Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story Special #4

Side Story Special #4

*Rainelle’s POV

I got caught! I definitely got caught, right?!

"If you can eat bugs ............"

[Uh, uh! That was forced!]

He knew I don’t like it, right? I hope he can just ignore it. But I have no choice but to face this now since he came with bugs!


"You don't have to force yourself. You can eat as much as you want. And if you don't want to eat it, you can share with them."


Karmeut's baskets were filled with so much bugs that the birds that came back with bugs were surprised and dropped the bugs from their beak.

Every basket had bugs that I don't know where or how he caught it! It's almost distracting to see that it's neatly arranged by type!

[When did you catch this?]

"I got some help from Myrdin-nim and Hempel.”

Looking at the triumphant smile, I had to open my beak as if my jaw was falling out.

That's right, Karmeut is an emperor, that is true ....

[But it makes sense to collect this much in one day?!]

"It can be done. It's for the Empress and next successor after all.”

Smiling softly, he reached out his hand. As I bowed my head reflexively, he touched my beak and cheeks gently.

“Even if you don't like it before, eat it if it tastes good in your mouth. You don't have to worry yourself about anything like that.”

[······ really?]

"Of course, it's would be troubling if you can’t eat anything at all."

That is... ・・ Yes. Even though I suppressed a lot of the crow’s instinct, now I seem to need to do this.

But, getting caught eating bugs in front of Karmeut was a little bit.......

"I found it that it is healthy to eat them, and what's good for all is that you can eat. So don't worry too much."

I sighed lightly at Karmeut's smile as he told me so. ...... ......I don't think I can beat Karmeut in this part.

[It's unfair to say it like that.]

"You know you made me worry that much, right?"

I had nothing to say, so I turned my eyes away. Then, at the end of the gaze, I saw a basket of worms.

Oh, that bug tasted like beef tenderloin steak. The flesh juice that popped in my mouth was awesome.

Karmeut stretched out his hand as I stared at the basket. Then, regardless of the wriggling, he caught a bug, and lightly crushed its head.

"Can you eat it with this?"

[Yes. thank you.]

"It is hard when they are still alive, right?"

[・・・・ you know?]

"The bugs that the birds gave you were not moving."

I didn't know that he was worried about such trivial things. I was a little surprised and looked at him, and Karmeut just smiled and held out his hand.

"It's about you, so I can't not care. Now, open up, Rainelle.”

I looked at the bug he picked up. Then Karmeut's eyes shook.

“......Was I mistaken? Do you want to eat anything else, Rainelle? "

[No, it’s not that ................]

I had to quickly explain to his face, which seemed to quickly showing hints of blaming himself.

[That, no matter what, I think it is not a good sight to eat a bug in front of you...]

Perhaps even if I was the one in Karmeut’s position, it seemed a bit awkward to see him eating bugs casually. No matter how natural it is.

At this moment, Karmeut smiled. His hand gently swept the back of his neck.

"...... I'm rather upset that I can't eat this."

[Huh? Karmeut, do you want to eat bugs?]

I was so surprised that my eyes opened wide and I blurted that out unconsciously. Then he laughed lightly and answered,

"Of course it doesn't look delicious."


"But if I can find this delicious, I can understand you more."

I blinked slowly to understand his words. For me, Karmeut kindly added an explanation.

"I am a human being who has the blood of the Wolf. I can transform into a wolf, but my essence is human. There is no wings, no feathers, no beak. I don't know the joy of flying, I don't know the taste of bugs."


"Sometimes I wonder if I'm holding you to the ground because of my greed. You're the Queen of birds. Because you can fly freely in the sky, I'm happy that you chose me, but I always think it’s a pity that I can't fully sympathize with your joy."

He rolled the dead bug on the palm of his hand for a moment and continued,

"I can’t feel it, but I can understand it. It's not wrong to be different. I can only do this, so don't think it's too burdensome, Rainelle. I don't care what you eat. If you are healthy, it's enough."

I felt like I was about to cry. I was grateful for Karmeut, who thought of it so far.

