NPC Code: Red Riding Hood

Chapter 95 - On Our Tail

Chapter 95 - On Our Tail


A soft groan escaped from my lips as the sound of someone snarling woke my ears. Upon peeling my eyes open, the five books greeted my eyes, with the girl seated in front of me.

Match pondered to herself while browsing the set of volumes lying on the table. At her fore was the screen with the riddle written on the text. Since she was a party member of mine, Match could also read the texts that the library gave me.

"Oh, you're awake, Red." The startled Match greeted me as soon as she discerned my orbs.

I gave her a slight nod and looked at the board. It was what I thought. All the five books that we needed were already in our hands. We just needed to answer the riddle and place the book on the altar.

"Did you find these by yourself?" I asked.

Match gave me a nod and answered, "Yes. While you're asleep."

This girl did everything that the two of us planned to finish. It was as if a crown of thorns nestled itself on top of my head. The unbearable pain pierced through my scalp, telling me I had been a useless sister until now.

Although the surrounding people before called me smart, I couldn't understand the meaning behind these riddles. It just showed how inferior I was to the little girl below my age.

"I'm sorry for being so useless," I instinctively said, and joined Match, browsing through the books.

My anxiety got the better of me, accepting that I became a worthless person in the eyes of the person I saved. I thought I was the one who could protect Match.

But Match did not need me all this time. I was just swimming around my imagination, receiving the pleasure that someone depended on me for the entire journey.

My eyes scrambled as Match's figure soon stood from her seat. She stopped scanning the books, closed the opened ones, and went to my side. That girl had a pouting expression carved on her face.

I, who knew nothing about reading the book, could not grasp what she wanted to say. It was all written on my face, since Match did not curl her lips downwards after a few minutes. Instead, she placed both of her hands on each of my cheeks and gave it a rattle.

She was like a rattlesnake, hissing at me without telling the reason.

After juggling my mind, the little girl let out a chuckle while flashing me a smile. Match found it entertaining to wobble my head. If I were unlucky enough, my brain juice would leave my skull for good.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, still recovering from the vibration.

Match shook her head and answered, "Nothing. You just look hilarious when you pout like that!"

"But I'm not the one who's pouting!" I retorted, with my shoulders crossed and my head looking in the opposite direction. "I am not pouting. You are… before. But now you aren't."

"See what I mean?"

The conversation continued without concluding. However, after our energy left us, Match and I leaned our heads against each other and took a brief break.

"I'm sorry for being a useless sister," I confessed, while fighting off the tears flowing from my eyes.

Match just shook her head and caressed my hair. "Don't be. You're the one who always saves me, Red. That's why I want to help you complete these puzzles!"

The little girl gazed into my eyes as she continued her story. "Before the village got attacked, my sister would always tell stories, puzzles, and riddles during bedtime. She never complained, even though my sister got exhausted from work. I still can't use my powers that well, so I want to do what I can in this library. I want to challenge myself and answer the riddles! So, you're not useless, Red. Let me handle this, and I will leave all the fighting to you. We need each other. Depend on me, and I will depend on you too, Red."

I heaved out a sigh after getting quite a scolding from Match. Even though she was just a little girl, Match still had her ways of softening my chilling heart.

"You're right," I answered, while gazing at the ground. "I was so caught up in doing everything by myself when I could rely on you, too. I'm sorry for not asking for your help, and thank you for helping me complete this puzzle."

The moment of truth revealed itself from my mouth as the talk continued longer. Right after saying all that we wanted, we continued the conversation about our past lives.

I told her I was a shopkeeper, selling vegetables and fruits and fish that my parents brought and harvested. I also told Match about Clementine, my little sister, who helped me fix the stall.

Match was the same; only she was the one helping the shop. Her sister was the one selling the goods and harvesting them from their backyard. We had the same experience, except with the switched roles.

After finishing our talk, the two of us went to the table and finished what Match started. We placed the five books on the table and exchanged information about the answer.

"Take the spotlight, Match. It's all yours," I exclaimed, and offered her the floor.

Match took a deep breath and readied all the volumes that we needed to brainstorm our answer. The monitor also appeared before us, with the riddle displayed in front. We needed all the information and found an answer to that puzzle.

However, we had yet to crack the code from the question.

[Third Riddle]

[What is always in front of you but can't be seen?]

"Hmm… the book with the word 'past' can't be the answer, since that word only means that it happened from the, well, past. The books 'present' and 'future' seem promising to me. Time could also be the one we're looking for, but it looks vague in my dictionary," Match explained, as she looked in my direction. "What do you think, Red? What are your thoughts?"

Ashamed as I was, I did not know the answer. I just shook my head and told Match I could not come up with one. "But I think it would be the book 'future' since it is in front and cannot be seen?"

Match nodded to herself and replied, "That may be the case. But we also have the books 'time' and 'present'. These two look promising too, right?"

"Yes. But the present is always at our fore, meaning that it is always there. We know the present, but we don't know what's in store for the future. Time is… well, how should I put it?" I rested my head on my spread palm and pondered. "Time is a vague term. It fits perfectly to the question, but something is bugging me about it. I just don't know the reason for that tingling sensation. Sorry."

"It's okay, Red. Don't feel sorry. And I think that's a great explanation!" Match remarked, and carried the book with the word "future," in front. "That settles it, then! The chosen book would be the volume of the 'Future'!"

The little girl dragged me towards the exit, where the two altars greeted our eyes. The other two sank at the bottom of the ground, since we already answered their riddles. We just needed to provide the correct book for the remaining altars before the players could reach this place.

As we trundled towards the third altar, Match and I looked around, checking for traps that we needed to take off soon.

If we gave the incorrect answer, who knows what would happen to this cavern. But if we got it right, we would only answer the fourth altar.

"Ready when you are, Red!" Match giggled, while holding the book in her hands.

I gave the go signal and motioned her to place the book on the empty slot. Match told me I should be the one to rest the volume. But I insisted, since Match was still my partner throughout this journey.

"You should be the one to put that book on the pedestal, Match. You deserve it."

After hearing my words, the little girl giddy hopped at the altar and rested the book on the space provided. Once the book locked itself in the slot, the altar gave off a violent quiver.

I snatched Match from the pedestal and braced ourselves for the incoming attack. But the traps did not go on as I had expected. Instead, the violent vibration ended, with the altar descending underground.

The movements only told the two of us we answered the riddle, with the system notifying our achievements.

[Third Riddle Complete]

[What is always in front of you but can't be seen?]

[The answer is "FUTURE"!] The transparent screen welcomed our orbs as the system congratulated our efforts.

We returned to the library to complete the quest once more. But as soon as we stepped foot inside the library, something did not feel right. It was as if we were not alone in this environment.

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