Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: Feast of One Hundred Families

Chapter 438: Feast of One Hundred Families

The falcon-type Nightmarish Beasts were shocked when they saw the dense wave of rocket projectiles. Their skin crawled, and their survival instincts became stronger than their killing instincts. They spread their wings and tried to flee to the sky.

But more than ten spirit energy ripples that came from the apartments kept it in place.

This was the secret weapon Zhao Feixuan had laid out over the entire residential area. It was the core of the defense system after it had been upgraded.

It was an energy weapon known as the crystal magnet cannon. It could fire spirit energy magnetic waves at different frequencies based on the monster’s race to make the monster’s vitality magnetic field resonate with it and create an incredibly chaotic spirit energy magnetic field that would interfere with the monster’s movements.

When it was used on the Nightmarish Beasts, the speed at which they flapped their wings became slightly slower.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The small delay made them unable to break free of the sea of fire created when the rockets exploded one after another. In an instant, falcon-type monsters were devoured by the rising and falling fireballs.

No matter how they struggled and screeched in the sea of fire, all they could do was drown in wave after wave of rockets.

A short half a minute later, their carcasses fell on the ground in the form of a few pieces of charcoal. Only a few burning feathers floated in the air.

“We won!” Bai Jiacao’s excited shout came from the apartment next door. “We won against the Nightmarish Beasts! Big Brother, did you see it?!

Meng Chao saw it.

In his previous life, Blessed Heavenly Garden was helpless when the Nightmarish Beast Ghost-eyed Golden Winged Flame Beetle wreaked havoc among them. A lot of the residents were wounded or died, and the entire residential area was practically destroyed overnight.

At that time a year and a half ago, Blessed Heavenly Garden was barely able to win against one Nightmarish Beast. It was a desperate fight for survival.

But today, Blessed Heavenly Garden did not even need a superhuman to help them make three Nightmarish Beasts pay a heavy price.

This scene made various emotions fill Meng Chao’s heart, and he became really excited. He was suddenly full of confidence about the future of Blessed Heavenly Garden and Dragon City.

The only problem was, after the defense system was upgraded, it seemed to be a little too good. The residents fought fiercely with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers to disperse all trouble right away.

They actually still had a final defense line formed by spirit runes and an emergency dispersion system. Before they could even be tested, however, all the monsters, including the three “boss” monsters, were killed...

But that was not something bad.

The practical test was an absolute success.

It left behind a deep impression on the leaders of the region, the representatives from the military, and the guests from the enterprises and companies.

Meng Yishan immediately led the harvesters in the region to clean up the battlefield and harvest the monsters.

Ever since Superstar became powerful, Meng Yishan had hired a large number of harvesters from the residential area. After they were trained professionally, they became employees in Superstar.

The unemployment rate in their era was high, and it was really difficult to look for work.

Meng Yishan’s prestige increased day by day in the residential area, and it could be said that countless people would respond to him if he called out.

The professional harvesters worked swiftly and categorized all the materials from the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Black Beetles into neat piles.

Meng Chao was the one who handled the three Nightmarish Beasts personally.

After he reached Heaven Realm, aside from his fighting strength increasing by leaps and bounds, his senses also became sharper and sensitive.

Even if the three Nightmarish Beasts’ carcasses were so badly mangled up by the rocket projectiles that they were no longer recognizable, he could still examine the carcasses and peel off their body parts layer by layer to harvest the most valuable materials.

What happened next was a joyous celebration banquet.

The flesh from the Demonic Halberd Pigs and Iron-armored Rhinoceroses that had been harvested were so fresh that they were still warm, especially the pig organs and rhinoceros organs. When they were cut to thin slices and thrown into a hotpot, the taste was absolutely delightful.

The families brought out tables to the squares in front of their apartments. There was a spirit energy stove on each table, and they poured water into the stoves while they made the dressing.

Plenty of people still smelled of smoke.

In fact, quite a number of people had not even had the time to remove their rocket projectile backpacks yet, but the lively feast among the families of the residential area had already started.

It was a celebration of the defense system in Blessed Heavenly Garden’s upgrade, and it was also a farewell party to Meng Yishan and Meng Chao’s family.

The news that Meng Chao had reached Heaven Realm had long since spread among Bai Suxin’s eight mahjong friends, courtesy of Bai Suxin herself.

Then, from these ladies who loved playing mahjong, the news spread to the entire residential area.

The residents in Blessed Heavenly Garden had never dreamed that a legendary Heaven Realm superhuman would appear in their old residential area.

Besides, the Meng family’s Superstar was becoming larger and stronger.

Blessed Heavenly Garden was just too small and could not allow Meng Chao to spread his wings and soar in the sky.

However, they did not expect that the Meng family would be so concerned about their matter and give them such a huge gift before they left.

The Meng family instantly became the main characters of the feast.

The middle-aged men grabbed Meng Yishan and insisted on making him drunk.

As for the middle-aged ladies, they surrounded Bai Suxin and praised her for being lucky, because she had two obedient, mature, and excellent children. There was no need to mention Meng Chao. But Bai Jiacao had managed to get into the experimental class of a key high school.

Two years later, she would definitely be like her big brother and get into an ace course in a key university. At that time, the family would have two graduates from universities; no one else in Blessed Heavenly Garden had that sort of blessing.

