Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Heaven on Earth

Chapter 34: Heaven on Earth

In the briefing room of the Eternal, Creuset was explaining the next battle plan.

"Due to the presence of civilians on board," he nodded to Ade, "this operation will be MS-based, with warships staying out of the battle as much as possible. We cannot track the location of Justice Gundam, so the main strategy for this operation is to predict the enemy's course of action and intercept it."

The Creuset at the front of the room had an upright figure, blond hair, and a confident look that made people unconsciously feel convinced. If Ade didn't know the real character of this man, he would also be cheated.

Ade is now guessing Creuset's thoughts, "The gods of fate are really on my side! Mankind is really doomed to retribution! I am now going to … be …" I am not a psychopath, how do I know what a psychopath wants!

Serious analysis, what Creuset wants should be a war, and the nuclear balance being broken should be the easiest stimulus, not only for Earth, but for PLANT as well.

What I have to do now is to try to ensure that Neutron Jammer Canceller cannot be handed over to the Earth Federation, which is in my interest.

There are three good possibilities for the enemies: getting only Justice, getting only Freedom, or getting both of them, and their final aim should be bursting into the atmosphere. Assuming that the enemy withdraws by the shortest route, at least three possible courses of action can be predicted based on the speed of Gundam. All the Eternal has to do is choose one of these possible routes to intercept.

"The best place to intercept is these places. I choose this place, where has the highest probability of encountering the enemy in my calculation."

The location chosen by Creuset is closest to the atmosphere, and it's not wrong to say that the probability is the highest. But Justice Gundam is able to burst into the atmosphere alone. If the enemy escapes into the atmosphere, they have no way to stop the enemy. However, Creuset is the supreme commander, and Ade has no right to stop him.

"The enemy is Justice Gundam, and the pilot is likely to be an ACE. The ship's mass-produced mobile suits are not necessary to go out, Athrun and I will be enough. Athrun, do you have any problem with this?"

"No problem, Captain!" Athrun stood at attention and saluted, looking reliable, or at least reliable for now.

"Captain Creuset, sorry to interrupt." Ade raised his hand and interrupted him, "Uraki is also a precious ACE, so to prevent the world from being destroyed and to guard the peace of the world, please let him take part in as well."

"This is an internal ZAFT matter, never involve a civilian like you!" Of course, he would refuse. If there were three ACEs, how can he act and let go of the enemy? "The enemy is not familiar with the operation of Justice Gundam, don't worry, here is enough with me and Athrun."

"No, no, no, this is not just an internal matter of ZAFT. Since I am on this ship, this involves my safety. Even if it's just to protect my own safety, V2 must go together."

Ade sensed a flash of mockery from Creuset, probably Creuset thought that he was too timid? But that worked in the end. Creuset didn't refuse Uraki to go with them after that.

After that, Creuset began to explain the battle plan in detail. After the meeting adjourned, Ade returned to the room and Uraki followed.

"Doctor, what should I do? Do I really need to attack Justice Gundam?"

"Of course, you know about Neutron Jammer Canceller. I don't want to see it falling into the hands of the Federation. It may lead to war." Ade opened his work laptop and began drawing simple schematics, "It would be ideal for you to find an opportunity to blow up Justice while keeping yourself safe."

"But Doctor, it is a nuclear-powered Gundam that you designed yourself." Uraki looked a bit unsure of himself, "The last time I fought for real was a mimic battle against Asuka's F91. I'm not sure I can beat the Federation's elite."

Ade looked at him with a bit of sigh. Uraki is a good man, but he underestimates his own strength too much. But I can't blame him, because one's self-confidence is gained from one success after another.

"Uraki," Ade said, "although you have now become more and more like a funny character, I do have great trust in your level. The enemy just got the modified Justice, certainly not familiar with the operation. Besides, isn't the poor man's V2AB well-designed by me? Moreover, you will fight with Athrun and Creuset, not fight alone. Have some self-confidence!"

"Modified Justice and poor man's V2AB? Doctor, I have even less confidence!"

"Don't worry, you have no problem." Ade showed him the sketches drawn in his notebook, "The modified Justice is probably like this - don't dwell on words like 'modified', the original version is only in my head, it does not exist. What? What do I mean by the poor man's V2? The V2 is not powered by nuclear power but by a battery, what's wrong with calling it a poor man's Gundam?"

Then Ade began to explain to Uraki the functions and performance parameters of Justice. As for the specific countermeasures, that is something Uraki should consider himself.

"Wait, doctor, I thought of a very serious problem." Uraki suddenly interrupted Ade, full of worry, "Justice Gundam is nuclear powered. Will it cause a nuclear explosion if I shoot it down?"

"Of course not. Would I come up with that design? After excessive battle damage, the chain reaction will be broken by force. Rest assured to aim at the cockpit."

