Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Bright Noa

Chapter 52: Bright Noa

"Our newly appointed Minister of Science and Technology, Adrien Lingus, is about to arrive in Argama this afternoon, lunar time, for a three-day visit. This is Minister Lingus' first trip since taking office and the first foreign visit received by the Londo Bell team since its inception. The visit will further advance the friendly relations between the Earth and Moon, especially in terms of mutual benefits in technology. Minister Lingus said earlier …"

"I didn't indicate anything, and Captain Creuset didn't get excited to say it." Ade turned off the news, "Why does this kind of report have to include dialogue from key people? Isn't it good to have only narrator descriptions?"

"Uh, not vivid enough?" Uraki scratched his head, "No picture?"

Ade wasn't expecting an answer from him, just complaining. The visit was a helping hand for both sides, only no one knew that the moon also needed this helping hand. The Moon showed high regard for Ade, with the older General Ghingham personally escorting in his battleship, in strict defense of anyone getting into trouble.

In fact, the most ideal situation for this negotiation is Londo Bell to send people to the moon, but after all, without any government endorsement, they can't go to another country's territory. So tentatively, Ade would go to their flagship in the daytime, and come back to his own ship in the night.

"But General Ghingham would also come. His rank is equal to the commander-in-chief on Earth, right?" Uraki has lived on the moon for a period of time. He has had a concept of this level of character, "It's impossible for us to get into troubles-"

"Shut up, Kou!" Ade suddenly looked very agitated, "This event is very dangerous, the hidden dangers are so great that we must take every step carefully, and the slightest inattentiveness would put us in danger! It's really scary!"

Uraki looked at the doctor blankly, wondering what mistake he had made.

Incidentally, Ade capriciously took Hyzenthlays with him, and he decisively chose the latter between not giving trouble to the leader and keeping his promise to Alice.

Sometime later, the warship from the moon side arrived at the agreed starfield. Ade and Uraki, along with a small entourage, traveled to Akama in a small shuttle. General Ghingham, of course, wouldn't go. No one on the opposite side is qualified to talk to him.

Ade had a natural fondness for the name Londo Bell, and somehow he always felt that in this messed up world, if he got into the fleet, he would live to see the grand finale.

But of course, this good feeling will not affect his judgment, he is here on behalf of the moon government, not to deliver Gundams to them as a Christmas gift package. If he really dared to do it, Loran will undoubtedly tear him apart with his hands. Maybe even worse.

Stepping off the shuttle, he looked up and saw a banner hanging above, "A warm welcome to Dr. Lingus for his visit". Although the banner is a bit sketchy, after all, Londo Bell is stationed in the universe, it's not easy to make it. It's a pity that the applauders on the left and right are all men in federal uniforms, not beautiful girls.

Ade obviously noticed that some soldiers looked at him with special excitement and clapped harder than the others, probably the same way Uraki did when he first met him. It seems that he has fans here?

He went to the front as the highest-ranking person on the moon side, and Colonel Bright Noa came forward to shake hands with him as the representative of Londo Bell. Although there were no reporters there, the two of them had to exchange pleasantries. After the pleasantries, with the captain accompanying, Minister Lingus started his tour of Akama.

Ade paid close attention to the hangar. Except for Amuro's Zeta Gundam, only a very small number of RGM-79GM Ⅲs were seen, the others were all various models of RGM-79GM Ⅱs. Considering that the moon is now changing its entire army to the RGM-89 Jegan he just designed, the MS resources Bright Noa has are simply miserable in comparison.

After the ceremonial things, he finally can be relieved. Ade thinks he is still not suitable to engage in this kind of thing. The next step was a talk with only the core staff. Bright with three ACEs under his command, Ade, Uraki, and Lucette Audevie went into the conference room.

Loran insisted that Ade get a working secretary, otherwise, it would be too inconvenient. Ade's first thought was actually Lacus, but her identity was too sensitive to be possible. Thinking about it, there are nothing particularly good candidates, and the secretary will not participate in any confidential matters, so he let Lucette Audevie do it. This girl helped Uraki block a bullet in the Stardust incident and luckily did not die. After Uraki came to the moon, he personally went to her home to say thank you. As for if there is something that happened later, that's something Ade doesn't know.

"Dr. Lingus, please allow me to introduce you to these three. In fact, two of them are your acquaintances, and there is no need for me to introduce them." Bright pointed to the third blond handsome man who Ade should "not know", "Who is -"

"Captain Mu La Flaga, the miracle of A Baoa Qu." Ade offered his hand, "I've heard a lot about you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I can't believe even Dr. Lingus knows me, it's me who should be honored to meet you." Flaga smiled brightly and shook Ade's hand, looking serious, "I didn't expect the doctor to be younger than I thought."

