Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Translator(s) notes: We're sorry guys, actually we have posted this chapter on May 13th, but then someone reported this blog post as spam (but we still don't really understand why)... really sorry.The two of us think that we should try to change the posting schedule for a while, but we'll keep working hard to translate this novel with the same pace as before!

*Karmeut’s POV

'Really, Rainelle is so lovely.'

If anyone else heard his thought, they would have thought that he was drunk, but Karmeut was sure of himself.

I had never seen such a lovely creature. Those who looked at Rainelle with fearful or reluctant gaze just didn't know her charm yet.

Of course, from the prince's point of view, he didn't want anyone else to know that charm of hers. However, when he thought of Rainelle, who had locked herself in the room because of those people's gazes, he felt sorry for her.

…had I known that, I wouldn't leave her alone. No matter how busy I was, it wasn't like I couldn't even afford the time to take care of Rainelle.

No wonder Rainelle gave a flower to that maid.

He sighed.

...well, Rainelle's a bird that could fly freely through the woods and she was not bound anywhere. As long as she wanted it, Rainelle could return to the forest. It’s just that, she isn't going.

Thinking about it that much, he was grateful to Raynel for staying with him. And on the other hand, a thought popped up in his head.

A happy imagination like, ‘maybe Rainelle likes me.

At least it meant that he wasn't hated.

If she really doesn't like me, she would have flown away already.

Suppressing the urge to lift his head and looked at Rainelle, he fixed his gaze on the book. But there weren't any letters that entered his mind. All that came to his mind was the figure of Rainelle who tilted her head in her black feather dress.

The skin that touched my lips was soft and smooth. The thin fingers were delicately stretched out, and the pulsating wrist had a sweet smell.

Is this why vampires drink blood, and why I wanted to bite take a bite?

If she had known, what expression would she have looked at me?

As if it was only natural to catch the man's eye, everything that made up Rainelle's body suited him excellently. Black was a solemn color, but as soon as it was draped on Rainelle's body, it seemed to add elegance.

It may be a strange expression, but there was nothing else that can express it other than those words.

The way her feather dress seemed to shine, and her black waterfall-like hair glistens and flutters...

Indeed, it was beautiful. It's a pity that there are no other words to describe it other than beautiful.

Even though she had such a beautiful and elegant appearance, how pretty she was when her face blushed and when her eyes widened in amazement at each of his words and actions.

Even when she was a crow, she was cute and lovable, but her human appearance stimulated different emotions in him. ...and Karmeut was confused about what it was.

So cute. I want to protect her. I want to keep her in a place where only I can see her. However, I don't want to take her freedom away.

Raynelle should be a free-flying bird in the sky. She should not be a caged bird that sing mourns. Rainelle should be flying freely, playing with glittering things, approaching me at will, and enjoying my touch.

He shifted his eyes carefully and examined Rainelle. The corners of Karmeut's lips slowly rose as he watched Rainelle carefully tidying her feathers with her beak. He wondered if her mood had gotten better.

As expected, she is the prettiest. But... her appearance when she turned into a human is even more beautiful. If I don't clean up the surroundings, she can't walk around in her human form...

Fortunately, the work on the nobles is almost done. Now that I coordinated the details, all I have to do is to push Luwellin completely.

The tip of the hand that flipped through the book exerted a little bit of strength.

I have to cut off my brother's breath as soon as possible. Only then will it speed up the time that Rainel can be safe and human.

Only then will Rainelle can quickly be safe in her human form.

And when that happens, I can rest assured when I expose Rainelle to the outside world.

A soft but cruel smile hung on the lips of the prince, who imagined a delightful future. It was not a smile of happiness. The fitting expression was that his lips moved to expose his fangs.


*Rainelle's POV

I was now sitting on a perch in a room with a mountain of papers on the table. With a "You don't have to worry", he grabbed me, held me tightly in his arms, and came to this office.

It wasn't cramped, but Karmeut's hands were so strong that I couldn't get out. It was enough to make me amazed----

Wow, how do you control your strength to hold me tight but it doesn't feel stuffy?

Anyway, since I got into the office, I had no intention of going back to the room.

--no. It's that I can't. The Imperial Palace was too spacious. I can never memorize the way by just looking once!

I spread my wings in frustration. My left wing and my right wing were stretched. I wanted to flap my wings, but if I did, the mountains of these papers would be scattered all over the place, and people will curse me a lot! I don't like that!

I could guess how much cursing there will be if those documents were scattered, so I folded my wings neatly. Karmeut had been out for a while.

When are you coming back? It's boring to be alone.

In Karmeut's room, there were jewels and stones for me to play with, and I can also move around, so I can have fun...

No, to be honest, I feel lonely when I'm alone even with all those things. It was fun for a while, but there was a big difference between when Karmeut was present and when he was out. It was like the difference between heaven and earth.

Oh, when are you coming? Well, I guess I shouldn't complain like this when he's so busy, right?

I tidy my feathers while suppressing my desire to grumble. It was because when I had nothing to do or my mind got tangled, I felt quite relaxed when I clean and tidy my feathers. It's like popping bubble wrap wrapped around a package that was attached to prevent damage to the item.

I picked each feather on my wing with my beak and gently cleaned them. When I got one that was about to fall out, I pulled it out gently and spat it out. I swept the rest of the feathers as if combing them with my beak when I heard another person's voice.

"...well, this is tough. I came in because I thought the First Prince would be here."

--this voice? It's the voice of Namuel, the main character in the original game!

When I stopped my action of tidying my wing feathers and moved to raise my head, I could see Namuel looking around with a troubled expression on his face.

"Caaaw! (It's Namuel!)"

"...Ah, instead of the prince, I meet his beloved bird first. How are you?"

