Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 236 Elves

Chapter 236 Elves

"Fuck, Elves are the worst that could have happened!!" A mumbling voice reached Nial's ears.

He had issues controlling his facial expression because he was overjoyed. Yet, the Sacred Knights leader, who was standing not too far from Nial thought the exact opposite.

Silvian looked at the first Elf, and then at those, who followed him with a deep frown. He could tell that the situation was going out of hand, even more with the appearance of the Elves.

They were literally the worst race he could have met.

'Why did I have to be this unlucky? As if a race in favor of Life itself was not bad enough, it had to be elves, right?!'

The reason for Silvian to think like this was pretty simple. He didn't see eye to eye with the Elves and had a bad past with quite some difficulties.

They could be considered arch-enemies, mostly due to the fact that the Dryx race was loathed by the Elves.

The Dryx race was known for destroying their surroundings with the dangerous fumes their body released, the numerous bacteria their body harbored, and for mindless killers, who liked obliterating lives, just for the sake of it.

As they had been opponents for eons, Silvian could only frown, while looking at the human-loving race, the Elves.

'Finally, we are lucky! It was about time for mankind to draw a lucky card!!' Nial thought in excitement while perceiving the strong masses of mana that belonged to the Elves, who kept emerging from the green levitating portal.

Elves were known for adoring life, especially those races that looked similar to them. They loved everything beautiful and hated hideous existences.

That was why the human race was quite fortunate. There might be more than enough ugly examples, but the Elves would simply talk to those, who were beautiful, and ignore the hideous and ugly ones.

Even if it was nothing to be proud of, the arrogant Elves would never care about the opinions others had about them.

It was simply not something they were concerned about.

'Who the hell cares, whether they're arrogant or not?! This is simply too good!' Nial continued to think, while the smile he wanted to suppress began to surface.

There was still the possibility that the Elves, who had stepped on Juna along with the plateau, had a mission that played against the hope Nial felt, however, the chances were extremely low.

After all, each of the descended Elves had seen the large group of Originals, who were resting in their temporary base consisting of numerous tents.josei

Nial's hands trembled slightly when he perceived that more than 10 Prometheus Elves had already emerged from the green portal.

'The first one, who emerged from the portal, is still the strongest. It should be their leader, right?' He thought, licking his lower lip without realizing it.

Taking a few deep breaths, Nial clenched his trembling hand into a fist.

"Hey, Nial! What do you think about the Elves? Elves shouldn't be hostile towards humans, right?" Mathias asked, remembering all the stories he had heard about Elves in his past life.

He was more than just a little bit excited. His heart was beating wildly, and Mathias was restlessly shifting his weight from one leg to the other, wanting to approach the Elves right here and right now.

Mathias didn't want to waste more time speaking, but he also knew that he had to control himself. After all, it was important to determine whether the Elves were a threat to them or not before rushing toward them.

However, just when Mathias turned in Nial's direction, he realized that his friend was missing.

"Nial?! Where the hell did you go?? Nial!!!" Mathias panicked for a moment. So far, his friend had never run away from him.

Nial would usually say a few words and inform them if he were to go somewhere. Thus, Mathias looked around frantically before he found his friend.

"Why is that young Original approaching the tropical forest? Is he insane?!"

"Does he want to get himself killed? We know nothing about this race, yet, he dares to approach them? What if he makes a mistake the moment he barges into their territory?"

"He will definitely become a headache for us if he makes a mistake. What the hell is he even thinking?!"

"This idiot. He almost reached the tropical forest..."

Everyone felt like beating Nial into a pulp, but nobody dared to approach him. After all, to catch up to him right now, they would have to run towards him rapidly, without holding their strength back.

And doing something like this would alarm the few Prometheus Elves, who had already emerged from the green levitating portal. They would take it as mankind's hostility and adverse reaction to their arrival. Hence, they stayed back.

p Meanwhile, the Elves saw that Nial was approaching them. They didn't act against him, which could be considered an advantage.

'So I'm beautiful enough in their eyes to make them pay attention to me, that's great!' Nial could only think as the corners of his lip curled upward in a smirk.

He had never really cared about his appearance. After all, he couldn't see himself, to begin with.

