Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


“Everyone, stop!”

Kim Byul, Gu Yu-na, and Min Hyo-chan, who were all excited, came to a sudden halt. The children looked at me with puzzled eyes, wondering why I had stopped them.

I pleaded with them earnestly.

“Let’s all regain our senses.”

However, the children seemed clueless about what was wrong. It appeared they were already engulfed in madness, beyond the point of return.

I tore at my hair in anger over the myopic tendencies of the young generation these days.

“This…! This isn’t literature!”

“What are you talking about, In-seop?”

“Everything is wrong from start to finish! Kim sunbae!”

I pointed at the demon manuscript on the laptop and pleaded.

“Why would there be a school in the medieval times in the first place! I could understand if it’s like the University of Bologna, but why would children be wearing school uniforms and attending school in the medieval era?”

“Well… because characters in uniforms look pretty?”

Min Hyo-chan answered as if it was the most obvious thing.

He seemed to have no idea what was wrong.

I was afraid to confront his madness, but as the last bastion of Korean pure literature, I stood up to him.

“Don’t you find it strange that short skirts are allowed in a conservative Christian worldview?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“And why do elves and humans speak the same language? Even among humans, people speak different languages if they live just a bit far from each other?”

“Why should that be authenticated?”

“And, the timing of the demon sword’s appearance is weird! According to the setting, it’s extremely dangerous and was sealed, but the protagonist easily summons it by dropping a tear in the lake? Doesn’t that sound too convenient for the protagonist? And why does the demon sword have a gender? Why does an object have a gender?”

“So what.”

Damn. This kid is hopeless. I need to do something…!

“How is this even interesting!”

This is driving me insane.

The biggest problem, in my view, is this.

“There’s no thematic consciousness in the novel! It’s just a story about taking revenge on those who bully you! This is the same plot as The Count of Monte Cristo! Damn it! It’s the same plot as a novel from 1844! I might be bad at math, but that’s a theme from over 100 years ago! So, Demon Sword~nim or whatever, it has no novelty, no literary value, just peripheral pleasure!”

After finishing my rant, I gasped for breath.

I had passionately argued my point.

But Min Hyo-chan,

The pink-haired main rapper of the boy band.

And a web novel reader, he looked at me with the eyes of a Buddha looking at a foolish mortal.

“What exactly is making you wander so?”


“If a novel only offers peripheral pleasure… is that so wrong?”

Unable to bear it any longer, Kim Byul shouted, ‘Stop picking on him!’ and slapped Min Hyo-chan on the back.

Min Hyo-chan groaned from the pain on his back and took a few steps back. Then, dropping his playful tone, he said,

“But really… does a novel have to have a moral lesson?”


“Web novels are for healing. They’re like an oasis for people tired of real life, seeking rest. It’s not good if it’s too complicated.”


Now, reading a novel.

Not to learn something.

Not to gain something.

But solely for rest?


Was that it?

Was that the case…?

Although Min Hyo-chan mentioned it in passing, his words left a big ripple in my heart. It felt like a huge rock had been dropped into a calm lake.

What is artistry? What is popularity?

How should I treat the masses who ignored me but now rave about me after seeing my surface?

The continuous questions seemed to have found their answer.

The answer was within me.

Let’s look at the essence.

Raising the ‘artistry’ of a work is the desire to create a masterpiece that everyone admires.

This was my way.

Instead of the insignificant ‘me,’ I hoped that my ‘creation’ would shine like a star and illuminate the whole world.

In other words, it is the desire for people to admire and look up to me.

Therefore, this is a selfish wish.

However, raising the ‘popularity’ of a work is the desire to create something that everyone can enjoy together.

This is the way of web novels.

Despite criticisms like, “I could write that,” the hope is for as many people as possible to find a moment of rest and joy from this work.

It’s like the sorrow of a comedian. Providing joy to many through ridiculous acts…

Therefore, this is an altruistic wish.

Who can assert there is no beauty in that?

So, how can one say which art is superior and which is inferior?

Pure literature and genre literature,

Fine art and popular art.

Is there any basis to claim one is superior over the other?

The answer was simple.


Every art has its own beauty.

After a long period of contemplation,

A single enlightenment emerged from its shell.

EP 3 – Magic Sword~nim, please control me!

“That’s strange…”

Kim Byul believed she knew Author Moon, not as the human Moon In-seop, but as the artist, better than Gu Yu-na or Min Hyo-chan did.

She had studied Author Moon’s novel and transformed it into acting, engaging in deep discussions with the novelist in the process. There was an artistic empathy created through co-creation.

