Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

*3rd person POV

The crow's feathers bristled at the healer's action. But, it was the healer who was troubled by its attitude which seemed to be on guard to strangers.

If he tried to get his hand even a little, he's going to be pecked, so he was thinking, 'how can I untie the bandage and treat it?'

Perhaps feeling the difficulty, Karmeut gently grab the crow with his hands and held it in his arms. Unlike the healer, the prince tenderly stroked the head of the crow in his arms with his index finger and whispered to it,

"Come on, he won't hurt you, so you have to stay still, okay?"

The healer was stunned by his unbelievably sweet smile and childlike tone of voice.

But what was even more surprising was the calm crow, who probably understood the words. No, it was not that simple. The healer's eyes widened when the crow slightly spread its injured wing as if to let the bandage be removed.

Karmeut, who noticed its action, took the bandage off and whispered to it again as he chuckled at the crow's behavior.

"I'll give you some cookies when you're done with your treatment, so be good, Rainelle."

The crow let out a caw as if it really understood. It looked at the healer in the eye.


The healer, who had been staring blankly at them for a while, approached with a brief exclamation.

The crow sat still. Rather, its action of extending its wing, which seemed to say 'treat it quickly', made the healer wonder while he used his divine power,

'Is it actually from the volant tribe?"

As the blood stopped, new flesh filled in, and feathers began to grow.

"-It's done."

Karmeut didn't inquire about anything. It was because the crow was flapping its wings and flew up immediately.

The crow, which circled round and round over the prince's head, was cawing happily to see that its wings had healed. Then it landed and perched on the prince's arm again.

"Yes, yes, you did well."

The crow, who made a small cawing sound as it welcome Karmeut's touch, was looking at the healer now. Its violet eyes glistened.josei

The healer's mouth gaped when he saw the crow let out a small caw while lowering its head at him.

"Is this a greeting-----?"

"Well, Rainelle is smart."

The priest's pupils trembled relentlessly at the words that were almost as good as answering yes to his question. He staggered at the feeling that his common sense had been broken, but the prince, who was apparently unaware of his condition, only had his eyes fixed on the crow named Rainelle.

*Rainelle’s POV

I'm all better! I'm all better! Wow, I can't believe I can already fly without the tight bandage!

So this is the power of divine power!! I knew the term by watching games and novels, but now that I'm experiencing it with my own body like this, I think I'm going to have a new faith that I didn't have before! Ooh. Praise God!!

I think it's not been that long since I woke up and couldn't fly, but that little time felt so stuffy that I want it to fly away completely-- no, it had flown away. Awesome! Awesome! Hurray!!

"Rainelle, come here."

When Karmeut called me while tapping his arm with his index finger, I immediately perched on his arm.

The corners of his eyes gently curled. Seeing it made my heart flutter and beat in excitement. I tried to concentrate to listen to what he was going to say.

"You will eat the cookies later, right? I'm sure that you're full from eating a little while ago."

Of course! No matter how good the cookies are, you can't eat more when you're full. I could have eaten more if I hadn't been forced to eat earlier!

As I nodded with regret, the smile on his lips deepened. Then he said while hugging me in his arms without making me suffocate,

"Then sleep a little more. Earlier, you got woken up, right?"

Sleepiness came naturally to me because the arms wrapped around my body were warm and cozy.

...To be honest, I was tired because I woke up after just a short nap. I couldn't believe that my wings were all healed, so I just flew. ...Why do I feel guilty when I said it?

Hmmm. Anyway, I liked the feeling of being hugged by someone, so I closed my eyes. It's a different fluttering feeling from when I hold and hug baby animals in my arms.

--Ah, so this is why Hoshik begged me to hold him like that. I'm sorry. I didn't hug you because it was so hot that I thought I would get sweaty...

Enjoying the gentle strokes on my back, it was the first time I had this thought:

'If I'm treated like this, I think it's not so bad to be a crow..?'

...but, aah, I wish I could be a human! What's the point of being next to a handsome guy like this?!

