Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: The move to Ningzhuo 4

The Dukes Mansion 

Su Liya looked to Rong Rong "about Ningzhuo, could you tell me everything about it?"

"Yes," Rong Rong replied happily. She couldn't let an opportunity to gossip pass. 

Baozhai shook her head as she saw the gleeful look in Rong Rong's eye and muttered in a tone a little higher than a whisper "Gossip monger".

Rong Rong sneered at her for a few seconds, then ignored her. She was in her full element as she poured out everything she knew about Ningzhuo. 

Su Liya's expression got darker the more she found out about her new "home". The Emperor didn't bother hiding his hatred this time and went all put with his actions. The Emperor was something, he was willing to send one of his best generals away to a place that could be referred to as the farthest ends of the earth.

All because of good old jealousy, it was a miracle he managed to keep his kingdom with his level of intelligence.

After all her complaints Madam Lu and the steward began to prepare for their move, she and word to Su Liya to get her things and servants ready for the move. Su Liya didn't know how much time they were given to prepare before Lu Yaozhu resumed duties.

After washing her face, She got dressed and left for the main courtyard where Zhu Fengyin and Lu Yingjie stayed. By the time she arrived the news had spread wide, even Zhu Fengyin was aware. As soon as she was announced by the maid, Zhu Fengyin paused her painting and sent all the maids away, her new head lady's maid Tian Tian included.

Tian Tian was promoted after Su Liya was engaged since she had served Zhu Fengyin tge longest out of all the maids and was the closest to Zhu Fengyin. Ever since her marriage, Su Liya had met Tian Tian a few times but didn't have any time to talk.

However as Tian Tian Walked out of Zhu Fengyin's room, Su Liya smiled friendly but only received an unfriendly look from Tian Tian. Tian Tian just glared at her and walked around her, the smile wiped off her face. Su Liya watched her life before going in. 

Baozhai and Rong Rong noticed their little exchange but pretended otherwise, they weren't in a safe place to talk. However, Baozhai found Tian Tian's reaction to their mistress odd and decided to look into this. At Su Liya's order, they stood outside the door while their mistress walked into the room.

Su Liya grinned as she walked in, Zhu Fengyin who was seated on a stool on the round tea table next to her bed, shook her head on seeing her grin. "only you would smile at a time like this" Zhu Fengyin said and gestured to the stool opposite hers "get seated".

Su Liya sat opposite her and pulled the tray of snacks on the table closer. "what is the point in wailing my eyes out, the Imperial edict has been drafted. Everything is already set in stone, crying won't change anything".

"At least you know that I don't have to play the consoles" Zhu Fengyin muttered while pouring herself a cup of tea.

Su Liya took a bite of one of the little round cakes on the tray and gestured to the cup of tea with her chin. "Is that for me?

Zhu Fengyin frowned at her, "no! The kettle is right in front of you, do that yourself".

Su Liya whistled silently, "easy there, Xiao Yin. All I did was ask a question, why do you want to swallow me whole. Are you in a bad mood?"

Zhu Fengyin looked sideways for a second and replied hurriedly "no!"

"Really? So it is common practice for you to snap at people. How did I not notice that while serving as your maid"

Zhu Fengyin sighed and placed the kettle on the burner at the side of the table. "I got a message from my father, he wants to meet me"josei

"What is wrong with meeting minister Zhu" Su Liya replied and took the cup of tea from Zhu Fengyin.

"Hey you_" Zhu Fengyin gave her a glassy stare and said in a chilly tone "hey tea thief, give that back".

"No!" Su Liya said as she gulped down some tea.

"You Little_"

"Little? Ah ah don't forget that I am older" Su Liya said wiggling her index finger at Zhu Fengyin.

"Ah that is right, I keep forgetting you are ancient," Zhu Fengyin said with a big smile.

Su Liya glared at her and snapped "well at least I am not the one scared of her father." She shook her head "what is wrong?"

"I think he suspects that I have been feeding him the wrong information"

"What makes you think so?"

"Father never asked to meet me until now and now that he did. I feel uneasy."

"Since he is asking to see you, meet with him. If he questions your loyalty, just tell him that the duke has grown suspicious of you. He would just think that you weren't careful and nearly got caught, after shouting at you. He would take a step back since you wouldn't be of much use anymore"

"Oh, I can do that"


"Look at me rambling on about my issues when yours is more serious. You have to be very careful when you get to Ningzhuo, I don't know the full story but I once walked in on a conversation with tge sixth prince and I overheard his man telling him that everything was set at Ningzhuo.

"I didn't take it seriously since I wasn't close with the Zhu family but a few weeks after I heard their conversation, Lu Yaozhu was arrested for embezzlement of government funds and collaboration with the bandits in the north. 

"Although Lu Yaozhu was later found to be innocent, the Lu family lost their army. That was the start of the Lu family' gradual decline. if it wasn't for the Empress and Crown Prince's intervention, the Lu family would have been wiped out.

"When you get to Ningzhuo watch out for the officials and the noble families there. It is a popular belief that Ningzhuo is a ghost town but since it is so far away from the capital, it might all be lies. When you get there trust no one.

"I will send over my mother's former maids Son, Mu Chen. Nanny Mu and Mu Chen are loyal to my mother and now me, you can use them. I will be sent you massages through them since I suspect that the Emperor might be monitoring your messages"

Su Liya nodded "okay"

Zhu Fengyin stood, opened her box and pulled out a small wooden box and handed it to her. "Take this, you will need it".

Su Liya accepted the box and opened it. She shut the box as soon as she saw the contents "that is a lot of money, so do I really need this much?"

"Yes, you do. Ya Ya, you are going to a new place. Where you don't know anyone, you will have to grease a few hands to get information. I don't want you to be at a disadvantage, so take this. Don't try to refuse me"

Su Liya laughed, "why would I refuse such a huge bounty. I will treasure it greatly", she replied, pulling the box closer. 

"Well, this is the first time, I appreciate your shameless attitude. Don't spend it all at once, if you need more just sent a message through the Mu family"

Su Liya smiled "I will, thanks"


"is the General back from court?" Su Liya asked the matron in charge of the Pavillion some minutes later as she walked into Mingxi Pavilion 

Matron Gu had come out to invited the second young madam to eat lunch, however before she could, Su Liya asked about the young master's whereabouts. She knew of the young master's recent appointment and understood that their young madam must be worried. She bowed her head and nodded "yes mistress, second young master is at his study".

"I am headed his way. Matron Gu is there anything?" Su Liya looked at the plump former palace matron expectantly.

"No, it is nothing serious. It is getting later and you haven't eaten your lunch yet, Should I have the kitchen send over your lunch to our young master's study?" 

Su Liya nodded "okay, have them send over lunch for the general and I. Since this is settled, I will be on my way"

"Yes," matron Gu bowed her head until Su Liya was out of sight.

Lu Yaozhu's appointment was part of the original plot but since he wasn't the main lead, the author didn't focus on that plot. While reading the book, she had suspected that this was a plot written by the author to send Lu Yaozhu away and give the main leads a space to go through a few love trials that would strengthen their love.

She had initially decided to stay out of the main couple's romance but Zhu Fenfang decided to drag her into that hot potato that us their relationship, Su Liya decided to go all out. She would block Zhu Fenfang from getting the one thing she wanted.

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