Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

*3rd person POV

Karmeut and Miel looked at Rainelle. The human figure was familiar to their eyes, but the large wings on her back were unfamiliar.

As if the wings of the giant bird earlier were shrunk, there was a complex and beautiful golden pattern on the inside of the wings that were large enough to slightly touch the floor.

Rainelle, who folded it gently and sipped the tea brought by the servant, smiled. The innocent smile seemed to say nothing had changed, so the two men relaxed slightly.

"Aren’t these wings cool? I don’t have this before! This way I can fly even when I'm human!"

Rainelle, who said that so excitedly, then muttered an “Oops,” and scratched her cheek.

"I'm sorry. The explanation comes first, but I was too excited."

"---No... it’s alright, Rainelle-nim."

After barely answering, Miel looked Karmeut's way. The Emperor still had his eyes fixed on Rainelle’s wings. As if she felt the gaze, Rainelle spread her wings and waved them slightly.

As the golden and pink eyes fixed on her, she coughed briefly and said,

"Um... I don't know if you'll believe it, but I'll tell you what I've been through. Not only Karmeut, but Marquis Albion also has been a great help."

Karmeut's eyes turned to Miel at the words. As the latter trembled at the rather fierce gaze, Rainelle hastily added an explanation,

"Don't be so angry that he helped me without you knowing it, Karmeut."

"...Helping you without me knowing?"

"I just asked him to lend me the power of his contract spirit. So that I can fly high."

Hearing those words, Karmeut let out a grunt of disapproval.

Karmeut thought: ‘Surely, if she had said that, he would have helped her even without telling me. Because wanting to fly high wasn't a particularly strange request. Rainelle is a crow by nature, so she may have a desire to fly high.’

The Emperor let out a long sigh after a while, then he stared at his mate. Feeling his gaze, the crow blinked slowly and opened her mouth carefully,


*knock, knock, knock-*

Karmeut and Miel's expressions crumpled at the exquisitely interrupting knocks.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Namuel and Myrdin-nim have come to visit."

"...Let them in."

Karmeut was annoyed for a moment, but he was not surprised at all, as he had expected that they would come.

The door opened and Namuel, Myrdin, and the crow sitting on Myrdin's shoulders came in.

"Rainelle-nim! What happened?! What was that---!"

Namuel's green eyes were sparkling with excitement. The eyes of the wizard, who was in front of unknown knowledge, seemed like a burden, and so Rainelle leaned back.

"Heh heh, I know you're excited, but calm down. Rainelle-nim was surprised."

"...Oh, my... I'm sorry, Rainelle-nim."

At the words, the crow shook her head. The next moment, the old crow flew over to Rainelle, who then offered a seat to him at the table with a smile, as if telling him that it was okay.

The old crow sat down on the table and looked up at her purple eyes. After staring at her for a long time, he looked as if he could not believe what was in front of him, then the old crow spread his wings and bowed his head to her.

The crow's attitude, which seemed like a formal greeting, was enough to attract everyone's attention. At the behavior of the old crow, Rainelle was bewildered,


The old crow changed into his human form. Then he laughed and shook his head.

"The formality is not necessary, Rainelle-nim, the great one who had met the deity. You’re our Queen now."

As the old crow bowed deeply while saying that, everyone, including Rainelle, was surprised.

"Me, the Queen?"

"You know the reason best, Rainelle-nim."

Hempel smiled kindly as he said that, and Rainelle became quiet for a moment. Then she turned her head to look at the humans who looked at her.

"...Haa, I think it would be better to talk about it right away because I think it’ll be troublesome if the explanation is delayed."

She adjusted her seat on the sofa.

"As Myrdin-nim advised, I flew high. To meet the Black Bird."

"---Are you referring to the mythical Black Bird?"

"Yes, I do. There was no guarantee that we would meet, but I flew high anyway. If we didn't meet, it would just be me flying high and then coming down."

Rainelle, who shrugged her shoulders as if nothing big had happened, looked at the Emperor for a moment.

---She opened her mouth, avoiding the man’s gaze that seemed he have a lot to say.

"It might sound silly, but I do meet the Black Bird. And I was given power. That's why I was able to look like that."

After her brief speech, Namuel pushed up his glasses. Then, with a hint of impatience, he asked a question,

"Are you seriously referring to the Black Bird recorded in mythology? The bird that appeared with the wolf who gave the seed to the Wolfric Imperial Family."

"Yes, that's right."

"Then... you've met a divine being."

Rainelle nodded her head. Seeing that, Namuel looked like he was unable to breathe. Myrdin chuckled and said,josei

"This, if there was a priest in this place, I think that person would foam in the mouth. Heh heh heh!"

Would they really? Well, the Black Bird may not be a deity worshiped by the priests, but isn't it an animal that serves as an assistant to God? The fact that she met with a divine being was enough to be worthy of supporting and serving.


It was a cold voice that prevented the two wizards from trying to ask more questions of excitement.

The Emperor's face, calling Rainelle with his eyes flashing fiercely, looked as if he was holding back many things.

"Why did you eat the fireball?"

Rainelle shrank her shoulders slightly at his angry attitude. She then answered while her eyes were darting everywhere,

"...Well, I was afraid that if I bounced it off or blocked it, it would splatter around. Then someone else could get hurt. Of course, it doesn't mean it's bad for my body! It was rather delicious…"

"...The taste, you mean?"

"Yes. It was delicious. Like fruit."

"I see. The fireball tasted like that. Of course, fireballs may be erratic in terms of power, but considering the relatively simple casting method, high speed, and the power of fire itself, it is the fastest magic that can be achieved. Oh, is that what it is? Did you feel something different because it's softening by refining the mana...? It's similar to but different from the fire that the fire spirits created. Rainelle-nim, can you take the spirit's fire?"

