Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: The wedding 1

 The Imperial Palace.

Zhongshan Cheng woke up to the best news of the year, He was getting ready for his first day back at court when the steward ran in and reported that Lu Yaozhu was caught up in a scandal and will be getting married. Lu Yaozhu and his brother Lu Yingjie were a thorn in his side and as such he welcomed every news that puts them in a bad light 

He caught more excited when he discovered that the bride was a mere servant. A servant with a bad lineage, according to his spies. The Bride was the daughter of a dismissed maid at the mansion of the military commander of Qinzhou 

Lu Yaozhu was unlucky in marriage because the mother of his bride was a popular songstress in the capital. It was rumoured that the maid was dismissed when she was found to be pregnant for the commander's heir Yuan Jinli. Since the Yuan family were reputable, nothing could be proven.

The marriage was a big joke disguised as a blessing, father Emperor made a significant dent in the Lu Family's prestige. Lu Yaozhu's wings could be considered clipped since he couldn't marry Elder Princess Ni'an's granddaughter.

Zhongshan Cheng rushed to his mother's palace after the court session in high spirits. He hummed as he walked into her palace, smiling at the maids assigned to her palace. His mother was trimming her flowers when he arrived, She looked up from her task and smiling

"Xiao Cheng, you look dashing in your uniform. I am almost done, hold on" she said. 

He waited patiently for her to be done with the task and hand the plant over to a maid to take away. Once they were alone, imperial consort Shi took her son's hands and let him to a seat. "You look overjoyed, it is your first day back. How was court?"

"How did you do it, mother. father Emperor announced that Lu Yaozhu's marriage during the court session" he said excitedly. 

Imperial Consort Shi chuckled as she replied "I didn't do much, my Son. The real mastermind is your wife, she is the one that thought of the whole thing".

"Zhu Feifei?"

"Yes, she laid out the plan. I was as surprised as you were when she suggested it. I guess it was a good thing that you married her".

Zhongshan Cheng remembered the ranging tigress he had married and shook his head. It felt so unreal but considering her amicable Zhu Feifei had been of late, it made sense. "Well, good to see that she is finally earning her keep. Now that the union between the Lu Family and the state Duke's family isn't possible, what is the plan for Xia Ying?"

"I don't know yet, his majesty said he would handle that".

"Father favours us, whatever he has planned would favour us. There is no need to worry."


Meanwhile at Jing Palace 

Su Liya woke up from yet another quick nap feeling anything but relaxed. She had been kept in the palace for three horrifyingly long days. The Emperor claimed that it was to prepare her for marriage but She like every other smart people in the know, were aware that the Emperor's main purpose was to prevent her from running away.

The Emperor took this sham of marriage seriously, for the past few days, the palace servants went around preparing for the wedding. The imperial Embroidery mistress and two other assistants visited her on her first day in the palace. They took her measurements for both her wedding dress and a few official dresses.

The Emperor was very serious, a few hours before the clothing department came, the minister's of rites visited her and delivered the official addict and other documents. She had been adopted by the Empress, her name was added to the Empress's genealogy.

Su Liya understood that it was just in name, In the three days, she has been in the palace her "mother" visited Zero times. Not that she felt sad or anything, she was okay with the Empress ignoring her. That saved her from any awkward meeting, she knew fully well that the Empress like madam Lu was displeased with the match.

Su Liya herself didn't know what to make of this union, she had a lot going on in her head to dwell on that. Waking up in a strange bed with a stranger did that to one, these past few days she felt a wide range of emotions. From despair to resignation, she had no other choice but to accept her present condition.

Her experience in life made her somewhat jaded, she didn't like to be the damsel in distress and learned to adapt to whatever situation she found herself in. She was all alone in the world and can only depend on herself. Apart from the palace Etiquette Mistress and a few maids, she didn't have any other visitors.

That quickly changed by 9 am on her fourth day in the palace, she had just finished going through a gruelling lesson with the Palace Etiquette Mistress. When the maid announced that imperial consort Shi was at the door.

