Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Little Angel Looking for Its Father

Cagalli looked at the royal palace that was decorated to be the wedding scene, and thought about her own wedding back then, and felt slightly envious. It wasn't that she had any complaints about her own wedding, it was just that Shinn's wedding was a little too luxurious, and as a woman, she was instinctively a little jealous.

Queen Diana herself was the witness, the palace was used as the wedding venue, Dr. Lingus acted as the officiant while acting as the parents of both men and women, and the guests were all members of Celestial Being and their families. Originally, Cagalli also wanted to let the doctor as her witness at her wedding, but the doctor was missing at the time — leaving aside the doctor's messy love life, in her mind, the doctor was a very good person.

The wedding had not yet begun, and Diana looked indifferent to everyone, with only Lacus on her sidelines. The guests were seated in twos and threes, talking in low voices. Cagalli held the baby gently beside her husband, praying that the baby would not wake up and cry later, or it would be embarrassing.

"Hey, Cagalli." A somewhat familiar female voice rang out, "She is so cute, can I hug her?"

Cagalli looked up, in front of her was a blonde beauty she did not know, wearing a luxurious elegant dress, looking at the little baby in her arms with expectant eyes. Cagalli touched Kira awkwardly, but only got a blindfolded look from her husband, so she could only ask stiffly, "Excuse me, are you also a friend of the doctor?"

"It's me." The blonde pointed to her fair face with a depressed look, "Ange, I'm Ange."

"… huh?" Cagalli was gape-mouthed. She could not connect the other party's pronunciation with reality, "Which Ange?"

"You only know one Ange, me, Angelise." Ange sighed and muttered in a small voice, "Darn, I knew it would turn out like this …"

"Ah! You're Ange!" Cagalli finally reacted, realizing that her reaction was very rude, and immediately covered up her embarrassment by changing the topic to the baby, "Yes, you can, you can hold her. But she's sleeping, so be careful."

Fortunately, Ange was not someone who cares about such details, and immediately sat happily next to Cagalli, taking the baby and humming happily. Cagalli looked at Lacus in front of her, and then looked at Ange beside her, and helplessly found that she still couldn't hate her.

It didn't take long for the wedding to officially begin, with the best man Kamille and the maid of honor Mayu being the first to enter.

"Hey, Kira." Cagalli whispered to her husband beside her, "I don't know why, but I think they're both looking so strange."

"Do they?" Kira carefully observed Kamille and Mayu. His emotional intelligence may be slightly higher than Cagalli, but just a little, "I guess they are probably too nervous, right? Or anxious about not having a date?"

"Mayu does not have a favorite yet, but she is still young, it does not matter." Cagalli continued to gossip, "What about Kamille? You've been spending some time with him, and he hasn't had a girlfriend yet?"

"No." Kira's face turned verjuiced, thought of Kamille's behavior of hacking his computer to download porn, "But it is said that he has a childhood friend in his hometown. Judging from his tone, the girl quite likes him, but he does not care much about the girl."

"That's not right, he should cherish the people around him." Cagalli suddenly found a new goal for her life, "I will persuade him later. Childhood friend, hehe, how good it is. It's like a drama plot."

After the best man and the maid of honor took their positions on one side, Audrey and Ple marched forward with their flower baskets while scattering flowers on the ground, followed by Shinn, who only knew to giggle at this time, and Stella, who was holding Ade's arm — Ade was now acting as the woman's parent. When Ade held Stella's hand and put it in Shinn's hand, Shinn was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

"It's so good, it's so good." Cagalli couldn't help but get teary-eyed as she remembered their lives and experiences.

Next, Shinn lifted Stella's veil, and Diana began her speech as a witness. In the eyes of people like Ade, who are familiar with Diana, today's Diana has tried very hard to put on an amiable expression, but Cagalli could not see any difference between her and the usually unsmiling Her Majesty.

At the end of her speech, Diana asked conventionally, "Is there any objection?"

Just as everyone was preparing to take the next step, a weak female voice rang out, "I, I object."

The scene instantly fell silent as everyone turned their attention to the side of the wedding platform. Mayu, in her maid of honor's dress, looked like she was about to burst into tears. Stella's face was darkening at a rate visible to the eye, and a murderous aura was spilling out of her. Shinn froze in place with confusion.

"What's Mayu doing?" Cagalli was anxious, "It's her brother's wedding! She shouldn't oppose on such occasions, right?"

"I didn't find it before, Mayu turned out to be such a courageous child." Next to her, Ange nodded, "It's completely understandable to do such a thing, well done."

"Understandable? Well done?" Cagalli looked at Ange inexplicably, and then looked at her husband for help, "Kira, what do you think?"

"Their family situation is more complicated, I guess." Kira sheepishly averted her eyes, "It's not completely incomprehensible."

"But I can't understand it at all." Cagalli realized for the first time that her IQ and emotional intelligence were severely lacking, "So what should we do now?"

As if in response to her doubts, when even C.C. was still confused, Lacus stood up and walked quickly to Mayu, and whispered something with her in a voice that was inaudible to the onlookers. After that, Lacus took out a handkerchief for Mayu to wipe her tears, and said with a smile, "Mayu said that even her brother's wedding room was rented, as the bride, Stella was too pitiful. She was crying with anger for her sister-in-law."

After Lacus and Ade looked at each other, Ade understood her meaning immediately and took out a large red envelope from his pocket, "Oops, I was going to take it out later when I gave my speech, since Mayu is crying, I will advance it. This is a custom in my hometown that the wedding presenter needs to give the bride a red envelope, Stella, this is yours."

