Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Worrying About the Sky

Chapter 25: Worrying About the Sky

This is the first state banquet Ade had experienced in his two lifetimes, but it is not quite the same as what he "used" to watch on TV. There were no dishes, no wine, but a number of delicate foods placed in front of each person. He and the Queen couple were the only ones sitting at the table in the ballroom, and Harry was standing in the corner of the room keeping his eyes open.

Everyone's attention was not on the food. Loran had been leading the conversation, Diana occasionally echoed, and Ade just kept on answering Loran's questions.

"Dr. Lingus, there is one thing I need to ask for your opinion." Loran still said in a casual tone, "PLANT invites you to have a month-long technical exchange there, what do you think?"

"Hmm?" Ade was caught off guard and froze for a moment, then played dumb, "Why?"

"Mr. Clyne said that there are still many uncertainties in the later stages of the nuclear power machine and would like to have an expert like you to guide from the side. Of course, if you are really willing to do an academic exchange, you are also welcome." Loran seemed to see Ade's concern, surprisingly took the initiative to state, "I personally think it's a good opportunity, increasing insight is also very necessary for scholars, right? What do you think, Diana?"

"You should not have any mental burden." Ade could not hear the emotional tendency from Diana's voice, "Your actions, your choices represent only yourself."

"Did PLANT say when it was?" This is a sincere statement, "I actually have quite a lot of things at hand."

"Next February. It's almost the end of the year, but there's still some time left."

"So …" Ade pretended to dwell on it for a moment, "Then I'll respectfully submit."

Then came another conversation without any substance until the end of the meal. The waiter had taken away the cutlery and Ade was about to give up on that urban legend when Diana suddenly spoke up, "Dr. Lingus, thank you for the outstanding contribution you have been making to the moon. In accordance with the usual practice, we will try our best to meet one of your requests as a reward."

"There is no need to rush, you can take your time to think about it." Loran smiled at Ade, "I am also curious about what kind of wish Dr. Lingus, the father of Gundam, will have."

"Ha ha, don't flatter me." In his identity, he can get anything he wants, and if he can't, then others also can't obtain it for him, "Gundam is not made out of nothing by myself."

"Oh, how so?" Loran looked curious, "I've never heard that you have an assistant. Is there someone else who gave you inspiration?"

"In fact, all the inspiration for the Gundam design …" success or failure, it all depends on the next sentence, "is from Turn A. So if it's not offensive, I'd like to see Turn A personally with my eyes. "

The friendly atmosphere at the table, which had been harmonious a second ago, was instantly swept away. Diana still had a cold look, but Loran seemed to have completely changed to another person. The kind image just now disappeared like a dream bubble. His sharp eyes prompted Ade this is a person who slaughtered an entire fleet, whose hands stained with the blood of countless people. For a moment, Ade remembered Ghingham, no, even more. It's like facing a creature higher up in the food chain.

"So, Doctor," Loran braced his hands on the table and aligned his five fingers in front of him, "Can you tell me the reason?"

The man in front of him was already a completely different creature from the Loran he remembered, and that was the only thing Ade could be sure of now. He carefully savored the other party's attitude - extremely alert and cautious, but felt little hostility. Even if he failed, he would just be rejected, and this was the best chance he had. There were some things that only he was fit to say in this capacity, and there was no reason not to take advantage of it.

"Out of curiosity." He just needs to tell the truth, "As a researcher, I can't help but wonder what kind of MS TurnA really is, what the last glow of the Earth-Moon War is all about, what the so-called Moonlight Butterfly really is, and whether the legendary black technology is traceable or not. "

"Is that all?"

"Isn't that enough?" This kind of unknown technology makes me sleepless! "Curiosity and desire to know is the greatest motivation of human beings."

Loran closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then opened his eyes to look at Diana. Ade did not see any expression on Diana's face, but Loran obviously had a different understanding than he did. Loran shook his head imperceptibly at Diana, who hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Ade felt bewildered. Is this a new type of secret signal?

"Dr. Lingus." Loran finally finished making eye contact with Diana and looked at Ade, "Some people say TurnA is the biggest trump card of the moon, and I don't deny that. Some people say that black technology is the biggest secret of the moon, I have no comment on this point. But I can tell you one thing: we don't know the origin of the black technology neither."

So it's really an unknown technology? This is probably the last answer Ade wants to hear.

