NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 140 - Whirpools (2)

Chapter 140 - Whirpools (2)

The world changed when the storm kicked in. Each of us had a role while we trod our way towards the raging winds. Our boats swayed at every angle every time the waves hit our quilla, disturbing our balance.

I had the easiest part of the job, since it only involved monitoring Captain Hook. That pirate cannot move a muscle, or else he would feel my fist of fury.

While the storm hit our ship, everything surrounding us became a massive swing. Wolf had no choice but to call our attention. He ordered everyone on the team to throw all the barrels, wooden chairs, and boards immediately as possible. We had to lessen the weight of our ship.

Much to my surprise, these two idiotic players let Captain Hook free from the ropes. They ordered the pirate to help us toss the things out from the ship, while the storm ruined our balance.

Captain Hook replied with, "Of course, mateys! It's the least that me could do!"

After agreeing with the command, Captain Hook raced towards the cabin and threw all the unnecessary things Wolf and Ryoshi mentioned. Since the two focused on driving the ship, Match, Hook, and me were the only ones running around. But Match and I could not retort, considering our situation. And while we hurled those things from the boat, we had to check up on the pirate before he could stab us in the back.

This pirate cannot steal from us. Since we all had an inventory system, the four of us could effortlessly place our items inside our inventory. It was fun to watch Captain Hook roam around the cabins, hoping he could find some bastard sword or necklaces we left behind. But as practical players, we did not have those valuable things inside our rooms.

The storm continued raging the water, pushing our boats to the side. Thanks to these two assholes, our ship never sank, despite the roaring sound of waves crashing against us.

Upon asking about their experience of riding a ship, Wolf answered, "I played it in a game once before playing Code."

Ryoshi also mentioned that he had read an article once on how to use a telescope as a pirate. He read that for a month and bought a telescope of his own.

"We'll never know when we could use it!" Ryoshi reenacted while twirling the lenses.

It took us an hour before reaching the eye of the storm. Compared to what we saw earlier, the eye did not have violent winds or waves. It was calmer than a blue whale swimming underwater.

Our rest took around a couple of seconds before resuming our journey. The feral storm would continue upon stepping our ship near the dark clouds approaching us.

But that was the trick. After arriving at the ends of the storm's eyes, the trials resumed, even worse than before. We had to deal with lightning right now, which meant death to us!

Those beads of thunder struck our surroundings, except our ship for now. However, we cannot just rely on luck while praying for these thundershocks to avoid us. We needed to make a plan before these electric currents from the heavens above would kill us in one shot.

"Wolf, I think we need to create a rock roof out of nothing! I don't know what would kill us; the storm or the lightning!" Ryoshi shouted, as he raised his concerns.

Wolf understood the weight of the situation as he finally made a move. "Match, come here! Do you know how to produce lightning?!"

Match shook her head and replied, "No! Red or anyone else never taught me about that!"

"Let Ryoshi teach you about the basics! Our lives are in your hands now!" Wolf shouted, while handling the wheels. "Captain Hook, I want you to give me the directions! Red, you need to fix the rails and get the water off our ship!"

Everyone moved according to Wolf's commands. Since he was the acting leader of our group, we had no choice but to follow the orders given by him.

Captain Hook rushed towards Wolf's side and grabbed the telescope from Ryoshi's hands. Considering that he was the leader of his pirate crew, he had the experience of navigating the ocean using the telescope these players had.

Match and Ryoshi went to the centre, trying their best to generate rocks out of nothing. Since Match was a mage, she could conjure any element she could. Well, that should have been the case, considering that she could conjure fire from her hands. However, Code rarely allowed mages with multiple elements at once, which became a threat right now.

Ryoshi also fired multiple arrows, mixed with electric shocks, at the ship's sides. When I asked him the purpose of these fancy gimmicks, he explained everything to me. Ryoshi mentioned he did not know if these lightning arrows would direct the electrical flow of thunder at the ocean. But since it involved Science and not magic, I did not know what that bastard had explained.

I did as Wolf told me and set the sails forward. Because of the wind, the sails got altered, which made our boat shift in directions. And now that I fixed it, I went back to the deck and threw the bucket of water out of the ship. I continuously did this while paying attention to Match and Ryoshi's conversations.

"It's all about the negative charges, electrons, in the bottom of the cloud, and your finger, are attracted to the positive charges, protons, in the ground! That results in a spark like a mini-bolt of lightning!"

(Author's Note: This is where I got the dialogue (

"I have no idea what you just said, Ryoshi! I don't even know what protons and electrons are!" Match exclaimed, while shuffling her already crazed hair.

After countless exchanges, the storm finally attacked us with a lightning bolt. That thunderous strike marked a hole in the cabins, destroying a bedroom inside. Fortunately, that hole did not affect the boat's movements. However, everyone grew concerned about the lightning coming from above.

If we wanted to make something happen, now was the right time.

"I hope you witnessed that, Match. That's lightning," Ryoshi said, while waving his hands. "I do not know how to explain that to you, Match! Wolf probably gets how lightning works now, do you, Wolf?!"

"Nope! Not a clue! I failed my Science subject five years ago! You're the smarty pants here! Do something!" Wolf retorted.

As we gazed upwards, the storm rumbled up a sound, generating lightning for the next few seconds. We cannot afford to get our ships hit by these lightning strikes, or else we would sink! And those lighting arrows that served as rods did not work their magic! We could only depend on Ryoshi and Match to save the boat from sinking underwater. The dwarves did not make these boats lightning-free, since they also had no knowledge of these natural circumstances!

It was what I had mentioned before. Something must happen right now or else we would all die in vain!

It was as I had foreseen. A thundershock emerged from the clouds, hitting the boat's edge. As of right now, we could describe the damage as bearable. But if this continued further, we would have to give up sailing across this ocean.

"Match, you got to do it! You're the only one who could use lightning as your magic!" Ryoshi said, while pushing Match below the storm.josei

As soon as Match stepped foot on the centre, lightning came upon her, hitting her body…. Well, that should have happened if it were not for Wolf protecting her.

Within a few seconds, Wolf dashed straight to Match and saved her from despair. Even after witnessing the thunder, Match could not conjure any lightning from her magic circles. And I did not blame her for it.

"W-Wolf! You know how to conjure lightning?!" I asked, while staring at Wolf, lifting his hands above.

The electrical current flowed through his hands as if it was nothing but running water. However, as we continued watching Wolf, his veins looked like they would pop out soon.

But before that could happen, Ryoshi fired a stick and impaled it around Wolf's knee. After hitting Wolf's skin, that guy finally regained his consciousness and fended off the lightning.

Within a few seconds, our boat finally reached outside the storm. As we turned around, the dark clouds continued floating behind us, causing troubles around the ocean.

"We did it!" Ryoshi shouted, as he fell to his knees.

Match also kissed the ground, shivering after witnessing all that. I went to her aid and gave her a warm hug for trying really hard. She might have felt useless when that happened, but she did her best to block the lightning strike from our ship.

Wolf went back to the wheels, only to remind us of another problem.

"Where the fuck is Captain Hook?"

Our prisoner escaped amidst all that had happened.. Captain Hook seized the moment and fled from the scene when the storm caught our attention.

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