Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

*Rainelle’s POV

I don't know the intent of his question, but I opened my mouth to answer,

"...? It’s alright. Young Lady Gwynell is a good person…? She's well-spoken and fun."


"Yeah, so can't you please allow it?"

Karmeut stroked my head a few times silently, and then he answered,

"Okay. However, when you go to the Count’s manor, you must always summon your spirit to protect yourself. Got that?"

"You’re giving me permission?"

"Didn't you want to visit Young Lady Gwynell? If that's what you want..."

"Wow! Thanks!!!"

With gratitude and joy, I hugged Karmeut and rubbed my face in his arms. When I realized belatedly that I had acted like a crow, my cheeks get flushed.

But Karmeut seemed to be in a good mood and swept my hair down with a gentle hand. I smiled involuntarily at the familiar touch and dug into his arms a little more.

"Sigh... this is not good."


"You know, when you're like this, it's a little difficult."

I was shocked at those words.

Did, did you hate it now?

"---You don’t like it? If that's the case, I won't do it from now on."

"No, no, there's no way I wouldn't like it."

As he said that, Karmeut clasped my waist tightly with his arms. Then he kissed my cheek gently and whispered,

"I'm rather troubled because you’re so pretty. It’s to the point where I worry about what I would do if others found out about it."

Those words made me feel a little better. Still, I wondered if I was acting too much like a crow.

...After all, I’m acting like one now.

For a moment, I thought to return to the crow form. But as if Karmeut didn't want that, he hugged my waist and buried his face in my shoulder, so I had to give up the idea.

Ever since he became the emperor, he has been busy with his work, so... I at least should let him do this, right---? It's definitely not because Karmeut's arms are warm and reliable that I wanted to be held in his arms! Hmm!!

Anyway, I know that he is struggling these days. I don't know exactly how hard it is, but...

I patted him on the back as a sign of encouragement. Then Karmeut, who flinched for a moment, let out a long sigh and muttered,

"...are you comforting me?"

"You're busy these days, aren't you? It's hard, right?"

Hearing that, Karmeut laughed softly. Then he replied while rubbing his face on my shoulder.

“It was hard, but the hardships are gone now.”

"Huh? Why?"

"It's all thanks to you, Rainelle. Really..."

As if he didn't know what to do, he shook his head, then he raised it. The softly curved eyes were shining even more.

"Haa, I don't want to show it to anyone, I want to keep it hidden..."

Apart from the lamentable murmur, Karmeut's eyes were gentle. Then, after closing his eyes and kissing my forehead along with my cheeks again and again, he said,

"You don't like it when I’m down, right?"

"Uh, yeah. I mean, it’s..."

"Hm? What?"

Karmeut's lips bit my earlobe lightly as he asked that in a playful voice.

Ahhh! It’s ticklish!

"Ah! Ka, Karmeut!"josei

"I don't understand. You didn't tell me to stop, right?"

Karmeut’s behavior of smirking and kissing along my jawline made me feel kind of fluffy.

You thought I'm not aware that you’re doing this on purpose because I'm not talking?!

But I was too embarrassed to speak, and I couldn't stay still.

I can feel his warm breath as his soft lips touch my skin, so how can I stay still!!

"Gee, really---!!"

"Can I have permission?"

Karmeut's hand which lightly slide on my back as he said that was the trigger.


With a pop, I realized that I had returned to being a crow. And I just slammed my body against Karmeut's chin.

I gasped at the sight of Karmeut falling back without making a sound. My feathers puffed, and then I fled over the chandelier.

What! What permission?! No, I'm not saying I don't like it…


...Ahhhh! What am I thinking now!! Hey hey hey! Come on! Get out of here, you lewd devil!

- I looked down at Karmeut who was rubbing his chin with a small groan. Then I hurriedly flew out the window before he noticed.

Aagh! Stupid Karmeut!!

*Karmeut’s POV

Karmeut rubbed his chin as he heard the flapping of wings flying out of the window.