"The so-called black technology is a relic that Diana and I inadvertently found when exploring on the moon. There are many incomprehensible advanced technologies. I can not even find a way to operate some of them, and the relic did not leave any records. I and Diana encountered many dangers and perils in it back then." As if remembering something, Loran held Diana's hand and gave her a warm smile, and Diana returned the same smile.

Ade felt a little underfed just then, and now looking at the couple, he was not only full but also a little stuffed.

"General Ghingham told me you were an NT before the meal, which surprised me, because when we met the last time, you were still not an NT." The fury on Loran gradually melted away and he slowly changed back to his previous courteous appearance, "More importantly, you have no ill will towards the moon nor towards us. I think to a human being, no malice is the greatest goodwill."

That's a bit pessimistic in Loran's words, but Ade understands it. It is because the world is the way it is that the mutual understanding between NTs is more valuable, and easier for people to become addicted to it.

"I and Diana trust General Ghingham's judgment. A mediocre person like me doesn't have the ability to find Turn A's secrets, but if it's you, Dr. Lingus, can you unlock the secrets?"

"His Highness Loran?" Does it mean …?

"TurnA only. You have one week to explore its secrets. After a week, please share with us whatever you have gained."

"… So what?" C.C. was bored squeezing the newly purchased Haro pillow, which was green like the last one, "You'll be back late every day for the next week?"

"It's TurnA! It's Moonlight Butterfly! You're completely missing the point of what's going on!" Ade waved her hands in an attempt to let this scientifically illiterate woman in front of him understand, "This is simply one of the most inexplicable things in the world, and I'll have a chance to figure it out tomorrow!"

"I don't think you can figure out a secret this big in a week, don't overestimate your IQ after making a few robots." C.C. put on her usual indifferent face, "And what will you do if you can't figure it out? Could it still make you sleepless?"

"Yeah." Ade nodded rightfully, "I haven't slept soundly since the day I seriously considered where the black technology came from."

"… Are you serious?" C.C. stopped tossing the pillow and looked at him suspiciously.

"Have you ever heard of an idiom called 'worrying about the sky' (杞人忧天)?"

"You know Chinese?!" Ade opened his mouth slightly in surprise, because C.C said the last four words in Chinese. "When did you learn that?"

"There is a man in the country of Qi who is worried that the sky will fall and the earth will sink, and he cannot eat or sleep every day." Finding that she understood Chinese, Ade couldn't help but speak directly in Chinese, "His friend reassured him that you can see the earth, sun, moon, and stars every day, what is there to worry about? The man thought about it and thought it made sense, so he stopped worrying."

C.C. did not interrupt. She seemed to be thinking.

"But the man's friend's analysis does not make sense. It's not even mathematical induction but just simple empiricism, which does not contain the conclusion that the sky will not fall and the ground will not sink. We laugh at the man because we stand on the shoulders of giants and know what the sky and earth are, so we can assert that the sky will not collapse and the earth will not sink."

"C.C., what do you call the so-called black technology?" Seeing that she had no interest, Ade gave up to continue speaking Chinese, "I worry every day before I go to bed whether the sky will collapse after I wake up the next day."

C.C. let out a long breath, tossed the pillow aside, and stood up from the couch to stretch. The pajamas were a little short, and the belly button showing for just three seconds completely ruined the atmosphere created earlier.

"… So what? You'll be back late every day for the next week?"josei

"If it's too late, I won't come back. I will bring a change of clothes there." Ade skimmed his head and pretended not to see anything, "I'll call you when I don't come back."

"You will go to PLANT the next February, right?" C.C. sat back on the sofa and regained her pillow and tossed it, seemingly a little happier than just now. Her mood is more and more difficult to judge. Ade also took a long time to gradually figure out the pattern, "Just in time, I will go back to Earth at that time."

"Why? Isn't it unsafe?"

"Things will be almost over at that time. And you should know," C.C. patted Haro's head, "Geass and NT are simply two completely incompatible systems, right?

What the fuck is this scientific common sense…

"I didn't think it's important at first. After all, you have enough anomalies in your body. But listening to what you just said, I'm a little worried about the sky. And I will drive your…" C.C. lifted her breath as if to say something, then gave up, "… your Blue-eyes White Dragon to Earth. I will be very safe on your ship, and Shinn Asuka can be my free bodyguard."

"Just in case, I ask one more question," I hope it's not a bad prediction. "In case you get lost, where can I find you?"

"First time you've asked that question in years, right?" C.C. was obviously laughing, which made him a little embarrassed, "… Japan."

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