There were also elderly men and women who surrounded Meng Chao. They sighed as they said that ever since they saw how heroic he looked while playing with the other children when he was three, they knew that he definitely did not belong among them. In the end, he would surely rise to power swiftly and become successful.

Now, he had a promising future ahead of him, so he was not to forget about his old neighbors in Blessed Heavenly Garden. If he were free, he should come back and visit them. All the families would forever open their doors to welcome him. No matter how far he went and how high he soared, Blessed Heavenly Garden would always be his home.

Meng Chao naturally nodded in agreement. It was what he thought in his mind as well.

There were also some elderly men and women who stroked Bai Jiacao’s head, asking her to listen to her big brother and learn from him.

It caused the future Dark Witch to fly off in a rage. Her sparkling round eyes were filled with puzzlement and indignation. She seemed to not understand how her big brother had managed to change so much in just two years. It was as if he was completely different from before and had become really powerful.

But no matter how powerful he had become, she would not admit defeat. There would come a day where she would become stronger than her big brother.

The feast ended in cheers and laughter.

Throughout it, quite a number of reporters from large media companies and we-media took a lot of photos and videos. Once they went back, they wrote a lot of articles and talked about the upgrading of the defense system in Blessed Heavenly Garden from various angles. They also spoke about the feast.

The traditional angle was the necessity and urgency of modifying the old residential areas. They mentioned the killing efficiency of the brand new defense system.

The media companies which had a close relationship with Blue Home placed an emphasis on the fact that Zhao Feixuan had resigned from his position as the vice president of Standard Firepower to build his own company and his deeds of serving the public. They advertised his new company.

The media companies related to the Broken Star Club and hired by Superstar naturally placed an emphasis on introducing Meng Chao as the superhuman who came from an old residential area. They promoted Superestar and praised it as a high-new-tech company that had great responsibility to society. Even if it was flourishing, it did not forget its roots. Most of the investment to upgrade Blessed Heavenly Garden’s defense system came from Superstar.

The advertisements were very successful.

All the citizens responded to them.

After all, Dragon Citizens had just been attacked by new zombies and the undead. Their lack of security had reached a new height, so they were in an urgent need of upgraded defense systems in the residential areas.

In an instant, Zhao Feixuan’s new company became really famous.

Even more people learned of Meng Chao and Superstar as well.

But they did not know whether this meant that they could get more money from the Survival Committee so that they could perform a major reformation of the old city area.

Lu Siya then took advantage of being close to Meng Chao and represented Sky Pillar Minerals while looking for him in hopes that she could sponsor Zhao Feixuan’s new company through Meng Chao and push forward the upgrading of the defense systems in some of the residential areas around Blessed Heavenly Realm. josei


Meng Chao stared at Lu Siya and did not say anything even after a long time had passed.

It was not because of the sponsorship.

It was because Lu Siya’s appearance was a little too shocking to him.

Her knee-length boots were covered in mud, and she was dressed in thick denim overalls. She had no makeup, and her lips were a little cracked. Her hair was like a bird’s nest, and there was a foul smell on her body. She looked like she had just crawled out of the bottom of a garbage dump.

Meng Chao knew that Lu Siya was a Spirit Sensor, so she was really sensitive to smell and dirt. She was even a little bit of a clean freak, so what was going on?

Also, she always drove a really cool-looking race car wherever she went out. Its crystal engine’s roars could be heard two streets away. Why then did she drive a really old van that looked like it was about to die after going through hundreds of battles and an Emperor Mammoth using War Trample on it?

“You’re...” Meng Chao thought about it for a moment. “Did the department issue a new mission that’s based underground? Did they send you to open a tunnel?”

“No way!” Lu Siya scowled. She could not stand her own smell either. “I went to do voluntary work just now to clear out the debris caused by the monster invasion and contribute my strength into rebuilding the homes of the citizens who lost their dwelling places!”

“You went to do voluntary work and contribute to society?” Meng Chao was shocked. Then, he pointed behind Lu Siya and asked, “What about this van? What’s going on? That’s not your style!”

“I sold my race car,” Lu Siya stated expressionlessly. “Aside from this van, I donated the rest of my money to the Home Reconstruction Foundation in hopes that I can change the living environment of the temporary settlements and let the citizens have new apartments as soon as possible!”

Meng Chao was stunned for half a minute.

Then, he gasped, took half a step back, and stared at Lu Siya with hostility.

“Who are you?” All his muscles tensed up. “You’re definitely not the Lu Siya I know. Are you a monster under disguise or did an abnormal beast take control of your mind? Come, show me your head and pull up your hair. Do you have abnormal insects like Brain Infesting Worms on the back of your head?”

“I’m going to kick you. I’m not in a good mood already, so stop playhing around,” Lu Siya said with a dark expression. “Do you ACTUALLY think I did it willingly? My father forced me to. If we want to maximize the benefits we get from killing the abnormal beasts’ mastermind, I have to change my image completely and set up a brand new character.

“A rich, ambitious princess staying in a mansion and driving a luxurious car will not be welcomed by a large number of citizens. It’s only if I look like this that I will have the chance of becoming a hero of the city!”

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