Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 73

Chapter 73


After Writer Lim Song-i’s statement, the room was engulfed in silence.

Only Lim Yang-wook repeated her shocking statement to himself, pondering over it.

“Drugs… you say?”

The word ‘drugs’ carries two meanings.

First, it refers to the devil’s medicine that corrupts a person into something non-human.

Second, it’s a metaphor for something as addictive as drugs.

It was a commonly used expression to promote how addictive foods like spicy rice cakes or kimbap can be, but as real drugs became a social issue, it turned into a hush-hush term.

However, it was clear that Writer Lim Song-i’s statement meant the latter. Surely, they wouldn’t feature real drugs in a terrestrial TV drama.

Lim Yang-wook interpreted it as such and smirked lightly.

“Ha-ha, so you’re adding elements with an addictive quality like drugs while adapting ‘Guitar’ into a drama, Writer-nim?”

“No, I mean real drugs.”


Side EP–Automaton Murder Case

Stories have power. A truly good story conveys a strong resonance, no matter the language or form it’s expressed in……

– is something Writer Lim Song-i does not believe in.

Language is ever-changing and multifaceted, where ‘Ah’ and ‘Oh’ differ. How much more when converting written text into a visual medium?

‘Guitar’ is undoubtedly a good novel. A runaway girl and a runaway boy wander the world. They interpret the world differently through the innocent eyes of children.

But this cannot be directly translated onto a TV screen.

The novel ‘Guitar’ is one story, but the drama ‘Guitar’ is made up of 8 episodes.

Following the novel’s structure would only make the first and the eighth episodes different, with episodes two through seven having similar content.

This would plummet the viewer ratings and send Writer Lim Song-i’s career into the abyss. The PD will also be called a has-been for several years.


Writer Lim Song-i’s solution was……

“Add suspense.”


The force that keeps the story from becoming boring.

It’s not about making people feel at peace, but making them feel anxious.

“Initially…… Ah, you’ve all read the novel ‘Guitar,’ right? It’s not a spoiler, right? Anyway, at the beginning, the girl’s parents are killed by the leader of a runaway fam, the fam leader, right. Keep him alive and have him continue to chase after the girl.”

“Chase… you say?”

“Yes. Because the girl took drugs with her. Specifically, since she was the youngest in the runaway fam, she was in charge of holding onto the drugs, and everything gets messed up when she runs away with them. This gives the fam leader a motive to chase her, right? Both money and life are at stake.”

Writer Lim Song-i’s suspense did not end there.

“This way, you can also introduce police officers as supporting characters! I’m thinking of a duo. A warm-hearted man and a strict woman. Naturally, there’s a love line.

These two, while chasing the girl, boy, and fam leader, will sometimes seriously, sometimes lightly, lighten the mood. Kind of like, ‘Kids! Come back! We’re not the bad guys!’ That kind of vibe?

Then, naturally, it also opens up a role for the gangsters involved with the fam leader. They supply drugs to the runaway fam and even threaten to kill the fam leader if he fails to retrieve the drugs…

Ah, is this too dark? I’ll have to think about the gangster part.”

Regardless of whether it was dark or not, everyone in the reception room could empathize with what Writer Lim Song-i’s daughter might be feeling.

The personnel from the broadcasting station who came with Writer Lim Song-i were already aware of the content, and while they tried not to worry, they did not object.

The staff from Baekhak Entertainment’s Creative and Content Division seemed to think, ‘Does this even make sense?’ but refrained from starting trouble with Writer Lim Song-i.

After all, there was someone else to take the bullet for them.

‘Fucking assholes…’

Lim Yang-wook asked Writer Lim Song-i with an awkward smile.

“Drugs… Can such an adaptation be confirmed by the broadcasting station?”

“The person who confirms it is right here.”

Writer Lim Song-i gestured towards someone who appeared to be a broadcasting station employee sitting despondently.

I thought of him as merely a minion of Lim Song-i’s, equivalent to a ‘Minion B,’ but it turned out he was a much higher-up than expected.

Lim Yang-wook realized he needed to choose his words more carefully upon recognizing the level of his adversary, and Moon In-seop began to understand a bit why Kim Byul acted as such.

Fortunately, Writer Lim Song-i was the first to dispel the misunderstanding.

“I’m well aware of your concerns. It’s understandable to be worried. However, I’m not recklessly pouring in provocative material.”

Drugs, of course, are a provocative subject.

At least, they’re not something you’d expect in a terrestrial TV drama.

But who sets these standards?