Next, he explained to Uraki for a while, and then Uraki went to make preparations. Ade did not go to the bridge, there was little point, and now he could only trust Uraki.

He opened his browser and logged into the technical section of the Anaheim forum and started reading the posts to see what the latest information was. Unfortunately, there was nothing new in the forum, and he was bored while clicking through the pages and thinking about it.

It would be nice if he could talk to Alice at this time, but as long as the security problem is not solved, he can't have Alice with him all the time. Alice is currently authorized to browse the Internet anonymously with a virtual address, but he forbade Alice to communicate with any object, including himself. He could not afford to take the risk. He originally made a protection program called Green Dam, but after seeing TurnA's encryption technology, he suddenly felt that Green Dam was not safe either.

By this time, C.C. should have arrived in Japan, I wonder what she is doing now? How about sending a message asking, "Where are you? Have you eaten?"

Well, forget it. It's not the right time to do this.

"Miss C.C., why are we still in Orb Union? It's been almost half a month." Shinn counted the dates with his fingers, "I only took a month's leave, so I'll be counted as unexcused absentee after that…"

"It's not Orb Union's problem, it's the independence movement over there in Japan now, which made the immigration control very strict. The entry permit is a week later, it makes no sense to leave now." Unexcused absentee? I hope you are fired, then you can only join us! C.C. thought to herself, "If you really think work is more important than Mayu, you can take the boat back now and get tickets for tonight at the earliest."

"Brother, don't worry, I'll be fine alone now." Mayu turned her chair to face Shinn and made an understanding expression, "Brother's work is more important."

"No no, of course Mayu is more important!" Shinn shook his head desperately, "I have no problem staying any longer!"josei

Mayu smiled sweetly, and Shinn felt his heart melting.

"By the way, I haven't finished the homework assigned by Adrien-san… Miss C.C., can I ask you a few questions?" Shinn fished out a small book from his pocket, "I've searched online and read some books, but there are still some parts that I don't quite understand. But if it is Miss C.C., you must understand it!"

"What's the problem? Tell me." She knows that Ade has been letting Shinn read and write book reports, but she was curious about what homework he will assign to Shinn. And she felt that there was really quite little she didn't know, so it was unlikely that she couldn't answer.

Shinn quickly flipped through her little notebook, "Oh, there it is. First, I was asked to analyze whether NewType's sense is a priori, empirical or transcendental, and briefly explain why. I can probably understand both empirical and transcendental, but I still can't quite understand what the priori is. Miss C.C., do you understand?"

C.C. pretended she understood the question and pretended to think for a moment, "Well, there are many different ways to define it, and I suggest you do different specific analyses according to each of them. Next problem, please."

"Brother, you're so good!" Mayu looked at her brother with admiration, "I can't even understand the question!"

"I'm not even close. Mr. Adrien and Miss C.C. both know much more than me." Shinn scratched his head with some embarrassment and continued flipping through his little book, "The next one was for me to choose any three countries to analyze their current productivity and production relations. I came across a concept called exploitation and labor alienation when I was looking at productivity. I understood exploitation, but I didn't quite understand the words 'labor alienation'."

"Pass. The next question." C.C. interrupted him decisively, "This question is rather profound, and I only know it but can't express it well, it's better for you to ask Ade directly."

"No wonder I didn't understand it, it turned out to be a question that Miss C.C. doesn't understand." Shinn again pulled out a stack of manuscript paper and unfolded them, "The final homework is to write a short essay on the political system of the Earth Federation. I have finished it and printed the essay out. Miss C.C. can you help me revise it?"

"If I help you revise it, it can't reflect your true level." C.C. didn't take the printout, but said righteously, "You have to show Ade what you really learned, and it doesn't matter if your essay is bad. What Ade wants to see is your progress, not fudging to get the job done, got it?"

Shinn thought seriously about C.C.'s words and nodded, "You make a lot of sense, Miss C.C., I almost went astray. You deserve to be Mr. Adrien's … … er, well … it's time to train my driving now!"

C.C. also did not care much about Shinn's words. She and Ade have a complicated relationship, it's difficult for the Asuka siblings to understand.

On the contrary, Shinn now every day will drive Gundam out to the high seas for a long time. He claims that it is to make his driving skill less rusty, but according to C.C.'s observation, he just likes that robot a lot. Is this big robot so fun? She can drive it herself and doesn't find it more interesting than driving a tractor.

The most troublesome thing is that this child will always pick up some strange and useless large garbage from the high seas after he is back. There is certainly no room for these things on the boat, and in the end, she told people to throw them all away.

"Don't pick up any more garbage back today." C.C. felt that she had been a bit mentally debilitated by the siblings recently, "It's troublesome to throw them away every time."

"Okay!" Shinn nodded hard, but C.C. wasn't sure if he listened, "No garbage pickup. I understand!"

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