Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: Cut of All Means of Escape

Chapter 407: Cut of All Means of Escape

The monster stuck out its forked tongue. There was also a membrane layer outside its eyeball.

Through the membrane, Meng Chao could see that it looked especially thirsty for blood.


The monster spread its claws and pounced on the spot where Meng Chao had been standing just then. Its claws easily tore through the floor. It then lifted it and crushed it.

Meng Chao seized the chance to strike the monster’s shoulder. Sparks flew out, and the crack-covered Surging Lightning finally shattered. Only the hilt remained in his hands.

“What sturdy scales!” Meng Chao clicked his tongue.

After Zhou Tianshui transformed, his scales were so sturdy that they were comparable to those of a Hell Beast.


Zhou Tianshui did not care about the wound on its shoulder. It swung its tail, and the morning star went straight to Meng Chao’s face.

He snorted coldly. Now that the chains were without the blades, they wrapped themselves around Meng Chao’s swollen right arm. Spirit energy activated the runic symbols, and it was as if his right arm had been fitted with an indestructible spirit energy boxing glove.

He lowered his body so that the tail would only graze his head.

Then, he executed a powerful Demon Subduing pole with his right fist. Explosive power shot forward, and all of it went into Zhou Tianshui’s abdomen.

The punch threw it eight meters away, and it coughed up blood.

But it did not lose its fighting strength. After three seconds, it cradled its stomach and stood up while staggering.

Even though its mouth was covered in blood, a crazed smile bloomed on its face, and it became even more monstrous and ugly.

“You’re that durable?” Meng Chao’s pupils shrank. “The original Zhou Tianshui wouldn’t have been able to get such a strong body if he cultivated based on the normal path. So, this is the reason behind why you betrayed your kin and willingly became the abnormal beasts’ lapdog? To obtain greater power?”

“Heh, you don’t understand at all.”

Zhou Tianshui laughed strangely. Even though he was beginning to resemble a Giant Lizard standing up, he still retained his ability to speak. It was just that his voice was hoarse, and it sounded like claws scratching against glass. It was piercing to the ears.

“Monsters are just tools. We’re the ones controlling them, not the other way round.” He used his forked tongue to pick at the blood at the corner of his mouth. Then, he laughed hideously and said, “So, I didn’t betray my kin nor have I become the monsters’ lapdog. All that I’m doing is for the sake of Dragon City’s future!”

“For Dragon City’s future?” Meng Chao could not help but laugh. “For Dragon City, you were willing to lead monsters into attacking Noble Descent Hotel and sacrificing millions of innocents and killing all transmigration experts. If you aren’t mind controlled by abnormal beasts, do all your actions make sense to you?”

“The transmigration experts must die, Project 101 must come to a halt, and the Home Party must be destroyed!” Zhou Tianshui’s gaze turned increasingly frenzied. It seemed like he was stuck in a circular logic. “You don’t understand. It’s impossible for us to return to Earth, and it’s impossible for us to clear the tunnel between Earth and the Other World. Even if we cleared it, it’d be useless. No one will help us. Dragon Citizens can only rely on ourselves!

“Dragon City has a limited amount of resources. We have to stake everything we have to expand outwards to have a future. Trying to defend the city will just lead to us dying in captivity!”

“I understand now.” Meng Chao narrowed his eyes. “So, you’re not a frenzied Home Party member. You’re a complete Colonization Party member.”

“That’s right. The Home Party is filled with cowards who are afraid of death. They want to build a tall wall and hide behind it until they breathe their last breath. Even if they manage to live like dying creatures for a few more decades or for more than a hundred years, there will come a day when we will be discovered by existences even more terrifying than monsters.

“At that time, since Dragon Citizen would have placed all its hopes on the walls and transmigration technology, we will surely die!” Zhou Tianshui growled. “We must move forward with everything we have and pour all our resources into conquering the Other World. Then, in the process, we will get stronger continuously. While we win, we will get more resources, and in the end, we will have a greater victory. This is the only path for Dragon City, and it is the only future that is bright for us!”

“...” Meng Chao felt his heart freeze.

He believed in what Zhou Tianshui said when he mentioned that there were existences even more terrifying than monsters in the Other World.

By the looks of it, he was not the only one who was in control of the precious information about beyond Monster Mountain Range.

There were plenty of powerful people in Dragon City, and they had a relatively clear understanding of the terrors of the Other World.

Unfortunately, they could not predict the future.

Even if they knew that there were plenty of stronger Other World civilizations beyond Monster Mountain Range, they would think that the only solution was to expand madly so that they could fight and get resources to fight even more.

Just as Meng Chao expected, Zhou Tianshui became even more excited as he spoke. It seemed like the ideals of the Colonization Party were already a brand that was embedded deeply in his brain.

