Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Translator(s) note: Sending love to @Omegawolf4671 ♡ ~('▽^人) Thank you for your support~

*Rainelle’s POV


There was a familiar warmth and firmness that I was snuggling. Then I suddenly awaken.

I, I was asleep?!

I opened my eyes and tried to get up in a panic. I don't know since when I was lying down, but I felt a hand gently pressing on me as if to calm me down.

"Are you awake, Rainelle?"

"Ka, Karmeut?"

There were a lot of document papers around Karmeut, who nodded while smiling softly with his eyes. The sight in front of me made me alert, so I hurriedly stood up.

"Uh, when did you wake up?"

"It's been a while. It’s okay. If you're sleepy, you can sleep more."

"Ah, no, but..."

I know you’re working hard. How can I get some more sleep?

I looked at him and adjusted my outfit.

Is it because it was a feather dress? It felt more comfortable, like closer to being a crow.

"Thank you, Rainelle."

I blinked at Karmeut's words as he stroked my hair.

...thank you? Huh?

"What for?"

"Thanks to you, I was able to sleep comfortably."

As he said that, Karmeut's smiling face looked somewhat refreshed. He seemed happy.

"Honestly, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you before I finished work today. But now that I've met you and spent some time with you, I got my strength back."

... I may not be able to say this, but Karmeut... You look like an office worker who’s tired of overtime...

Seeing Karmeut terribly pitiful made my eyes start to fill with tears.

It wasn't shown in the game, but an emperor has a lot of work to be done...

"...can't you take a break? You look tired."

"Well... it's something I have to do. There's not much left now. If I work a little harder, I'll have more time."

A sigh leaked out of me at Karmeut's action of shaking his head.

Well, I know if you put things off, it'll get bigger, but...

Still, I'm worried. Isn't that how someone collapses from overwork? Of course, I can't imagine that happening, but...

Karmeut eyes were concentrated on the documents, perhaps not realizing that I was looking at him. My heart pounded when I saw him doing his work seriously while pressing his forehead sometimes.

He said it was something he had to do, so I shouldn't interrupt him.

Careful, careful.

After returning to my original form carefully, I sat next to Karmeut and watched him work. I couldn't move because I thought the papers would fly away while I flapped my wings.

I cawed quietly and watched his side profile as he held a quill to write on some papers.

He looks cool when working.

Wow, that's the only thought I had. Of course, it was absolutely not that I don't like the way he smiles softly while looking at me.

You can't hate as handsome as Karmeut when he smiles!

I mean, it's something I've never paid much attention to before, so this appearance looks more interesting and cool?

Oh... that's a face of Karmeut I didn't know.

It felt as if the golden hair was slowly melting in the sunlight pouring down from one side. His long eyelashes were also shining brightly, and his serious-looking eyes were somehow sexy.

The sound of the quill’s nib scraping the paper. The warm sun on a leisurely afternoon. The smell of grass that was buried in the gentle breeze. He was at the center of it all.

...I sat down while feeling my chest start to pound in a pleasant way. Then I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm sunlight and the scraping sound.

When he’s done, I'll sit on Karmeut's shoulder and rub his cheek with my beak. And I will give him cookies, dried fruit, and...

I nodded my head, citing the things I could do for Karmeut.

I hope his work will be over soon.


*Karmeut’s POV

"...Haah. Is that the last?"

Karmeut, who received and solved urgent paperwork through the servant, pressed his forehead firmly.

---I'm glad I got the job done somehow.

As he thought so, Karmeut who was nodding suddenly had a stiff expression. It was because he had completely forgotten about Rainelle while he was concentrating on his work.


It was a familiar cry. At that sound, the Emperor turned his head and looked sideways. The crow, who had been sitting with her feathers inflated –which made her look like a black ball-, got up and jumped to Karmeut’s knees.

Shining clear violet-like eyes were fixed on him. The crow looked at him with a gaze that seemed to be saying “Are you done?”, and then she moved her head and rubbed her beak against his finger.

