Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Shillong and Arman’s Growth

Due to the slow progress in learning other spells, Shillong could only give up after barely learning a level 1 spell in three days.

Instead, he started learning arcane magic.

Arcane and traditional elemental spells are fundamentally different.

Arcane can be divided into many categories. There is the Guardian system, spell system, necromancer system, prophecy system, enchantment system, illusion system, etc…

This profession is also counted as a subdivision of the magician profession.

Mages who specialize in this subdivision are called the Arcane Wizards.

Arcane is much more difficult to learn than elemental spells, so generally speaking, there might not be a single Arcanist amongst ten mages.

Common mages generally only dabble in arcane magic. They usually are far from being proficient. Jones, for example, is a level 12 elemental mage, but only a level 4 Arcane Wizard.

The difference between the two professions is so huge mainly due to two points. One is that Jones mostly focused on learning elemental spells, and the other is that Arcane magic is very difficult to learn.

Shillong’s progress in learning arcane spells is actually slower than non-fire attribute elemental spells, but arcane spells are more useful for him than the elemental spells who specialize in destruction.

Although he is a level 4 arcanist, Jones was unable to raise all subdivisions of the arcane arts to level 4. He was able to do so to a few of them.

Among them, enchantment, necromancy, and incantation are the only subdivision he managed to raise to level 4.josei

Shillong started to absorb all the knowledge Jones was able to offer.

His learning progress is very slow, usually taking him 5 to 6 days to learn a single Arcane spell.

This slow but steady progress continued until two years later. When Shillong finally learned all the spells that Jones knew.

After learning everything he has to offer, Shillong expressed his gratitude to Jones, then stopped going there daily.

Apart from the occasional visit, he stopped bothering the old guy from research spells and other things.

One year later, Arman finally woke up.

The twenty years old Arman is about 4 meters high, the average size of all silver dragons his age.

Shillong is already 27-28 meters high!

Such size is completely ridiculous for dragons of his age!

Both of Shillong and Arman are twenty years old now.

On this day, the two dragons played the card game, solitaire, invented by Shillong before. Because they didn’t place any bet, the two dragons played casually.

Arman used his slender claws to drag a card, then raised his head and said to Shillong with a frustrated look on his face.

”Shillong! You are such a coward, with such a huge size, you still don’t dare to go out of the island!”

”Hah~ I really want to go out! Then earn my own treasures! It’s a pity that mom won’t let me out. “

”Safety first, understand?”

Shillong took a glance at the extremely small Arman, then threw a card on the ground and said.

”Don’t think about going out, kid! With your strength, maybe you will be captured and killed by humans the moment you go out! Mom will be very sad by then.”

”Boh~ you are obviously timid,” Arman said with a look of disdain. “How can humans be so strong, they are obviously a group of weak and inferior creatures. I! The great Arman won’t lose to such weak creatures!”

His inherited memory tells him that dragons are the strongest creatures in the world!

A true dragon is fearless!

”Hah! A kid like you doesn’t understand the danger of outside at all. The old man who taught me spells is someone from the outside world. He told me a lot about the outside world and the common level of strength there. Your strength is very low outside!”

“If you dare to expose your identity after going out. I dare to say that a large group of people will swarm to kill you and divide your body into pieces.”

”True dragons without strength are nothing but a huge treasure to them;”

”Don’t scare me! I’m not afraid!” Arman stood up straight. He flung his tail around and flexed his muscles, trying to act mightly, but compared with the giant Shillong, he looked extremely cute and funny.

”Do you know about the human world power division?”

”I don’t know! I don’t care about those weak guys, I just want to earn treasures!”

”Earn treasures?” Shillong looked at Arman’s arrogant and lawless posture with a funny look on his face.

”It’s more like you are giving them treasures! Humans are greedy. If you fall into their hands while you’re still a weak dragon, you will definitely die! They will suck your blood and dig your internal organs! Make them into potions and alchemy items. Peel your skin off to make armor! These things are priceless in the human world!”

”Dig… dig my internal organs? Suck my blood? Peel my skin?” Arman was frightened, he took a step back unconsciously, the cards in his hands also slowly fell onto the ground.

He looked a little anxious. His moving tail showed his inner unease.

”Are human beings such a cruel race? There is no such thing in my inherited memory…”

”It’s not human beings that are cruel, but the weak are generally treated so. No matter what race or creatures, as long as they are weak, they will be treated cruelly. Aren’t we treating the beasts on this island as our prey? We usually don’t even think twice before hunting killing and eating them. That’s almost the same concept.”

”That…that’s different! These are beasts with low intelligence! We don’t eat creatures with high intelligence!”

”Five-color evil dragons do eat humans!”

”Five-color dragons are evil dragons, they have no morals or dignity at all!” Arman said. It can be seen from his voice and tone that he is full of disgust towards the five-color evil dragon clan.

All metal dragons have this cognition from their inherited memories the moment they are born. They all extremely hate the five-color evil dragon clan.

”Aren’t there evil people among human beings? Is there anything wrong with them hunting a weak and helpless dragon?” Shillong laughed and said.


Arman was silent, lost in thought.

It took him a while before speaking again.

”What you said makes sense. But the strength of our dragon race is far beyond what humans can match! I’m fearless!”

”…You are too arrogant! Arman, human society has a strict division of strength, do you know? They divide the strength of sentient creatures into 20 levels, and true dragons, after reaching 40 years old, which the teenage phase, their strength is only about level 9! Just so you know, the humans that killed our younger siblings before are at least level 10! And humans of this level are not a minority in the human world!”

Jones informed Shillong about all of this before.

To be precise, the middle-aged fighter that Viola killed before is a level 11 master fighter, and one that is extremely close to level 12.

If Arman encounters people of this level, he can only survive by using his flight ability to escape.

”How is this possible? How can human beings be so strong?” Arman did not believe it.

”These are all told to me by the human mage who is still on the island. If you don’t believe it, you can also ask mom, she has traveled to many continents and is very familiar with the human race.”

”I will ask mom myself!”

The two “small dragons” sat on the ground and continued to talk while playing cards.

After a few hours, the sunshine has reached its peak. It’s noon.

Viola brought today’s prey to the two dragons. After the family of three ate the food, Arman couldn’t wait to ask her about human’s strength

Viola pondered for a moment and nodded, saying, “Shillong is right. The strength of human beings cannot be underestimated. The reason why only 40 years old dragons are allowed to travel alone is that they barely have the strength to protect themselves.”

”I personally traveled to the mainland when I was in my fifties, but even then I didn’t dare to act too high profile. I mostly used the transformation spell to mingle with humans.”

”Some arrogant five-color evil dragons are killed every few years due to their wanton and arrogant actions, this is a warning to us.”

”Are human beings so powerful?” Arman said in disbelief, still shocked that the ‘lower race’ he used to look down upon turned out to be so strong.

”The strength of human beings is entirely dependent on their huge population. With such a huge population, many geniuses and talented people appear one after the other, they are the pillars of the human race and one of the most important reasons why they are able to dominate such a large area of the main continent.”

”However, you don’t need to fret over my child. No matter how talented these geniuses are, they are still incomparable to us, true dragons! They might be stronger than use for a short time, but as we continue to grow older, our strength continues to increase, eventually surpassing them!” Viola looked confident and proud.

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