The government, wishing to control cultural power? Broadcasting stations, wary of the government’s eye? Production teams, fearing criticism? Investors, desiring stable returns?

Certainly not the general public. And Lim Song-i was someone who only needed to look good in the eyes of the public.

“Are you possessed by Satan?”

Writer Lim Song-i said.

“Everyone’s watched ‘Narcos,’ right? If you haven’t, you’re a spy, right? What’s it about? Drug dealers, right? Our people are already ready to consume the theme of drugs in mainstream culture. It’s not a no-go in the mainstream eyes of the public.”


“And the emerging drug issues are sensitive? Shouldn’t we be the first to touch on that? Besides, leaving aside the social responsibility of pop culture creators, this has literary power. It’s a fact. Who are the final distributors selling drugs to people in our country right now? Isn’t it the underage runaway fams?”

To persuade everyone, Writer Lim Song-i placed a hand on Moon In-seop’s shoulder.

Moon In-seop, startled by the sudden contact but covered by the blanket, remained relatively still.

“Look at Author Moon here. He speaks with the power of facts. What happens at the start of ‘Guitar’? Underage runaway fams engaging in prostitution, and then there’s a child born without a family registry from such circumstances.

How many times have we said in the news that this is wrong, that there is darkness in our society? But when you use such protagonists and show it to the people, haven’t you seen them go crazy over it?

I thought I got hit in the head with a hammer as soon as I opened the cover of ‘Guitar.’ Look. Here is the reality you all ignore. This child will navigate through the harsh world you’ve created, and unlike you, this child will face the world with an innocent perspective.”

Writer Lim Song-i’s conclusion.

“I think it’s about time such dramas appeared on terrestrial TV.”

Lim Song-i’s lengthy speech ended. Following this, Lim Yang-wook lightly stroked his chin.

‘It seems Writer Lim Song-i is taking a leading role in producing the drama adaptation of ‘Guitar’…’

Since Lim Yang-wook was tasked with managing and enhancing Moon In-seop’s personal and financial affairs, he viewed Writer Lim Song-i’s new drama favorably.

There was no reason not to view favorably someone passionate about increasing our home’s wealth.

And the personnel from Baekhak Entertainment’s Creative and Content Division were considered more expert in drama than Lim Yang-wook, hence they viewed it from an even more advanced perspective.

‘An 8-part series means they’re considering Netflix too. No, there’s a high chance that talks have already happened!’

‘A subject matter that would make cable dramas blush is being used in terrestrial TV? Has the management changed for the better?’

‘Writer Lim Song-i has returned to NBC after 4 years… No, NBC has managed to bring back Lim Song-i after 4 years. In a production environment where the writer has more influence than the PD, the writer is showing favor towards us. This isn’t bad. But why did Lim Song-i return to NBC? Was there trouble with TMS?’

Those who know how to calculate must accept this proposal.

Although explicit consent was not mentioned, such an atmosphere had been created.

“But can child actors handle such content?”

“That’s fine, we’ll just age up the main characters a bit.”

“Ah, then what about a love line?”

“It would be disappointing without one, wouldn’t it? Ho ho ho.”

“Ha ha! Classic Writer Lim. Then, perhaps, the production company is…”

At that moment, as Lim Song-i was wearing a triumphant smile,

a child who didn’t know how to play with calculators spoke up.

“Then, isn’t that not ‘Guitar’ anymore?”

Everyone in the conference room turned their gaze to the child wearing a hoodie with a yellow furry creature character on it.

It was Gu Yu-na.

* * *

While others were looking forward to the profits derived from drama production, Gu Yu-na, the otaku who was purely upset about her favorite author’s novel being ruined, courageously stood up. Her four principles of refusal were as follows:

First, Lim Song-i’s drama is not about a journey without a name, identity, or destination, nor about the form of life; it’s about “run with the drugs.”

Second, no matter how important tension is for ratings, the moment someone starts chasing them, the two children’s journey ceases to be an alternative to a linear life with “no particular destination” and simply becomes a “flight.”

Third, a girl teaching a naive boy about attitudes towards life, the boy’s longing for the girl, and the emotional development towards becoming the master of one’s life, all of it gets buried under an erotic atmosphere the moment the boy and girl start a romance.

Fourth, if the main characters and the main storyline are different, why adapt ‘Guitar’ into a drama at all? Just write your drama.

“Sigh… That’s all.”




Gu Yu-na was capable of very logical criticism for her age. Her demeanor allowed Moon In-seop to grow into an eloquent speaker, albeit at the cost of sacrificing trivial things like personality.

However, being articulate was just the minimum requirement to not get kicked out of the meeting room right away.