That was why he was quite glad that the Elves believed he was beautiful enough to meet their standards. If he were to ugly, they would have given him a beating before throwing him back to the base of tents and forgetting his existence.

And that was the best possible scenario!

But now that Nial knew that he met the Elves' minimum criteria, he calmed down at once.

'I shouldn't do a mistake right now, otherwise, I will definitely be fucked up! God of Darkness, if your memories are faulty, I swear, I will beat you up whenever I can...!'

Trying to calm himself, Nial tried to curse at the God of Darkness. However, it was not as if the deceased God was, in any way, responsible for the current situation. Thus, Nial quieted his raging mind.

When he reached the border between the plains and the tropical forest, Nial halted in his tracks.

Using the memories of the deceased God of Darkness, Nial waited more than ten seconds without moving a muscle.

He stood in front of the tropical forest and allowed the tropical forest to perceive him.

Only after ten seconds had passed did Nial start moving his hand.

He made several signs with his hand, and circulated mana through his hands before releasing it in a special manner.

Not even a minute passed after which he stopped moving his hand. After that, Nial again stopped moving and remained standing in front of the tropical forest. He didn't enter it immediately, and it almost looked like he was waiting for something.

Meanwhile, as Nial was waiting, many Originals looked at him dumbfounded.

"What the hell is he doing? Playing Ninja or what?!"

"He really believes that he is the protagonist and that his childish and weird moves will be enough for him to be welcomed in the forest? I bet he will be killed at any moment!"

"What a weird guy. Does he even know what he is doing, or where he is at? He should use his mana sense to perceive his surroundings if he is already blind, instead of possibly dragging us with him to doom!!"

However, while many Originals were displeased with Nial's action, Silvian looked at him with widened eyes.

'Why would he try to approach them?! He literally hates each of the existing Elven races!!!' He thought in shock. Silvian gritted his teeth, while his gaze remained on Nial, whom he still presumed to be the same Damian from eons ago.

'Even if he is following the traditions of the Elves, does he really want to approach the Elves?! Damian...what the hell are you doing? You and the Elves are the complete opposite! They favor life and the human race, whereas you destroy life, you bring darkness, and you hate humans to the core!!!'

It was already weird enough for the God of Darkness to have incarnated as a human right now. However, Silvian believed that this had some sort of special reason I was not aware of.

He was also pretty sure that he had intentionally made himself blind so that he wouldn't have to see the humans around him.

Of course, in the end, Silvian's train of thought was utter nonsense.

So far, nothing he had thought about Nial was correct because he was not the reincarnation of the God of Darkness, or something similar.

Instead, he was Nial Orin, the host of one Fragment of Darkness with some memories and powers of the former God of Darkness. That was it.

Having calmed down in comparison to everyone else, Nial was still patiently waiting.

He knew that he was the main topic of gossip right now, but that was not something he could be bothered about right now.

'I hope it will be enough if we can converse using a few hand signs and gestures. I am not proficient in using their sign language perfectly...'

Nial was completely unbothered about the fact that the late God of Darkness didn't favor Elves. He couldn't care less about this.

The God of Darkness, was by no means stupid, or selfish. Rather, his life had been a little bit messy.

Calling it complete chaos was probably the better term. Nonetheless, despite all the shit he had gone through, the God of Darkness had always tried to make life more worthwhile for himself.

However, in this attempt, there were often times when he messed up big time.

His power was just generally considered dangerous, and many feared him, especially for this power. After all, the dark energy was not something that could be used to heal someone or to do something that was considered 'good'.

On the contrary, dark energy was one of the most destructive powers if it was used properly. With it, one could fight against almost every type of energy, even the holiest energy as long as one knew what to do.

Nial chose to refrain from using dark energy until the Elves would trust him enough. Possibly, he would have to hide it from them forever.

However, that was more than fine for Nial because the most important for now was to get acquainted with the Elves.

At that moment, Nial had already been waiting for a few minutes. But only now did he perceive the first changes in the tropical forest.

A gust of wind splashed on his face, and it was just a second later that the tall silver-haired Elf appeared right at the border between the tropical forest and the plains, right in front of him.

"Kirasdtha Nihasn Miasdh" He muttered, moving his fingers in the air.

'Welcome to the Forest of Life, Miasna'

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