Such a mixed blessing! I can't go beyond 'the beloved pet' position!

And no matter how hard I try, he'll marry another girl who's not me in the future, right?

...even if I put up with everything else, the mere imagination of having to watch those processes in front of my eyes made me feverish.

I absolutely hate it! If I'm single, everyone else must be single too! Couple hell, single heaven!

When I flapped my wings and made a ruckus, I felt the hand flinch in surprise.

After a moment's silence, I felt that the hand, which had been still for a while, gently stroked my back again.

"I won't force you to sleep, so if you don't want to sleep, don't sleep."

--Oh really, to who would a man like this be sent to? ---He's so sweet that I'm afraid that I'm going to get paralyzed, cough-cough--. I'm going to sleep even if I'm not sleepy, so please keep petting me!

Mom's hands are medicine hands1...um, not exactly that, but anyway, it seemed to have similar power, because I felt sleepy again when he stroke my back.

Hoaahm- (yawn), I’m sleepy. Sleepy…

I fell asleep while blatantly enjoying the feeling to my heart's content.

It was so cozy and comfortable that it would become a habit to sleep in these arms.


*3rd person POV

Karmeut had many things to deal with. After being attacked, it was important how he would return and how to show that he had 'awakened' the dormant power in his veins, because Luwellin should have moved quickly.

Of course, it was very important to awaken the 'power' of the bloodline, and Luwellin is a powerful heir to the throne.

The best way to prove that someone was a descendant of the first emperor was to awaken to the form of a wolf. And if there are more than one awakened person in the same generation...

Then, they will fight in their wolf forms, until one of them dies.

Luwellin was no fool. If he knew that Karmeut had awakened, he will do everything that he can keep him from entering the Imperial Palace.

It was certain that he will send an assassin ahead of time. It was fortunate that Count Falun's territory was located near Count Windster's territory.

The key was whether or not he can enter the Imperial Palace safely. In front of the current emperor, he must announce that he had awakened, and had to negotiate with Luwellin...

Feeling his head throbbing, he pressed his temples with one hand.

A sullen smile appeared on Karmeut's face. He was agonizing over the question of how to enter the palace and how to get rid of Luwellin.

They're brothers, but they have to kill each other.

The emperor's seat was a coveted position even if they need to see blood between blood relatives. No, it was a supreme position that could be grasped only if there was enough sacrifice.

In order to attain the pinnacle of power, and not to die in vain, he had to bite off Luwellin's neck and tear him to pieces.


"Oh, Rainelle."

There was a small fruit in the beak of the crow that tilted its head while making a small caw.

Rainelle, who was on top of the desk, walked up to Karmeut and laid the fruit beside his hand.

"You brought it for me?"

Seeing Rainelle's action, who gave one caw as if it was saying 'of course', made him burst into a fit of laughter.

Karmeut, who tried to catch his breath while still chuckling at the bewildered look of the crow, said while stroking its smooth feathers,

"Yeah, you've made this opportunity for me, and I shouldn't hesitate."

He smiled lightly as he looked at the violet eyes staring blankly at him.

...Now that he saw it, he noticed that Rainelle have very peculiar eyes.

He knew that crows usually have brown or blue eyes...

However, these violet-like eyes seemed to add to Rainelle's specialness, and he was pleased.

The way it looked when it made a pleasant sound and close its eyes as he gently tickle its beak and chin was really cute.

Rejoicing at the feeling of the stereotype of crows being shattered, Karmeut lifted a small bell on the desk and shook it lightly.

"Did you call me, Your Highness?"

"Where is Sir Windster?"

"Galenos-nim2 is in training. Do you have any message?"

"Yes, bring Sir Windster here. I have something to tell him. And I want you to bring some cookies."

"I understand," replied the old butler. Then he bowed down and left the room without any unnecessary movement.

Without watching him until the end, Karmeut took the fruit that Rainelle had brought and placed it in his mouth. The sour and subtle sweetness seemed to soothe his throbbing head.

