Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 42

Chapter 42


Beyond the corridor window, colorful autumn leaves are visible. As the slowly setting sun penetrated through the gaps in the maple leaves, the corridor naturally got dyed in the color of the leaves.

It’s quite a decent afternoon scenery.

“Good afternoon, everyone!”

I cheerfully greeted as I slid the door to the club room open.

No response came back.

Because there was no one there.

I leaned my head and took a picture of the empty club room to upload it to the group chat.


EP 3-Magic Sword~nim, please control me!

[Moon In-seop: (Picture of the empty club room)]

[Moon In-seop: ?]

Min Hyo-chan was the first to reply. Even just by text, it felt noisy.

[Min Hyo-chan: I have a radio show today!!! MAJOR!!!!!!]

[Min Hyo-chan: The manager hyung fixed the schedule for me!!!!]

[Min Hyo-chan: I’m also appearing on a radio show!!!! Finally!!! At last!!!!]

[Moon In-seop: At last]

[Min Hyo-chan: …….]

Kim Byul, who uses a picture of her Siamese cat as her profile photo, also replied briefly.

[Kim Byul: Shooting.]

[Moon In-seop: Isn’t Friday supposed to be a day off?]

[Kim Byul: Right.]

[Moon In-seop: ?]

[Kim Byul: (A picture of looking at the air and saying Kim Hye-soo is going to die)]

It seems like Kim Byul is tasting the irrationality of the drama set today as well.

By the way, Gu Yu-na couldn’t come today either. Because she decided to go out with her ‘friends’ from the same class.

Yes. Gu Yu-na has made ‘friends.’ And not just one, but several.

There are several reasons for this. One is because Gu Hak-jun came to the school during the club presentation and distributed hamburgers to the class, and also because many parents of Literature and Arts students fawned over Gu Hak-jun at that time.

And crucially, now the Literature and Arts students are starting to realize that Gu Yu-na is not arrogant but a bit lacking, which is why she doesn’t mingle much.

Our Yu-na might be lacking manners, but she’s a genuinely nice kid…

It’s a relief that other people are starting to realize that too.

Anyway, since no one is coming to the club time today, I ended up using this spacious club room by myself.

Thinking about it, it’s common for one or two people to be absent, but it’s the first time all three are absent, leaving me alone.

I took this opportunity to look around the club room.

Traces of pink-haired Min-something sunbae are left on the sofa. Specifically, pink hair strands.

In a corner of the club room is Kim Byul’s treasure trove. It’s also a place where she hides snacks, and sometimes when she gets called to shoot, she has to change into her regular clothes and dash out, so there are clothes as well.

Books piled up by Gu Yu-na are also stacked in one corner. I still can’t understand why she doesn’t buy a bookshelf and stacks them like that. This time, I should gaslight her into organizing things neatly.

Just like that, a little exploration reveals the traces of various people in the club room.

My trace is there too. My laptop, which has naturally become a fixture in the center of the club room.

With one hour left until the end of school, I decided to turn on my laptop and kill some time.

I’ve recently developed a new hobby. It’s not the Chinese otaku game recommended by Min Hyo-chan.

It’s ‘reading comments.’

When a web novel chapter is published, readers can immediately leave comments, and it always feels strange to see the comments pouring in right after posting the manuscript.

While a paper book is done once published, a web novel feels like I’m with the readers every day as I continue to write.

-Enjoyed reading ^^

-Please prioritize your writing over your health, author!

-This is it hahahaha

-Today’s chapter was delicious…

-Q. What exactly is the World Tree? A. It’s nothing. And it’s everything!

-Josef is a loser. He can’t speak in front of others.

However, not all comments are positive.

-From literary fiction to web novels, how much of a joke did web novels look like to you that you’re selling your name for some no-fun stuff hahahaha

-This is just elementary school level writing. Write something age-appropriate.

-Hmm. I came here because it said it’s a new work by Author Moon, but it’s disappointing. Too light and childish? I wonder if it’s really written by the person who wrote those previous works. Were all those works ghostwritten?

When you publish a novel in book form, you hear criticism face-to-face. Even if it’s online criticism, most critics reveal their names and faces. Therefore, even harsh negative comments come through somewhat refined language.

However, in the realm of web novels, everyone hides behind the anonymity of the internet. Hence, the critiques on the novel are direct, whether they are praise or criticism.

And I was particularly susceptible to someone attacking my character and belittling me. Isn’t that true for everyone? Everyone hurts when they’re hit. Some show their pain, while others do not.

-Seop-seop, are you feeling upset?

-Your mother must be dead.

-Wow, fuck, does Seop-seop have a girlfriend? What does she look like?

-That loser has a girlfriend? Fuck, stop lying.

-Does your girlfriend know you’re an orphan? Fucking hilarious, shit…


My hand, clutching the blanket, tensed slightly.

When I’m at school, unpleasant memories often resurface because they happened there. That’s why I didn’t go to school much even after I returned to the past.

But lately, it seems a bit better. Probably because many good things have happened at school.

