Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

*Karmeut’s POV

A necklace, a gold necklace with sapphire.

That shape was definitely a memorable one. josei

That was the necklace Karmeut put around Rainelle's neck.


He whispered quietly, but there was no reply. His golden eyes, which witnessed the unbelievable reality, were shaking. He cautiously reached out his hand and touched her forehead. It wasn't as hot as Rainelle's, but she had a slight fever.

Her hair that flowed through his fingertips was as smooth as Rainelle's feathers.

When the woman curled up and let out an "Eum...", Karmeut quickly withdrew his hand. The woman who curled up her body was breathing evenly like she was defenseless, but the vigilance engraved in the prince's eyes showed no sign of abating.

She might be Rainelle, but might also not. So that there won't be any regret---

"...Mmmm. Karmeut..."

Karmeut's hand, which was reaching towards his sword, flinched when the woman muttered his name.

"Give me more cookies... I hate worms and bugs..."

The woman frowned and curled her body more while talking in her sleep, saying, "I don't like bugs". Seeing the woman's behavior, Karmeut's body relaxed.

"...Rainelle, it's you."

It’s unbelievable. A crow suddenly became a human. But...

"I brought you some fruits..."

Karmeut unconsciously smiled at the sight of her babbling in her sleep.


While whispering in a gentle and soft voice, he reached out his hand and ran his hand through her black hair. Then, as if he was familiar with her, his expression softened slightly. And as she rubbed her head on Karmeut's hand, a deep smile appeared on his face.

Rainelle was still feverish, so the prince carefully rose from his seat and covered the blanket up to her neck.

Whether it was because she liked the texture of the blanket or whether she felt good because it was warm, Rainelle dug into the blanket. After seeing such a scene, Karmeut headed to the sofa.

His bed was suddenly taken away, but the prince's face was full of smiles.


The night seemed long, yet short. The eastern end of the dark blue sky gradually brightened, turning into purple and then rosy. The sun, which was shining so brightly that it was impossible to be looked at directly, appeared little by little.

Karmeut woke up under the light of the gradually brightening sun. He headed to bed while killing the sound of his footsteps, then he sat next to Rainelle, who was still asleep. He reached out and put his hand on her forehead. Feeling relieved at her normal body temperature, he quietly waited for Rainelle to wake up.

Waiting may be boring, but it wasn't boring to him at all. As the sky gradually got brighter, green and purple luster could be seen on her glossy black hair, which looked like Rainelle's feathers. Her skin looked inexplicably so white and soft. It was beyond description except for 'delicate'.

It looked enchanting under the light, but under the sun... it was enough for words of compliments to come out. Enough to forget that the woman was Rainelle that took on human form.

Come on, open your eyes. Open your eyes and look at me with your eyes that are as beautiful as violets (flowers).

While whispering that inwardly, the prince did not take his golden eyes away from the girl who looked good in black.

How much time had passed? Rainelle, who had been twitching and groaning softly, slowly lifted up her eyelids. Her eyes were as pretty as violets, but they were a bit different from when she was a crow as they were deeper and glistened more beautifully. Looking at such eyes, Karmeut spoke with gently curved eyes,

"Hello, Rainelle."

His golden eyes shone warmly as he called Rainelle's name in a soft and gentle voice.

*Rainelle's POV

It's so cozy and fluffy, but it isn't the texture that I remembered. What I remembered was a firm, warm, but cozy, wide bosom. The fluffy and soft texture surrounding my whole body wasn't in my memory. No, I've never experienced it as 'Rainelle'.

I opened my eyes wondering what was going on. I blinked a few times to clear my blurred vision.

"Good morning, Rainelle."

I was greeted by warm, shining golden eyes. The gentle eyes seemed to make me feel good, so I nodded my head reflexively and murmured,

"...Yeah, good morning..."

Maybe it was because I just woke up, but I yawned. So, I raised your hand and covered my open mouth.


