Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

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Chapter 173: The Undead of Laplace

"Using an alien plant to monopolize L4, that's really…" Wang Liu Mei wrapped her long ponytail around her right index finger and tilted her head sideways with a playful smile, "Dr. Lingus, can I think it was you who unknowingly destroyed the aliens and saved the earth?"

"No way." Ade shook his head honestly, "It wasn't me."

"Actually, it was me, Alice!" Miss Music Player said proudly in his head, "Well, the fool Ange also helped a little, but most of the credit is Alice's."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it." Wang Liu Mei took a deep breath. Her hand that played with her long hair trembled slightly, "The planet of aliens … I wonder what you will turn this world to… "

"I don't care what the world becomes, just doing my best to give everyone a chance." Ade shrugged indifferently, "Maybe you don't understand, just fighting for that chance is already hella hard. I don't care what human society turns out to be, I'm content to enjoy life with my wife and kid."

"The hella hard difficulty you are talking about is unimaginable." Wang Liu Mei flushed with excitement, "I really want to see that world, instead of living like this in the mire every day."

"There is no such thing as a savior or an immortal emperor. If you don't like the Wang family, leave, and if you can't leave, change it. From my view, you are completely on top of the game." Ade said casually, "What's more, you also have a huge network of resources at your disposal, such as the great Dr. Lingus. I don't know what you're struggling with?"

"Easy for you to say! You—" Wang Liu Mei slightly raised the tone of her voice, but her voice immediately dropped again, "You and I are not the same. You're qualified to say such things."

"Big families." Ade laughed contemptuously, "We have entered the universe century, and there are still such things exist. What a joke."

"Isn't there still a Queen on the moon?" Seems to be poked to the sore spot, Wang Liu Mei looked a little unpleasant, "A feudal society is even worse than a capitalist society, right?"

"Feudal society? You're still caught up in the usual thinking of this world." Ade leaned forward, "A just and honest founding Queen lives forever, a benevolent and virtuous prince regulates the dynasty forever, and considering the moon's geopolitical configuration and technological strength, industrial capacity and economic volume, food self-sufficiency and force deterrence. Miss Wang, I believe in your political literacy, tell me what this is?"

"… Utopia?" Wang Liu Mei read the signal from Ade's face that she guessed half right, "Wait, let me try again… No, that can't be right … Could it be…the earthly kingdom of God? The moon is a … secular state with no religion? Wouldn't the status of Queen Diana and Prince Loran be equivalent to—"

"Shhh!" Ade put up a finger in front of his lips, "I've hinted at this with many intelligent people, and you are excellent and one of the few who give a positive solution, but this topic ends here. If you are interested, you can slowly deduce in your mind, I will have an ominous feeling if you continue the discussion. What I'm trying to say is that the world is interesting enough, depending on how you look at it."

"No, absolutely no one in the family has ever seen the moon that way." Wang Liu Mei tilted her head slightly, out of breath, looking at the void, "A different perspective can see a completely different world …"

"Ade, Ade, I hacked it!" Alice suddenly called up in his mind, "There are videos and photos, which one do you want to see?"

"Neither one, I don't want it to hurt my eyes." Ade frowned, "Just delete it, Alice, I don't want this kind of stuff distorting your aesthetics."

"Oh, okay." Alice honestly responded, "I'll delete it then."

"Miss Wang, the thing you asked me to do just now." Ade interrupted Wang Liu Mei who was pondering, "I'll give you a hint, how about you try to rebel against the family yourself? The reward is counted as the expenses of this commission, and the favor is still owed."

"For the record, I never do a losing deal." Wang Liu Mei quickly sobered up, "What do you say?"

"Alberto is having an affair with his aunt."

"Tsk, that's not a pretty story at all." Wang Liu Mei smacked her tongue in disgust, then fell silent, and only after a while did she slowly speak, "You have done me a favor, I don't need you to pay for the entrust this time. Like you said, this time, I want to … rebel against it myself."

