NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 142 - Whirlpools (4)

Chapter 142 - Whirlpools (4)

That peaceful drift came to a stop as we met the whirlpools in front of us. The chilling wind touched our skin, reminding us of the terrain ahead of our view. According to Captain Hook, those circulating waves were terrible news for voyagers like us. And when that twisting death hit our boat, it would be the end of our era!

Despite Match's enhanced magic, she cannot lift the ship using her wind abilities. I had already thought about that once, but we scrapped that idea, considering Match was still a child.

I can't also use my lightning speed to move the boat in a different direction. Since my ability had a cooldown, I cannot use it for another hour or two. And even if I could, my body would not handle the weight of this entire ship.

I placed that idea back in the drain, forgotten and untold.

The only thing we had to do was to barge straight towards the unknown and hoped for the best. Since these two idiots already knew the ropes of turning the wheel, they also should know how to keep our lives intact with our bodies.

"That's the stupidest idea, Red!" screamed Okami.

But it was already too late. Because of the wind pulling us in, the boat had no other choice but to swim itself onward to our inevitable doom.

However, Wolf had an original plan. He asked Match to conjure a burst of fire behind the ship, creating some boosters out of nothing. I did not even know that fiery blaze would speed up our voyage. But instead of contradicting Wolf's belief, I let the idea through and hoped for the best.

Ryoshi also tried destroying the whirlpools happening at our front. These whirlpools only formed because of the storms generated in this area. And since we already experienced the wrath of the first typhoon, we had to deal with these twisters. And even after that, we needed to move onward and fight against the sea creature dwelling underground.

But we would face that part after making it through this trial. We also needed to fight those pirates if they planned on attacking us from behind. Considering that we're up against dwellers of the oceans, those pirates would use tricks to sink our boats.

Those arrows Ryoshi shot created a blast, creating shockwaves and miniature tsunamis. Fortunately, the dwarves made this boat more durable enough to withstand the slaps of those chunks of water. Despite taking multiple hits from the ocean, our ship remained tall, cruising through the azure liquid.

But those arrows did nothing to the whirlpools. We thought that the exploding arrows would disrupt the flow of those twisters, which would eventually maintain its balance.

However, that did not happen. It took the ocean less than a minute before forming once again, as if the explosions meant nothing to them.

Before we could even plan our next move, the whirlpools dragged us over the centre, pushing us over to the sides and back again. It was like playing the game of tug of war. But in this scene, our rope was the force and our energy.

Match flame boosters pushed our boat away from the whirlpool. However, the ocean had dozens of whirlpools lying around in the open. We slipped through the first one, but we cannot escape from all these circular platforms wrecking our ship.

"Match, can you add some wind boost on my feet so I could travel faster," Wolf requested the mage girl.

"This magic circle would only last for around fifteen minutes. I've already used all my mana, so please bear with me."

Match agreed to Wolf's plan and conjured a wind magic circle below Wolf's feet. Within a few seconds, the gust of wind travelled around his feet. Upon completing the spell, Okami handed the wheels to me. He instructed me to place the wheel forward without changing its course.

"Don't you ever let that steering wheel move, or else we all die," Wolf explained, before launching himself off from the deck.

Wolf chose me as the person behind the wheels instead of Ryoshi. Since Hunter had his hands full on navigating the place, he was not suitable to take charge of the steering wheel. I, who had nothing to do but wait, took the role from everyone else.

Thanks to the wind magic Wolf had, he remained on top of the water without even touching it. Wolf flew to the boat's side, just beside the twisting water. As soon as he arrived near the ship, he transformed into his first form and pushed the boat forward, disregarding the calamity.

Although it may have looked like an atrocious idea, the boat pushed onward and outmatched the whirlpool's powers.

Ryoshi also continued firing a barrage of exploding arrows at the whirlpools, hoping to stop them from dragging the boat. Since those arrows came from his mana, Hunter never lost bolts despite firing so many. As long as he had spare mana, he could always launch those bolts at his targets.

After struggling for minutes, we finally overcame our trials and cruised through three of the whirlpools out of twenty. After passing through this obstacle course, we would finally reach the borders of Wonderland.josei

But we cannot just celebrate just yet, considering the distance between that island and these whirlpools. It was just a matter of time before we could win this fight or lose our ship.

Luckily, our raft withstood the violent power of these whirlpools. It even exceeded our expectations, since we already lost hope voyaging around this place.

However, that optimistic idea vanished for long when a figure of a boat greeted our eyes. That ship remained anchored in its place, waiting for us to finish the whirlpools.

"What can you see, Ryoshi?!" Wolf shouted, while pushing the boat. "You're my eyes and ears. Tell me that figure up ahead."

"It's a pirate ship, sir! The one we fought earlier!" Ryoshi exclaimed, while clicking his tongue. "Peter Pan and Captain Hook are all together as a family. Damn, that crooked guy. I always tell myself to never trust a pirate."

"Sir?" Wolf reacted to the title Ryoshi called him

After their exchange, a ball made of stone charges straight in our direction, almost hitting us if it were not for moving the wheel. I disobeyed Wolf's instructions and dodged the ball as much as I could, despite the mass of this bad boy. Thankfully, after watching the two clowns drive this raft, I mimicked their style and manoeuvred the ship as if it was my third hand.

Even Ryoshi gaped his mouth wide open as soon as he witnessed controlling the wheels with the little experience I had.

But it did not just remain idle right there. I continued swaying the boat at different angles, dodging all those cannonballs headed in our directions. Fortunately for us, none of those stones hit our ship. There were ones that should have hit us if it were not for Ryoshi destroying the boulder. While he did that, Ryoshi also threw a set of arrows in the whirlpool's direction, creating explosions after explosions.

However, the fun did not stop there. Since Wolf knew there were enemies outside, his first form went controllable berserk, which amplified his strength. All of his senses dialled up to eleven, making him a total menace on the battlefield.

Just like what he did to the elite soldiers, Wolf tackled the ship and pushed it through the obstacle course. That effort led us to victory road as we entered outside the bounds of those whirlpools.

When we met the ship, the pirates tried scurrying away. However, they were already too late, since we already caught up with their scheme.

All four of us returned to our stations and prepared for a battle. As soon as we armed ourselves with our weapons, we went to the enemy's pirate ship and tied up the pirates running away. It was not even a fight, considering these low levelled pirates compared to the soldiers.

As soon as we cleaned the mess, we headed towards the two "bosses" and faced them. I wanted Match out of this fight, but the girl would not listen. And even if I tried pushing her away from this fight, that mage girl would do everything she could to include herself in battle.

"Yer told me these were a scurvy-looking bunch! Ye lied to me, Captain Hook!" Peter Pan yelled, while equipping himself with the sword. "Captain Hook! Fight with me until death! We cannot give them the Black Pearl!"

"But, Peter!" Captain Hook cried. "Me thinks that we have gone too far from killing people!"

"Aren't you the coward who ran away with these... pixie dust?" I said, hoping to mock the brat.

My scheme went successfully as the triggered Peter Pan flew towards me, with his sword aimed at my head.. But by the time he reached my fore, I activated my right eye and used my penitent's blade to block his attack.

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