---When the crow slammed, it gave a heavy blow. And receiving it with his chin...

"Sigh, did I tease her too much?"

Rubbing his chin, he recalled Rainelle’s figure.

Cheeks that turned red from embarrassment. Soft skin and a pleasant scent.

As he recalled the body that he was holding in his arms, his cheeks lit up faintly.

"...that wasn't a joke at all."

There's no way I could hug and kiss as a joke in the first place.

Thinking so, the Emperor let out a long sigh.

Well, there’s nothing I can do. Rainelle is shy, so it would still be unreasonable to go beyond this. Not yet.

Swallowing his disappointment, Karmeut continued to rub his chin.

But I did not intend to be satisfied with this forever.

"-Well, Rainelle is a crow."

If I force her too much, she might run away to the unreachable, high sky. I should never let that happen, so I have to hold back my heart today.

He let out a sigh yet again.

"---I'll have to call Marquis Albion."

No matter how much Rainelle protects herself with the spirit, all she can summon is a low-level wind spirit. So it would be better to summon Marquis Albion and let him put another spirit by her side to protect her.

As he thought about this and that, the Emperor changed into a wolf. The wolf with golden fur opened his mouth in a languid yawn and fell face down straight on the bed.

The wolf, who wagged his tail slowly, fell asleep. The little break given to him was very valuable.


*Rainelle’s POV

With Karmeut's permission, things went smoothly. Since I got the permission, I sent Aria a letter asking her to come to the Imperial Palace.

As soon as Aria received my letter, she came to the Imperial Palace on the promised date and time. She then opened her mouth as her face was flushed,

"Aaah---! You got permission---! Yes! How great is that?! Now Rainelle is coming to my house---!"

I stepped back from her, feeling a little burdened by the sight of Aria's twinkling eyes.

"Ugh, yeah. I managed to get his permission somehow."

"Of course, you’re coming in secret, so you’re coming in the form of a crow, right? Isn’t that right?!"

"...otherwise it's meaningless..."

Even before I could finish my words, I broke into a cold sweat as Aria clenched her fists and gave silent cheers.

As, as expected, Aria is too burdensome---!!

"…Calm down a bit!"

"There's no way I can be calm! Hah... A crow in my house, a crow in my house---!!"

I made a decision when I saw the appearance of Aria who was about to have a nosebleed. I reached out and grabbed her plump cheeks, then I stretched them out to both sides.


"Calm down! It's really embarrassing if you do that!"

"Aw aw aw---, my, my cheeks---"

Maybe it hurt when I pulled hard because Aria rubbed her cheeks gently and wept.

"If you show that side too much, I’m gonna run away, okay? Are you going to make Namuel run away?"

"---Hah! That's totally not possible! I mean, you already know that he’s my target, right?!"

"You were the one who said you didn't know how things might have changed because this is reality!"

"Ugh! How can you bring that up?!"

I smiled as I tasted victory at the sight of Aria who was unable to respond.

"Then let's go to Gwynell's mansion after having a quick cup of tea. Is that okay?"

"Of course! But I’m going to eat all the sweets that come with tea!"

"The sweets are delicious, right?"

"It's absolutely delicious---!! As expected, the chef at the Imperial Palace is different! I thought the Count's cook was good, but it tastes really different here."

"Really? I've been eating these cookies since I was a crow."

"Ah---!! You can't do that! You have to balance your nutrition!"

"---I know that, but... think about it. If I’m going to eat it in a balanced way, apart from fruits and grains, how do I eat protein?"

"---Meat or bugs… Huh?"

"But meat is difficult to obtain, so the crows eat corpses. It's quick and easy. What's left is bugs... Do you think you'll be able to swallow a wiggling bug with a sober mind?"

"Absolutely impossible."

"Right? If it's raw meat, it feels like eating raw meat dish, but bugs are too much."

"But for your health..."

She seemed to understand why I was eating the cookies, but Aria’s worry wasn’t relieved.

It was basically not good to give animals a lot of human food, because most of the food was too salty.