“There is only one path to a bright future, and that is to win. All the people in Dragon City and all the resources must be used for expansion.” He extended two claws and screeched, “But all the Dragon Citizens have to be united for this. Yet when we wanted to expand outward, the Home Party jumped up and held everyone back.

“Do you know how much resources the Survival Committee and the other businesses have already poured into controllable transmigration?

“Those resources could have been used to make crystal fighting vehicles, armored airships, and superhuman fighting squads armed to the teeth. They could have become the fuel that would help the peerless superhumans reach new heights and become the capital for our colonization war!

“But now, it’s all up in smoke!

“Still, the Home Party isn’t satisfied. They have this fantastic dream of upgrading the defense system of all the residential areas in the city, and they want to pour in an astronomical amount of money and resources into this. It’s all so that they can save a few more useless normal people’s lives!

“This is an incredibly brutal era where we suffer from a severe lack of resources. Right now, mercy and waste are huge crimes. The normal people are like ants and do not contribute to Dragon City at all. There’s no need for us to put so many resources into saving them.

“If we are shortsighted and kind and pour more resources into transmigration technology and normal people while cutting the resources for expansion and the superhumans, there will come a day when our enemies will march forward with an army to our borders. All the Dragon Citizens will die without a grave then, regardless of whether they’re superhumans or normal people!

“The Home Party isn’t willing to give up and is becoming better at bewitching people. Many greedy normal people are starting to believe their words, and the resources in Dragon City are going to be further divided for both sides. Conflicts between different strategies to develop the city will rise, and we’ll end up in an undecided state that will lead to us losing.

“With that being the case, there is only one solution. I have to strike at the root. I need to kill all the transmigration experts so that Project 101 will be crippled.

“This is the only way that I can destroy the Home Party’s impractical dream of returning to Earth and make them admit to the cruel reality. Then, we will gather all the resources together, cut off all our means of escape, and win this war of survival!”


Meng Chao had to admit that Zhou Tianshui was making a lot of sense.

In any case, based on his previous life, Project 101 had ended up with nothing and wasted an astronomical amount of resources. But in the end, forget about going back to Earth, they did not even have a way to transmigrate back to Pluto!

If Project 101 had not existed in the first place and the resources were not poured into the development of controllable transmigration but into the cultivation of superhumans and the building of the Red Dragon Army, would Dragon City’s fighting strength have become greater? Would they have had a better chance at winning the war and conquering the Other World?

Meng Chao did not know. josei

Speaking of which, was Zhou Tianshui doing this because “it’s impossible to develop transmigration technology, so to prevent the waste of resources, he must get rid of all transmigration experts” or because “the development of transmigration technology will be crippled if all transmigration experts are killed”?

It was a mess.

Hence, Meng Chao could only listen to his heart.

He sized up Zhou Tianshui seriously.

If the words earlier had been spoken by a girl who was prettier and purer than Lu Siya and she had a pair of watery, sincere eyes, there might have been a 1% chance of Meng Chao being persuaded.

But since Zhou Tianshui had turned into a humanoid lizard who could spit out swamp gas...

Meng Chao could hear his own heart telling him “Let him just ramble on. What sort of nonsense is that? How could it represent Dragon City’s future?”

“That’s right, you’re too ugly!”

Meng Chao bound the two chains around his arms and took a huge step forward. He then threw two punches, delivering two powerful Demon Subduing Poles. They had two times the power, and it felt twice as good!


Zhou Tianshui looked like he wanted to say “Me being ugly has nothing to do with the ideals of the Colonization Party!”

But he could not say a single word.

After he transformed, his scales were as tough as nails, and he could withstand a full-powered blow from Demon Subduing Pole.

However, Meng Chao practiced the Ultimate Style and had reached the peak of Earth Realm. He was best at executing a dense wave of chain attacks, so he would not just deliver a single Demon Subduing Pole!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Meng Chao swung both arms that were like cannons that kept on firing cannonballs. Spirit flames surged, and they even caused the chains surrounding his arms to burn red. The offensive runes on the chains also shone with a piercing light and released loud screeches.

Every time he struck, it would feel like he was pressing a grenade against Zhou Tianshui’s chest, which would then explode.

In the beginning, Zhou Tianshui could rely on the advantage of his scales to ward off the attacks.

Its tail even swung to counterattack.

But soon, as Meng Chao continued sending more than five punches every second, Zhou Tinashui’s arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, and sturdy scales started cracking. Some of the scales were even sent flying.

Besides, since Meng Chao’s arms were bound by chains, they were a blunt type heavy weapon. Even if he could not destroy the scales with one punch, the force from them would still ram into Zhou Tianshui’s organs.

Zhou Tianshui felt that there was a—No, there were one hundred sphere-shaped lightning balls rampaging between his thorax and abdomen.

He lost his ability to think. He could not even breathe.

All he had was one thought, ‘Why is it that even after fighting fiercely for a whole night, Meng Chao is still able to deliver so many powerful punches? Just who is the real monster here?!’

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