Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

*Rainelle’s POV

Karmeut seemed focused at the moment, but I had no intention of going far at all. I slowly circled over the training ground. After spending most of my time in the room, It was refreshing to fly outside after a long time.

Was it because he was momentarily startled? With a tumbling sound, Karmeut fell backward again.

Uh, is it my fault...?

Feeling sorry for some reason, I hurriedly landed next to Karmeut.

"---Your Highness."

"I, I'm sorry. I was distracted for a moment."

"Be calm. To protect something, it is most important not to lose your composure."

Saying so, Galenos glanced at me.

Uh, me? What are you talking about...? ---to begin with, Karmeut has done too many things for me, right?

Feeling pricked for no reason, I walked behind Karmeut's side, avoiding Galenos' gaze. I reflexively flinched when Karmeut reached out and rubbed my back.

"Would you like to do one more round, Your Highness?"

I took off as Galenos, who had his wooden sword hanging down, asked that question. Then I cawed as I hovered over Karmeut's head.

•...Yes, I'll ask you for one more round, I'll do it right this time."

Instead of answering, Galenos nodded his head. Karmeut brushed his clothes and stood up to take his stance.

I shook my head as I looked down at them who began to move so quickly that my eyes could not follow, again.

Ugh, I feel dizzy just looking at them....Luwellin... let’s not go looking for him alone.

I might be scolded if I go, and I may have an accident.

Ah, but… I think it would be fine to just spy on him though...

I was still struggling with my decision when I saw small birds flying around in my vision.

...sparrows? Maybe not? That's not the kind of sound sparrows made.

Is it a kind of bird that’s only raised in the Imperial Palace? Or is it one that only exists in this world?


My eyes twinkled when there was a thought that flashed through my mind like lightning.

Hah! Wait a minute! Wouldn't I be able to figure out wasting-air-Luwellin's movement even if I don’t go anywhere?!

Ok, ok. Let's think about it. I'm a crow right now. Even if I was a human in my previous life, I’m a crow now, right? And are crows birds? Of course, the species are different, but if I recall the contents of the animal references that I had read...

Even if the species are different, they might be able to communicate. If so?

My heart started pounding.

If that is so, there will be people, no, birds, who will gather information on behalf of me who has already sold my face1(?). Oh, why didn't I think of this before?!

Well, when I woke up in the forest, I panicked that I had become a crow. And after meeting Karmeut, I’ve been busy making him think favorably of me! I was so caught up in that. This thought didn’t even come to my mind until now.

Oh, you idiot!! It seems that my intelligence is really degenerating because I become a bird!

I shook my head, thinking that I wanted to shake off my stupidity and dullness.

Great. Those birds are not far from the training ground. Alright, let’s do this! It's good if we’re able to communicate, no loss!!

"Caaw! (You there, wait!)"

Oh, please understand me!!

I shouted while flapping my wings vigorously to fly closer. Then the little birds, who chirped amongst themselves, landed on a nearby tree.

Fortunately, it was a tree right next to the training ground area, so I quickly landed on a branch nearby. josei

I was afraid that they might be intimidated -because crows also eat small birds- so I approached them with the utmost caution.

"Caw... (Excuse me...)"

The birds, who tilted their heads with their small black eyes wide open, were so cute.

Oh, so cute!!

The lemon-colored feathers are so cute, and the olive-colored feathers are like a scarf around their neck, ahh! And their tiny wings have dark blue feathers! Aww, so cute!!

The appearances of these birds were so cute that I was distracted for a moment. One of them chimed,

"Piip? (What is it?)"

Hagh! I can understand! And they understand me, don't they?! Since we are from different species, I was terribly worried that they might run away, let alone understand!

There was no time to hide my surprised feelings and I reflexively asked,

"Caaw? (Do you understand me?)"

"Piip, piip, piip. (the black bird that ate the shiny fruit, the smart bird.)"

"Piip, piip, piip, piip! (Eat the fruit, all the birds say!)".

"Piip! (Big Bird! Pretty Bird!)"

The chirping and squeaking birds were cute, but from the way they spoke, they didn't seem very smart.

No, if I think about it, there aren't that many animals that are as intelligent as crows. Among the birds, I think another smart bird is parrot? So, this is normal?

Uh? But ‘the black bird that ate the shiny fruit’... Does that mean there are others besides me? The shiny fruit seems to be referring to Crobanlock...

"Caaww? (Are there other birds that ate the shiny fruit?)"

"Piip piip, piip, piip. (once in a while, Black Bird That Eat Fruit.)"

"Piip! (Difficult saying!)"

“Piip-piip? (Why did you call?)”

I remembered my original purpose when I was being asked why.

Uh, but will they really do what I want? Hmm... I should ask first.

"Caw, caaw. (Help me, and I will give you something delicious.)"

“Piip? (Delicious?)”

"Piip? (How much?)"

"Piip? (What is it?)"

It was so cute to see the birds asking questions with their eyes wide open.

Haha... they’re so cute that I want to bite them!

I answered their questions while barely suppressing the urge to slam the floor with his fist (if I had been in a human form).

"Caaw! Caw, caaw! (Cookies! It's really good.)”

"Piip? (Cookies?)"

"Piip! Piip, piip, piip! Piip! (I know! I've tried it! It's so delicious!!)"