The reason the adults didn’t stop Gu Yu-na was not because she was articulate.

People didn’t interrupt Gu Yu-na’s remarks because no one wanted to be seen as the despicable adult who silences a child’s bold statements.

Similarly, no one wanted to seriously consider a child’s words and confront veteran drama writer Lim Song-i.

Therefore, after Gu Yu-na’s pointed criticism ended, the conference room was wrapped in prolonged silence.




This silence was also a hint for Gu Yu-na to retract her statement before the situation worsened.

But Gu Yu-na was not the type to feel pressured in such silence.

Even as Kim Byul gave her hints, she completely missed them, thinking, ‘What did I say wrong?’ – ‘But my logic is perfect?’

– leading to a miraculous mindset that she was innocent and simply waiting for a response.

Thus, the silence continued for quite some time.




Lim Song-i’s gaze swept across the key figures in the reception room.

Seeing the expression of Department Head Lim Yang-wook, which seemed like he had lost his mind, confirmed this was indeed an unexpected situation.

Moon In-seop, who had brought the child challenging her, was observantly standing by as if it was someone else’s affair, even wearing a somewhat proud smile.

Kim Byul, who seemed to know the child, tried to mask her expression as if nothing was wrong, but her trembling pupils and the cold sweat trickling down could not be hidden.

Eventually, Lim Song-i decided, albeit reluctantly, to sort out the situation herself.

Writer Lim Song-i leaned on the table with a broad smile, resting her chin on her clasped hands, looking at the bold girl.

“Who are you?”

Moon In-seop answered.

“This is Gu Yu-na. Moon In-seop, Kim Byul’s ‘Gu Yu-na’ Min.”

“Oh, does she also write? Is she your friend?”


At that moment, Gu Yu-na intervened.

Surprisingly, she denied any close relationship with Moon In-seop.

“No. We’re not friends.”

Moon In-seop’s world momentarily crumbled. The light faded from the boy’s eyes.

Soon after, Gu Yu-na defined herself not as Moon In-seop’s friend but as something else.

“I’m his disciple.”

Life returned to Moon In-seop’s eyes. Lim Song-i, watching this, laughed as if she found it amusing.


Drama writer Lim Song-i.

Her genre is mystery, suspense, thriller.

With 15 years of experience.

After enduring all kinds of nonsense, she had mastered a way of speech that easily subdued even the most troublesome actors, but she wasn’t evil enough to unleash that brutal skill on a young girl.

Lim Song-i accurately recognized why Gu Yu-na had stepped forward – the displeasure of seeing a beloved creation being ruined.

“What’s the essence of a story?”

So, she explained it at Gu Yu-na’s level.

“I think it’s about the message. As you said, the novel ‘Guitar’ and the drama ‘Guitar’ might seem like entirely different works at first glance. However, the message of the drama remains the same. A world seen through pure eyes, a pure self, learning to be the master of one’s life…

I was fascinated by that part and wanted to make it into a drama. Of course, as you mentioned, it could have been made into a completely different story instead. Just taking a few scenes to pay homage to ‘Guitar’.

But wouldn’t it be disrespectful to use a recently published work as a motif for my story? So, I decided to adapt it formally after consulting with the original author. Ensuring that the author also gets a share of the benefits.

Of course, I’ll receive criticism. That’s the case with all dramas that have original works. For the fans of the original, it can never be perfect.

But I believe this is ultimately beneficial for both parties. We’re in the business of popular art. The drama brings in readers of the book, and the book attracts viewers of the drama. And art has its place.

In other words, just because I’ve bought the rights doesn’t mean I intend to use them exactly as they are. Kid, I’m going to make my work. So, how well it adheres to the original isn’t that important. At least, not to me.”

Lim Song-i added a bit of mischief at the end.

“Are you satisfied now?”

In other words, I might not be in a position to satisfy you, but I’ve gone out of my way to do so, so is there still something to pick on?

But Gu Yu-na answered refreshingly. After all, she hadn’t been looking for faults with Lim Song-i in the first place.

Gu Yu-na simply hadn’t naturally understood the context that ordinary people would.


Seeing Gu Yu-na nod so refreshingly, Lim Song-i felt somewhat defeated.

But at the same time, she also felt intrigued.

Not by Moon In-seop, but by this young talent.

With a leisurely smile, Lim Song-i asked, imbuing her tone with the force meant to subdue the bold child.

“Hey, what kind of stories do you write?”


And thus, the veteran of 15 years in suspense, mystery, and thriller discovered a newbie.

“Oh, really?!”


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