Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: My Cool Life

The morning at Lingus' house was peaceful and quiet as usual, nothing special happened.

"By the way, why are you acting like you're ready to die heroically?" C.C. looked at Ade expressionlessly and coldly, "Have you already done something to an AI-turned-metal-based lifeform?"

Ade decisively chose to avoid the topic, "I'm just curious why you guys don't look surprised at all?"

"Of couse we have expected that. Since she can turn into a hand-me-down, it's normal to turn into a person, I'm not stupid." Ange looked strangely up and down at Alice, "Only I didn't expect your preference… hmm … seems I don't know much about you."

"So you see, with Ange's IQ, she has guessed it, so it's normal that Lacus and I have guessed it, right?" C.C. said with a smug look on her face, "I watched you grow up, how can I not know what you're thinking? Do you really think I don't know where you used to go after work every day, huh?"

"Tsk." Ange slanted her eyes and skimmed her mouth, "What do you mean? You're just—"

"Shut up!" C.C. was instantly furious, "Don't say a word, and I'll kill you!"

"To be honest, thanks to Alice you can be saved, not to mention that I was prepared for it." Lacus looked at the duo smiled and shook her head, "There is nothing to argue about now, let nature take its course."

"To the old Yang in heaven." Ade murmured excitedly in his heart, "After so many years of suffering, my harem has finally become harmonious."

"By the way, Alice, I thought your whole body would be metallic like in sci-fi." Ange asked in disbelief, "Why is it that only your hair is silvery white and your skin is normal color?"

"Because it is possible to change the surface structure, control the wavelength of the absorbed electromagnetic waves, and make the desired color. As for the color of my hair, it's because…" Alice glanced at someone very obviously, "… because Ade likes it. "josei

"Oh, so Ade likes silver and white hair." Lacus holding his arm slightly hard, "Although there are already so ~ so many people in the family, there is no hair color you like, it's really a pity. If you have other requirements, you might say them now? Maybe I can pick for you?"

"Wait, wait, wait! Silver and white?" Ange frowned, "Then that, that … right, Prince Loran's hair is silver-white, is it?"

"Your brain is finally broken? Loran is male, no matter how perverted Ade is, he still likes women, OK?" C.C. looked at Ange speechlessly, "I know Loran so many years, Diana and he are a loving couple. Even if Ade really wants to do something to Loran, can he agree to him?"

Ade would like to shout "Perverted? Me?", but looking at Alice's dress, he chose to shut up. As for the second half of the sentence, he refused to comment because Mineva was sitting on the right-hand side.

Alice looked left and right for a while and then happily walked towards Ade, before taking two steps and then "wow" shouted and lunged forward. Ade quickly caught her in his hands, followed by a sharp pain in the chest. Looking down, oh, it turns out that his heart is stabbed through by the unicorn on Alice's head.

The room was suddenly silent, and everyone stared at the scene in awe. Mineva looked almost going to cry out. Ade hastily pushed Alice's head away from his chest, and the hole in his cheat was quickly healed.

"Ade, I'm sorry." Alice sadly lowered her head, "I'm just not used to walking yet."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not in any pain." Ade touched Alice's head, "Just…can you change your image? The unicorn… is quite dangerous."

C.C. looked at Alice, who was at a loss for words, and sighed at Ade, "Actually, I'm still upset about Alice, but since you've been stabbed again, I'll let it go."

Ade knew in his heart that C.C. was taking the initiative to give him a step down, nodded gratefully, and silently remembered it to heart.

Alice over there thought for a moment, and the armor on her body began to slowly melt, deform, re-solidify, and finally became —

"I'm Miss Hyzenthlays now!" Alice posed a cute pose, "Unfortunately, Inle is too big. Otherwise, I will become Miss Inle."

The armor could barely cover her body, and a large piece of skin was exposed outside. Hyzenthlays' legs became something like high heels, and two tubes of small long-bladed rifles hanging from her waist seemed to be decorative.

