Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: The End of the Shi family

The Imperial Palace.

"We have a problem mother, Grandfather was just removed from his position and arrested!"

"What?" imperial consort Shi stood at the speed of lightning. She felt like her whole works were falling around her but there was nothing she could do about that. She touched the gold necklace on her neck and held on tight, in normal circumstances, she wouldn't hold such a precious necklace this tight but things were far from normal.

She held down the pendant, "why and how was father arrested? She sounded so calm while experiencing a small mental breakdown within her. She kept running through the plan she had concocted with her father. No matter how she checked, it looked to be fail-safe. Why then was her father arrested?

Zhongshan Cheng moved closer and replied in a loud whisper, "Imperial Father found out about our deal with the Droko tribe mother!"

"No no no, this is not good. I must speak with the Emperor immediately!" She put her feet into her shoe hurriedly and ran towards the door but was held back by her son. Zhongshan Cheng grabbed his mothers wrist and pulled her close.

He feared that his father wouldn't help them again, this time the evidence wasn't in their favour. His grandfather was in dire strain, the evidence provided was solid and given that it was submitted by the state Duke. A celebrated official of two regimes, who would dare question his judgment.

"Don't bother going mother, Father already announced that grandfather would be executed in three days" 

Imperial consort Shi wrestled away from his hand and a straight to the Emperor's sturdy, proprietary be damned. She didn't notice the strange looks the servant along the way gave her because of how she was dressed. She didn't look like herself, from her simple plain clothes usually worn indoors to her simple hairstyle.

Her feet slipped out of her shoes but she didn't pause her movement. She kept running with only one foot on until she got to the Emperor's palace. She was held by the shoulder by two muscular guard Eunuchs. No one was allowed into the Xincheng Palace without the Emperor's permission. 

"Consort Shi" Chief Eunuch Caihong called out eye wide. He was surprised to see her this way. She looked nothing like the grandly dressed pampered Imperial consort he was familiar with. He stood guard at the door while the Emperor took a nap inside and was taken aback by her actions. The palace had rules but because of how much the Emperor spoiled thus consort. She dared to intrude in this secrete place. 

He held up his palm, "please hold. Your highness, how dare you badge in without permission!"

Imperial consort Shi struggled out of the tight hold of the two Eunuchs and when that failed she glared at the chief Eunuch. She was aware that this eunuch didn't like her. While he away treated her respectfully, he was distant to her. To him, she was a servant while the Empress was master.

She glared at him, "Caihong! You dare keep me away from his Majesty? You have grown big, Let me go this instant!" 

Chief Eunuch Caihong pulsed his lips and gazed at her coldly, "Consort Shi! Where is this place you are standing? This is Xincheng palace, the home of many Emperors. It is not a place you can enter at will, even her highness the Empress must respect this place much less you a mere servant!"

"Who are you calling a servant, you spinless man! I have always walked in and out of here. You must have your agenda!"

Chief Eunuch Caihong's expression darkened, he smiled coldly, "When you did so, it was on the Emperor's orders! If you are not going to follow the rules, leave here. Don't make things difficult for me!"

"You...!" josei

Her shouting suddenly woke the Emperor from his nap, he tossed and turned twice before giving up on sleep. He glared in the direction of the main doors and lying by his side called out "Who is there! Caihong!"

Caihong looked in the direction of the door, the Emperor didn't usually sleep well but this was early even for him. He glared at the loud woman in front of him and replied "Yes, your Majesty!"

He rushed in, head bowed. The Emperor clicked his tongue when he saw the eunuchs usual smile.

'What is there to be happy about or is he just a clown that is paid to be forever in a sunny mood' Emperor Zhong thought eyes narrowed to slim slits. 

Chief Eunuch Caihong didn't seem affected by the Emperor's sour expression or even though he was, he didn't show it. He rushed to the side of the bed and lowered his face, "forgive the small one for it coming early, I didn't expect your Majesty to be awake this early".

Emperor Zhong hissed, "how could I possibly sleep peacefully with all that Rokus going outside. Who were you reprimanding earlier?".

"Answering Your Majesty, Imperial Consort Shi is standing outside requesting for an audience."

Emperor Zhong frowned, "why is she here and making so much noise at that? Did you not inform her that I was asleep or is she hard of hearing!"

Chief Eunuch Caihong glanced at the door and walked closer, "this small one didn't have an opportunity to do that Your Majesty. Consort Shi badged in suddenly requesting an audience urgently".

Caihong felt the temperature drop as the Emperor glared daggers at the door. "Have I been too soft on her that she has lost her reasoning. How dare she come in here without permission, tell her to leave. I don't wish to see her".

"Yes, this small one will send her away" Chief Eunuch Caihong bowed and retreated. 

Imperial consort Shi looked up expectantly as he walked out, "Eunuch Caihong, is the Emperor asking for me?"

Caihong clicked his tongue, she had a smug smile on her face. He felt irritated by the mere sight of her but he didn't let that show. His feelings were not of importance as long as he performed his duties. He came forward a stood a short distance from her, "His Majesty, will not be seeing you. Please leave".

"You lie, did you even tell him I was here. No, I don't think you did" She walked around the eunuchs restricting her and rushed to the door. The Eunuchs were faster than her, they held her by the waist and carried her up. She kicked her legs and arms and tried to get out of their hands. "Let me go, let me go. Your Majesty!, Your Majesty! Please let me in. It is Xianyi. Your Majesty! You_"

"CONSORT SHI!! Please don't make things difficult for me. His Majesty is taking a nap, please don't make any more noise" Caihong said calmly. 

"You are lying, I heard his Majesty call you in. She increased her voice, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Please let me in". 

Inside the palace, Emperor Zhong held a pillow to his ears. In a bid to cancel out her loud cries but he still heard them loudly. He couldn't stay still much longer and got up from the bed. He walked out of the door, Chief Eunuch Caihong stood with his back to the door while looking down at Consort Shi.

Shi Xianyi stood back as soon as she saw him and curtsied. "Your Majesty, you came. I know you wouldn't leave me like this. Your Majesty, I would like to have a word in private with you. I have been standing out here but Eunuch Caihong refused to let me in. You have to_"

She paused when she saw the Emperor's dark expression. She took a step back, mouth open. This was the first time this expression was targeted at her. "Your Majesty," she said in a shaky tone.

Emperor Zhong ignored her and said, "Take the Consort away. She is too unruly to be allowed outside without supervision. Consort Shi is grounded to her Palace and not allowed outside without permission!"

"Yes, your majesty" Caihong caught the eunuchs eyes and waves them away.

The Eunuchs hands around her arm tightened as they dragged her forward. Shi Xianyi resisted briefly and called the Emperor, "Your Majesty please give me an audience. Please your majesty!"

Emperor Zhong glared at her and returned to his room. The conversation was over as far as he was concerned, he had given her soma way out but she acted stubbornly. The Palace wasn't a madhouse, he wasn't going to tolerate such a scene. The Emperor quickly saw himself comparing her to the Empress. Both women were married to him and both went through the same things. 

However while Shi Xianyi ran here to make a scene, the Empress never made a scene and instead quietly investigated the case. They were different classes of women, he never noticed this difference until now. 

The Imperial consorts actions and the Emperor's response spread like wildfire in the palace. The rumours going around was that the arrogant consort Shi had finally lost the Emperor's favour. Everyone understood that this time it was final, the Shi family had fallen. The Imperial Harem was a jungle full of snakes, as soon as Consort Shi lost favour. 

Everyone she previously intimidated sharpened their claws. However, before making a move they waited to see how the Empress responded. Since the Empress was the one she hurt the most.

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