And from Kim Byul’s perspective,

Author Moon was a typical purist of pure literature.

Specifically, an artist who unconsciously believes that fine arts hold a qualitative superiority over popular arts.

It’s not that rare. There were many such people around Kim Byul.

Usually, a generation of disciples taught by very conservative theaters or masters holds such beliefs. Many of Kim Byul’s peers were like that.

But Author Moon was a bit different.

He resembled someone from the generation above those disciples.

The lonely artists who relied solely on their own art after being ignored by the public for a long time.

Rather than not seeking the public’s attention, they often found it repulsive.

They had become unable to forgive the masses who had caused them deep alienation and wounds.

So, even if she didn’t show it, Kim Byul was a bit anxious while Author Moon was writing the web novel.

In a way, he was directly confronting his wounds.

But then.

“That atmosphere… it’s gone!”

The aura surrounding Author Moon had changed.

The others might not have noticed, but Kim Byul, whose job was to artificially recreate and embody even invisible atmospheres, could tell.

Something deep within the Author Moon’s heart had changed.

The boy was still hanging his head low, muttering something.

“Art is… for those who cannot live without accolades…”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing…”

After finishing his contemplation, Author Moon threw off the blanket and lifted his head sharply. Something was burning in the boy’s eyes. Kim Byul swallowed hard.

However, Min Hyo-chan, unaware of Author Moon’s awakening, started speaking in a light tone.

“Anyway, now that the protagonist has obtained the demon sword, according to the cliché, he’s a ‘hidden power nerd’ now! A nerd hiding his power attending school! Tossing gag scenes in everyday life despite having tremendous power, that’s the cliché, right?”

Gu Yu-na also chimed in.

“A protagonist who is satisfied with trivial things despite having tremendous power… That’s cute. The demon sword encourages mischief, but being so timid, the protagonist is satisfied just punishing those who bully him… That cliché isn’t bad either.”

Then, Author Moon said,


Author Moon opened his mouth with eyes filled with a murderous intent that was suspicious.

“It doesn’t make sense for him to remain at school even after obtaining the demon sword. The school is the most painful place for the protagonist, Joseph. Why would he stay there? If it were me, I’d quit school right away.”

“What? What do we do if he leaves school in a school setting story?”

“Having the power to suppress enemies but leaving the bullies alone just to maintain the genre of a school story… I don’t like it. What do you think school violence is? This is what the young generation these days calls ‘sweet potato,’ right?”

“So, what are you suggesting?”

At that moment.

A runaway train started its course.

“He drops out and returns to his family. Then, he kills all his parents and siblings who treated him like dirt for being a dark elf and usurps the title of earl.”


“He rescues his mother, who lived as the earl’s concubine, and succeeds the earldom. And then all the surrounding forces that oppose that succession…”

Author Moon said, clenching his fist.

“…are slaughtered. With the power of the demon sword!”

“You, you…!”

“An elf princess? Now that the demon sword is in hand, is it time for leisurely romance? And logically, who in their right mind would fancy someone who goes around killing with a demon sword? What the protagonist should receive is not affection or friendship, but only overwhelming fear and awe!

That’s enough. Let’s get rid of such characters before any romantic atmosphere develops.”

Min Hyo-chan admired with a genuinely impressed expression.

“Damn…! Is this the talent of a genius?”

Gu Yu-na also trembled and muttered.

“Before becoming a heroine…”

Author Moon showed a confident smile.

“How about that…!”

His eyes seemed slightly crazed, as if he was already engulfed in madness.

“Isn’t this what you’d call ‘cider’ these days?”

* * *

Yang Sung-jun, the former publishing planning department manager, entered a chicken restaurant near Baekhak Bookstore.

He dressed neatly and styled himself with effort to avoid being ignored…

But his haggard and worn-out eyes unmistakably revealed that Yang Sung-jun was going through the most painful period of his life.

A balding office worker sitting in a corner of the chicken restaurant called him over.

It was Lim Yang-wook.

“Over here.”

As soon as Yang Sung-jun saw Lim Yang-wook’s face, he clenched his teeth, but soon sat down with him without a word.

Lim Yang-wook greeted him with an expressionless face.

“Long time no see.”

“Why did you call me to a chicken place? To experience a different job?”

A cold response.

Lim Yang-wook casually smiled and retorted.

“When I was a new employee, Manager Yang Sung-jun bought me chicken to cheer me up. That’s why we’re here.”

“It was samgyetang, not chicken.”

“It went out of business and became a chicken place.”

