Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 458

Chapter 458: Consecutive Accidents

Chapter 458: Consecutive Accidents

Ning Lang was tempting them and forcing them to take action, and soon, his two companions took the Deification Capsules.

He threw his head back and crushed the capsule as well. The drug was like ice and fire as it trickled down his throat.


Hot waves gushed out simultaneously from their orifices.

Their blood vessels and nerves bulged out. Spirit tattoos appeared on their skins in a zig-zagging manner, and they showed great, explosive power.

The three people’s faces turned as hideous and twisted as those of demons.

They looked at each other. All of them wore really exaggerated demonic leather masks. They checked their equipment one last time and calculated the speed of the truck and the distance between them.

Soon, the truck with the huge refrigerator behind it charged past them.

The three people moved like ghosts. They quietly shot out of the bush and crawled under the truck.

The roars from the truck axles and wheels did not affect their movements.

They were like geckos with glue painted on their limbs as they stuck to the undercarriage of the truck.

The truck driver knew nothing. He just brought the three robbers into Superstar’s raw materials warehouse.

Since the company had been developing too quickly and they had never encountered any major crimes against them, Superstar’s management and security team were rather lax regarding their defenses.

Once they went through the standard checkup, the security quickly let the truck through. It went into the warehouse, and eight harvesters surrounded it.

As the trio were at the undercarriage, they could clearly see piles of refrigerated monster flesh in the warehouse, along with crystals that were placed quietly in piles with spirit energy accumulated in them. They also saw gene medicine that had gone through preliminary refinement and had to be sent to pharmaceutical factories and biochemical labs for further refinement.

Aside from the harvesters, there were only four security guards in the warehouse.

One of them had faint spirit energy around his body. Based on the aura, he was just a one-star superhuman at most. He might not even have gone through a lot of life-threatening battles.


At the moment the door to the warehouse was shut, Ning Lang brought his palm down.

His two companions immediately brought out dozens of round ceramic balls from their backpacks and tossed them to various corners of the warehouse from under the truck.

The ceramic balls rolled about everywhere with clunking sounds. They were distributed evenly throughout the entire warehouse.

Before the Superstar harvesters and security guards registered what was going on, the dozens of ceramic balls shattered at the same time. They first released a blinding light, then thick smoke gushed out. In an instant, it obscured the lights, blinded human vision, and darkened the CCTVs.

The smoke also seemed to contain poisonous and corrosive components that suffocated people. They coughed viciously, and their eyes turned red.

The harvesters and security guards were caught off guard. They coughed and screamed.

Ning Lang and his companions’ leather masks had goggles and filters. Their protective effects were even stronger than those of the military-grade gas masks.

Ning Lang swung his arm back and stuck a remote-controlled bomb to the undercarriage of the truck. Then, he shot out from under the truck with his companions like bloodthirsty panthers.

One person had yet to inhale the poisonous smoke. He noticed the three robbers with monstrous masks on them and remembered his job. He swung his crackling stun baton and charged at them.

Some people also tried to use the walkie-talkies and phones to call the police or ran for the surveillance room in the corner of the warehouse to use the landline to request for reinforcements from Superstar’s headquarters.

Someone also tried to sound the fire alarm to let the world know about the accident in the warehouse.

Ning Lang laughed savagely and kicked the security guard who pounced on him more than ten meters away.

With the stimulation from the Deification Capsule, his muscles had grown nearly a size bigger.

The camouflage fighting suit had originally been rather loose on him, but now, it was tight. It formed really fierce muscle lines, which made him look murderous.

His two companions’ rationality was already destroyed by the Deification Capsule. The hesitation from before was gone, and all that was left in their eyes was a murderous spark.

Of course, they could not make it in time to stop the security guards who fled back to the surveillance room to call for the police.

But the security guards soon found out that the communication lines to the outside world, their phones, walkie-talkies, and the fire alarm were all strangely silent.

At that moment, the fourth robber with a demonic mask climbed down like a large lizard from the ceiling of the warehouse.

Since they had long since decided on Superstar’s materials warehouse being their target, Ning Lang and his companions performed really detailed research and preparations to rob the place.

That included research on the routes taken by the transportation trucks, their shifts, the fighting strength of the security guards, their shifts, and the communication lines to the outside world in the warehouse, along with the equipment.

Before the operation, one of them lurked above the warehouse for three days and nights to understand all of the communications in the warehouse just so that he could cut them all off in time.

Ning Lang believed that within half an hour, the warehouse would not be able to release any information to the outside world.

Everything here would belong to him!

“Toss out all of the normal monster flesh in the refrigerated truck and get all of the Nightmarish Beast materials, crystals, and raw gene medicine in it. For safety’s sake, we must leave the place in twenty-five minutes.” Ning Lang strode forward and kicked away two security guards who pounced on him. He laughed savagely at the remaining people. “These belong to your boss, but your lives are your own! Don’t move. If you do, I’ll kill you!”

