Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1549 - Ghost Baby’s Ballad

Chapter 1549 - Ghost Baby’s Ballad

Chapter 1549: Ghost Baby’s Ballad

The other two rune tanks finally reacted.

They spun their tracks desperately to keep a distance from the immortal Tiger Dragon.

They poured out their firepower in an attempt to submerge the immortal Tiger Dragon with a burning bullet curtain.

However, before the second round of firepower arrived...

Dozens of air holes had already appeared around the immortal Tiger Dragon.

With a series of”pu pu pu pu pu” sounds, a large amount of dense red mist shot out of the air holes and completely enveloped it.

The whistling armor-piercing bullets and rockets fell into the red mist, which obviously slowed and deflected the trajectory of the bullets.

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