He was lost in thought as he stroked the smooth black feathers. There was only one card that Karmeut had now. He had awoken the strength of the wolf sleeping in his veins. Excluding the people and nobles who had sworn allegiance to him, nobody can be trusted. Family members were even more so, because they were seeking the throne.

"-Except for you,"

'There is no one I can trust but you,' muttering these words, Karmeut stroked Rainelle's smooth feathers.

Violet-colored beautiful eyes were staring at him. Receiving the transparent and clear gaze, the prince showed a tired smile.

With a small caw, the crow sat down on Karmeut's shoulder.

Then, as if comforting him, it gently rub its black beak against his cheek, which made him laugh.

"...thanks for the comfort."

What is this? Why do I feel so relaxed? Is this why people keep animals?But even though I had raised all kinds of rare animals in the Imperial Palace, I didn't feel this way.

Such thoughts came to Karmeut’s mind when,

*Knock, knock, knock-*

"Your Highness, please excuse me."

"-Come in."

Karmeut stroked Rainelle's back as he watched Galenos, who was dressed in a knight uniform, greeted him with courtesy.

The prince, who was silent for a moment while enjoying the smooth texture, opened his mouth for the man who was waiting for his words.

"What's the current situation in the Imperial Palace?"

"...do you mean since Your Highness disappeared from the hunting ground?"

"Yeah. Am I considered missing?"

"Yes, the knights' bodies were found, but only your body couldn't be found, so it was judged like that. People are indeed gathered to search, but......"

Karmeut seemed to know the development even if he didn't hear it. He snatched the words with a cynical smile.

"They weren't the right people, were they? Packed up with Luwellin's people?"

"--yes, that's right. The 3rd Prince asked the Emperor, "How could I possibly stay still as a younger brother when my brother is missing?""

Doesn't he know that if he acts like that, he's just plainly saying that he's been working hard to harm me?"

It was not difficult to guess that their Father, the Emperor, would allow such a bizarre task.

The one who survives becomes the next emperor.

In the past, Karmeut would have resented that act, but not now. Since he had fangs and claws that he had never had before, he was able to aim for an opportunity.

An opportunity to bite the neck of his foolish little brother who exposed his teeth for a position.

The one who survives becomes the next emperor.

No, normally, the search would have started. It would be more accurate that because Luwellin had some command, most probably, he was delaying the departure with one excuse or another.

"--Hmm. Go back to the capital and tell His Majesty that I am alive."

Galenos was so surprised at the prince's words that it could be seen that his body was trembling slightly. --He was a person who wouldn't be shaken by any means, so it must have been surprising to see him like this.

"Is it all right? When Third Price finds out that you are alive, he will---"

"I'm sure he'll pull some tricks...but not right now. No matter how foolish he may be, he told His Majesty with his own mouth that he was worried about me, so he would directly select the search party. Now that he has done that, you can't take an openly reluctant attitude. On the contrary, you'll have to force yourself to welcome them."

Even if he was a dumb little brother with muscles in his head, he wouldn't. No. Even if that were the case, the nobles who supported Luwellin will dissuade him.

If they even have a small head, the answer was to step back and wait for the promising future.

Well, it was not a bad idea to take this opportunity to shake Luwellin's position--- but, unfortunately, there was no evidence.

Evidence that Luwellin had trapped Karmeut and tried to kill him. No. Even if there was, it was obvious that he would drag on the time as he tried to find faults with suspicion and manipulation.

However, there was no need to dwell on evidence now. Before Karmeut had awakened his power, he would have created evidence that actually didn't exist...

But now, that's not going to happen.



1 Mom's hands are medicine hands: similar English phrase is ‘a mother’s touch has healing powers’.This phrase is often spoken by a mom as she is rubbing her hand on her child’s aching belly.

2 -nim: honorific which is often roughly translated as "Mr." or "Ms./Mrs.". In this case, it is used as an honorific for the count who is of a higher rank than the butler.

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