Rainelle, who had been rubbing her beak while cawing, dug into Karmeut's arms the next moment. Rainelle rubbed her head against his strong stomach, then she flew to his shoulder.

The crow was rubbing her beak again, now against Karmeut’s cheek, while babbling a small cawing sound. Then she bit his earlobe a little in a charming way.

Rainelle's gesture of showing cuteness by rubbing against his body made a smile appear on Karmeut's lips.

---It is possible to forget fatigue like this?

Feeling the tension in his body loosened, he hugged the crow's body and buried his face in the feathers.

The feel of the silky feathers and the scent on the tip of his nose made him feel better, but it also made him sad at the same time.

Again, the crow's appearance is good, but it would be even better if she could be in human form.

After thinking for a while, Karmeut suddenly turned into a wolf. The crow lost her center of footing and staggered in the air, trying to regain balance as she flapped her wings swiftly.

Rainelle, who had let out a grunt of dissatisfaction, soon became quiet. As the golden wolf slowly wagged his tail and gazed at the black bird, the crow let out a long sigh. She then changed into a human form.

"Ugh... Karmeut, you’re so unfair."

At the word ‘unfair’, the wolf wittily waved his tail. Then he grabbed the hem of the black feather dress and pulled it.josei

Rainelle licked her lips at the action, then she reached out her hand and stroked the wolf's head. The wolf, who had made a pleased growling sound, raised his head and licked her hand.

"Pfft---! Ah, it tickles---!!"

Rainelle burst out into laughter at the touch of the soft and moist tongue that licked her palm. Then she grabbed the wolf's neck.

The wolf's ears perked up at the action. Smiling with his mouth open, Karmeut wagged his tail even harder and dug into Rainelle’s arms.

"You’re really unfair," said Raynell while reaching out. She began stroking the nape of his neck. At the gentle sweep of the hand, Karmeut smiled quietly inside.

*Rainelle’s POV

Oh, isn’t Karmeut so unfair? I'm sure he knows I'm bound to do this if he transforms like this.

I thought it was unfair, but that thought soon disappeared without a trace.

---The texture of the fur is too great! It’s a waste to focus on grumbling, oh my God!

"Ahhhhhh... it's so soft..."

As I grabbed his neck and rubbed it, I could see his tail waving even more violently. It looked as if a big dog was showing his cute side, so my lips unwittingly curved.

But this isn't just a doggie! He’s a wolf! This situation where a wolf wags his tail as he is embraced! As a former zookeeper, it’s like I’m boiling with happiness!! It’s even more so as a former beast keeper!!

"Karmeut, Karmeut, would you like me to brush your fur?"

His ears pricked up. Then he started licking my cheeks while wagging his tail violently.

"Puh, it's wet~! That, stop it!"

It was wet. I pushed his head away as I was ticklish. Then, at the sight of his ears drooping at once, I had no choice but to weaken my heart.

"...Oh, really. Isn't that too much?"

Karmeut tilted his head at the remark. At first glance, he seemed nervous about why I was saying that.

“I feel like I am being swayed by Karmeut every day. No matter what I do, you are not flustered.”

It’s not like I don't like Karmeut or anything like that, but... Why, just seeing him tease me makes me want him to be flustered in return! However, since Karmeut really likes to tease me, I should muster the courage to say it...

I grumbled and pouted my mouth. Then the wolf tilted his head. After that, he returned to his human form and opened his mouth,

"How do you want to sway me?"

I can't give him an answer right away because he asked so openly. Well, so...

"...I want to see you bewildered? Because Karmeut doesn't seem to get flustered..."

At that, Karmeut smiled bitterly and shrugged his shoulders.

"There have been many times when I was flustered too."

"...But no matter what I do, you accept it with a smile…? I think I'm the only one who is flustered."

He shook his head at my reply. For some reason, his eyes darkened.

"It's only natural that I don't get bewildered. Everything you do is good, how could I be flustered?"

Heat rushed to my face as Karmeut casually threw a fastball with his words. As I was unable to answer, he opened his mouth again as he moved his head closer to mine.

