Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 29

Chapter 29


(TL: Narrator’s POV)

Literature must have sincerity.josei

Author Moon writes texts that do not match his age.

Therefore, Author Moon’s literature is garbage!

This was the syllogism of critic Oh Min-sang.

He shouts this incessantly on SNS.

Of course, the response is not good.

「When I see Mr. Oh, I wonder if there really needs to be a profession called critic.」

└Why can’t you say it’s Oh Min-sang! Why can’t you speak!

└Other critics praise Moon, why is he the only one like this. Yes.

「What kind of grudge does he have against elementary school students to act like this?」

└Criticism is not about books, but all about age and sincerity, blah blah.

└Even Author Gu Hak-jun praised his literature.

「ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Critic Oh Min-sang has received a ton of requests from Baekhak Publishing. At this rate, isn’t he a stooge in literature?」

└Author Moon has good character and writes well, I don’t understand why he is being tormented~

└He even looks cute.


└Mouth of hell

Despite numerous critical public opinions, Oh Min-sang did not change his words to the end.

The moment he changes his words, even the last bit of his support base would leave.

‘The problem child of the literary world’ can survive. However, an ‘unknown critic’ in the literary world cannot survive. In a world where attention is the lifeline, losing public interest is a death sentence.


Critic Oh Min-sang has eyes and discernment too. He knows that Author Moon’s literary quality is above standard.

That is, he was well aware that he was talking nonsense.

It’s even more tormenting because of that.

-Let’s think about it logically. Does a 13-year-old elementary school student know the hardships of life? Does a young child, who should be playing with classmates, understand the difficulties of life?

Moon included emotions in his writing that he did not know himself. It is naturally fake. What’s the problem in calling something fake, fake?

Unless one is not charmed by the character created by the mass media as a ‘young genius author,’ there would be no one to refute this…

Today, Oh Min-sang targeted Moon again.

And opened a can of beer he took out from the fridge.


The snack, of course, is Department Head Yang Sung-jun (not the Department Head anymore). (TL: Its written as such meaning in his free time instead of a snack he would curse Yang Sung-jum with beer)

“You son of a bitch!”

One day, as he barely continued his lifeline as a critic,

The astonishing news came that Author Moon had released his next work.


Oh Min-sang loaded his criticism and checked the new work.

He clicked on the main banner of Baekhak Publishing on the internet.

The title of the novel was ‘Guitar’. (TL: Could be others to but I am going with Guitar for more see note below)

It was children’s literature.


That day, Oh Min-sang’s SNS account received 1.7k dislikes and exploded.

It was summer.

EP 3-Magic Sword~nim, please control me!

(MC’s POV)

‘Guitar… The novel is good, but it deals with too many sensitive subjects. Starting from minor prostitution to murder, runaway, and violence, that’s how the novel starts. The latter part is beautiful, but people who don’t read your novels will bring up the beginning and criticize it for being too violent and dark. I’m worried about that’

-Lim Yang-wook’s prediction was off.

It went in the exact opposite direction.

People didn’t criticize my novel without reading it,

They praised it without even reading.

The reason for the praise was created by the experts.

-Two children’s aimless journey. Looking at the gray city with a pure perspective. The most sincere world of a young literati. ‘Guitar’.

-Immersed in the fluffy writing style of children’s literature, one travels the world, and at some point, the ‘reality’ that creepily creeps up makes one lament when our society’s ‘reality’ became so ‘creepy’. Admiration is the only response to Moon’s perspective that coolly intertwines the disparity between reality and ideals.

-What is our ‘name’? Where is the destination of life? It’s a difficult question. However, there are two children wandering in the shadows of the city, searching for their names. The journey of these marginalized children is hoped to be a comfort to the many modern people wandering through life.

The literary world stepped in.

Numerous criticisms were poured out in competition, and most of them were close to rave reviews.

Some literati even contacted Baekhak Entertainment directly, requesting their reviews to be included on the back cover of the book.

This type of criticism is often called a “request.” The term itself is not negative; it refers to the act of asking novelists and poets to write something in literary magazines. Criticism works the same way.

When someone in need of criticism “requests” it from renowned literary figures, they write positive reviews in exchange for friendship, favor, or money. There’s no need to write the review personally; a student can do it on their behalf. What mattered was the “name value.”

Therefore, the outpouring of criticism before I even made a “request” was truly the kind of treatment a heavyweight novelist in the Korean literary world would receive.

And naturally, when praise pours in to this extent, it’s only expected that the book would sell like it had grown wings.

Even those who haven’t read the book were calling it a masterpiece, showing how important name value and connections are in this field.

Of course.

Behind this phenomenon lay a particular circumstance.

「Let’s support Moon In-seop!」

This opinion was posted in a group chat that included the renowned novelist Professor Gu (a university professor).

– Recently, I’ve really felt how a single star can sustain the entire industry. When was the last time the Korean literary world received this much attention?

– No, I mean, like, the last time too.

– I’m talking about positive attention, not negative.

– Probably the first time since Professor Gu made our country proud, right?