I blinked at the white, thin hand that came into view. I willed myself to move my wings, but the hand that had come into my view moved instead.

I couldn't believe it, so my mind went blank. The thin fingers moved when I wanted them to. Every time I turned my head slightly, dark hair swayed gently. As I moved my feet, the legs under the dress made of black feathers moved.


I- am I a human? Really? Not a bird, but a human? But this is not my body. My body and arms aren't this white. My skin isn't this smooth, without any scar. I didn't have thin fingers like these, and I also didn't have this kind of pretty dress.

I felt choked up in the inside. It wasn't my body, but it was a human body, not a bird.

My arms were originally tanned, scarred by animal bites and claw scratches. I had muscle-bound arms from carrying heavy feed, not thin arms like this.

"...don't cry."

At the touch of my cheek, I finally realized that I was crying. As a large and warm hand gently stroked my cheek, my throat choked and my eyes blurred.

I felt unsightly to cry, so I clenched my teeth and held back my tears, then I felt a hand wrapped around my back. In the next moment, I was embraced in firm arms. Feeling such action, which seemed to say that it was okay, tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

*Pat, pat*

I don't know how much I cried at the pat on my back. When I barely stopped crying, I looked up and golden eyes filled my vision.

"...are you okay now?"

As soon as I became a human, I cried a lot...

I answered him by nodding in shame. I could see his golden eyes bent gently.

...Oh my gosh--!

Even when I was a crow, I was captivated by that smile, but when I saw that smile as a human...

My heart is bewitched--!!

My eyes flickered as heat rushed to my face.

I, I'd rather go back to being a crow!! I'm so embarrassed that I'm going to die from it!! Aa--


"--caaww! (Argh!)"


With that sound, my body became lighter. Surprised by the sudden sensation, I moved my arms and flew up lightly...

Flew up?

Surprised at the fact that I flew up, I looked at my body, and before I knew it, I had returned to the crow, no longer a human.

Wha-, what?! Why? Why?! Why?!!

"Caaw! Caaw, caaaw?! (Argh! Why? Why?!)"

"Rainelle, calm down!"

I can't calm down! It was the first time I became a human after possessing a crow!! Why?! Why?! Just why?!!

Am I just given a human version teaser?! Oh, why why why?!

As unexpected situations unfolded in succession, my eyes were spinning. I flapped my wings frantically until I bumped into something. Then I was hugged in a warm and firm embrace.

"Come on, take it easy. You're a good girl, right?"

Funny, as I was held in Kamut's arms, my heart, which had been pounding like crazy, gradually calmed down.

Without knowing the slightest bit of what I was feeling, he whispered while stroking my feathers softly,

"Take a deep breath. It's okay. You must have been surprised by your sudden change of appearance. It's not surprising. So, calm down... Inhale, exhale."

I took a slow, deep breath according to his instructions.

Whoo-haa.. Whoo-haa.. Yeah, it calmed me down a little. I've calmed down.

So, I need to know why I turned into a human. And how can I change my appearance freely? That way, I can change my appearance at will!

Both the human form and the crow form are beautiful to me. Since I can change into a human, I don't want to give Karmeut to another woman! That's important.

As for the crow form... I don't want to give it up either, because I can fly. The feeling of the wind around the tip of my feathers also felt so good, so it was a waste to be thrown away.

"You can transform into a human being after eating Crobanlock-- does the effect take longer if animals eat it?"

I tilted my head with the meaning: "I don't know that either". Karmeut smiled and gently stroked my beak. I was not aware of it, but the familiar and friendly touch relaxed my tired body.

Hearing a knock on the door, my body reflexively stiffened.

Maybe it was because I've had been in human form, but the feeling that something should not be discovered triggered my body.

I shrank my body and dug into Karmuet's arms, then after there was the sound of an opening door, a dignified voice followed.