Ade covertly gulped, but the corner of the eye noticed that Lacus' face was becoming more and more annoyed, so he immediately said, "Stop becoming MS girls, change a normal human wear clothes."

"Normal human clothes?" Alice cocked her head and thought, "Alice knows, is this? Or this? Or this? Ade, you have so much data in your profile, Alice doesn't know which one to choose."

As she said, her clothes changed into a sailor suit, a rabbit girl suit, a gothic suit …

"Stop!" Ade's face turned pale, almost kneeling down, "I don't mean that!"

"You don't look very good." C.C. sneered, "I don't believe Alice would go online to watch these things by herself, she tuned the data in your computer, right? Let me think … study material?"

"Study materials?" Lacus showed an interested look, "What is that? Ade, can you explain it?"

"I'll let him explain later, let's see what other fresh clothes we have first." Ange nudged Alice, "Don't stop, keep going."

"Ade said stop, then I will stop." Alice crossed her arms and replied naturally, "You don't have the authority to order Alice, only Ade does."

Ade's NT radar was alarming like crazy in his mind, and he realized that if they continued to chat, all of his "little secrets" would be exposed. Just as he was about to hint to Alice to call his own cell phone, it suddenly rang.

Ade grabbed the phone and walked aside without even looking at the caller ID, "Hello, who is it?"

"It's me." Loran's voice on the other end of the line was like heavenly music, "I heard from Queen Nunnally that you had gotten better, so I wanted to check with you, nothing else."

"Well, thanks to Alice, I'm fine now. I will talk to you in detail later." Listening to Loran's words, Ade's restless heart immediately calmed down, "How about I go to you this afternoon?"

"No, really." Laura whispered, "You must have a lot to say with C.C. and the others, spend more time with them. I just want to know your current situation, and it's enough to hear you say you're okay."

The sky was just dawning, and the maid at the end of the living room was greeting everyone with a meal, Ade waved his hand to her to indicate that he was not convenient at present, while taking a few more steps deeper into the room with his cell phone, "Well, I am now having ELS as my skin and skeleton, LCL as blood, the fruit of life as energy, in fact, I don't know what I am. To force the analogy, Gundam Lingus?"

"And what does it matter? It's your soul that I like." Loran softly said, "If I tell you now that the doctor failed again when he changed my body before, and now I have festering deformed tissues corroded by nanobot under my clothes, are you going to cut off friendship with me?"

Ade sighed speechlessly and said decisively, "I've got new information on my side, I need to discuss with you immediately what to do behind, I'll come to you this afternoon."

Loran was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and the vaguely audible breathing eventually turned into a light laugh, "Since so, I'll wait for you."

When Ade hung up the phone and went back to the table, everyone hadn't finished eating, except Alice, who sat aside and watched with slight envy. Seeing him coming, Alice hurriedly stood up and ran towards him. Running two steps, she made a "wow" shout and fell into Ade's arms.

In all conscience, Alice is not very comfortable to hold. She probably has not yet adjusted the softness of the skin well, and the clothes don't have the corresponding touch. Ade only felt that he was holding a metal ingot in his arms.

Looking at this, C.C. gave Lacus a questioning look, to which Lacus replied with a faint smile. C.C. shrugged knowingly to Ange, who rolled her eyes.

Mineva thought all three of them were nuts and snitched to Ade in the NT chat room.

"By the way, wasn't Alice originally only as big as a palm?" Ange suddenly asked, "Where did all those extra parts come from?"

"The ELS satellite." Ade looked down at Alice, "Teleported back with TurnA, right?"

"No." Alice hugged him and lifted her head, "I brought the whole TurnA back in a hurry."

"Huh?" Ade was stunned, "Why didn't you tell me about something so important? And where is TurnA?"

"It's outside." Alice stretched out a finger, pointing in the opposite direction of the front door, "It's parked right next to the house. I thought no one would see it at night anyway, so I… oops, no good, it's dawn. "

"How do you rate Lingus parked TurnA next to his own home?"

"Thanks for the invite, I'm in Kilimanjaro and just got off the spaceship.

