NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 108 - Taking The Lagoon (3)

Chapter 108 - Taking The Lagoon (3)

I laid out the plan and told everyone their roles.

Ryoshi would stay on guard as far away as possible, contributing to the battlefield with his long-ranged attacks. He would play as the sniper of our team, taking out as many enemies as he could without getting himself caught.

Since we already had a ranged player, Snow White fit the description of a vanguard. She would soak all the damage from the soldiers and distract all of them in one place. Thanks to her absurd skin, Snow White could withstand on her own while also taking down foes with her blade.

If I had to put it into words, Snow White would become the decoy of our team. She had great speed and power stats, rivalling the elite knights.

I had an inkling that Snow White's blade could also work as a hammer. Despite the weapon's sharp edge, Snow White would pound the pommel to her opponents. It was an entertaining scene to watch, especially when I was not the one she would target.

My job would sneak inside the fortified base and put the general to sleep. Our team need not kill anyone in plain sight. Although accidentally killing someone would go off the bucket, it was not our goal.

We did not go all the way here to kill people. The three of us were here to refill our bottles and leave the lagoon without having someone injured. It was a simple plan, yet it had terrifying stakes.

There was also this general, with an overwhelming gun, after all. If that man did not guard the lagoon and showed himself in the front lines, I would gather all the water that I could from the lagoon and book it!

There was no way that I could fight against that man while defending Ryoshi and Snow White.

If there was a player who could fight against an overpowered enemy, that player would be me. People could argue that my sister could also perform well, but I would leave that for another time.

"What are the odds of us succeeding?" Snow White asked, as he gazed at the lagoon's sight once again.

"I'd say, one hundred. Have you ever doubted the wrath of Fenrir?" I answered, with a smirk carved on my face.

As soon as I announced our chances, I rushed towards the side undetected. Snow White also did her thing and went straight into battle. She waved her weapon and used her body as a shield. If I had to describe her, Snow White was a tank at our party.

Ryoshi also placed himself in position and prepared his bow. As soon as Snow White and I took our lead, Ryoshi fired a hundred darts all over the place, hitting countless soldiers in the field. But the most bizarre thing did not stop from there as those bolts evaded our figures, as if they did not want to harm us.

"Heh, what a showoff," I chuckled, and continued pursuing the flank of the enemy's base.

It was just as we planned. Snow White had taken half of the soldier's numbers, while Ryoshi tried lessening it as much as he could.

The scheme all went to my performance, pressing me to finish the job. All I needed to do now was meet the general or fill our container with the nutritious water from the lagoon.

As I arrived at the set, one man welcomed my presence. He stared at the lagoon with the moonlight reflecting on the features of his face. That guy had visible stars patched on his breasts, as well as symbols meant for soldiers.

Smoke also became visible from his face. The man raised his hand and took something out of his view. I could only guess this guy held a cigar in his hands while waiting for my arrival.josei

There was no doubt about it. This person in front of me was the general I saw from before. I had to take back what I said. The general was more than capable of overthrowing a squad of elite soldiers in one match!

A formidable aura enveloped the general. With a brief glance, I deduced that the man had an aptitude over darkness. It was a common spell, since it gave all the benefits to players, especially the power of [hunter in the night]. Besides the stupendous abilities, the [hunter in the night] would boost the player's power by two folds.

It was a broken spell that claimed popularity by a landslide during its first release. I, who struggled to become the best with my puny abilities, proved them all wrong.

The general did not have any soldiers to back him up. He must have already known about my arrival, and prepared to ambush me by himself. Since bringing along more men to this battle would hinder him from using his strongest spells…

That theory was the only thing that I could think of, considering the events happening right now. If that general truly had the power to rival mine, having more allies would slow him down.

I would have done the same thing if I were using my main account. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't.

"Did you wait for me, mister? You're not having fun like the rest of your friends," I said, while announcing my presence.

The general inhaled his cigarette for the last time and threw it to the side. The tobacco, which had an unrealistic effect in this game, turned into pixelated bits. After a few seconds, the smoke and the stick vanished from our sight.

"Nope. You were just in time before my smoke ran out. Although I'm not in the mood for listening to some pesky jokes, I had no other choice but to listen to you. Am I right, Fenrir? Or would you prefer me calling you bigbadwolf?" the general replied.

He turned around and faced me with his front body. That man had a bulky abdomen for a general. And here I was, thinking that generals were fat people ordering soldiers around.

I never escaped this bloke to have a hobby of exercising every day. It almost made me envious of his lifestyle.

"I would really prefer calling myself Wolf from now on, since I'm not using my main account. You should thank me for that, considering that you already lost before personally meeting me," I said, hoping to agitate the man with the dark green uniform. "But if you want to talk about it and call it a truce, my team would gladly do so! We just want to take a sip from that lagoon, after all!"

I knew there was no point in fighting anyone, but the situation had gotten out of hand. If I would dial down my power level, I might kill this general without even noticing it! That thought alone sent shivers down my spine, especially when Himari would look at me with disgust on her face.

"You still have a backbone without knowing your position, Wolf. Teenagers these days have it nice, do they?"

"Y-You're not making any sense!" I shouted. "Look, big guy. We just want some water."

"I'm afraid I can't give you anything, Wolf. You annihilate an entire army using no spells… and with that weak form. About how you do it, I don't care. But you remain a threat to the nation and Asimov," the general continued. "If I take you down, this death game you created would go to the grave with you. You don't know how many comrades you took away from that battle, Wolf… Even though you're just a child, do you think killing those soldiers would be fun? Is it because you still think this is a game?"

"I did it as self-defence! I never wanted to fight them!"

"I never wanted to fight you either… I also have a kid, Wolf… Please remember that."

After our exchange, the general started the attack with a magic circle prepared behind his back. I already expected this much and went to my side. But I never thought that there would be a trap behind a trap!

Another set of magic circles sprung into action, with the ground forming upwards to my figure. After a few seconds of scrutinising the spell, I second jumped my way out from the ambushed site.

"Second jump? Why are you not obeying the laws of physics," the general exclaimed, and heaved out a tired sigh.

"This world is a game, for fuck's sake. And you don't get to lecture me about physics! You still have that gun in your pocket!" I shouted, whilst pointing at the pistol hidden behind the general's sleeves.

If I had to guess it right, this general planned on assassinating me at the right time. The general did not want to show all of his abilities in front of me. Well, I also had the same plan as the general!

"[First form]!" I screamed, inviting all the powers stored inside of me to boost my body.

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