Namuel smiled and bowed his head slightly to greet me, so I also nodded my head.

---Perhaps a third person would think that Namuel who greets a bird is not right in the head.

But he just smiled funnily, fixing up his glasses, and then approached the perch to reach out his hand.

"Still a polite bird. You're a very strange bird."

His finger, which gently stroked my beak, headed towards my head. Karmeut's hands were callused and rough, but Namuel's hands were not. It was not feminine, but the soft touch of the long and delicate fingers on my feathers was different from Karmeut's, making me feel drowsy.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

Yeah, I feel good. Ooh--

Namuel's green eyes curved as I was enjoying the touch while flapping my wings a little.

When the hand that was patting my head went to my back, I stopped flapping my wings and gave a pleased cry. Namuel's small giggle really surprised me until I gawked my beak while looking at him.

Was he a character who knew how to laugh like that?

I don't remember everything, but Namuel had a personality that doesn't trust others well. Even when I targeted Namuel, he never showed a smile until the second half of the game. Therefore, Namuel's appearance now was a shock.

Wow, you're smiling so brightly? Whoa! Wow! That's amazing!

I knew I was being rude, but I couldn't suppress my curiosity. After slightly avoiding the hand that was stroking my back, I spread out my wings, jumped lightly, and sat on his arm.

After staring at the slightly widened green eyes, I let out a short caw. I tapped my beak on his forearm. Despite my actions, Namuel did not grab me or put me down to the perch.

Wow, that's really cool. I never thought Namuel would like animals.

His finger then went to stroke my chin gently. He wasn't as proficient as Karmeut, but his movement was slow enough to let me know that he was caring enough. As I slowly opened my eyes while enjoying the touch, Namuel murmured with a small smile,

"Other birds didn't do that ...what a special bird you are. I'd like to do some research if I could."

I felt goosebumps all over my body when I heard the word 'research'.

Mage's research should be in line with scientists’ research, right? Am I going to be dissected?!

"Kkaaaak (Argh! I don't want that!!)"

I glared at him while puffing up my feathers to the fullest. And I gave him a warning by making snapping sounds with my beak.

Say that again?!! I'll peck your fingers! And I'm going to take your only glasses and hide them in a place where no one can find them and play with them by myself!

The green eyes opened wide in surprise. After being silent for a while because of my behavior of clacking my beak while cawing, he opened his mouth.

"--do you understand what I'm saying?"

Yeah! You idiot!!

When I nodded my head full of that meaning, his green eyes narrowed.

"You're... you're so clever. It's understandable why the First Prince cares so much about you. Let me apologize first. I'm not going to experiment on you. Your Highness will never allow it."

Of course! Karmeut will never allow it! If he allows it, I can just run away!

I grinned quietly as I glared at Namuel. Then, as if to appease me, he picked up a piece of dried fruit from a table and brought it to my beak.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I hope you can take this and calm your mind."

I wanted to shout "Do you think I'll feel better if you give me food?!", but I'm shaken by the fact that the fruit which he picked is my favorite------!!

Actually, I'm a little hungry... Do I take it?

I glanced at Namuel.

He had a mysterious smile that made it difficult to guess what he was thinking, but it didn't feel like he was ridiculing me or intending to make trouble.

Well, I can't keep getting angry because he had said sorry.

I ate the dried fruit that he gave as an apology.

As expected, this is really good! I think it's a dried fruit that I don't know, what exactly is it?

The wizard's eyes softened as I ate the dried fruit. I also felt better after eating something delicious.

“Have the Prince been out for a while?”

I nodded my head to say yes.

I don't know where he went, but he's been out for a while, so I think he'll be back soon!

"I see. Thank you for letting me know. I'll have to wait a bit. Would you like to hang out with me in the meantime?"

As he spoke politely, I nodded my head at his hand that was stroking my beak.

There's nothing wrong. Namuel was the main target of the player of the game. Also, considering the original game story that will start after Karmeut became the emperor, it's better to get along well.josei

...heuk. Does that mean the original heroine is going to appear too? What was the setting of the original heroine?! Ugh! Ugh!! I can't remember! I'm going crazy! How many times should I feel this!

If I was a human, I would have ripped my hair out, but now that I'm in the form of a crow, I can't do that.

Perhaps because I behaved strangely, Namuel blinked slowly, but his puzzled gaze subsided when I rubbed my cheek against the palm of his hand.

Hah, I'm glad I'm a crow. Otherwise, it would have been extremely difficult for Namuel to like me.

He's a character who does not trust people in the first place, so approaching him in human form would need a lot of effort to loosen the boundaries.

I waited for Karmeut to return while receiving the wizard's petting. Seeing me like that, Namuel smiled and spoke again.

"You're not an ordinary crow, are you? Are you a hybrid? Or a dragon?"

…why does he say the same thing as Karmeut? And they're both wrong.

His green eyes widened as I gently shook my head full of meaning.

"...Isn't it both? You're intelligent enough to understand people's words. By any chance, if you're lying because you'll get in trouble by revealing your identity, it’s okay. I can swear on The God of Creation to put your mind at ease."

The green eyes of the man who said that were twinkling.

Is this a wizard's unique inquisitive spirit?

It's attractive because his eyes sparkled, but I couldn't be completely happy when I was in the position to receive such a gaze.

As I shook his head violently, Namuel's expression subtly changed. The wizard, who furrowed his eyebrows unconvincingly, opened his mouth once again.

"Tell me why. I don't understand."

...he seems to be convinced that I'm not just a normal crow... I'm sorry, what should I do? I'm really a crow! It's just that I have a human soul, but I'm just an ordinary crow! A normal crow that can transform into a human because I've eaten Crobanlock..?


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