Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

*3rd person POV

"I will obey Your Majesty's order."

The prince's voice as he bowed his head did not match with the one when he declared Bozcourt.

Was it because of that? The Emperor said with a curious smile,

"It's hard to believe that you declared Bozcourt. Especially considering your usual behavior."

At those words, the First Prince smiled. He responded with a laugh.

"Is there any good to see your sons fighting over the succession right in front of you?"

Even with such a bold attitude, the smile on the emperor's lips wasn't erased. Rather, he seemed to find it funny, because the ruler of the empire responded nonchalantly while smirking at one of his sons.

"You're not a wolf if you stand still even after what's yours is taken. Right?"

Karmeut blinked once. Perhaps that alone was counted as an answer because the Emperor then spoke again to his young son,

"If it's you, are you going to be gentle enough to forgive your brother's last foolishness?"

"--of course."josei

"That's all right. I understand what you mean, so just go."

Karmeut bowed his head and stepped back. His expression was almost expressionless, but inside, he was smiling happily.

With the excuse of being injured, Luwellin will delay the execution of Bozcourt as long as possible. It happened that he had a good excuse for breaking his foreleg, that is, his arm. ...although he guessed that, Karmeut wasn't impatient at all.

Yes, because it was just the last effort to live a little longer. The superiority and inferiority between them ended when Karmeut went to rescue Rainelle, and there was no room to fill the gap.

If Luwellin bared his teeth for position and power, Karmeut will expose his teeth to protect something precious to him that cannot be exchanged for anything.

In addition, Bozcourt was a place where they competed with their blood, qualities, and strength as wolves versus wolves without any underhanded methods. Even magic or divine power did not dare to intervene as the duel was a sacred and just method.

If Luwellin doesn't want to commit the madness of insulting the current emperor, Luwellin will have to go out on his own. It was also to assert his legitimacy.

-And it was the same for Karmeut, but Karmeut was already prepared for that.

It was to kill or be killed.

The life of the wild and the life of the powerful were the same. If you don't take care of yourself and protect yourself, you will be swallowed up by others.

Karmeut had vowed to protect what was his by devouring Luwellin. So he was neither afraid nor nervous. There was only one thought in his mind right now.

Which was to put his teeth into Luwellin's, his only younger brother's, throat and tear it apart while listening to his screams of death.

The footsteps of the First Prince, who painted cruel thoughts in his head, were getting faster. When his own brother was trying to buy time, it meant that he was given time too. ...so, there was only one thing he had to do.


Karmeut's footsteps almost turned into skipping steps when he thought of the woman who had made him who he was today, but who also had been hurt by Luwellin and fell asleep.

He was praying to see her violet-colored eyes looking at him when he goes back.

Even if that won't happen, he prayed for her to wake up as soon as possible and for him to be able to see her eyes.


*Karmeut’s POV

As the current emperor and Karmeut had expected, Luwellin sent a servant to send a heartfelt message that Bozcourt could not be executed right now because he was ill.

It was informed that the injury of his forefoot, or his right arm, which was trampled by Karmeut was so serious that flesh and bone powder were mixed together. It can be healed with divine power, but the time it takes for him to be completely healed was a different matter.

Upon hearing this, Karmeut replied that he can rest as much as he could with a generous smile.

-I'm your older brother, it's not like I can't understand you.

Karmeut, who had sent words of humiliation to Luwellin, sent away all the nobles who asked to meet him. The First Prince, who had announced that he would not meet with anyone in person until Bozcourt was commenced, was now sitting on the sofa in his room.

Luwellin doesn't know, but the Third Prince wasn't the only one who was happy to know that the Bozcourt was postponed.


The purple eyes blinked and turned towards Karmeut. He smiled slightly at the sight, then he gently stroked her black, smooth, and feather-covered head.

Rainelle had spent two full days sleeping. It must have been because of the trauma when she was so badly injured, but when Karmeut's heart burned into black with worry, the crow, who had opened her eyes, puffed up her feathers and was motionless.

