Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Game (2)

”The game starts now!”

Both sides put a small stone as their Ante.

Immediately, Shillong put three cards in front of Arman and himself.

After distributing the cards, Shillong looked at his three cards.

His hand isn’t that good, it’s a pair of 5.

Shillong played first, adding two stones as a bet.

Because it was his first time playing this game, Arman looked cautiously at his cards before playing.

Arman won the first round with his pair of 8. After winning, Arman grinned broadly, revealing his shiny silver teeth and said. “Hmph! Shillong! as I said, you really aren’t my opponent!”

He looked to be in a very good mood. His confidence has also greatly increased.

Shillong was faintly smiling the whole time, in response to the provocation of Arman, he just said. “Kid, you just won 1 round, so don’t talk big.”

The two dragons continued to play, and in the subsequent games, Shillong rarely won, losing most of the rounds to Arman.

Most of the time, he folded after looking at his cards, causing Arman to mock him for being timid.

After playing several times, Shillong eventually lost all his stones to Arman.

After losing all of his stones, Shillong, still with a relaxed look on his face, said to Arman. 

“Arman, are you getting used to it? Do you want to play for real?”

”Of course! Shillong, since you are so anxious to give me your gold coins, I have no reason to refuse!” Arman looked confident.

Afterward, Shillong still wanted to use stones as the smallest chip because the number of their silver and gold coins wasn’t very high. 10 small stones can be counted as 1 silver coin.

However, this proposal was rejected by Arman. He was full of confidence and he wanted to quickly end this game and win all of the silver and gold coins in Shillong’s hands.

The game rules didn’t change, but this time the 1 silver coin was used as the Ante.

This time Arman was the dealer.

After he finished shuffling the cards, he put a silver coin as the bet.

Shillong glanced at his own cards, all of which were single with the highest being only 10, so he folded without any hesitation.

Due to the fact that they converted all of their sliver coins into chips, which are only about twenty or so. It’s impossible for them to place a large bet or play unscrupulously, so they tried to be as cautious as possible.

Only if the odds of victory are high will they place a heavy bet.

This time it was Arman’s turn to fold.

His eyebrows were scrunched as he folded, grumbling loudly. “Damn! My biggest card is actually only a J!”

Shillong smiled through the whole process without saying anything.

This time it was Shillong’s turn to be the dealer.

After distributing the cards, Shillong casually added a sliver coin without even looking at his cards. Arman did the same after looking at his cards.

Shillong added another silver coin. Arman hesitated. After looking at his cards, he folded them while angrily saying. “Damn it! Your luck is very good Shillong! My biggest Card is only a Q. I would definitely continue the bet if I had a pair!”

Shillong just smiled and turned his cards up, allowing both of them to see the cards.

3, 8, and 9. There isn’t a single pair, and even the card numbers aren’t too high. Lower than that of Arman.

Seeing these three cards, Shillong pretended to look surprised, then said with a smirk on his face.

“Hahaha~ It seems that my luck is really good, Arman! Although my cards are worse than yours, I still won.”

”You!! Damn it!” Arman looked even angrier after seeing hearing Shillong.

It would have been better to not see it.

This bastard Shillong never showed him his cards after losing, but every time he wins, he taunts him by showing them.

’He really has a bad taste! But don’t be too proud of yourself!’

’The god of luck will definitely take care of me! In the end, all of your silver and gold coins will end in my hands!’

’I will definitely win! Just like before’

Arman comforted himself like this.

However, the outcome of the next few games vastly differed from Arman’s thoughts.

Shillong showcased a huge difference from his previous game style. Every time Arman gets a large hand, Shillong immediately fold, but every time he gets a smaller hand, Shillong always continues playing. It’s as if he could see his cards.

Even when they have relatively similar cards, Shillong always somewhat win.

In this round, they placed a huge bet of over 10 silver coins.

Although Arman tried to act as calm and collected as possible, his shaking tail betrayed his emotions.

’I can finally win this round!’

’I’ll make Shillong spit all of his previous wins! With interest!’

Arman looked at the three cards he was holding on his tender claws.

8, 8, 8, three of a kind

This is undoubtedly one of the highest hands in the game. Furthermore, it’s the biggest hand that appeared until now.

Since the start of the game, this is the first time that three of a kind has appeared.

’The coolest thing in the world is that when your opponent is confident in his hand, thinking that he is guaranteed to win, but then you show him and even a bigger hand and watch the look on his face change!’

’And this time, Shillong seems to be quite confident in his hand. Does he dare to raise the bet with me? I will show him today who is the true big brother!’

Thinking of his upcoming victory and the many silver coins he is going to get, a smirk crept up on Arman’s face.

What he didn’t notice is that Shillong was also slightly smiling. He was watching the whole time as Arman tried his best to stay collected, but grinned from time to time. All the while a shallow smile remained on his face.

Shillong glanced at the cards in his hands then said.

“Arman, you seem confident! Then I will add another 5 silver coins this time, it’s also just the number of silver coins that you have left. Let’s go all out and bet everything this time.!”

”Okay! We’ll see who’s the one that will laugh at the end!” Arman snorted coldly and added his last 5 silver coins to the bet.

Immediately afterward, he showed his card to Shillong while laughing.

“Hahaha~ Shillong, see this? Three of a kind! These silver coins are mine! I’m going to get back all of my previous losses!”

Arman stretched his claws while laughing loudly, trying to drag away the silver coins between them.

”Wait! Arman! It’s not a good thing to be so anxious!”

Shillong stretched out his left hand and grabbed the ‘slender’ paw of Arman, stopping him from taking the silver coins.

Then he also turned around the cards in his right hand, exposing the hidden numbers

7, 8, 9. Moreover, there is a triangle at the top of each of these three cards. It’s a straight flush, the highest hand in the game.

”How is this possible?”

Arman’s silver eyes widened to the extreme, looking as if they are going to pop out.

After a long time, he said: “How is this possible! I have three of a kind, you have a straight flush! How can such a thing happen! We played for so long before, but the highest card that popped out was a flush, how could the two highest hands appear in a single turn!”

”Nothing is impossible! Arman, you lose! Your silver coins belong to me now!”

Shillong smiled and dragged all silver coins to his side.

”Damn it! Damn it! My silver coins! You took all the treasures that my mother gave me! Damn it!”

Arman’s eyes were red due to anger. In fact, he looked to be about to cry. His tail kept smashing the ground due to his extreme emotional burst.josei

”Haha! Don’t be angry Arman! After a few months, we can continue. You still have a chance to win back all of your treasures!”

Shillong said with a smile on his face.

”Damn it! I can’t wait for so long! Shillong! lend me some silver coins first! Let’s continue!” Arman looked very frustrated, he is panning to redeem himself.

”Hmmm, This proposal looks quite tempting! But I refuse!” Shillong pretended to think a bit, then refused the proposal of Arman.

”Damn! I promise that I will pay you back! Shillong! Mom gives us a lot of silver coins every year! I will definitely pay you back!”

Arman looked very anxious. He is truly desperate to get his treasure back.

Dragons’ natural greed and love for treasures made it very difficult for him to accept the loss of his only property.

”Then wait for a year, we will continue when mom gives you your yearly silver coins.”

”Damn cunning bastard!” Arman roared desperately.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow obscured the sun above their heads, causing Shillong to frown a little uncomfortably. He raised his head and glanced at what suddenly covered them, then lowered his head in silence.

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