Though their conversation did not continue, Yang Sung-jun read Lim Yang-wook’s true intentions in the silence.

Once, weren’t we not on bad terms?

To that question, Yang Sung-jun responded.

“If you hadn’t immediately joined Director Kwon’s line, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“I did it to survive. Deputy Yang at least took care of me a bit, but others didn’t even treat me as a person.”


The publishing industry still has some vitality left.

The point to note is,

It’s not that there is vitality,

But that there is ‘some’ vitality ‘left.’

The publishing industry, like other old media, is a slowly declining industry that has lost its past glory.

The passengers on this ship also know that the ship is gradually sinking.

Yet, the reason they remain on the ship is exactly the same as the noble pride of a few who shared their fate with the Titanic as it sank.


They are surviving on that alone.

The pride of being the best in Korea.

The pride of being the elite of Korea.

The pride of being a noble scholar handling the medium of ‘writing’ that has ruled this country for hundreds of years.

Thus, in the publishing industry, ‘academic elitism’ is the core ideology that maintains their pride and sense of camaraderie.

So, the academic elitism of Baekhak Bookstore, which prides itself as the head of the Korean publishing industry, goes without saying.

Lim Yang-wook was ostracized at the company, and when the project with his university senior fell apart in the worst way, no one questioned it.

And Yang Sung-jun was ultimately abandoned by Director Kim Sang-guk.

It was all because of academic elitism.

“Let’s be honest. If you, Director Yang, had been from Seoul National University instead of Hanyang University, would Director Kim have sacrificed you?”


“He wouldn’t have. The moment he expelled someone from the same university, he wouldn’t be respected by those below him.”

“Fuck, this is so childish…….”

“Looks childish when you step back, doesn’t it? But you know this isn’t a joke. It all starts because the boss does the same thing when hiring…”

There’s a peculiar custom in bureaucracy.

It’s the convention where someone naturally progresses to a certain position after holding another. That’s how lines are created.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing.

The Head of the Publishing Business Division.

And the Manager of the Publishing Planning Department.

This was the promotion path at Baekhak Bookstore. Therefore, the act of Director Kim Sang-guk expelling Manager Yang Sung-jun was a move that carried significant political risk, and the political burden could only be taken because Yang Sung-jun was from a slightly less prestigious university.

When Lim Yang-wook reminded him of this fact, Yang Sung-jun eventually vented the frustration that had been boiling inside him.

“So what do you want me to do about it?”

“Isn’t it fucked up? I would have been extremely pissed if I were you.”


“Look at me. Just because I was pushed out once doesn’t mean it’s over. Don’t just endure it, let’s go for a refreshing revenge.”

“……You vicious bastard.”

“It’s not that I hold deep grudges. I’m doing this to survive too. Beyond money and job stability, as a human being, if I just let this go, I feel like I’ll have scars in my heart forever. Rather than that, I’d rather just go all out. For the dignity of my life.”


“I believe you, Manager Yang Sung-jun, feel the same way.”

Lim Yang-wook was now ready to present Yang Sung-jun with a gift. Naturally, the gift was reemployment.

He had confidently promised CEO Baek Seung-won that “if you bring Yang Sung-jun, you can beat Kim Sang-guk” and secured a job offer.

However, Yang Sung-jun laughed hollowly and said,

“After resigning, I got this message from Director Kim Sang-guk. Everything I’ve done at the company, it’s all in the cabinet…”


“Take a few months off, lay low, and then I’ll help you get into another place as an experienced hire so you can make a living. Just keep quiet for a while.”

Yang Sung-jun had gotten his hands dirty with all sorts of filthy work. Not because he was corrupt as an individual, but because the role of the Manager of the Publishing Planning Department demanded it. To wield invisible power, one must satisfy all sorts of humans, and human desires cannot always be fulfilled in clean ways.

So, he tormented people, stole jobs, directed work, sabotaged others’ work, took money and gave honor, turned a blind eye to corruption for money.

These were the deeds he had done for Director Kim Sang-guk, as the Manager of the Publishing Planning Department.

But the urban jungle doesn’t spare a thought for the plight of the weak. Weakness is a sin.

So, Yang Sung-jun surrendered.

“Kim Sang-guk… Just surrender if you can. You’re not fighting against that person alone, but against a group of dozens supporting him. Even if you win and return to Baekhak Bookstore, do you think you can act proudly there?”


“Author Moon……. I’m not sure if it’s the result of his efforts or luck. But even I can see that this young kid is the best opportunity of your life. Negotiate while you still have that card in your hand. And just live quietly like a dead mouse. Don’t stir things up anymore.”


