Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 313

Chapter 313: Dragon City One Hundred Years Later

Chapter 313: Dragon City One Hundred Years Later

Gao Ye cast a deep glance at Meng Chao, but did not answer his question directly. He just continued with whatever he wanted to say, “There are twenty-four hours in a day, three hundred and sixty five days in a year. There is a leap year once every four years. This is something even children know, but if this system is applicable in the Other World as it is on Earth, then it’s really strange and even terrifying.

“This means that the Other World has a similar rotation and orbital period as Earth.

“Of course, it also has similar gravity, supply of oxygen, ozone structure, crust structure, ecosystem, and so on and so forth.

“You must understand, humans had once performed deductions on the planets within hundreds of light years from Earth, but they did not find any planet that was similar to Earth and was inhabitable.

“But we have gone through some kind of mysterious transmigration, and we somehow managed to transmigrate to a planet that is highly similar to Earth. The zombie virus could even instantly spread among us. Don’t you think that this sort of coincidence when there are billions of galaxies in the universe is a bit too ridiculous?

Meng Chao thought about it and nodded before he said, “Yeah. Our transmigration might not be a coincidence. But not even the Supernatural Tower knows what happened. Does your organization know the answer?”

He was thinking of all ways to get more information from Gao Ye.

“No one has the answer, but we can perform some simple deductions,” Gao Ye said. “First, transmigration doesn’t happen randomly. There must be some sort of... super technology that is able to support the creation of a galactical tunnel between Earth and the Other World.

“Second, Other World and Earth’s natural environment and ecosystems were modified before. Either the Other World was modified based on Earth, or Earth was modified with the goal of turning it into the Other World. Of course, there’s another possibility: Both Earth and the Other World were modified based on another habitable planet.

“Since Earthlings and the living beings of the Other World can digest and absorb each other and even spread their viruses between them, this means that we originally belonged to the same ecosystem.

“If we factor in the large amount of sci-fi technology we discovered in the ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower and how the runic symbols there and some of the ‘diagrams’ we discovered could be formed in the human body, this means that a long time ago, the Other World must have had an advanced ancient civilization, which had a lot of ties with Earth’s civilization.

“Now, this is the problem, do the direct descendants of this ancient civilization still exist? And if so, how strong are they?”

A thought popped up in Meng Chao’s head, and he intentionally said, “I don’t know, Director Gao. What does your organization think?”

Gao Ye did not fall for it. He only smiled faintly and said, “My personal view is that the direct descendants of this ancient civilization still occupy the largest and most fertile land in the Other World. The reason is as you said. If countless fierce and ruthless monsters were driven to Monster Mountain Range, it means that there must be existences that are even more terrifying than monsters in the Other World. Perhaps they are what you would call... the real Other World’s civilization.

“This civilization might not be in possession of the super technology from the ancient civilization that connected the Other World and Earth. In fact, in certain aspects, they might not have reached the standards of Earth’s civilization one hundred years ago.

“One hundred years ago, we had already managed to fire man-made satellites into space and saw the full face of our home planet. We also used high-altitude reconnaissance aircrafts to take pictures of most of the livable space. There is no way we would not know if an unknown civilization arrived on our planet and lived in it for half a century.

“But if we look at it from another angle, this ancient civilization that was incredibly advanced and could create an ecosystem that is practically identical to its planet on a planet that is billions of light years apart couldn’t possibly be completely destroyed. It must have left something behind.

“Since we could discover ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower, how can we believe that the direct descendants of the ancient civilization living in the boundless Other World would not have discovered more ancient ruins and obtained the power inside them?

“Perhaps their use of that power remains in a very primitive state.

“But even if they use the simplest and crudest method to activate runic symbols, they will pose great trouble to us, the expedition army from Earth.

“They don’t need to have any advanced technology or even the concept of it. They only need to have similar technology and civilization standards as in the Middle Ages along with tens of thousands of Earth Realm elites, thousands of Heaven Realm elites, and nearly one hundred Deity Realm elites.

“Through guerilla tactics, unrestricted warfare, and all sorts of destructive methods, they would be able to stop our colonization. We may kill more than one hundred times the people we lose, but we will still end up with nothing, and the losses will outweigh the gains.

“Based on what I said, the task of conquering the Other World will not be that easy. We will face a long and gruelling war, and it might last thirty years, fifty years, and even one hundred years. Don’t you agree?”

Meng Chao could not agree to Gao Ye’s theory. The bloody future in the memory fragments of his past life was even more brutal and tragic compared to Gao Ye’s guesses.

But the war to conquer the Other World would not last for one hundred wars. Instead, in less than fifty years, Dragon City would fail in the colonization war and be completely devoured by the Other World.

Meng Chao looked down, and the spark in his eyes faded away while he asked in puzzlement, “Director Gao, why are you telling me this? Is this related to why you killed President Xie?”