The cookies are with no additives, but... Just like humans, excessive salt or sugar is not good for the body… No, rather, animals are more sensitive.

"But don't worry too much. Karmeut didn't give me many cookies when I was a crow."

"Uh, really?"

"Yeah. He only gave me a taste, and then he gave me fruits, raw meat, grains, and vegetables as staple food…? He is an unexpectedly careful owner."

After I nodded my head while saying so, Aria burst into admiration.

"Whoa---! Oh, the past tense doesn't mean it's not like that now, right?"

"Yeah. Now that I can transform into a human, I feel a little more relaxed. If I want to eat it, I transform into a human and then eat it."

I smiled as I said that I can enjoy the cake thanks to that.

Huhuhu, really. It's hard to eat a cake while being a crow. It gets on the beak, and it is difficult to eat properly. Long live the human form!

"Oh, Karmeut is a proper butler(?)!"

"Um, um. I think so. I was amazed."

"As expected of a target character. He’s attractive from any angle."

"Yeah, that's right!"

"But my favorite character is Namuel! I can't concede on this!!"

"You don't have to concede, because I like Karmeut better."

"Uh huh- There's never been a better case like this! Let's support each other's love and goals!"

"Okay! And that’s why I'm helping you! I want Karmeut, so I don’t want you to stray to him."


Ugh, that's quite the expression! That look is dangerous!

Feeling a sense of crisis, I moved my body slightly to the side. Thanks to that, fortunately, I was able to avoid being hugged by Aria tightly.

"Oh, really! Don't do that!"

"I can't help it if you’re so cute and lovely! It has such a destructive power! It’s a cute destructive power!"

“Am I not in my human form right now?!”

"Your human figure is also attractive enough that I can understand why Karmeut wanted you to be the next Empress!!"

"Ugh! Why are your fan switch turned on right now?!"

"Be aware of your own beauty!"

"You're pretty because you're the main character! Look in the mirror!!"

"How about black hair that resembles crow's feathers?! I’m possessing the main character's body, but I'm not Rainelle!"

"Argh! Seriously, ahhh!"

"Let’s start by slowly letting you become aware of your own beauty and charm!"

"I don't want to be aware of this!!"

Why am I arguing with Aria like this again?! And what's even crazier is that I hardly ever beat Aria in this! Oh, God!

In the end, I raised the white flag first. As I drank my tea and wet my dry throat, I began to seriously ponder the question of why I can't beat Aria.

"Sigh... Really, it's crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. It's so delicious---! I'm happy---!!"

"Yes, yes. The cookies are delicious."

"Haa... I want to bring back some, but then it would look too shabby, right? That’s not an aristocratic thing..."

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll secretly bring you some when I go to your place."

"Eh?! Really?!"

"Of course, it’s just as much as a crow can lift... But if you’re okay with that...?"

"That's enough! I'll be grateful for it!"

I laughed a little when I saw Aria's sparkling eyes.

---This expression may not suit you, but it's cute.

I laughed more openly when I found the unexpected cuteness. Aria gave me a questioning glance, but that didn't matter.

Is it because she’s the main character? Or is it Aria’s possessor’s original character? Haha, I don't think it's bad either way.

"Well, I think we're almost done eating. Shall we get ready? I'll turn into a crow and follow you, so don't worry. Let’s go, Aria."

"You're not going to ride with me?"

"You have to go while watching from the sky. "I'm going to watch from above. If I’m in a carriage, I won't know the way to go back and next time, I won't get lost and could fly there right away."

"Ah... I'm a little jealous of that. There's no obstacle in the sky, and there's less risk of getting involved in an accident because you'll be watching from afar..."

"Ahem, it's the privilege of an animal with wings!"

"Aww, I'm envious! As expected, I’m envious!!"

I slowly avoided Aria's envious gaze and returned to the shape of a crow. Then I puffed out my chest and inflated my feathers.

Ready! Now I’m going to follow Aria’s carriage and set off to the Count’s manor!!


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