People are not interested in literature. They might get as excited as when hearing about an Olympic gold medal if a famous novelist wins a prestigious international literary award, but such excitement is short-lived.

Literature is not leading the era.

In the 21st century, cultural power is dominated by visual media like dramas and movies, while the trend among younger generations is led by internet media such as OTT, web dramas, webtoons, and web novels.

The Korean literary world is facing the brink of extinction.

And this crisis has been ongoing for decades.

The call for action has also been made for decades.

Thus, Professor Gu Hak-jun, or rather, the anonymous novelist G, appealed to his fellow writers in the group chat.

– Moon In-seop represents an opportunity that comes once in decades. If we miss this chance, we might have to wait another several decades.

– Professor, this is almost like a threat.

– I give up! I’ll write a review!

– It’s not about praising bad writing as good, but about rightfully acknowledging good writing. Isn’t that enough?

– Professor, this isn’t the university’s announcement board.

Of course, this discussion was not the consensus of the Korean literary world but a playful resolution made by a few famous novelists in a private group.

In the grand scheme of public opinion, it was nothing.

But it was also “everything.”

This is a narrow industry where a handful of opinion leaders can decide everything.

‘Author-nim? I enjoyed reading your review ㅎㅎ. Could you possibly write about Moon In-seop for our literary magazine too? Our readers are very interested!’

‘Hey, Chang-beom. It’s me. Why did you pour out so much praise this time after saying Moon In-seop’s novel was bad last time?? Is it true that Professor Gu is taking great care of him????’

‘Professor Gu, I dare to ask for a favor. Moon In-seop? He seems like a decent kid. It would be delightful to have a friendly chat if you bring him to the school sometime soon. I would be grateful if you could tell him to come to our school when he enters middle school,,,’

After all, in a place where everyone is connected by just a few degrees of separation, the moment famous novelists opened the floodgates with their praise, the literary world’s opinion was as good as decided.

And with the literary world pouring out praise, the general public too could comfortably compliment me.

In essence, this was the hidden reason behind the success of the novel “Guitar.”

How do I know this?

That was because Professor Gu next to me had been chattering away, telling me everything in detail.

“Author Moon, I personally found your latest novel extremely interesting. To directly confront the beauty and darkness hidden within the often overlooked aspects of the city, in a writing style that… how should I put it… escapes the inertia of everydayness – truly a perspective fitting for your age! A novel that well expresses this world from such an essential viewpoint.”


“Ah… And then, focusing on the keywords name, life, journey, you’ve showcased your own literary identity. It was profound enough that I’ve even asked my students to write essays on it…”

Professor Gu Hak-jun didn’t stop talking even as he was making kimchi next to me.


Professor Gu Hak-jun was making kimchi.

Wearing pink rubber gloves and squatting down, he was kneading kimchi in a large brown basin (spice container).

Despite the previous outright dismissal, Professor Gu had come to visit me as a ‘volunteer’ at the New Light Spring Orphanage.

The orphanage couldn’t turn away volunteers, and I couldn’t escape his visit…

Of course, I could have run away to a nearby cafe or somewhere from the orphanage…

-Last time, I think I approached sponsoring Author Moon too lightly. If it caused any hurt to your young heart, I apologize.

-Professor, please, lower your tone…

-“Moon, no, Author Moon has already established himself as a novelist. He’s not my student, how could I treat him casually? I came here to have a deep conversation as a fellow writer and also to offer advice on your career path, so I hope you won’t look at me with too much disdain. Haha.”

…How could I coldly reject and run away from such a person? In the end, I was caught by Gu Hak-jun and had no choice but to mercilessly knead kimchi.

“Oh my, Professor! You came today too?”

“Ha ha, good morning, Bang~nim.”

Professor Gu Hak-jun was now familiar enough with the people at the New Light Spring Orphanage to greet them. Naturally, the orphanage staff considered it an honor to have someone from the ‘elite class’ like a university professor visit.

It was a situation where everyone was happy except for me.

The admission lobbying was too severe.

“But the thing is…”

Inevitably, the conversation with Professor Gu Hak-jun visiting the orphanage always led to one conclusion.

Professor Gu Hak-jun showed a kindly smile. It wasn’t the smile of an adult looking at a cute child, but the smile of a hunter looking at prey trapped at a dead end.

“Our Author Moon. Which middle school are you planning to go to?”

“Well… I’m still in elementary school…”

“You graduated, didn’t you?”

How did he know…!

* * *

(TL: Narrator’s POV)

When Lim Yang-wook from Baekhak Publishing inquired about the method of early graduation for Moon In-seop, the principal of Moon In-seop’s elementary school had no intention of allowing it.

Having a genius emerge from the school I am responsible for, and to utilize that genius for a long while, why would I allow him to graduate early to send him off to another school?

However, as the controversy surrounding Author Moon intensified, the situation changed.

To put it metaphorically, it was like being hit by a stray bullet.

The principal was like he had unexpectedly caught a stray bullet to the heart in the midst of a battlefield.