However, I realized anew that the reason these good events feel good isn’t the place, but the people. Just like the reason I feel comfortable in this club room is because of the traces they’ve left behind……


Josef had returned to the academy on the laptop screen.

Initially, I was horrified by it, but whether this way or that, he’s a character I created, so I’ve grown fond of him. Or maybe it’s because we all created him together.

Even if he goes back to academy, with all the things that have happened, he’ll likely enjoy a better everyday life than before.

Although it’s difficult to continue daily serialization due to the schedule, the story of this character is set to continue.

In this club room, with the four authors.

I smiled contentedly and posted a notice in the serialization section under the nickname given by the readers- ‘Magun-nim.’

-Notice of Serialization Period Change

-It’s ‘MoonInseopKimByulGuYunaMin’. As the authors are engaged in their main professions, this work will henceforth be serialized once every two weeks.

-Thank you

* * *

Baekhak Entertainment might get beaten up by Baekhak Publishing all the time and seem like a pushover, but it’s still one of the top four entertainment companies.

Strictly speaking, it’s Baek Seung-won, the CEO, who is weak because he has to be cautious as a part of a chaebol family branch, not Baekhak Entertainment itself.

Every time I come here, I feel it, but the Baekhak Entertainment lobby on the first floor looks as spacious as a school playground, to exaggerate a bit. And without exaggeration, it has the design of a five-star hotel.

This was testified by the company CEO himself.

“Yes, that’s right. When decorating the lobby interior, I asked them to make it like a hotel.”


“So that the employees can come to work thinking, ‘This place is more comfortable than my home.'”

Though I thought the comfort was already gone because the CEO often shows up in the lobby, I kept my mouth shut to avoid upsetting Baek Seung-won’s delicate sensibilities.

It’s absolutely not because Baek Seung-won, the CEO, took me to the company cafe for a mango smoothie as soon as he ran into me in the lobby. I’m not a primary school student who would fall for sweet foods, am I?

My liking for sweet foods is all due to the impulses of this immature body, not my fault!


Baek Seung-won, the CEO dressed in a striking white suit and sunglasses, casually tossed advice my way as he lounged in a chair at the company cafe, attracting the attention of those around us.

“You should appear on broadcasts more often. Do you know how much Department Head Lim is dying for it? You don’t have a camera phobia, do you?”

“It’s not that, I just had some aversion to it, but it seems to be getting better lately. I’ll think about it in a positive direction.”

“That’s right! Dude! Do you know how much character and topicality are assets? You have to row when the water comes in to avoid suffering later. Why do you think I always go around dressed in white suits and sunglasses? It’s all about creating a character.”

“Character? You mean, for the CEO?”

“Originally, the CEO of an entertainment company is half a celebrity. You might not know it, but if we were to compare, I might be more famous than you. Do you know I have a nickname among idol fandoms? Have you heard of ‘The Factory Manager’?”

“Ah… I think I’ve heard of it.”


From my sensitive aesthetic perspective, it seemed that Baek Seung-won, who even in human relationships seemed to suffer from work-related stress, found relief by chatting about trivial matters with me, someone he found hard to regard as a business partner due to my young age.

So, I continued the conversation with interjections, engaging in his small talk. After all, if I got a 7,000 won mango smoothie out of it, it was only natural to reciprocate.

“By the way, what brings you to the lobby?”

“I came out to meet you.”

“I don’t buy that.”

“Ha ha! Have you heard of ‘Benivis’?”

I had heard of them. They’re a girl group that appears on TV frequently. Of course, I don’t know the members.

When I nodded, Baek Seung-won proudly pointed his thumb at himself.

“I raised them.”

“That’s impressive.”

“Put some soul into it.”

“That’s impressive!”


Pleased with himself, Baek Seung-won explained why he was in the lobby.

“They’re coming back to the company today after finishing their US tour. How happy would they be if the CEO was waiting in the lobby to greet them? I even had the staff prepare bouquets and garlands.”

“Coming back exhausted from the tour and a flight of several hours, only to immediately participate in a celebration event organized by the CEO without rest… That sounds like a brutal schedule.”

“Keep it down, you kid. What do you know! You are still like a baby rice cake!”

“Sigh… Maybe I’ll grow taller if I drink a lot of milk in this life?”

“Height is genetic.”

“Don’t shatter a child’s dreams.”

Baek Seung-won chuckled for a moment, then as if he suddenly remembered something, slapped his knee and pointed at me.

“Ah! Right! Their youngest member went to Baekhak Arts Middle School! You transferred there, right?”


“You might meet her at school then. She is…”

Just then, noises mixed with cheers came from the entrance of the lobby.

Baek Seung-won jumped up, startled.

“Ah! They must have arrived. I’ve got to go now. Write well! You’re a main pillar of our company, you know?”

“Thank you.”

“Alright, see you later! Take care and say some good words to Deputy Head Baek Seol!”

