Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

*3rd person POV


The expression of the servant, who reflexively raised her hand to pick up what had fallen on her head, was perplexed. It was a single blue rose with well-trimmed thorns. The servant, who held it in her hand, looked at the crow flying excitedly in the ceiling with a shaky gaze.

"A, a present?"

The crow flapped its wings with joyous cries. The servant felt dizzy because the crow seemed to say "that's right".

What the hell is this?

Not knowing what thought was floating in the servant's head, the crow was just flying happily, cawing like it was saying, "I gave it to you as a gift!", "I gave it to you as a gift!!" repeatedly.

The crow, who was flying happily, tilted its head. It seemed to question why the servant was standing still in her place while holding the blue rose.


The crow, who tilted his head as it cawed, landed again on the table.


The crow, who continued cawing as it tilted its head to the side, blinked its purple eyes.

The servant pursed her lips because she didn't know how to react to the gaze that seemed to ask "you don't like it?".

The servant's made eye contact with the crow, who was blinking its clear and bright eyes at her. When she heard the door being opened, the servant hurriedly turned her eyes away. Her body shook as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Rainelle, come here."

Watching the crow fly without hesitation, the servant hurriedly bowed down.

"Wel, welcome back, Your Highness."

With the crow on his arm, the First Prince nodded. While stroking the crow's back, the prince's soft gaze turned towards the blue rose in the servant's hand.

"...what's that? It looks like the flowers for the vase."

"...ah, ah----um , ac, actually---"

To be honest, the servant didn't know how to tell what had just happened. Maybe it was because the crow's action of giving her a flower was something beyond her comprehension? She recounted what had just happened with a bewildered look on her face and quivering eyes.

Karmeut, who listened to the story silently, opened his mouth while scratching the crow's chin gently with his index finger.

"Do you like her, Rainelle?"

Rainelle blinked her eyes as she puffed her black feathers. A smile spread across the prince's lips as the crow tilted its head while making a brief cry.

“It's a gift from Rainelle, so take it with you.”


“Just because there are not enough flowers in the vase, it doesn’t mean that you've committed a big disrespect. I don't know for what reason, but this flower is a gift from Rainelle for you. No matter how rogue someone is, I don't think it's appropriate to throw away a gift in front of the one who gives it."

"Is, is that alright?"

It was a series of absurdities. The servant couldn't say she knew the First Prince well, but at least she knew that he wasn't the kind of person who would talk like this. Therefore, the servant had her mouth half open and she barely grabbed her almost escaping spirit.

It was because it seemed like he would say something rude enough like "Are you out of your mind?" that can even lead to her neck being cut off.

Whether or not he knew what was on the servant's mind, the prince's gaze was fixed on the crow. His bent eyes and smiling face were so gorgeous that the servant inadvertently blushed.

With his index finger, he gently petted the crow's head, and Karmeut opened his mouth again.

"Rainelle is smart, so she might have wanted to give you a present for cleaning my room."

As he said that, his golden eyes which turned their eyes towards the servant lost their warmth, so the servant reflexively grabbed the blue rose tightly. The prince, who approached her, patted the servant on the shoulder and ended their talk.

"You've been working hard... keep up the good work."

"Yes, yes, as you wish, Your Highness."

Cleaning was a matter of course for the servant. And the reality was that no dignitaries were praising that part. Therefore, the servant couldn't believe that right now her job had been acknowledged and she even received praise from the prince himself. She blinked her eyes blankly and looked at the blue rose.

Then she suddenly lifted her head and looked at the crow sitting on the First Prince's arm. The crow spread one of its wings and waved it as if to say hello.

The servant's heart was pricked by its action.

*Rainelle's POV

I was satisfied because the servant's eyes when she left the room with the blue rose were different from when she first came in.

Yay! As expected, when an animal gives a present, it makes one's heart flutter!

Of course, the premise is that you don't hate animals, but... but that reaction? I'm so happy!

As I was feeling proud of myself and lifted my shoulders, I could feel a hand grabbing my beak lightly. When I moved my eyes and looked at Karmeut, I came face to face with his golden eyes.

"Rainelle, I have a question-- can you transform into a human?"

...huh? Question?

Wondering what he wanted to ask, I got off Karmeut's arm quickly.

Then, using the method Karmeut had taught me, I transformed into my human form. I really liked the sound of my fluttering dress.

"What is it, Karmeut?"

When I asked, Karmeut's expression changed. He looked as if he was dissatisfied, as if he was a child who had been forced to give his most cherished toy to his younger sibling and hold his mouth shut. Karmeut, who was holding me by the wrist with a look of dissatisfaction, opened his mouth.

"...don't you want to go out of the room?"


"Or are you upset that I kissed your forehead without your permission?"

The prince's hands gently grabbed my hand. The way he looked at me with hands that were interlocked while holding my hand made him looked like a pitiful puppy in the rain.

It's heart-throbbing to see such a handsome face and an under the rain puppy-like face! Aww, my heart throbs!!

...Hah! This is not the time for a heart attack! Karmeut asked me a question, so I have to answer it, right? Ugh, I guess he's sad because I don't go out with him these days!

Well, he did give me a lot of sad looks. But I didn't know you'd ask me this straightforwardly!

Golden eyes were staring at me. As I felt a little more force in my interlocked hands, my head started spinning.

Eeh, how can I talk like a crow and convince Karmeut?!