‘Thank you’, or ‘I'm sorry’.............. I didn't know what to say even though there were many emotions in me. It was hard to express in words.

I leaned my head on his chest. I whispered while being in his arms,

[Birds can't fly forever. We need to rest on the branches, stones, and land.]

Karmeut stroked my head and my nape.

[I like it because you're the tree branch that I'm falling down on. I'm glad you're greedy.]


[If you can't fly, you ride my back. And Karmeut, you know I prefer meat and fish. Just now, I'm just embarrassed that I find bugs to be delicious.]

“......you’re acting like this, I can't seem to hold back now."

[Please be patient for now. Because we have an egg.]

"Then when that's over ...... you mean I can do whatever I want, right?"

The golden eyes grew sharp. I replied with a a nod, and Karmeut smiled lowly.

"Have some for now, Rainelle. Whatever you do, you have to have physical strength."

······ I'm under the illusion that those words refer to different thing… right?

Feeling a strange anxiety, I ate the bug he put out. Maybe it was because of what Karmeut had said, but eating bugs in front of him was no longer averse.

But if I have finish this whole ordeal, I won't eat the bugs.

And even more in the form of human! I won't eat it!


Bugs surprisingly made me full compared to the quantity. Or was the bird's body that found bugs to be better food?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I'm losing, so I shook my head and enjoyed the moment. I didn't starve for so long, but after filling my stomach, it was inevitable to spring up.

"Are you done, Rainelle?"

[Yes, I’m full. I ate well.]

“Then are you going to eat this in the future?”

[・・・・・ Maybe? I have to have incubate the egg, and I'm worried about Karmeut.]

I rolled the egg with my beak. If I don't roll the egg and incubate it, it was not good for the child because the warmth was focused on one place only.

I was rolling the eggs carefully, but I felt a gaze on me. I turned my head and looked at Karmeut.

[Is it interesting?]

"I can't say no."

[Then come here.]

"...do you mind if I do?"

[Karmeut is the dad. Of course it's okay.]

He went quiet at that. Even without him saying anything, I could feel that many emotions were mixed in his heart.

I got up from my seat and pushed his back with my beak. Then he carefully approached the egg on the feathers.

"・・・・・・ The surface is not as smooth as I thought."

[Yes. So it's more convenient to hold the egg and roll it]

"It's warm."

[Because I was holding it until now.]

“......With my hand, I can feel small pulse moving around."

[That’s why it’s better to incubate the egg.]


[Yes. Maybe it's because I pulled out the feathers on my chest, but I can feel the beating from the egg better. I can distribute my body temperature well, and I can feel it growing a little bit over the shell.]

Saying so, I approached Karmeut's side. Then he hesitated a little before carefully swept down the bare skin on my chest. It was a ticklish and soft touch.josei

"It's warm.”

[If you want, I you can try too.]

He burst out laughing at the remark. Then suddenly, he changed his appearance into a wolf.

I don't know what he was thinking about, so I was tilting my head, but he walked toward the egg, rolled himself up, and wrapped it around. His size was quite large, so he managed to wrap the egg.

With his posture, he turned his head and shook his tail slowly.

I laughed a little because I seemed to know what Karmeut wanted with such behavior.

I stretched my wings lightly. Then I entered the nest and carefully embraced him with the egg. I didn't want to make him feel stuffy, so I positioned myself so that his head stuck out to allow him to breathe.

The golden wolf's head sticking out through the black feathers made me happy for some reason. His soft fur and my egg that I felt on his bare skin made this more real.

There was one more beating that connected to my heart. I lightly faced my beak to Karmeut’s snout, enjoying a feeling of pride and joy.

I felt even better at the tongue that licked the beak with a small crying sound.

It was satisfying to have Karmeut in my arms along with the egg, our child who will be born. This nest made my heart full and satisfied.

[I wish you will be born soon.]

We are together in this way now, but when the child is born, it would be nice to hold him and our child in our human form.

When I imagined the scene, I hummed automatically.

I hope that day comes soon.


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