Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: I… I heard about it!

In response, Shillong smiled mysteriously.

”Let’s go to a place first, then come back and shoot again.”

Although the group of dragons was a little confused, they still followed Shillong

The group of dragons quickly flew to the shore, they could see the more than a dozen sea monsters bodies from afar.

After landing.

One of the brass dragons excitedly said.

”Food! So much food! How did they land on the shore? Could it be that they killed each other and were washed up?

”Idiot! sea monsters of this level are at least one kilometer below the sea surface! How could they wash up to this place?” Nefiro retorted, then turned her sight back to Shillong.

”Brother Shillong, is this?”

Shillong grinned and said.

”I just fulfilled my promise, this is today’s treat! Didn’t I tell you? I have special hunting skills!”

The group of dragons heard this and looked at each other.

Nefiro muttered indistinctly.

”How did this little guy do it? Special hunting skills? What special skills?”

Thinking for a long time, finally, her eyes lit up!

He must have called his parents!

His parents are adult dragons, so hunting sea monsters of this level shouldn’t be difficult for them. After they split yesterday, this little guy Shillong called his parents!

This little guy felt that since he promised us, he must fulfill his promise, so yesterday he begged his parents! After working all night, they finally hunted these dozens of sea monsters to show off to them!

’It must be so! I’m a genius’

Nefiro thought narcissistically.

’But his parents are not ordinary dragons! Even if it’s an adult dragon, it’s not easy to hunt giant monsters at the depth of 1 kilometers’

’It seems that only a few bronze and silver dragons on dragon island can do it!’

Nefiro quickly understood

The other dragons also understood after a bit of thought.

The group of dragons winked at each other, then said with a grateful expression.

”Thank you! Director Shillong, you really are a good dragon who takes his promises seriously!”

All dragons had a tacit understanding and did not break Shillong’s act.

Shillong smiled and said, “You have worked hard in acting too! So this is only natural!”

”Okay, the things you want are here. Everyone take a sea monster, and eat it quickly! We have to rush back to continue filming! “

”Filming is still the most important thing, let’s leave these monster bodies here first!!” Nefiro said.

Ambrio suddenly released an ice dragon breath to keep the sea monsters fresh, then the group of dragons left and continued filming.

Perhaps today’s food rewards have played a role, as all dragons have worked harder and made fewer mistakes.

The group of dragons finished filming a scene that should have taken two days in a single day.

As the sun set, the dragons did not leave, but transformed into their human form and watched the movie on the audio-visual stone together.

Ambrio looked at the picture of himself and his mother bidding farewell, then his excitement as he started his legendary journey, and nodded unconsciously.

’I didn’t expect that I had such a talent for acting?’

The screen quickly jumped to the scene of the princess’s escape.

Nefiro looked at her performance and laughed cheerfully.

”This is the princess role I played! Don’t you think I look like a true princess in the human world?”


”No! The princesses I’ve seen are quite quiet and elegant! Not as restless as you!”


Each one of these dragons is at least close to 100 years old. They have traveled in the outside world for many years and have met princes and nobles from many countries.

”Alright! Alright! Everyone be quiet, the movie is still going on!” Shillong interrupted their incessant ramblings.

Having experienced the relationship between an actor and a director. The group of dragons couldn’t help but shut their mouth upon hearing Shillong words.

All the dragons watched quietly.

Many dragons saw themselves in their human forms, either as the hero party or the subordinates of the villain.

Until the end, the protagonist defeats the green dragon, rescues the princess, and leaves after obtaining the promised treasure, the movie ends.

Shillong led the team to applaud.

The enthusiasm of the dragons just broke out.

”This is so beautiful! This interrupted movie isn’t comparable to the things I watched before at all!”

”That’s right! Look at the jackal leader I played, isn’t it realistic? This race is cunning and wretched! And my acting was perfect for it!”

”Hahaha! The human captain I played is quite interesting, I showcased human arrogance to perfection!”

”This story is really good! Especially, in the end, the five-color evil dragon is defeated and the goodness and prowess of our metal dragon clan are promoted!”

The dragon group discussed with each other for a long time.

Shillong interrupted their conversation, clapped his hands, and said, 

”Okay! The movie is over, starting tomorrow, we will start broadcasting it! Every dragon needs to pay gold coins to watch!”

“I’ll give everyone a benefit. Starting from tomorrow, for the next ten days, every time you bring a dragon to watch, I will give you two gold coins. This is only valid for the next ten days!”

”Ah! Pulling our dragon friends to watch together and get gold coins?” A dragon said with a look of excitement.

”Originally we were planning to invite our friends to watch together, I never expected that we’ll get gold coins for it, hehehe~”

”Let’s go! Let’s go! I’m going to invite my friends tonight, and tomorrow I will definitely bring a large number of dragons to watch the movie together.”

”But isn’t 4 gold coins a bit too much to watch the movie a single time?”

”What’s so expensive? Doesn’t that bastard Andre ask for 5 gold coins every time we go watch his adult movies?”

A dragon couldn’t help but say.

The moment he spoke, silence suddenly surrounded the dragon group.

All the dragons looked at the dragon who just talked quietly. Nefiro and the other female dragons looked at him like looking at trash, like something dirty.


”I… I heard about it from other dragons! I swear that I haven’t seen it!” The scales of this already reddish, bronze dragon turned even redder.

All the dragons in that area looked at him with contempt.

”You have to believe me! We are partners who participated in making this movie together!” The bronze dragon said pitifully.

”Forget it, I’ll believe you for once,” Nefiro said softly.

The dragon group finally restored their previous atmosphere.

A certain Brass Dragon suddenly said.

”Oh~that…didn’t the director say that we will be paid after the shooting?”

All dragons became quiet upon hearing these words again.

They turned their eyes to Shillong.

Shillong nodded.

”Yeah. You have been working for two days, so it’s natural to get paid. Let’s talk about salary. If it’s reasonable, I will definitely give it.”

”Well! This salary is generally calculated according to age and strength. I am close to adulthood, so I require 2 gold coins a day. Considering that I worked for 2 days, then it’s 4 gold coins” Nefiro took the lead.

”I am an adult silver dragon, my working price is 3 gold coins a day,” Ambrio said.

The other dragons also spoke up one after the other. Finally, after counting, Shillong discovered that he needed to pay seventy-four gold coins and 4 silver coins.

He certainly doesn’t have this money now!

So he spread his hands and said. “I will definitely give everyone their salary, but now I can’t get the money. After the film is released, and we get our first turnover, I’ll pay you, okay?”

”Of course you can! Don’t worry, little director Shillong.” Nefiro said with a grin.

The other dragons didn’t embarrass Siro, everyone was very easy to talk to.

Finally, all dragons flew back to the beach, grabbed their prey, and flew back to their residence.josei

It’s worth mentioning that each one of these dragons is quite powerful, and flying with prey weighing dozens to a hundred tons isn’t difficult.

The other dragons all flew away.

But Nefiro and Ambrio did not leave.

They insisted on helping Shillong and Arman take the food back to their nest.

Shillong naturally did not refuse, hence the four of them quickly set off back to Shillong and Arman’s nest.

The sky was dark, but the dragon’s eyes have very powerful night vision capabilities. From quite a distance, the two small dragons could see a huge figure lying at the entrance of their nest.

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