"And you don't have to worry about that. I'm always swayed by you."

Saying so, Karmeut grabbed a handful of my hair and kissed it, looking polite yet alluring.

"I always wondered, ‘How can I get close to you in your human form, how can I make you not run away because you’re shy’… Was the wolf okay, Rainelle?”

Being looked at by the Emperor with slightly curved eyes, I nodded my head involuntarily as if possessed. Karmeut smiled happily, pull his body away a bit, and said with smiles in his voice,

"Then we can go back to our room and you brush my fur? If you want, you can hug me again and even do whatever you want."

...I tried to divert my thoughts away from Kamut's behavior of making somehow dangerous remarks.

...that's when you were a wolf! Not a human!! Oh, if I blush, I will become a pervert!!

"Oh, okay, so can you give me a ride to the room?"

"Of course. If you want."

"Can I show people my human form?"

"There is no one in the palace who will treat you recklessly. And I'm by your side."

As he said that, Karmeut nodded his head and turned into a wolf immediately. Then a laugh came out of my mouth because of his act of rubbing his forehead on my hand and acting like a baby.

"Then I’ll get on your back!"

At those words, the golden wolf lowered himself on the spot. With a slightly pounding heart, I looked at the wolf's back and climbed on it cautiously.

...is it okay? If I ride like this and his back gave out... I don't think it's suitable for canines to have something on their back, but I want to ride...

I stroked his mane with concern. The wolf turned his head and gently licked the back of my hand, then he stood up.

I clenched his mane to reduce the shaking. The wolf began trudging away while growling satisfactorily.

His gait had a sense of speed, but it wasn't unstable either. It was nice that it wasn't too slow. It was a different feeling than when I was riding a horse.

It's different from flying, but it's still fun! It's different from a horse that shakes while making sounds with its hoof, or a camel that bounces like riding on a boat. All I can say is that this is the feeling of riding a wolf.

I checked with a sidelong glance that the eyes of the servants and the attendants walking around were shaking.

Yeah, it's kind of amazing, right? And you're jealous? Maybe I'm the only one who can ride a wolf! ...Ah, maybe in this world orcs tame and ride wolves? Oh, maybe it isn't wolves, but dire wolves1 instead? Well, anyway.

...Even if that is the case, I may be the only one among the beings that can take human form!! Hmmm!

Oh my, is this a dream? I can't believe the day I ride a wolf! Besides, the ride isn't bad! This may make me beg him to let me ride him again in the future.

...No, that's not okay, because doing it wrong could hurt Karmeut's back, right? I heard that men's back is their life. I shouldn't do that. Mm-hmm. And above all, flying is the best!

As I nodded inwardly, I looked(?)2 at him.

Karmeut is precious, so be careful!

I bowed my head at the warm, slippery feeling of being licked on the back of my hand.

Only then did I realize that we had arrived in front of the room. Karmeut wagged his tail slowly while making a brief woof.

"Oh, sorry."

As I hurriedly get off Karmeut's back, the two knights guarding the door grabbed the handles and opened the door. Seeing the familiar interior, Karmeut swished his tail and ran inside.


Then I couldn't help but burst into laughter as he ran while wagging his tail with a comb in his mouth.

Oh really! He looks like a dignified wolf, but his actions are cuter than a fluffy puppy. What can I do about this reverse charm?

I waved my hand to the knights whose pupils were shaking and then went inside the room. As soon as I sat down on the sofa, I laughed out loud at Karmeut's action of dropping the comb on my lap and sitting down in front of me.

"You’re cute, Karmeut."

I picked up the comb as I laughed again at Karmeut's act of licking my hand while wagging his tail even harder.

Honestly, I don't think I need a comb, but I’ll give it a try!



1 Dire wolf: a large extinct wolf of the Pleistocene epoch. A carnivore that’s known for its imposing size, specialized bone-cracking back teeth, and propensity for preying on large herbivores.

2 I think it means that she saw in the direction of his back but her mind is kinda elsewhere.

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