“I too… should have stopped at some point.”

With that, Yang Sung-jun stood up from his seat.

Since he had already been forcefully recruited by Kim Sang-guk, negotiating with Lim Yang-wook was meaningless.

Lim Yang-wook quickly realized this and stood up to ask Yang Sung-jun,

“Then why the hell did you agree to meet me in the first place!”


“Why are you telling me all this!”

Lim Yang-wook asked why, after all the times he had tormented him, he was now showing him kindness.

To that question, Yang Sung-jun answered,

“…I met with Director Kwon. Had a drink with him.”


Director Kwon. Lim Yang-wook’s university senior and the first team leader of the Publishing Management TF Team.

And the unfortunate figure who was brought down by the behind-the-scenes scheming of Kim Sang-guk and Yang Sung-jun.

Leaving just that statement, Yang Sung-jun left without another word.josei

And to Lim Yang-wook, that was explanation enough.

* * *

“Damn it.”

Having returned to the company, Lim Yang-wook was wringing his head.

He was like a commander in a battlefield facing imminent defeat.

Due to the betrayal of his allies, the supply lines had collapsed.

With Baekhak Bookstore’s boycott causing all the printing presses producing Author Moon’s books to halt, the soldiers and ammunition meant for the frontline, the bookstore, had all dried up.

Especially now, at the most critical moment.

The time when they were worried whether Author Moon’s book would sell 50,000 copies had long passed. Now, they needed to print 50,000 copies every fortnight and distribute them nationwide to continue the war.

And in the midst of this, the printing presses had stopped.

‘Publishing must continue!’

Under Lim Yang-wook’s all-out command, the Publishing Management Department shifted into a wartime footing.

They immediately secured lines with printers out of Baekhak Bookstore’s reach and printed books, sending them nationwide through their distribution network.

Fortunately, a secret deal with the head of Baekhak Bookstore’s Distribution Division prevented Author Moon’s books from disappearing overnight from Baekhak Bookstore branches nationwide.

But it was impossible to maintain a wartime footing for long.

They had to find a breakthrough somehow.

However, with the alliance with Yang Sung-jun now impossible, a new strategy was needed.

Lim Yang-wook felt like he was losing hair he didn’t have, wringing his brain.

But no matter how much he thought, there seemed to be no way out. Director Kim Sang-guk had started the war too perfectly, at just the right time, with a fatally effective strategy.


However, as always with war.

Unlike board games, there are always variables.

* * *

From the office of the Head of Baekhak Publishing’s Publishing Business Division, one could look down at the grounds of Baekhak Publishing through the glass windows.

One of the many privileges enjoyed by an executive at the vice president level and considered next in line for CEO.


Someone burst into the office without knocking.


Kim Sang-guk did not frown at this rudeness but turned around with a pleasant smile to greet the impolite visitor.

“Who might you be?”

An unimaginable answer came back.

“It’s me, you fucker.”

A man with unkempt white hair and beard-

A madman in modernized Hanbok invaded the office.

A walking fossil.

The close friend of Gu Hak-jun.

The department head of literature and creative writing at Baekhak Arts Middle School.

It was the novelist, Park Chang-woon.

“Aigo, Minister, what brings you here?”

Kim Sang-guk thought it was good he hadn’t shown irritation when the door opened and stood up to greet the distinguished guest.

However, the guest did not possess the dignity befitting his status.

“Cut the crap. What minister? I got fired in a week, and I still have to hear about being a minister? I shouldn’t have fallen for that guy’s persuasion.”

Kim Sang-guk thought, ‘No wonder you were fired in a week with that kind of talk,’ but he did not lose his respect for the literary elder.

“Once a minister, always a minister, haha.”

Kim Sang-guk, not wanting to spend too much time with Park Chang-woon, quickly steered the conversation towards the main topic.

“So, what brings you here?”

Park Chang-woon resorted to the kind of rhetoric a superior uses to reprimand a subordinate.

“Ha. Do you know your name’s coming up a lot in the literary circles these days?”

“Is it about me?”

“Look closely at what you’ve done.”

Visibly enraged, Park Chang-woon gritted his teeth and handed his phone to Director Kim Sang-guk.

Displayed on it was the ranking of a web novel site, and the title in the first place was a bit unusual.

Title: ‘Demonic Sword~nim, please control me!!’

Author: ‘MooninKimByulGuYuNaMin’


Kim Sang-guk froze for a moment, piecing together the situation in his head.

And the moment he realized what had happened,


He first checked to see if Park Chang-woon, who was glaring at him, had a gun in his hand.


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