"--is it hard to answer?"

"Ah, no, that's, uh..."

Agh! It sounds like I'm not well behaved if I say it in such a pathetic voice!

My hand twitched. I don't know what to do as his golden eyes glistened as if they were wet with tears.

Aish, if I answered, Karmeut won't make that kind of expression anymore, right?!

"That's... because people don’t think I’m good."

The hands that clasped mine flinched.

Oh, this excuse works! All right, I'm gonna push through with this!

"I heard that I'm a bird that brings death, plague, and misfortune..? Karmeut is fine, but other people don't see me as good. Now, Karmeut has to meet a lot of other people, so I thought it would be bad for you to be with me."

Karmeut's mouth shut tight. Somehow, it seemed that there was anger in the golden eyes, so I unconsciously shuddered.

Di, did I say something wrong?

"...was it just because of that?"

...uh? Just that? It isn't 'just that'? In the Middle Ages, crows had the image of being a witch’s pet along with black cats, so it was considered an unlucky animal, right? As long as you're trying to be the emperor, image management is essential, so why would you say that?

I didn't understand, so I was staring blankly at Karmeut, and then my body was pulled. I was held in large and wide arms in the next moment. Suddenly being in Karmeut's arms, my face heated up.

It's so firm yet warm! But this time I don't feel it through my feathers, I feel it directly with my skin! Uh, uh, huh?!

"For me, you're luck itself."josei

I can hear that Karmeut's voice was really close. When I looked up, I was kind of surprised that his golden eyes were right in front of me.

I tried to pull back reflexively, but I couldn't move because the arm that wrapped around my waist was preventing me from going backward.

"It was you who helped in the forest where one never knows what will happen. Yeah, I don't deny that people have a bad opinion about crows. But..."

His hand tightened.

"Don't think that I do, too. Misfortunes? Death? You gave me luck and life. You made me laugh in this stifling palace. That’s why I don’t want to be apart even for a second. I want to cherish you, Rainelle.”

His golden eyes took my breath away. They were already gorgeous, but I had no choice but to look at them like I was possessed rather than bowing in shyness because his every word overflowed with sincerity.

His serious and passionate golden eyes were shining more than jewels, so I thought I wanted to have them.

Was it because I possessed a crow? I blinked my eyes slowly at those eyes that shone so beautifully. Karmeut's eyes were so beautiful that the thought of what I wanted to say came to mind and then vanished in one second.

Sighing lightly, he slowly bowed his head and buried his face in my shoulder. I flinched because I was unfamiliar with the warmth touching my shoulder, but a low sinking voice reached my ear.

"Don't go."

His arms, which wrapped tightly around my waist, tightened.

"If you don't want me to do something, I won't do it. So, just a minute, stay like this."

As he said that, my pounding heart slowly calmed down at Karmeut's actions, which in turn also relaxed my body.

Was it because Karmeut looked troubled and tired? I reached out unconsciously and began to sweep his back slowly.

"...is it hard?"

"...Yeah, a little bit."

He did not deny that it was difficult. Then, as if he were complaining, he hugged my waist tightly and rubbed his face slowly on my shoulder, then he whispered,

"But when you're around, I may forget how hard it is. So... stay by my side. Luwellin, I won't let him touch you... Either in the form of a crow or like now, please just stay by my side."

He was whining. He seemed like a child who was able to eat baby food after weaning but is crying because he missed his mother's arms and sweet milk. However, as he leaned completely against me and showed his weak appearance, my heart started pounding hard.

I patted him on the back. He smiled softly and hugged me in his arms. Strangely, I wasn't shy. Until he lifted his head from my shoulder, I gently hugged him and patted him on the back.

*Karmeut's POV

She's small, warm, and soft. I said I wouldn't do anything if she didn't want me to, but I didn't expect that she would give in so easily. To Rainelle, am I someone who she doesn't need to be vigilant about? ...Is that it?

Karmeut buried his face in Rainelle's shoulder as he felt his strained nerves (because he was dealing with the nobles before) loosened with the soothing and slow strokes on his back.

He took a long breath at the scent which was similar to the scent that he could smell when rubbing his face against Rainelle's feathers, but now it was warmer and sweeter.

He felt a slight tingling sensation. Listening to the small giggling pleasantly, Karmeut hugged the slim waist a little tighter. Satisfied with the hug without any resistance whatsoever, the prince slowly exhaled.

At the same time, he felt sad. He was sad that Rainelle, who had accompanied him since they were in the forest, chose not to come out of the room because of people's judgment.

Of course, he also held a negative opinion about crows until he met Rainelle, but now that stereotype had become unpleasant.

She's so beautiful. She's so lovely. By the way, since she refuses to come out because of other people's judgment...


"Hm? What?"

"Can I ask why you gave the maid a flower?"

He looked at her purple eyes which were more beautiful than violets. Rainelle darted her eyes, and finally, she muttered with her red lips,

"If I looked bad, I wanted to be liked by doing good things. Karmeut also didn't like me when you first saw me."


"Yes, I know. I was hungry too, so I followed the orcs. Karmeut wished to live then. I also know if I cawed, the orcs will notice."

Rainelle nodded her head like a grown-up. She continued while interlacing her hands,

"But I wanted to help Karmeut. Your hair and eyes are really shiny. I wanted to be close. But I couldn't turn into a person back then, right? So I moved. I thought that if I help, you will stop hating me."


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