"I just tutored my son to finish his summer homework, and I'm going to take him on a trip to Britannia next week. I didn't realize that the school work at Anaheim Elementary School was so heavy that the trip was almost a bust, haha."

"Haha, now let's come back to the topic. I'm going to answer this question. This is the hottest topic on the Internet in the past two days, and experts have a lot of different explanations about it. In fact, to analyze this behavior of Lingus, we must first understand Lingus as a person. And to understand Lingus as a person, we have to talk about the most sensitive topic of our time — NT.

"I have seen many NTs with my own eyes due to my work, well, actually about ten."

"The first appearance of Lingus was when he was received by Prince Loran after the One Year War, but he was not an NT at that time. Someone has confirmed that he became an NT around U.C. 0084, which I think is more plausible."

"In U.C. 0084, Lingus was still working as the director of the MS Institute in Anaheim's military industry, Amuro Ray, who was also an NT, was still muddling along, Char Aznable was fighting with people in the Supreme Council, Haman Karn was working as a secretary, Nunnally Vi Britannia was concealing her identity in Japan, and Paptimus Scirocco had just been rewarded by Hymem with a promotion to major."

"I first met Scirocco that year when he was still a lieutenant, when he hadn't met Lingus but had heard about it …"

"… That's all I want to say. Thanks for reading. — by anonym."

Bright Noa double-checked the text before he pressed the send button. He didn't write these things online for vanity's sake, but purely for leisure.

The reorganization of TITANS was completely over, and the whole circle of human activities was very peaceful due to the efforts of some people. Moreover, even if something new happens, even if the sky is going to fall, there is Lingus who can stop it, right?

At the moment of Quattro's disappearance, the Federation Council began to attack the Prime Minister by using Quattro's identity as a weapon, and the Prime Minister's faction denied all their accusations related to Quattro, refusing to admit that Quattro was one of their own people.

Bright knew that it was impossible for him to clear his relationship with Quattro, but he couldn't make up his mind to turn to the Prime Minister's faction. Under hesitation, he simply went home to be with his son. In the past, he thought that the Commander-in-Chief of A-Laws was a decent job, but now he realized that this position was not that easy to sit at.

But the most pitiful person is not him, but Char's lover, Nanai Miguel. Many people want to get her and the confidential information she knows. Fortunately, Bright helped Nanai out and hid her in a secret place, and until now he knew that—

"I can't believe she's pregnant." He closed his computer with mixed feelings, "What will be the child's last name? Deikun? Aznable? Bajeena? Alas, I guess the child will have to take its mother's name, Miguel."

He couldn't help but look at his son, who was playing with his phone in the room. He was very satisfied with Hathaway, smart, obedient, and well-behaved, and did well in his final exams. The only problem was that his son showed the qualities of an NT at a young age.

He is not NT, and his wife is not NT, so why is Hathaway NT? He knows that NT has nothing to do with genetics, but his heart is a little twisted. Thinking about it, he could not help but carefully look at his own son, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that the child didn't look like him, but like someone he was very familiar with…

"Hathaway." He got up and walked slowly behind his son, "What are you playing?"

"Talking to Audrey." Hathaway showed Bright his phone, "Look, Daddy."

Bright took the phone and looked at it; his son was indeed chatting with Lingus' daughter. Basically, Hathaway sent Audrey 20 or 30 messages, and then Audrey would reply to him with a "hmm", "oh" or "got it".

"Ok, this IQ, he must be my son, he can't be his son." Bright gave him the phone back and felt relieved, "But it seems that Lingus is really not good at educating children. He needs to learn more from me."

He doesn't have a problem Audrey, after all, his son is still too young, and he doesn't think that it's a bad thing for a girl to be precocious. But… isn't she too precocious? Should I have a talk about children's education with him?

He simply took out his cell phone and dialed Lingus' number, but before he could say anything, the other party immediately said, "Commander Bright? I have something for you, I have deduced the location of the next angel's attack."

"Huh?" Bright froze before responding, "Where?"


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