"It's good that you have the spirit of resistance, but that's two different things, the money must be paid." Ade said with a straight face, "Miss Wang, you are a beautiful woman, but I am a married and serious person, I don't want to owe you another favor."

"I still don't know that Dr. Lingus, who has three wives, is even afraid of domesticity?" Wang Liu Mei re-crossed her long legs and smiled wryly, "There are no cameras installed in this room, I have not learned self-defense, and Hong Long is not outside. Dr. Lingus, don't you want to do something?"

"No, I don't want to do anything."Ade got up and gave her a slight nod, "It's late, I'll take my leave."

After saying that, he turned around and left the room, leaving only Wang Liu Mei in the empty conference room with a bewildered look.

"Is he playing a cat and mouse game? No, no, it can't be…" Wang Liu Mei's stunning eyes opened wide, "With three wives, an adopted daughter, and a maid, he is actually a gentleman? What is this? A harem of pure love?"

Ade was proudly admiring his own righteousness at this time, "Alice, see? How resourceful I am?"

"Ade, I searched the internet and found a book named 'Master the Skills of Sarcasm In Thirty Days', do I need to download it?"

"… No need, you're already well versed."

Back to the hotel, Ade went to take a bath, and Alice also played the water with a lot of fun. By the time he entered his room, Mineva was lying on his bed, playing with his phone. Her two white and tender little feet wiggled in the half air.

Hearing the door open, Mineva immediately dropped the phone and turned over to face him, "Uncle Ade, you're back!"

"I thought you were asleep this late." Ade lifted the thin quilt to lie next to the little girl and rearranged her clothes, "You… sigh, you will catch a cold if lying on the bed like that."josei

"Hey." Mineva lowered her head in embarrassment, "I was too focused on playing with the phone, I'm sorry."

"You say sorry every time, how many times has it been?" Ade pretended to knock her small head very hard. Mineva pretended to be scared and hugged her head and shrunk into a ball, "Pay attention to it the next time."

"Uh-huh." Mineva followed Ade to lie down and skillfully arched into his arms. Ade hugged her smoothly, "Uncle Ade, when I grow up, can you still hold me to sleep like this?"

"No, Mineva will be a big girl by then." Ade gently patted the little girl's back, "The school should talk about physical hygiene in the upper grades, but… hmm, when the time comes… well, let Lacus talk to you."

"Then I don't want to grow up, I want Uncle Ade to hold me to sleep all the time." Mineva rubbed her head against his chest affectionately, "Uncle Ade, tell the story."

"That's right, bedtime stories, I almost forgot it, I was too busy today." Ade smiled and straightened her hair that started to grow longer again, just felt that the childish Mineva was too cute, "Where did I get to yesterday?"

"The master was captured by demons again." Mineva replied quickly, "The big brother intends to go to save the master, the second brother clamoring to run away, and the third brother strongly disagrees with it."

"How do I feel that I tell the same story every day? Children are not patient, it is easy to get bored." Ade silently thought, decided to temporarily change the content of the story, "The master was caught so many times, to this time, his luck was finally used up, and he was eaten by demons…"

"There are fifteen minutes to Dakar, Setsuna." The captain's voice rang out from the cockpit, "The location of the Federation headquarters is supposed to be a restricted area. There is no way we can break in, we have to turn around."

"Then turn around, I'll take the Gundam and sneak in alone." Setsuna said without any emotion, "The Laplace program is not responding to the current coordinate, I need to go deeper. I'm requesting strike."

"Permission to strike, remember to have the MS self-destruct if you can't escape, you mustn't expose Miss Lacus's identity." The captain said in an eloquent and powerful voice, "But it's best not to die, you're a good man, I can introduce my niece to you later."

"I refuse." Setsuna replied with the same coldness, "Everything takes precedence over the mission."

After saying that, Setsuna shut his mouth and stared at the Laplace program that had been activated on the screen.