"Piip, piip! (A two-legged animal eats it!)"

"Caaw! (If you do me a favor, I'll give you a lot!)"

"Piip!! (Okay!!)"

"Piip!! (I'll do it!!)"

"Piip, piip? (What should we do?)"

As the birds asked what to do, I gulped.

---What I want is simple, but can I get these birds to understand?

Ugh! No, I have to! It will help determine whether the original story can be achieved or not! It is a matter of survival and safety of Karmeut as well as me, so I need to make them understand it somehow!

*3rd person POV

Karmeut and Galenos were resting for a while after their sparring. Karmeut, who was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, drunk water from the water container that Galenos had offered. His gaze was fixed on a tree.

The behavior of the birds cawing and ‘piip’-ing continuously sounded like a nuisance, but there was a smile hanging on his lips. As if explaining something diligently, the crow flapped one of her wings repeatedly while folding the other. The attitude of the little birds was also serious. They listened intently to the cawing of the crow.

The little birds looked like they were trying hard to understand until they tilted their heads, but that explanation didn't seem to be delivered.

Laughter leaked out of Karmeut’s mouth as Rainelle sighed, and jumped in place while flapping her wings hard.

Perhaps Galenos was also amused as there was also a smile on his lips.

After that, the birds that had been chattering for a long time flew away in different directions. Perhaps the purpose had been achieved.

The crow, who was eagerly explaining to the little birds before, let out a long sigh and flew to Karmeut. Was she thirsty?

She sat on his lap and tapped the water container with her beak. Karmeut held the container with his hand and held it out to the crow.

"Sorry, I don't have a bowl."

Rainelle did not care about Karmeut's brief apology and just drank the water.

Her throat was so dry that she drank in haste, so Karmeut deliberately poured the water slowly. It was because he thought that she was going to get choked.

The crow, who had drank water to her fill, made a happy cry. Seeing her like that, Karmeut spoke while gently stroking her black feathers,

"What did you talk so hard about, Rainelle?"

"Caw, caaw!"

The crow flapped her wings as she cawed. Rainelle, who had been cawing hard with her pretty violet-like eyes twinkling, soon looked at Galenos as if contemplating something.

Rainelle, who briefly met Galenos' gaze, blinked slowly at his puzzlement and jumped to Karmeut's shoulder. Then, as if she had never chattered in front of them, the crow pretended to be quiet and closed her beak tightly. This behavior made the prince burst into laughter.

"Puhaha! Khu... Sir Windster, how about we call it a day?"

"I agree, Your Highness."

Rainelle puffed up her feathers in response to Galenos' answer that was said with a smile on his face. However, she didn’t make any sound of dissatisfaction as Karmeut's hand was rubbing her back as if to soothe her. She quietly began to tidy her feathers.


"So... can you explain what's going on, Rainelle? So that I can understand, of course."

After returning to the room, the prince washed briefly and changed clothes. Now he was speaking to the crow who was pecking at the cookie. Rainelle blinked and looked around once. Upon confirming that no one else was there, Rainelle flew up calmly and turned into a human.

The prince narrowed his eyes and looked at the black-wearing lady with a beautiful figure that always attracted his attention. Perhaps embarrassed by his gaze, Rainelle replied while avoiding that gaze,

"---If you don't think it's useless, I'll tell you."

"What are you talking about, Rainelle? You've done things your own way until now, haven't you?"

In response to Karmeut's reply that was said without any bit of hesitation, Rainelle bit her lips. Then, as if she had lost, she sighed briefly and flopped down on the sofa.

"...you won’t laugh?"

"I won't laugh."

Rainelle nodded her head slightly as she saw Karmeut answer with a serious expression and sat on the other side. Then she opened his mouth frankly,

"I know that Bozcourt is for you and Luwellin alone, and I know that Karmeut won the fight before... but I’m still worried."

"What are you worried about, Rainelle?"

"...I’m not sure. I'm just, worried…"

Rainelle said with slumped shoulders. She reached out and picked up a cookie. Then she took a bite. With a happy expression on her face, she rambled,

"So I called the passing birds. I thought it would be difficult to communicate because we are different, but luckily we could talk. I think it’s because of the Crobanlock I ate before."

Rainelle, who ate the one cookie in an instant, put her hand on the plate once again and continued,

"It’s a bit hard to get them to understand--- but I asked them to watch Luwellin’s actions. In return, I will give them cookies. That's all."

Karmeut had been silent for a long time until Rainelle nodded and said, "That's all." Rainelle wondered if she had done something wrong, so she began to look at him carefully.

"...you didn't have to do that."

In response to Karmeut’s brief sigh, Rainelle raised her voice,

"But I'm worried! You said it won’t end unless someone dies! What if the guy who talks like I’m nothing, who told me to transform into a human form because he's going to become the emperor, uses a bad method? What if Karmeut dies? I keep thinking like that, and I'm afraid you’ll die!"

Karmeut's expression blanked for a moment at Rainelle’s shout. Her body shook as she tell him that she was afraid of him dying. Rainelle bit her lip to keep herself from crying. She then mumbled as she lowered her gaze to the cookies left on the plate,

"...Actually, I thought I'd go directly to him earlier."



1 Luwellin had known her looks, so it would be difficult for Rainelle to spy in close proximity

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