"...Uhm? I don’t know. I haven't tried it, so..."

"...Marquis Namuel."

The wizard immediately clamped his mouth at Karmeut’s action of calling his name briefly as if to warn the excited Namuel.

"...I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

"I have something to talk to Rainelle, so everyone can get out."

They moved quickly at the cold order. It would be tiring to be seen as a hindrance to the superior.

"Heh heh, don't be too angry, Your Majesty. Rainelle-nim had a reason too."

Only, Myrdin left these words before stepping out of the room with Hampel, who had returned to the form of a crow. The door closed, and a short silence fell between them.


"...are you mad, Karmeut?"

“I think it would be a lie if I said I’m not mad.”

Rainelle shrank at the remark. Karmeut clenched and opened his fists as if trying to suppress the emotions that swelled up within him. Looking at her, he spoke again,

"From now on, don't eat magic, ever again."

"But it was fine-"

"It’s not okay!"

Rainelle's eyes widened at his sudden outburst. Karmeut, unable to hold back his emotions, jumped up from his seat and paced around.

"No one has strong internal organs! If you make a mistake, you can be baked from the inside! Do you know how surprised I was when I found out that you were that big bird and ate a fireball?!!"

As he said so, the Emperor’s fingertips trembled. No, it wasn't just his fingertips.

"I said I'd protect you. I said you didn't need power---!! I told you it was okay if you don't have the power!! If something happened to you, then you don't need that kind of power---!!"

Rainelle hugged Kamut. He paused for a moment as she suddenly hugged her. In response to his reaction, Rainelle gently patted his back.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

The crow whispered while embracing the wolf with her large, black wings wide open.

"But I’ve also said it before. What if I’m just being protected and then get in danger with only myself to count on?"

"Something like that-"

"We can’t tell. Of course, I'll try not to be in danger. But there are unexpected times. Well, there are times when one has to ask for help, but there can also be times when someone is on their own."

Karmeut’s body, which had been trembling, slowly calmed down with the hand that patted his back.

"And like I said before, I want to be with you, be your partner. So I want power. And I'm back with it. For you."

Hearing Rainelle's whispering voice, Karmeut circled his arms and hugged her.

"...don't do that next time."


"When I realized that the big bird that suddenly appeared was you, I really, really---!!"

Seeing his speechlessness, Rainelle gathered her wings a little more and hugged Karmeut softly. At her actions, he buried his face in her shoulder and took a long breath.

‘--Rainelle's black wings smelled of sunlight.’


"How was the Black Bird? The first corpse-eating bird that became the Wolf's eyes."

After calming down a bit, Karmeut asked a question about the Black Bird. His eyes didn’t twinkle like the wizards, but there was curiosity there.

"Um... it was kind."


"Yeah. It was kind, sweet, caring, and gentle."

As she said so, Rainelle waved her wings slightly. She then scratched her cheek as she smiled shyly.

"I was more like whining for power, but the Black Bird was… listening carefully. Like a mother?"


Rainelle said "Yeah," while nodding her head. Then she pointed at her face.

Karmeut blinked his eyes for a moment at her closing-in face. He then smirked and bent his eyes.

"You want a kiss?"

"Wha-, no!!"

Rainelle, who was blushing, shook her head while closing her eyes tightly. Then she said in a bright voice,

"Karmeut, I'm not weak anymore. You saw it earlier, right? I’m even able to swallow magic. Of course, I’m not as strong as a dragon. But..."

A white, thin hand grabbed Karmeut’s hand.

"I’m no longer a burden. I have no social power and no money, but at least I have the strength to protect myself. So, Karmeut, I have a favor."

"What is it, Rainelle?"

"Don't try to solve everything alone. If you do... I'll be sad."

Karmeut went quiet at those words. Seeing that, Rainelle continued to speak,

"Of course, there may not be much I can do. ---But, at least, I can listen. And maybe there is something I can do to help with the power I have."

"Rainelle, I-"

"-I'm going to be your partner. Isn't that right? If so, trust me more. ...Of course, I'm not sure I've been that reliable until now."

Karmeut looked at Rainelle.

...Maybe it was because she had met the Black Bird, a mythical animal that served as an assistant to God? She was different from before.

Karmeut felt a little uneasy. He moved one of his hands and brushed her fine black hair. Rainelle reflexively gave a happy expression and she rubbed her head in the palm of his hand as usual.

"---Rainelle, living in the Imperial Palace, and dealing with nobles may not be as easy as you think."

"I will study hard."

"It's a place where people whisper sweet words on the outside and think of stabbing others with a dagger behind their back. As there are so many people, it's easy for words to leak out."

Karmeut, the Emperor, looked at his mate seriously.

"It may be difficult to learn human’s way of life. ---Is that okay? You said that humans are difficult to understand, didn’t you?"

“But my partner is a human, right? A human being with the highest position at that.”

Rainelle smiled as she said “So there's nothing I can’t do”, which caused Karmeut to smile with a sigh.


‘I can't beat you, Rainelle.’

With that in mind, Karmeut pulled her into her arms.

Everything was familiar except for the large black wings, so he took a long deep breath and calmed his tumultuous heart.

‘Yeah. Since she met the deity... something must have changed. Her way of thinking has changed to be closer to humans... It's probably because of that, right?’

‘It is certainly fortunate. Living in the Imperial Palace with crow's way of thinking would make it hard in many ways.’

‘But... Even though it’s like that…’

Feeling a bit of worry along with regret, Karmeut tightened his arms.

‘Please, let this anxiety end.’


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