Baek Seung-won hurriedly stood up and ran towards the lobby. Then, shouting “Hey! Our company’s main pillars! Welcome!” he handed out bouquets to the girls who had just entered the company building.

I watched this scene for a moment, then, holding my half-finished mango smoothie, headed to the elevator.

Naturally, my destination was the Publishing Management Department.

* * *

When I first saw editor Baek Seol, she was just a new employee.

But suddenly, she became an assistant manager, then passed through the position of manager, and now she’s an deputy department head.

I may not know much about company affairs, but I do know that the position following deputy department head is department head.


“What are you looking at?”

I quietly observed Department Head Lim Yang-wook. With his sleek hair, crumpled suit, he was the same Lim Yang-wook as ever.

Then, I turned to look at Baek Seol, the “Deputy Department Head.” She was awkwardly smiling, glancing around at those nearby.

Yes. I’ve decided.

I bowed 90 degrees towards Baek Seol.

“Hello, Department Head.”

“Kyaaak! Don’t do that! Author-nim!”

Baek Seol was shocked, and Lim Yang-wook chuckled.

“Hey, aren’t you going to greet me?”

“Why should I greet someone who’s about to be pushed out?”

“This guy… knows how to survive in society.”

I nodded confidently.

“It’s certain that ‘our’ Deputy Department Head Baek Seol will soon push out Department Head Lim and become the Department Head herself, so I should align myself with her in advance. I’ll call you Department Head Baek from now on.”

“Auuuugh… please stop…”

Baek Seol blushed and deflated.

Unable to watch anymore, Lim Yang-wook stopped me.

He grabbed my shoulder and shouted.

“Hey! Managing Director Baek is telling you to stop!”

“Ah…! I’m sorry! Executive Director!”

“My apologies, CEO. I will strictly educate this young one.”

“Forgive us, Your Excellency!”

Eventually, Baek Seol gave us a frosty look.

“…Is this fun for you?”

“Okay. That’s enough.”


Baek Seol sighed and listlessly rested her head on the conference room table.

“I feel out of place too… Suddenly, corporate life has become strange…”

“Thanks to Deputy Head Baek, at least we managed to tie Kim Sang-guk’s hands for a while.”

I heard that the man named Kim Sang-guk, who became the CEO of Baekhak Publishing, suffered a significant blow when the CEO he served was ousted.

So, he discreetly contacted Lim Yang-wook to negotiate a truce, and to summarize the fierce battle of wits between them:

-How about… we call it a draw…?

-Sign here, CEO Kim!

-The publishing income of Author Moon… will be taken by Baekhak Entertainment…

Of course, this story doesn’t really resonate with me.

There’s something else that resonates with me.

“It’s a shame this is the last year…”

“Ha ha… I feel the same.”

Baek Seol is leaving the Publishing Management Department after this year. Since it’s already autumn, there’s really not much time left.

“I’ll probably go to the head office early next year during the regular personnel changes. My uncle is in the Strategic Planning Office, and he insists so much that I work under him…”

“That’s great news. Congratulations.”

“Ha ha…”

Baek Seol’s weak laugh revealed that she didn’t consider this a happy occasion.

Lim Yang-wook changed the subject.

“Still, we have plenty of time until the end of the year, so let’s all pull together and sell some books. I feel sorry for making you all suffer too much because of past connections I couldn’t settle. Both Baek Seol~ssi and our Author Moon.”josei

I shook my head sympathetically at Lim Yang-wook.

“No. I feel ashamed thinking that my refusal to appear on broadcasts might have hindered our business. If I had been more famous and made more money, perhaps Kim What’s-his-name wouldn’t have been able to bully…”

“What are you talking about! That man is the weird one, you’ve done nothing wrong!”

Lim Yang-wook got angry on my behalf.

“Did you decide to go on variety shows because of that? Then there’s no need! There are plenty of reclusive artists! I have no intention of stressing you out by forcing you in front of the camera!”

“That’s not it. I’ve undergone a change of heart after experiencing various things recently. The attention from people doesn’t feel entirely unwelcome anymore…”

“…Are you really okay with this?”

“Of course.”

Having confirmed my firm decision, Lim Yang-wook grinned and, looking back and forth between me and Baek Seol, motivated us.

“Alright! Then shall we fix the variety show schedule? We’ll go full throttle until the end of the year. Be fully prepared.”


“Oh, and Author Moon. About your next work?”

“There isn’t one.”

“If there isn’t, then come up with one!”


After the meeting, we stood up and all moved together to go eat beef.

“This time it’s a departmental group meal, you know? I’ll introduce you to the others. Don’t just hang out with us; try to get along with other people too. Everyone likes you.”

Someone appeared in front of us.

A man with a bear-like demeanor was blocking the office entrance.

“Is Author Moon In-seop here, by any chance?”

I knew his name.

Even someone like me, who had little interest in films, couldn’t not know his name.

Film Director So Tae-woong.

“Cause of Death, Guitar and,”

He was the recipient of the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival.

“‘Red Hunter’, are you the author who wrote them?”


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