Lacus, as energetic as Ange, and as innocent as Momoka. She was a collection of the advantages of everyone in the family, she was simply the embodiment of perfectness.

To express his dissatisfaction, Ade secretly gave Mineva more pocket money at night. He didn't know how much pocket money the little girl had saved now, but never saw her spend the money at ease, and she even bought gifts for Ade on New Year's Day.

The dinner went on in a not very pleasant atmosphere. Apparently, Ange had little talent for cooking, and Mineva ate the food Ange made with a sad face. But the little girl did not complain and ate all the food, which made Ange very happy.

The next day, the first summit of solar system leaders was officially held.

This summit was attended by four leaders, Queen Diana of the Moon, Speaker Haman of P.L.A.N.T., Queen Nunnally of Britannia, and Speaker Marcenas of the Earth Federation. The opening ceremony was presided over by Dr. Lingus, and the four leaders of the world shook hands and posed for pictures in the presence of people from all over the world.

A truce between Britannia and the Earth Federation was reached on the first day of the meeting, with Queen Nunnally expressing Britannia's desire to rejoin the Earth Federation and finalizing various details in the following days.

Subsequently, the Earth Federation put all the blames they could find on Colonel Scirocco, announced the lifting of the economic blockade on P.L.A.N.T., and the three forces signed various agreements on research, trade, and population.

The last important thing, in order to deal with their common enemy, Celestial Being, the Earth Federation decided to reorganize the Federation army, set up a new security peacekeeping force: A-Laws.

"In order to ensure the purity of A-Laws and not to repeat the mistakes of TITANS, the choice of the first commander-in-chief is very important, which is related to the stability and unity of the entire human circle." Prime Minister Marcenas looked around, "I wonder what candidate everyone has in mind."

"This is, after all, an internal matter of the Federation, and we are not at liberty to comment on it." Diana was rare to be alone. Loran complained of sickness and did not attend the meeting, "If you have any good candidates, please just say it."

Haman nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll be glad to do so." Prime Minister Marcenas glanced covertly at Char, who stood erect behind him, "I have an immature idea, I wonder what you think of Colonel… Bright Noa?"josei

"Too young." Nunnally was the first to speak, "His seniority is also too insufficient to be commander-in-chief."

"Queen Nunnally, with all due respect, age is not an issue." Char suddenly interjected unconvincingly, "Colonel Bright may look young, but he's been in a lot of battles since the One Year War, and his personality is—"

"Quattro!" The Prime Minister said in a stern voice, "Are you allowed to speak here?"

"Your Excellency, wait." Nunnally gestured to Char, "This is Mr. Quattro Bajeena, who has been in the limelight lately, isn't he? I'm not unreasonable, but I'd like to hear what you have to say."

The next hour-long, Nunnally, Diana, and Haman asked Char many questions about Bright, and Char answered all of them without hesitation. In this process, Bright's image gradually became shining, and the Prime Minister's trust and reliance on Char had also been deepened.

No one told the Prime Minister that all those present, except the Prime Minister himself, were actors arranged by Ade. No one would believe such a plot, which was more absurd than a drama, even if Ade told it.

Not surprisingly, the meeting finally decided that Bright Noa would be the first commander-in-chief of A-Laws.

The summit, which lasted several days, was successfully completed, and everyone followed the script without any deviation. The meeting was followed by a celebration dinner hosted by Diana, which Ade also attended with his wife Lacus.

"From now on, you will be Commander Noa." Prime Minister Marcenas raised his glass to Bright, "The peace of the Earth depends on you."

"Your Excellency, of course, I will do my best!" Bright answered immediately. He naturally knew who had pushed him to the top, and hurriedly toasted Ade on the side as well, "The doctor has worked so hard for so many days for the summit, thank you for your hard work."

Ade slightly raised his cup and took a shallow sip, holding Lacus's hand with a smile.

"By the way, Hathaway has also transferred to the Anaheim Affiliated Primary School." Bright realized that Ade did not want to talk about this, so he immediately changed the topic, "He is a year below Audrey, and is in the same class with Banagher Links of the Vist family."

"Speaking of which, my child, Riddhe has also transferred to the Anaheim Affiliated Primary School." Speaking of children, Marcenas also interjected, "It's all because of the hateful Reborns! I hope Commander Noa can find and arrest him soon."

"Sorry to interrupt." Haman walked over to them with her cup and winked at Ade, "I wonder if I could borrow the Doctor for a couple of minutes?"

The Prime Minister smiled and said "please" and politely left. Bright also found an excuse to leave with Lacus, leaving only Ade and Haman in the place.

Ade held his forehead speechlessly, "What are they leaving? How do I explain it to Lacus?"

"How about going home and explaining to 'them'? Lingus the great lover?" Haman smirked, "Don't forget, you owe me a huge favor this time. By the way, where is 'that man'?"

"You're here, aren't you?" Ade explained rightfully, "I would have banned him from the party."

Haman stared at Ade for a long time, and then glanced at Lacus covertly, and suddenly sighed, "I see. You and I do not owe each other anything now. Everything is the same as before. I kind of understand, so that's how it is."

"What do you understand?" Ade was confused, "I did not say anything?"

"Nothing, it's better if you don't know." Haman smiled and pointed to his head, "What's wrong with you now? Why can't I feel you anymore?"

"Nothing serious, it'll be fine in a while—"

"Mr. Lingus, finally I found you." Nunnally interrupted Ade's voice and walked gracefully to his side, then looked at Haman in surprise, "Dr. Lingus, it seems that you have a good relationship with all female NTs?"

"It seems like you have a good relationship with all female NTs?" Haman laughed derisively and repeated Nunnally's words, "Go on, I won't bother you now. Remember to think of how to explain to 'them' before you go home tonight."

After saying that, she turned around and walked away without any hesitation.

"I can't believe I can't sense you!" Nunnally asked tentatively with a worried tone, "Is there something wrong with your NT ability? Or is your Geass out of control? Do you need me to do something?"

"Even if I can't sense you now, I can still feel your false concerns." Ade bowed his head and took a sip, "Nunnally, let's not pretend between us."

"…that's true." Nunnally smiled faintly at him. Her temperament suddenly changed, the elegant and easygoing atmosphere just now was gone, "You did something like that to my favorite brother, and expect me to be pleasant to you, that's not very realistic."

"I am speechless." Ade whispered, "but I have no remorse for what has happened."

"My reason tells me that my brother's blindness was the best possible outcome, that it was not your fault and I shouldn't be mad at you. But my sensibility again made me unusually angry, full of anger with nowhere to vent it." Nunnally stepped forward and came closer to him, "The smart Mr. Lingus, please tell me what I should do?"

"What do you want to do?" Ade asked rhetorically.

"I want to take revenge." Nunnally raised the corners of her mouth cruelly, came to his ear, and whispered, "Mr. Lingus, perhaps in years to come, when you have completely forgotten this matter, I will let you experience the heartbreaking pain of watching the person you love most being hurt."

"Nunnally." Ade's voice was as cold as an ice, "You're forcing me."

"No, no, no, you misunderstand. You are my second favorite person after my brother, and I will not hurt you. I will think of a way to let you actually experience my pain without actually getting hurt." Nunnally gave a provocative smile to Lacus from an angle that Ade couldn't see, "Right now, please allow me to collect some interest first."

After saying that, she gave a quick kiss on Ade's face, and then turned around and left without hesitation.

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