“Of course it is. I don’t have any personal grudges with Xie Xiaolei. We were business partners with a very good relationship. But to save most of the normal people in Dragon City, I must use Spirit Creation Creatures to develop a brand new technology which will deeply change our civilization. This is something Xie Xiaolei will never agree to, so I can only use the worst method to handle the situation.”

Gao Ye sighed and cast another glance at Meng Chao before he said, “As for why I’m telling you this... Perhaps it’s because I’m very impressed with you and believe that there is a certain chance that you will agree with my beliefs and fight for it.”

Meng Chao could not help but laugh.

“Director Gao, do you think that I would acknowledge your beliefs and fight for it after I’ve captured you?”

Once he said those words, he regretted his actions, because he suddenly realized that if he had pretended to agree with Gao Ye’s beliefs, it would have made it easier for him to solve the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities.

He might have been able to through Gao Ye and track down the clues to find and join the organization behind him. Then, he could capture all the people who created the White Spirit and all the other Supernatural Entities.

“I don’t know, but it’s worth a try.” Gao Ye did not know his thoughts, so he continued speaking calmly. “At the very least, I believe that your current self is still willing to stand on the side of the 99% of normal people in Dragon City because you’ve just awakened to supernatural abilities.” josei

Meng Chao frowned a little. “It seems like your organization has decided to assume that the 99% of normal people are enemies with the 1% of superhumans.”

Gao Ye did not answer him. He looked at the super Giant Sandworm behind the window in a daze and thought for a long time before he changed the topic. “Since we agreed that the war to colonize the Other World won’t be won easily, then let’s go to a new topic from this point of view. How do you imagine Dragon City will be like one hundred years later? Have you ever thought about this question?”

Meng Chao was slightly stunned. He shook his head.

He had indeed never thought about how Dragon City might look like one hundred years later.

In his nightmare, Dragon City was completely destroyed fifty years later.

“Since you’ve never imagined it, shall I tell you?” Gao Ye said. “First, due to the war, we will lack resources like before. As the supply line will grow longer, the number of territories we need to defend will also become larger. We will need to spend more resources on them. Most of the resources will be used for war instead of the pockets of the normal citizens so that they can change their lives.

“In other words, when the Survival Committee mentioned that as long as we win the Monster War, everyone will be able to live happily and comfortably, it’s all a lie, or at least, it’s an unrealistic dream.

“Before we conquer the Other World, the problem of limited resources will never be resolved. Do you agree with this statement?”

Meng Chao’s mind raced.

In his previous life, Dragon City’s core was badly damaged while it was still in the “rookie village”, and they did not have an easy time in the subsequent battles, either. They suffered from a lack of resources for a long period of time, and the normal people were indeed unable to live good lives.

But in this life, he had become the butterfly that caused a storm, and he had completely changed the results of the northern offense.

As long as they destroyed the Nine Great Supernatural Entities, they could smoothly end the Monster War so that Dragon City could rush out of the “rookie village” at full health.

This should give them an easier time in the subsequent colonization war.

With the plundering of loot and the use of Earth soldiers who are armed to the teeth, they could forcefully open up the consumer market in the Other World and indirectly suck its blood. Then, the lives of the Dragon Citizens would definitely be better than in his previous life, right?

“I know what you’re thinking. As long as we will be successful against outside forces, we’ll be able to suck the blood of the many locals living all over the vast Other World. The normal citizens will then be able to live much better lives by relying on the profits they gain from war,” Gao Ye said coldly.

“The Survival Committee wants to train up Dragon Citizens into brainless fighting machines who will rush to the frontlines as vanguards and become sitting ducks the moment they hear slogans like ‘We’re doing this for Earth!’. That’s why they’re continuously expanding the credit hours for cultivation courses in basic education and are using various excuses to endlessly suppress the time and depth of humanities subjects like history.

“You didn’t learn much about Earth’s history in school, did you?

“The moment you did, you would know that not all people become rich through war.

“The countless colonization wars on Earth proved that even if the citizens belonged to the countries who won gloriously, they were not able to change their fates.

“When an empire in the west conquered the seven seas, set up countless colonies, and became known as the empire where the sun never sets, her women and children still had to overwork themselves to death in hellish textile mills. The average time between when a worker entered a factory and entered their grave was just a short five years.

“When an empire in the east won against a powerful enemy and set the rising sun flag on the fertile lands of the foreign country, her warlords and tycoons became rich, but the wives, sisters, and daughters of the normal citizens had to sell their bodies to fill up the holes left behind when the country was drained for military expenses.

“The colonization war only profits the rulers. It will continue strengthening the power of the rulers and increase the gap between them and normal people. This is something that always happened in history, and it will not change just because we transmigrated to the Other World.”

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