Saying so, Ade handed the red envelope to Stella, slightly expanding the effect of his Geass to help her calm down. Stella took the red envelope and opened it on the spot under Ade's encouraging eyes, and immediately let out a cry after she saw the thing in it. Shinn stretched his neck to look into the red envelope, and his eyes immediately became wet.

"This house with four bedrooms and two living rooms in the city center is my gift to you." Ade smiled kindly at Stella, turned his head to Diana, and whispered, "Go on with the ceremony."

"A house in the city center, finely furnished, four bedrooms and two living rooms." Cagalli looked enviously at the property deed held in Stella's arms and suddenly thought of her own house with only two bedrooms and one living room in the remote area of the city, "How generous of the Doctor."

No matter how much the Kira couple rambled, the wedding ceremony remained under the auspices of Her Majesty. Diana seemed to be rather upset by the objection, and insistently asked again, "Does anyone object?"

"I—" Everyone turned nervously to look at the entrance, and Shinn was almost about to cry, only to see the visitor, dressed in a plain white shirt with a strange black collar around his neck, smiling faintly at Ade on the stage. "I'm so sorry to be late."

Ignoring the astonished or disgruntled or angry or confused eyes of everyone present, Kaworu Nagisa slowly found an empty seat and sat down. Everyone looked at Ade again, and Ade nodded his head, choosing to acquiesce to Kaworu Nagisa's presence.

When Ade was done with his speech, he cast an apologetic look at Lacus, sat down next to Kaworu Nagisa amidst everyone's shocked stares, and asked softly, "I don't remember inviting you."

"I thought you should have forgotten and took the initiative to come." Kaworu Nagisa touched the black collar around his neck and smiled in an ambiguous manner, "As someone who gave his life and freedom to you, doesn't it seem logical to come to witness the moment when another important person in your life lost his freedom?"

"Neither of us has freedom, Kaworu, how can we lose something we don't have?" Ade shook his head sighingly, "What happened?"

Kaworu Nagisa gave him a surprised look and narrowed his eyes playfully for a while before saying, "Something on Jupiter's side tried to jump through the boson, and my brother luckily blocked it back. The other side should have wasted a huge amount of energy for nothing and needs some time to re-accumulate, but it's completely unpredictable for the next jump."josei

"…Shit. Aeolia said that it would be within ten years, how could it come so soon?" Ade gave Shinn on stage a reassuring smile and exhaled a silent, deep breath, "Tell me about the specifics."

A giant eyeball with a diameter of several kilometers floated lonely in the orbit of Jupiter's moon. This was the tenth angel, Sahaquiel, Angel of the Sky, who was performing sentry duty. Let's call it Little Sky in the following.

Little Sky does not have the fruit of wisdom, which means that it has little intelligence, and generally follows the programmed instinctive activities, and it knows this very well. For example, when it first woke up from the South Pole, its instinct told it to find its father, so it had been tirelessly looking for its father for decades.

After some time, the angel of freedom, who apparently had intelligence, appeared in front of it. The other told it not to be busy looking for its dad, it was more important to destroy the enemy first. The Angel of Freedom has intelligence, and it itself does not have, so it thought that it should listen to the Angel of Freedom, so it began to search for Embryo all over the world again.

Then the Angel of Freedom told it that Embryo was gone, and Little Sky started to go back to look for its father. Until the Angel of Freedom found it for the third time and wanted it to come to Jupiter to put on sentry duty. Little Sky asked why it was it? The Angel of Freedom replied that it was because it had big eyes. Little Sky felt that the other side had a good point and agreed, so it began to live a life of rotation around Jupiter.

On this day, Little Sky was doing nothing as usual, when it suddenly felt a familiar wave. This was similar to the aura of the fruit of life, it at first thought it was a brother or sister whom it did not know. With a slight burst of energy, Little Sky broke away from its orbit of revolution and headed for the familiar aura nearby, then quickly discovered that what it felt was actually an unfolding boson jumping stance.

The boson stance unfolded frantically as if it were endless, and in the blink of an eye, it exceeded the diameter of Little Sky. This was the enemy that the Angel of Freedom had put on its guard, and Little Sky immediately understood this even without intelligence.

No, I can't wait any longer. Little Sky thought instinctively. If it waited any longer, there might be something as big as the moon coming out.

The huge eyeball began to accelerate toward the distant boson stance, and the eyeball itself was deformed. The eye was fixed in the center staring straight ahead, and the back of the sphere opened up to the sides, stretching into something resembling a flower petal while revealing the spikes waving inside. It didn't take long for Little Sky to reach its maximum speed, and its "arm span" exceeded more than ten kilometers long, showing colorful patterns all over its body.

At this time, the boson stance had already expanded to more than 2,000 kilometers, and Little Sky, which was only a dozen kilometers long, looked tiny in front of it. However, Little Sky continued to sprint toward the center of the stance without a moment's hesitation.

The waveform of the boson stance is very similar to that of the fruit of life, and it requires extremely high stability. As long as it can interfere with the structure of the boson stance, it can make it break itself. Little Sky didn't understand such complex knowledge, it only knew that the moon-sized enemy would kill its dad and all its brothers. But now, it had a last resort.

At the last moment, Little Sky remembered its dad, whom it had never seen, its brothers and sisters scattered all over the world, and the Angel of Freedom, who had given it such an important mission. Even if I'm not here anymore, everyone will be able to find dad. Little Sky thought so, and then exploded with a bang.

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