Rainelle would shut her eyes while trembling when he reached out even a little. Karmeut really did want to grab and kill Luwellin because of that.

While suppressing that urge, Karmeut continued his efforts. He spoke as gently as he could, waiting for Rainelle to allow him to get closer.

“Rainelle, can I hug you?”

Just like right now.

The crow, who was sitting quietly on the soft cushion, looked at his outstretched hand for a moment. Rainelle moved her purple eyes around for a while as if she was nervous, then she got up to her feet and approached Karmeut's hand.

Then she lowered her head slightly and gently placed her beak on the firm palm of his hand.

Seeing such an action, Karmeut slowly reached out his hand and carefully supported Rainelle's body. In order for her not to be startled, Karmeut gently wrapped her body and pulled him into his arms, then he began to gently stroke her back.

Rainelle, who was at first startled and anxious at the touch, now had closed her eyes and buried her beak in her feathers. With a sigh of relief inwards, the First Prince enjoyed the feeling of her smooth black feathers.

After waking up, Rainelle never took on her human form. ...and he also didn't ask Rainelle to take that form.

It was still Rainelle who had a painful and traumatic experience. So, he had no intention of pressuring her.

It's a pity that I can't see that beautiful figure...

But more important than that was Rainelle, who was scared, didn't refuse his touch. It was just that.

"I can wait as long as you needed, Rainelle."

At the sudden words, the crow raised her head. The golden eyes that were staring at the purple eyes filled with wonder were curved.

"Do whatever you think is okay for you. Do you feel uncomfortable with me being human? Do you feel scared?"

Hearing that, the crow let out a small caw. Karmeut, who does not understand the meaning of the cawing because it was not human language, blinked his eyes slowly and asked a question again.

"--Should I turn into a wolf?"

Rainelle, who was looking at Karmeut with her head tilted slightly, let out a small caw once more. Then she nodded her head slightly. This time it was clear. The First Prince smiled a little bitterly.

...after all, it's very scary, isn't it?

For a moment, he thought 'what would happen if she rejected the humans at all?', but then he shook his head and buried that thought.

If it had been so, she wouldn't even have allowed me to hug her like this. So, at least she's fine with me.

Feeling the complicated entanglement of sadness and anticipation, Karmeut turned into a wolf. Feeling the sensation of stepping on the soft carpet on all fours, the golden wolf turned his head to look at the crow who was on the sofa.

The crow blinked at the golden wolf. There was no fear in Rainelle’s eyes, which looked as if they never looked distant and scared.


Rainelle, who gave a loud caw as she tilted his head, stood up. Then she spread her wings and flapped them slightly. The wolf was briefly distracted by the luster of the black feathers whenever her wings moved.

The crow flew up with the sound of flapping wings. The golden eyes got bigger and bigger as he saw the crow fly for the first time after being kidnapped by Luwellin. Whether she knew of his surprised state or not, the crow gently landed on the wolf's back.

Perhaps he was a little nervous from the crow trying to balance herself by flapping her wings on his shaky back, because the wolf quickly sat on the ground on his stomach. Rainelle, who tumbled at his sudden action, now fell into the wolf's arms and blinked blankly.


Then, realizing that she had fallen from his back, Rainelle flapped her wings and moved her legs. She was struggling with dissatisfaction, but she just looked cute in the eyes of the wolf.

With a low bark, the wolf turned towards the crow and opened his mouth. Then, very lightly, he bit the body of the crow and adjust her position. Rainelle was on his teeth, so he was extremely careful.

Perhaps the crow felt it too, so she stopped struggling and looked at the wolf's golden eyes with her clear eyes. At that gaze, the wolf made a low bark and tenderly pushed with his snout.

His snout softly rubbed against the crow's body. The wolf's nose was moist. The wolf's golden eyes were full of emotion. He let out a small bark while gently rubbing his snout. It was as if he was fooling around and acting like a baby.