In the last A Baoa Qu battle of the One Year War, this man drove an Iron Ball and rushed into the battlefield, and shot down three Zakus. Although he utilized some tactics, it still earned him the reputation of being a miracle of A Baoa Qu.

Then Amuro greeted him briefly, but Ade could sense that he had something to say. Now was not the right time, and the two exchanged casual glances.

"I didn't expect the fated reunion to come so soon, we meet again, Dr. Adrien." The last one looked pleased, "Thank you for your recommendation to Captain Bright, the atmosphere of this unit is pleasant to the mind and body. Zeta is also a rare and great beauty, it's just a pity that she belongs to someone else."

At those words, Ade couldn't help but sneak a look at Amuro, who made a helpless expression and smiled bitterly.

"I'm also glad to see you, Captain Graham Aker." Ade shook Graham's hand as well, "I think you'll probably have a kiss soon, if Captain Flaga is gentleman enough."josei

"Let me explain. Please have a seat, Doctor." Bright let everyone take their seats one by one and began to explain, "This time, Dr. Lingus from the Moon side invited us to cooperate in the research and development related to the application of psycho-frame on MS, and we are expected to build a Gundam-type MS as the pilot machine. Our Londo Bell team will fully provide multiple test pilots and all the test data needed, and the Lunar side, Dr. Lingus?"

"Our side will sell this pilot machine to your side at cost." Ade recited from a prepared script, "We'll talk more later about the rest of the discounted sale of the mass-production MSs and the long-term plans for the future, but everything is based on the fact that we can work well together this time."

"Exactly, so that's the task for the three of you." Bright nodded at the three ACEs, and Aker's two eyes seemed to be glowing, "Please rest assured, Doctor, that Londo Bell comes with the utmost goodwill this time."

That's right, all three are test pilots. It's not easy to have such a perfect opportunity, Ade chooses them all.

"Dr. Adrien, I'm not going to lie, we don't really have much choice." Amuro sighed, "In order to keep Londo Bell, we made a lot of exchanges, as you should know. But most importantly, TITANS also got the information on the psycho-frame, I'm sorry."

"It's not Captain Amuro's fault, after all, this unit is full of people Senior Hymem dislikes." Flaga watched Amuro, "Being sent to a place like this, not even have a decent MS, and expecting us to save the Federation? It's a miracle that even I can't perform."

"Factional struggle is sickening, thankfully there are trustworthy commanders and comrades here." Aker paused, "And Gundam."

Bright didn't stop him, only made an "oops, my children really naughty" expression to Ade. In fact, think about Bright also just under thirty, you can not expect him to be old and serious.

Now it is clear that the heads of the two forces are in talks, somehow it has become everyone together complaining TITANS. So it is impossible to negotiate when both sides have NTs, whether it is good or bad intentions, both sides know it clearly. Ade intends to resolutely refuse Amuro's attendance in the specific consultation process later, and he believes that Amuro can understand it.

In fact, the trip is almost over here today, the specific negotiations will start tomorrow. The main task today is to meet and get familiar with each other. But the few here obviously have no intention of stopping, and intend to keep the tea party going. Lucette poured a cup of tea for Ade, and by the way, took a cup for each of the people in the room.

"By the way, the people here, including the captain and the doctor are familiar with each other, right? And only I am a new friend?" Flaga smiled, "Doctor, you can just call me by my first name. My ears are getting calloused listening to Amuro and Aker talking about you and Gundam. But Doctor, you are really young! I can't believe it until I see it with my own eyes."

"Speaking of young, Colonel Bright is the youngest colonel, isn't he?" Ade smiled at Bright, "As I recall, it never happened before since the Federation has been around."

"But not will never happen in the future." Mu glanced at Bright and fearlessly took up the conversation, "I'd say Major Scirocco could probably be a Commodore by the Captain's age, right? And isn't the youngest colonel Kira Yamato?"

"I don't have a problem with Kira Yamato, but can Orb Union's over-the-hill rank count?" Aker looked serious, "There is a more important issue, the pilot plane will carry a psycho-frame, so it will be assigned to Captain Amuro, right? Then who will drive Zeta after that? Captain Bright, do you have any plans?"

Bright let out a long sigh and looked like his heart was so tired. When the men are all problematic ACEs, to be the captain is actually very painful. The only relief is that Amuro is still relatively honest.

After chatting for a while, Bright invited Ade and his party to have dinner together in the canteen of Akama, and the day's journey was officially declared over. It is reasonable to say that at this time, Ade should go back to his ship. Just as Ade was about to get on the shuttle, Amuro suddenly called out to him, "Doctor, please let me go with you."

"I'm sorry, I may have misheard. Can you say it again?"

"There's no time for jokes, Adrien! Your current condition-" Amuro's expression was serious as he reached out and tapped his forehead with his finger, "is dangerous."

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