Su Liya was grounded at Jing palace by the Emperor, she couldn't leave without his permission. She had been pretty much bored throughout her stay in the palace, apart from the stone-faced Etiquette Mistress and the scared maids, she was pretty much left to her own devices.

With nothing much to do, Su Liya found herself reading and studying the etiquette books left by the Etiquette Mistress. She followed the usual protocol and saluted the Imperial Consort. This wasn't her first time meeting imperial consort Shi, she had met her a few times while accompanying Zhu Fengyin.

Everything she met this consort, she was always amazed by her superb acting skills. If this was modern time, imperial consort Shi could win an Oscar with her acting. This time wasn't any different, imperial consort Shi acted like the concerned elder.

She acted like they were very close, asking her various questions. Su Liya was already used to fakeness after following Zhu Fengyin to various social events. She got in touch with her inner actresses and put on a good show of closeness.

Su Liya didn't know she could put on such an act until now. The more she stayed in this world, the more explored her various potentials. It was scary how it all came naturally to her but that might be because it was a matter of life or death. After probing for information and getting none, Imperial Consort Shi left.

Su Liya released the breath she held when the unwelcome guest left. This consort was a little too smart for her liking, her sudden visit left her on the edge. She felt so uneasy for the next few hours, the last shoe dropped when are when the Empress visited her.

She had only seen the Empress during the few imperial banquets she had accompanied Zhu Fengyin to. Although It was always from a distance, the Empress was always awe-inspiring. Empress Lu had quite the aura, it was very intimidating.

The Empress was supported by her court lady Xuanyi to the low backed seat at the receiving hall. Su Liya recalled all the Etiquette lessons, this was their first meeting so she paid her respects. The Empress never released her, instead, she watched her silently from her seat like the Empress She was. 

The Empress aura felt very innate luke she was born with it. It was nothing like the overblown aura imperial consort Shi put on. The Empress studied her silently, after a few minutes, she must have come to her conclusions because she finally dismissed her.

"At ease"josei

Su Liya stood and bowed. She wasn't instructed to seat yet so she just stood in front of the Empress. The Empress, who wasn't the kind to show her authority in such a childish manner instructed her to seat.

Empress Lu picked up her cup of tea, lifted the lid halfway and waved the steam away before taking a sip. After a few sips of tea, she returned the teacup to the table next to her and said "You have been in the palace for some time, how are you finding your stay?"

"Answering your highness this little one has enjoyed her stay. Thanks for the concern."

Empress Lu tilted her head to the side, "you can dispense with the formalities, You are now my child. Call me imperial mother, get used to addressing yourself like a princess. It is your rate now". 

"Yes imperial mother"

"While I am not pleased with how everything went down, since we are already at this point. Let us make do with everything. You will be getting married in a few days, although we haven't known each other for long. You are my daughter, I am responsible for you. 

"Xiao Zhu is a kind boy, he is a very good choice of husband. Be loyal to your husband, don't bring shame to the family. Learn the four lessons, be filial to your husband, your in-laws and your ancestors. Don't steal, Don't commit adultery and foster the new generation.

"You are new to this all so I will give you a bonus piece of advice, Be careful of people that act like friends. That includes Imperial Consort Shi, I don't know what game you are playing but hurt Xiao Zhu and I will end you" after saying that the Empress waved the maid standing next to Xuanyi closer.

The maid held a medium-sized box in front of her, as soon as she was called forward, she bowed and presented the box to Su Liya.

"You are getting married, Liya. We haven't known each other for long, this is the best I can do for you. Every married young lady should be somewhat independent".

Su Liya knew that it was tradition for the bride's family to provide her with a dowry, it would be insulting for her to reject this. She accepted the box and bowing said "Thanks, imperial Mother"

"It isn't much, please bear with me. You must be exhausted, I will take my leave. The days are nearing close, join me for breakfast".

"Yes imperial mother".

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