Rainelle flapped her wings as if she was uncomfortable with the wolf's actions, but she did not refuse. Perhaps that had encouraged him, the wolf stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of her beak lightly.

The crow trembled, but she still did not push him away. Encouraged more by Rainelle's docile behavior, Karmeut buried his head in Rainelle's body and moved his tail to cover the crow's torso.


He felt the crow tilting her head, but the wolf didn't care. Rather, he put his snout on top of the crow's head which made her head bow slightly.


The crow, whose body was almost completely buried in his long, thin fur, narrowed her eyes and let out a small cry. Nevertheless, she seemed to think that the warm arms were not very bad, so Rainelle did not try to escape. Rather, she buried her head in the wolf's arms.

Shortly thereafter, the crow fell asleep with even breathing. Perhaps there were still a lot of psychological shocks left, Rainelle fell asleep whenever she had the chance. Feeling sorry for her, the wolf rested his chin on his front paws and half-closed his eyes.

Fortunately, she did not reject me in my wolf form.

With that in mind, Karmeut closed his eyes and took a long breath, then exhaled.

I hope that my lucky bird will cheer up as soon as possible.

Thinking so, the golden wolf fell asleep with the crow. It was the first time they slept together since Rainelle was kidnapped by Luwellin. Although not in their human forms, that fact alone was making the wolf's heart warm.

*Rainelle's POV


I opened my eyes without realizing it.


I yawned with my beak wide open and then I shook my head. I stared at the ceiling with a sudden clarity of mind, like when I woke up when there was no alarm.

Uh... Since when did I start sleeping?

As I was pondering, I saw a golden light flashing near me.


I turned my head in wonder, but then I saw a wolf's face in front of me, which made me startled.


I was frightened to death.

I could barely stop myself from shouting.

Whoa! That scared me! I almost scream!

I closed my beak that had been wide open and looked at Karmeut who had a wolf appearance.

...Fortunately, he hadn't woken up. The wolf was still sleeping with an even breath. While trying to calm my pounding heart from being surprised, I looked at Karmeut who had transformed into a wolf for me.

Karmeut treated me kindly and carefully. He looked at me with such keen attention that it was visible that he treated me with care for fear that I would be surprised or reject any actions.

...I know that his actions weren't as frightening as they seemed, but my body began to tremble on its own as I reflexively recalled the memories of being beaten by that damn bastard Luwellin.

It's not Karmeut's fault. Karmeut saved me.

...but it was still scary. I shivered.

Obviously, Karmeut was kind and gentle to me. But whenever he reached out to me, Luwellin's hand reflexively flashed in my mind, and my fear surged. Karmeut and Luwellin don't share many similarities, but just by looking at his hands, my body trembles.

Was that why I couldn't change into a human form? I wanted to change into my human form and explain it to Karmeut, but my body didn't listen. There was a feeling of fear as if the earth would collapse completely that resounded in my mind when I thought of transforming into a human, making my body stiff and short of breath.

["If you turn into a human and stay by my side, I'll make it a no-go1. No, I'll give you my favor. You'll be favored by the next emperor. It's an honor that another unlucky bird can't enjoy."]

A blatantly exposed conscience. Luwellin's face, along with his eyes, words, and actions, showed the vulgar desire to touch me. They could not be erased from my mind.

If I turned into a human, I feel like I would receive that kind of gaze again. I know that's not going to happen anymore and that Luwellin can't come here because he was recovering from injuries, but my body won't keep up with my thought.

Was it because I went through something like that? My memories of that time never faded.

It was scary and dirty. Because I was a crow, I didn't really suffer anything, but what if I was fooled by that threat and took on my human form? What if I was a human and not a bird in the first place, and I was kidnapped like that?

My body trembled automatically. I felt like I was about to burst into tears, so I closed my beak and trembled, then I heard a rustle.



1 Referring to how Luwellin wanted to kill Rainelle (from chapter 27)

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