His words proved effective.

Most of the security guards and harvesters looked uncertain.

They were just normal people.

Ning Lang and his companions’ bodies, strength, and the monster-like thick killing intent they released were things that only superhumans possessed.

If normal people went up against superhumans, even if they had good weapons or heavy firearms, their chances of victory would still be close to zero.

Besides, the robbers were right. The goods belonged to their boss, but their lives were their own.

Even though Meng Chao was really charismatic, he was not strong enough to make them so loyal that they would die for his company.

Dragon Citizens had fought in the Monster War for decades. If they faced a fierce monster and had their families behind them, plenty of normal people would be willing to jump into the fray and even die fighting the enemy.

But they now faced criminal superhumans.

If they broke the iron-clad rule that superhumans were not supposed to attack normal people, the Supernatural Tower and adjudicator court would take care of them. There was no need for them to sacrifice their lives in vain, right?

The harvesters and security guards looked at each other at a loss. No one was willing to go and play hero.

But the superintendent of the security guards was still hesitating. He was a one-star superhuman who was injured heavily in the fog and had retired to live out the rest of his life.

Based on his position and strength, he should fight a little, right?

Ning Lang was able to sense his uncertainty.

The bloodthirsty smile on his face turned even more hideous.

Ever since he was attacked by the insect swarm and monster horde in the wild and witnessed his friends being eaten by insects, his understanding toward life and death had become completely different when compared to that of normal people. josei

The survival of the fittest, the law of the survival, and murder would forever be the rule off survival.

If he had sufficient time, he did not mind killing all the people here.

But he did not want any accidents to occur, so to seize the time to rob the place and retreat, he did not mind letting these people stay alive.

But if he wanted everyone to listen to him, the superintendent had to die.

With this thought in mind, Ning Lang arrived in front of the superintendent with just two steps.

The superintendent’s experience and fighting instincts were first-class, but his body had been trampled by monsters too many times in the wild, so most of his fighting strength was gone. He could barely swing his weapon, and the blade missed its target.

Ning Lang’s steel-like elbow crashed into his chest, causing his spirit energy to scatter. He coughed up blood and fell down.

Ning Lang moved quickly. He seized the superintendent’s ankle and dragged him back while he was airborne.

The Deification Capsule moved around his blood vessels, nerves, muscle fibers, and even bones like lightning, causing his organs to scream, howl, and roar madly.

He could no longer control his bloodlust. His right index finger and middle finger kept twisting and mutating until it turned into two sharp bone blades. He was going to stab the superintendent’s despair-filled eyes with them.

When the superintendent’s eyeballs and brains were about to be pierced through by the bone blades, the other security guards and harvesters had yet to catch up to what was going on. Forget about saving the man, they had not even registered the situation.

Ning Lang heard rustling sounds behind him.

He instinctively lowered his head, but something still rammed into his back. It was as if a cannonball had hit his spine. Because of the great pain, the bone blades diverted from their trajectory and grazed the superintendent’s right eye socket. They drew two lines of blood.

Ning Lang was shocked and angry. When he turned his head to look, he saw that the thing that hit him was something that could be seen everywhere in the warehouse—half of a frozen Demonic Halberd Pig’s thigh.

Someone had opened up a crack in the shut door of the warehouse.

With the faint light from the street lights outside, he could see a person with messy hair that had stood up because of static. He had sunglasses on his face. Even so, they could not hide the angry look in his eyes. The static around him sucked in dust, which made his body blurry. His aura was mysterious and powerful, and he was walking toward them slowly.

No. He was not walking over.

His feet did not touch the ground. He stood in the air and was drifting over!

“Heaven Realm!”

Ning Lang felt his skin crawl, and in an instant, his fear reached its peak.

But his mind instinctively came up with the perfect plan for a crime, including what he should do to retreat if he was unfortunate to run into a powerful superhuman.

“Kill him, or we’re dead!”

All three of his companions shouted acknowledgement at Ning Lang.

If this were any other moment, his three companions would rather surrender themselves to the police or the adjudicator court instead of fighting against Heaven Realm superhumans.

But right now, their central nervous systems and even their cerebral cortexes were submerged in burning drugs. Their rationality was completely consumed by murderous desire, and they lost their logic and ability to make decisions.

With the obstruction by the smoke bombs, they did not even see how the superhuman came. They just thought that the reinforcement was like the superintendent and was a low-grade superhuman who was heavily injured before.

The three robbers who took the Deification Capsules immediately charged at him with loud growls, like beasts who charged out of a cage.

Ning Lang took a few steps back and hid behind a huge rack. He pressed the button on his belt.


The high-energy crystal bomb that was hidden on the undercarriage of the refrigerated truck blew up!

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