"Bring my meal and Rainelle's food. And make sure no one comes in until allowed it."

"Understood, Your Highness."

It was not until I heard the door closing that I raise my head.

He already left, right?

As I poked my head out and looked around, what caught my eyes was Karmeut's face which seemed to be holding back his laughter.

"Pfft, kkk..., it's okay, Rainelle. You must be hungry, so let's think after eating first. Okay?

My feathers puffed up when he practically said 'let's eat first'. I was hungry anyway, so I really welcome that suggestion.

Once I’m full, I can take my time to think about the situation-- right?

Ugh, I don't know. I think it's the truth that I ate Crobanlock and became a human, but why is that? And why did I turn back into a crow?

Things got complicated in my head, but after a while, the servant came in and placed down my food, so I stopped thinking about them.

Wow! It's rice. Rice! Cookies! Fruits! Meat!

As I thought, I was hungry. I even wanted to run straight to the plate to fill my aching stomach, but I couldn't because of the servant's eyes on me.

...I feel like if I start to dig into my plate before Karmeut does, I'll get the look of 'Where did the prince find this ominous bird?', so I waited while gently soothing my hungry stomach to the point until I felt strangely bitter.

"You're hungry, aren't you? Here, eat the meat first."

For a moment, I saw Karmeut as an angel.

I'm sure he's hungry too because it's morning, but how can he not be an angel when he picks up the meat for me who can't hold a fork and knife?! Ahhhhh! Thank you! I was so hungry!!

I quickly ate the meat and fruit he held out. Perhaps pleased, Karmeut said with his golden eyes gently bent,

"Is it delicious? Well, you haven't eaten anything since you ate Crobanrok yesterday, so I guess that you'll be very hungry."

Huh, really? I ate the Crobanlock around lunch yesterday. So I haven't eaten anything for so long?

My eyes widened in surprise. Then I heard a little laugh and felt a pat on my back.

"There's a lot to eat here. Eat as much as you want."

While saying so, Karmeut pushed me closer to the plate of meat, fruits, and cookies. Well, he had to eat too.

With his persuasion, I began to eat my share of food with my beak until I was full.

With clatters of tableware as music, I was finally satisfied after eating a lot. I burped a little and started to tidy my feathers with my beak, but then, I felt a hand holding my body up.


When I cawed with the question: "What is it, Karmeut?", his golden eyes gently curved.

I was staring blankly at him because his eyes which strangely sparkled more than usual were pretty. A soft voice reached my ears.

"Rainelle, can you transform into a human again?"

That? I don't know. I don't even know why I became a crow again...

As I shook my head, Karmeut''s expression became cloudy for a moment. However, as if that never happened, the golden eyes bent gently.

"...then, shall we practice?"


I opened my eyes wide in bewilderment and looked at Karmeut, who seemed to be serious. He stroked my feathers gently and said,

"I've commanded not to let anyone in."

...that's what you meant? No, but why?

Karmeut doesn't seem to have any reason to want me to take human form.

Of course, I'd like to be able to change into a human and a crow freely. But, uh, um... why do Karmeut want me to be able to do that?

I was curious about the reason, but Karmeut didn't seem to want to tell me.

He was smiling sweetly and stroking my back, but he didn't say anything else.

Ummm... well, it's not a bad thing for me at all, shall we practice then? I can ask him the reason later!

I puffed my feathers and committed:

I have to practice, for the sake of transforming into a human!

And I'm really curious about the face of my human form! Earlier, I saw white and thin arms, but does the face can be considered very pretty like in a novel? Could I really have such a pretty face?!

My heart swelled with anticipation.

I want to make my humble(?) dream come true! That's why I have to practice transforming into a human!

But even if I wanted to, I didn't know what to do, so I just tilted my head...

What should I do? I can't figure it out...

Karmeut put me down on the bed. In the next moment, Karmeut, who smiled affectionately with his eyes bent, turned into a wolf.


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