-Breaking News. The underage genius author… tarnished by ‘school violence’.

When the conflict between Baekhak Publishing (Yang Sung-jun) and Baekhak Entertainment (Lim Yang-wook) reached its climax, Baekhak Publishing released slander that Author Moon was involved in school violence.

However, Baekhak Entertainment immediately released a rebuttal, and public interest cooled off quickly, not affecting the overall situation.

But that was a macroscopic viewpoint; from a microscopic viewpoint, the interpretation was different.

It might have been a tempest in a teapot from the overall public opinion, but for the people living within that teapot, it was a disaster.

-What on earth happened!

The controversy that Moon In-seop was a perpetrator of school violence,

and the rebuttal that Moon In-seop was a victim of school violence.

Caught in this storm, the principal was swept away.

A stern reprimand from the education office was directed at the principal.

-These days, promoting national prestige is a trend, don’t you know? Just by seeing the phrase ‘K-genius writer,’ you should get the idea. How heated the public opinion is right now! And yet, you had to throw in talks of school violence and whatnot, is that satisfying for you?

-But, Superintendent, that’s not what I meant…

-Especially nowadays, when young people keep complaining about ‘Hell Joseon’ and demeaning the country’s dignity, the Minister is very displeased. And now, in Korea, there’s news that geniuses end up committing suicide due to school violence!”

-The Minister himself?!”

-Before I say more, straighten up your act! Even the official records suggested that the kid was not a victim but a perpetrator! What era are we living in that an orphan is discriminated against and subjected to such acts! And that too, in the frontline educational field!”

Upon watching the news, the Minister of Education clicked his tongue, and the lightning of his displeasure struck down the hierarchy from the Deputy Minister, the Director, the Superintendent, and finally to the Principal.

It wasn’t just from above that the Principal faced a storm. Criticisms also rained from below.

The parents were furious.

-We were happy to hear about a genius writer emerging from our school, but what’s all this talk about school violence?

-What era do we live in where a child is beaten up by a group, and you hid it?

-Couldn’t you have kept it hidden, at least? Why is our school being broadcasted in the news as if it’s a mess!

Within a few months, the Principal felt like he had aged decades. At his age, aging decades felt akin to a natural death, meaning he felt like dying.

To the Principal, Moon In-seop was no longer a blessing but a calamity. A cursed object that brings its holder to ruin just by possessing it.

When Lim Yang-wook, not as a team leader but as a department head, visited the school again, the Principal accepted his request with a completely changed attitude.

“I’ll do anything for the early graduation… Please, just save me.”

* * *

(MC’s POV)

“Here, your elementary school diploma.”

“Oh! You really got it?”

“Are you satisfied?”

“Of course!”

At a udon restaurant near New Light Spring Orphanage, Lim Yang-wook presented me with my elementary school diploma.

Baek Seol, who had been smiling meaningfully, also handed me something she had hidden behind her back with an excited expression.

“It would be disappointing to only receive a diploma… Ta-da!”

It was a bouquet. Full of colorful fresh flowers.

I was momentarily lost for words upon seeing the bouquet.

This was a first for me.

“What do you think? Do you like it?”

“…Why go to all this trouble.”

As I bashfully expressed my thanks, the two adults burst into laughter, amused that a kid who wasn’t usually like an elementary student was acting so childishly. I couldn’t understand them at all.

As we spent time chatting and celebrating, Lim Yang-wook suddenly asked me.

“Now that you don’t have to go to elementary school anymore, what are you going to do?”

“Well, I plan to bypass middle and high school through the GED.”

Baek Seol expressed her concern.

“Aren’t you going to miss the experiences of school life? It could help with your writing.”

My school life, to put it nicely, was hellish. I shook my head with a heavy heart.

“I’ve already looked up the GED schedule. I want to focus solely on writing.”

Noticing my mood, Lim Yang-wook changed the subject.

“Have you prepared well for the GED?”

“I heard the middle school GED is easy?”

“You didn’t prepare for it?”

“It’s just middle school level, should be easy, right?”

Looking back.

I shouldn’t have said that.


TL: Hi, this is KSD here. As I translate this novel, I’ve come across terms that require a decision on how best to present them to you. Sometimes, it might turn out that the author intended a different meaning, as in the case of the novel name 기타, which has a double meaning as I mentioned earlier. What I’m trying to convey is that the novel’s name could be “Guitar,” with “Other” being an alternative meaning or vice versa. Since both meanings are correct, it becomes challenging when translating. In Korean, the author only needs to use the same word 기타, and it’s up to the reader to interpret. However, in English, there isn’t a word that encompasses both meanings of “guitar” and “other” simultaneously. For such words and terms, I will highlight them with TL notes. With this, I’m letting you all know.

The same applies to chapter titles. For instance, the title for EP-3 is “Magic Sword~Nim, Please Control Me!” I don’t have the context, so it could have a different meaning, but since I am translating as I read, it’s possible that I might be incorrect.

Anyway if you still have doubts, or find any errors or issues, or just want to chat, feel free to join our Discord using the link below.


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