It had been half a year since Miss Lacus had handed over the Gundam with the Laplace program to him. During these six months, he had been traveling around the world in order to trigger the coordinates of the Laplace program, but he had never found anything.

The areas on the Earth that they can go have been plowed through by them, and the rest are all sensitive areas that are heavily fortified. Now they had no choice but to take the risk, and the first target they chose was Dakar, the location of the Federation headquarters.

According to Miss Lacus' analysis, if Dr. E.A. Ray, the designer of the Laplace program, had indeed set the coordinates for a certain purpose or allegorical reason, rather than randomly choosing them, Dakar would be the most likely of the remaining options. In the time when Dr. Ray was still alive, Dakar was already identified as the headquarters of the Federation.

If not even here, the next step would be Britannia and the Federation's major military bases, and if not, they would have to look outside the atmosphere.

"Hey, Setsuna." The captain's voice interrupted Setsuna's thoughts, "You're born from the Kingdom of Azadistan, right? How did you get to Britannia?"

"I don't know." Setsuna answered coldly, "I have no previous memories."

"Looking at your face, you must be from Azadistan, right? The features are quite obvious." The captain gossiped, "It's nothing else, just that I just found out that there is a foreign guest who came to Dakar today, and she is the princess of your motherland. Don't be mesmerized by the princess' beauty. Haha."

"I don't know any princesses, and I won't delay the mission." Setsuna's mood remained unchanged, "My guide is Miss Lacus."

"Geez, it's no fun. You're too boring, you haven't grown at all for so long." The captain's voice suddenly became serious, "Here we are, we can't go any further. Setsuna, you have to get in without help, without support, without supplies, only completely on your own. I will meet you in place at sea, you can go now."

"Understood." Setsuna responded, "Setsuna·F·Seiei, Reborns Gundam, strike."

Reborns Gundam left the ship from the ejection track, jumped up, and sped away to high altitude. The disposable cloaking coating on the surface of the MS, which isolates most methods of detection, is one of the valuable legacies left by Ribbons Almark. As long as he doesn't get caught in a fight and keep his movement speed below a certain value, the coating is enough to last until the mission is complete.

The MS crossed the ocean zone and headed toward Dakar. After flying for a long time, just as it approached the sky above the Federation headquarters building, the symbol "La+" suddenly lit up on the screen in front of Setsuna's eyes.

"Is this the place?!" Setsuna's pupils dilated slightly. This was the first time he saw the program give a signal, "Miss Lacus is indeed correct!"

The "La+" sign quickly changed into a string of numbers, and Setsuna could tell at a glance that these were the coordinates of the three-dimensional positioning method designed by E.A. Ray. Just as he was about to enter the coordinates into the map and determine the next location—

"Setsuna, don't come back!" The captain shouted on the encrypted friendly channel, "A huge monster that only appears in movies has suddenly appeared on the sea, this is not an object that your MS can match, hurry up and run away by yourself, I will retreat too! I repeat, do not return!"

"Monster?" Setsuna replied without thinking, "Hold on, I'll be right back!"

"I told you not to come back!" The captain shouted impatiently, "Why are you just so, ahhhhhh—"

"Captain? Captain!" Setsuna anxiously waited for a reply from the other side, but the encrypted channel went silent with a huge explosion, "… hold on, I'll be right back."

At this time, Setsuna also doesn't care to hide. Reborns Gundam immediately flew back at full speed, and he was soon found by the Federation's defense forces. Before he could reach the beach, he had spotted the monster the captain was talking about, and the thing was moving at high speed roughly in the direction of the Federation headquarters building.

What appeared on the screen was a giant squid-like creature with two comically large eyes on its head and dozens of knuckles waving on its chest. And the most eye-catching is the two glowing whips in the position of the arms for ordinary creatures. The whips deftly flip up and down, as if they have their own minds.

"Rockon, I found the distortion point of the world that Miss Lacus said." Setsuna tightened his grip on the joystick in his hand, "Setsuna·F·Seiei, confirm the distortion and start eradicating it!"

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